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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Journal Reviews     
A sher , C harles (New York): 'Dream responses to the Jungian training process.'
B lomeyer , R. (Berlin): 'Identität, Identifizierung, Individuation'
B lomeyer , R. (Berlin): 'Aspekte der Persona'
F ierz , H. K. (Zürich): 'Crucial points at the start of a psychotherapeutic treatment'.
F inley , P atricia (New York): 'Dialogue drawing: an image-evoking communication between analyst and analysand'.
K luger H. Y. (Haifa): 'Archetypal dreams and "everyday" dreams: A statistical investigation into Jung's theory of the collective unconscious'.
K raemer , W illiam P. (London): 'The enemy within-without; psychotherapy and morals; psychotherapy—what it is'.
L äpple , J. & P rell , G. (Stuttgart): 'Krankendemonstration in der ausbildung analytischer Psychotherapeuten'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'The face in sacred art of the Upper Sepik river of New Guinea: analogies to neuro-developmental aspects and to prosopagnosia'.
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Developmental phases in visual recognition of the human face pattern, exemplified by the "smiling response"'.
P ontius , A. A. (New york): 'New frontiers of ecological ethics—or balance between over-and-under-control of outer and inner factors'.
P ontius , A. A. (New York): Zerstückelungsmord als unbewusstes Ritual'
M endelsohn , J. (Jerusalem): Psychotherapie eines Knaben mit schweren Verhaltungs-störungen im Rahmen eines Kinderheimes des Ichud-Hakibbuzim'
P sychological P erspectives
R ivista di P sicologia A nalitica
W ilke , H-J. (Berlin): 'Neurosentheoretische Überlegungen zur Struktur und Dynamik depressiver Erkrankungen'  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
D avidson , R. H. & D ay , R. 'Symbol and realization: a contribution to the study of magic and healing.'
D reifuss , G. (Haifa): 'The significance of the shofar in the rite of the Jewish high holidays'
E ngel , W. (New York): 'Psychotherapeutic prophylaxis in a changing world'
F ordham , M. (London): 'Reflection on child analysis read at the Rome conference "Jung e la cultura europea"'
F ordham , M. (London): Jungian view of the body-mind relationship
F ordham , M. (London): ' Simbolismo nella prima e seconda infanria (Symbolism in infancy)'
H enderson , J. L. & W heelwright , J. B. (San Francisco): American handbook Of psychiatry
H enderson , J. L. (San Francixo): 'The picture method in Jungian psychotherapy'
L ambert , K. (London): 'The problem of authority in the early development of the individual'
L ambert , K. (London): 'Facilitating elements in analysis'
McC ully , R. S. (Charleston, South Carolina): 'Tantric imagery and Rorschach perception'
McC ully , R. S. (Charleston, South Carolina): Separatdruck aus Rorschachiana X
M arshak , M. D. (London): 'Art education in relation to psychic and mental functioning'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Neuro-ethics of "Walking" in the newborn'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Maori art and pseudo-hypoparathyroidism—a medical contribution to prehistoric anthropology'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Basis for a neurological test of frontal lobe system functioning up to adolescence. A form analysis of action expressed in narratives'
P ye , F. (London). 'Feminine images of success'
W heelwright , J. (San Francisco): 'Psychological types'
W allace , E. (New York): 'Conventional boundaries or protective temenos'
W illiams , M. (London): 'Transcience and eternity'  相似文献   

[Authors are urged to send off-prints of publications relevant to this section and so help the editors to make it as complete as possible. Off-prints of articles in books will not be reported on here since they constitute part of a volume that can be made the subject-matter of a review.—Editor]
B elford , A nn (New York). 'The relation of religion to pastoral counseling'
B elford , A nn (New York). 'Where depth psychology and theology meet'
B eyme , F. and F ahrenberg , J. (Basle). 'Zur deutschen Bearbeitung der Anxiety-Tests von R. B. Cattell'
D'A gostino , E. and T revi , M. (Rome). 'Struttura e tensione dialettica: note sulla concezione del Selbst nella psicologia dell'individuazione'
D ieckmann , H. (Berlin). 'Das Lieblingsmärchen der Kindheit und seine Beziehung zu Neurose and Persönlichkeitsstruktur'
D ieckmann , H. (Berlin). 'Zum Aspekt des Grausamen im Märchen'
E schenbach , H elmut W. (Stuttgart). 'Studie zur Psychologie C. G. Jungs: ein Erfassungsmodell'
J ung , A lbert (Fribourg). 'Die Beziehungen zum eigenen Körper'
M eier , C. A., R uef , H. and Z iegler , A. (Zürich) and H all , C. S. (Santa Cruz). 'Forgetting of dreams in the laboratory'
M oreno , M. and T revi , M. (Rome) 'Consico Collettivo e inconsicio collettivo'
S cott , R. D. and A shworth , P. L. (London). '"Closure" at the first schizophrenic break-down: a family study'
Z iegler , A. J. (Zürich). 'Der pathognomonische Traum' ('The diagnositc dream')  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
[Authors are asked to send offprints of articles in learned journals on subjects relevant to this section. Offprints of articles in other publications will not normally be reported here, likewise offprints of articles in books, since they may constitute part of a volume that can be made the subject matter of a review.]
Journal of Population :
Dalla Parte dei Bambini: Bollettino del Servizio di Neuropsichiatria infantile degli Spedali Riuniti S. Chiara—Pisa
C arotenuto , A. (Rome). 'La morte di Ernst Bernhard' (The death of Ernst Bernhard). Giornale Storico di Psicologia Dinamica
C arotenuto , A. (Rome). 'Alcune Note Introduttive al Congresso' (Some Introductory Remarks to the Congress). Rivista di Psicologia Analitica
C arotenuto , A. (Rome). 'Lettera a Honegger' (Letter to Honegger). Rivista di Psicologia Analitica
C arotenuto , A. (Rome). 'La profezia psichica' (Prophesying). Giornale Storico di Psicologia Dinamica
K raemer , W illiam . (London)
K raemer , W illiam . (London)
M eares , R. A. and H obson , R. F.: (Melbourne and Manchester). 'The persecutory therapist'. Br. J. Med. Psychol.
v. O ertzen , K. D. (Zürich): 'Psychotherapie marxistisch orientierter Patienten'
P ignatelli , M arcello (Rome). 'Educazione a vivere attraverso l'analisi" (Education for living through analysis). Rivista di psicologia analitica
P ignatelli , M arcello (Rome)
P ignatelli , M arcello . (Rome.) 'The awareness of the limit as psychological totality.' Rivista di psicologica analitica
S trobel , H. (Dietikon, Switzