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What similarities and differences are there between memory for short lists shown at one item per second and memory for such lists after rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) at much higher rates—eight items per second? This paper reports that, when pictures are shown at eight per second or one per second, phonological similarity of the picture names reduces recall at the one item per second rate, but not at the eight item per second rate. In contrast, when subjects are shown the written names of the pictures, phonological similarity reduces recall at both rates. It is concluded that phonological coding does not occur for picture lists shown at high rates. The mechanisms underlying memory for pictures and words shown at RSVP and short-term memory rates are considered.  相似文献   

Biomechanical motor patterns in normal walking   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Motor patterns in normal human gait are evident in several biomechanical and EMG analyses over the stride period. Some of these patterns are invariant over the stride period with changes of cadence, whole others are closely correlated with speed changes. The findings for slow, natural, and fast walking are summarized: 1. Joint angle patterns over the stride period are quite invariant, and do not change with cadence; 2. Moment of force patterns at the ankle are least variable and quite consistent at all speeds; 3. A recently defined support moment is quite consistent at all speeds. 4. Moments at the knee and hip are highly variable at all cadences but decrease their variability as cadence increases; 5. Mechanical power patterns at all joints show consistent timing over the stride period; 6. EMG profiles of 5 muscles show consistent timing over the stride, but the amplitude increases as walking speed increases. Arguments are presented to support the concept that walking speed is largely controlled by gain and that the timing of the motor patterns, which is extremely tightly synchronized with the anatomical position, is under major afferent control.  相似文献   

Research on midlife transitions in women is reviewed, and implications for theories of women's adult development are discussed. Findings on menopause, the postparental period, and the roles of women at midlife are presented. Research on women at midlife suggests that new theoretical models of women's adult development should continue to emerge to accommodate the diversity of women's experiences at midlife. Several theoretical approaches are discussed in light of the research findings, and recommendations are made for future research on women's adult development. Implications for counselors working with women at midlife also are discussed.  相似文献   

被笑恐惧、被笑愉悦和笑他愉悦是三种不同的个体差异。被笑恐惧指个体在害怕被嘲笑而产生的恐惧上的差异,被笑愉悦指个体由于被别人嘲笑而产生的愉悦上的差异,笑他愉悦指个体因嘲笑他人而产生的愉悦上的差异。文章阐释了被笑恐惧的概念及相关研究,同时介绍了被笑愉悦和笑他愉悦概念的构建和测量。对三者的研究尚处于初始阶段,但三个概念中所包含的社会文化差异则值得深思。  相似文献   

Personality effects on perceived support from social relationships and vice versa were longitudinally studied over adolescence. Within personality, core (Big Five personality traits) and surface characteristics (global self-worth, perceived peer acceptance, and loneliness) were distinguished. Core, but not surface, characteristics at age 12 predicted support from both parents and peers at age 17 after controlling for support at age 12. Support at age 12 predicted surface, but not core, characteristics at age 17 after controlling for personality at age 12. These findings are interpreted within a dual model of personality-relationship transaction. Core characteristics are relatively stable traits that are largely immune against experiences in relationships and continuously influence their flux and flow. Surface characteristics are more open to relationship influences, and are therefore less stable.  相似文献   

Psychosocial factors are known to impact on the prognosis of patients with coronary artery disease independently of disease severity. However, few studies have looked at whether these patients are at risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder, and the potential implications for morbidity and mortality. Through a review of the empirical literature, the objectives were to investigate whether patients with coronary artery disease are at risk of developing this disorder, to look at relations between post-traumatic stress disorder and heart disease, and to stimulate further research. The review indicated that some patients with coronary artery disease are at risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder, although the prevalence varied considerably. Methodological issues together with recommendations for future research are discussed. Although only some cardiac patients may develop post-traumatic stress, this disorder should not be overlooked due to its potential role in reinfarctions and mortality.  相似文献   

Complexity theories are on the way to establish a new worldview—processes instead of objects, history and uniqueness of everything instead of repetition and lawlikeness are the elements. These theories from deterministic chaos via the dissipative structures, the theory of catastrophes, self organization and synergetics are mathematical models, connected with a new understanding of science. They are characterized by new fundamental commitments of sciences. But at the same time, they are characterized by epistemic boundaries. During my stay as a visiting professor at Dalian University of Technology in September 2006, I had the opportunity to deliver parts of this paper at North-Eastern University at Shenyang and at Beijing Normal University; a first draft has been presented at the IV. Russian Congress of Philosophy, May 2005, Moscow, and published as congress material as Knowledge and Society, edited by Ilya Kassavine, Moscow: Kanon 2005, 178–189.  相似文献   

Motor patterns in normal human gait are evident in several biomechanical and EMG analyses over the stride period. Some of these patterns are invariant over the stride period with changes of cadence, while others are closely correlated with speed changes. The findings for slow, natural, and fast walking are summarized: 1. Joint angle patterns over the stride period are quite invariant, and do not change with cadence;

2. Moment of force patterns at the ankle are least variable and quite consistent at all speeds;

3. A recently defined support moment is quite consistent at all speeds.

4. Moments at the knee and hip are highly variable at all cadences but decrease their variability as cadence increases;

5. Mechanical power patterns at all joints show consistent timing over the stride period;

6. EMG profiles of 5 muscles show consistent timing over the stride, but the amplitude increases as walking speed increases.

Arguments are presented to support the concept that walking speed is largely controlled by gain and that the timing of the motor patterns, which is extremely tightly synchronized with the anatomical position, is under major afferent control.  相似文献   

Psychologists must often make decisions about the significance of scaled score differences between subtests on the WISC-R. Differences which statistically significant at the .05 and .01 level are presented. Generally, minimum differences of 3 to 5 points are necessary at the .05 level and 4 to 6 points at the .01 level. Cautions concerning the interpretation of statistically significant differences are discussed.  相似文献   

In the debate about the nature and identity of possible worlds, philosophers have neglected the parallel questions about the nature and identity of moments of time. These are not questions about the structure of time in general, but rather about the internal structure of each individual time. Times and worlds share the following structural similarities: both are maximal with respect to propositions (at every world and time, either p or ~p is true, for every p); both are consistent; both are closed (every modal consequence of a proposition true at a world is also true at that world, and every tense-theoretic consequence of a proposition true at a time is also true at that time); just as there is a unique actual world, there is a unique present moment; and just as a proposition is necessarily true iff true at all worlds, a proposition is eternally true iff true at all times. In this paper, I show that a simple extension of my theory of worlds yields a theory of times in which the above structural similarities between the two are consequences.  相似文献   

中学生成就动机的发展特点研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本研究用量表法对652名中学生的成就动机从四个角度进行研究,结果表明,随着年级的上升,成就归因、自主性动机、自我效能、成就目标基本保持平稳的发展趋势,但在不同的维度上,其发展变化趋势和水平各有不同,所起的作用也不同,自我效能与掌握目标是中学生的主要学习动力。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the Perinatal Positive Parenting program (PPP). This primary prevention program, developed at the Institute for Family and Child Study at Michigan State University, was designed to meet the parenting support and informational needs of first-time parents. The basic tenets of the PPP program are discussed and overviews of the in-hospital, at home, and parents' support group functions are provided. The evaluations of the primary demonstration of PPP are presented and the PPP videotapes and other materials developed for use with program participants are outlined.  相似文献   

For many years psychologists have conducted carefully balanced and controlled experiments in order to understand the processes involved with line-up identifications. While the results are useful, several researchers have questioned whether these experiments are applicable to real line-ups. In this study we compare the results from two specialist line-up suites with the results from ordinary police stations. Witnesses at the suites chose foils more often than witnesses at the police stations. However, characteristics of the crimes, witnesses and suspects at the suites differed from those conducted at the stations. Many of these characteristics are also associated with increased proportions of foils being chosen. For example, the specialist suites tended to accommodate more non-white suspects, more crimes of violence and, at the time of this research, their line-ups occurred longer after the event. Several of the methodological difficulties of using data from real line-ups are discussed and appropriate statistical techniques are introduced.  相似文献   

Age differences in when (i.e., at input or output) children organize information for recall were investigated in terms of a model specifying that information organized at input is more resistant to forgetting over time than information not organized at input. In Experiment 1, recall of items from categorically related and unrelated lists was assessed either immediately or after a 4-min delay. For 9-year-olds, the effect of delay was comparable for the related and unrelated lists, indicative of spontaneous organization at time of output. In contrast, 13-year-olds showed a significantly smaller delay effect with related than with unrelated lists, indicative of spontaneous organization at time of input. Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrated that, for 9-year-olds, high levels of clustering in and of themselves do not eliminate effects of delayed testing characteristic of output organization, and that when 9-year-olds are biased to organize information at input, delay effects are reduced only when measures are taken to ensure that all the category labels are retrieved.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the multiple roles of emotion at work. First, traditional approaches to work and well-being and their limitations are considered. The advantages of understanding more specific feeling states rather than the nonspecific states of "stress" and "satisfaction" are outlined. Next, some recent developments in activity surrounding the study of emotion at work are briefly described. A distinction is made in the article between the expression and experience of felt emotion at work. The literature around the expression of emotion at work and, in particular, emotional labour is reviewed by addressing four key questions. Then, the very limited research on the experience of emotion at work is described: The importance of looking at emotion in terms of transactions and processes rather than simple cause and effect is emphasized. Some of the implications of the overview for both practitioners and researchers are considered. The article concludes with the observation that as emotion is fundamental to nearly all aspects of work behaviour its study should be integrated with existing research on work and organizational psychology.  相似文献   

Two studies are described examining the correlation between self- and culture-referenced values at a culture level (Study 1) and correlation between self- and culture-referenced values and self-reported behavior at an individual level (Study 2). It is found that values related to individual-group relationships (embeddedness) and expression and experience of affective feelings and emotions (affective autonomy) are significantly correlated at a culture level. In Study 2, culture-referenced values are shown to correlate with behaviors attached to social norms, whereas self-rated values are found to correlate with behaviors that are not norm-governed. Implications for measurement of cultural values and cultural and cross-cultural research designs are discussed.  相似文献   

任何一种文学现象的出现,既要有长期发展的历史积淀,也要有那个时代所提供的政治、经济和文化等基本的社会条件。元代山东能成为杂剧艺术的兴盛之地亦是如此。文章考略了齐鲁古典戏曲的渊源,就山东元杂剧兴盛的原因作了较为全面、系统地探寻,并概述了其主要的表现及影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the long-term economic outcomes (education, labor force participation, occupation, and income) associated with female adolescent marriage and childbearing. The 1981 Canadian census is the data source for all women in Canada at age 30, controlling for age at marriage and at first birth. The data suggest that women at age 30 in Canada are in the best economic circumstances when they remain single or when they marry at age 20 or older and either remain childless or begin their childbearing at age 25 or older. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Only 1% of the world's chess grandmasters are women. This underrepresentation is unlikely to be caused by discrimination, because chess ratings objectively reflect competitive results. Using data on the ratings of more than 250,000 tournament players over 13 years, we investigated several potential explanations for the male domination of elite chess. We found that (a) the ratings of men are higher on average than those of women, but no more variable; (b) matched boys and girls improve and drop out at equal rates, but boys begin chess competition in greater numbers and at higher performance levels than girls; and (c) in locales where at least 50% of the new young players are girls, their initial ratings are not lower than those of boys. We conclude that the greater number of men at the highest levels in chess can be explained by the greater number of boys who enter chess at the lowest levels.  相似文献   

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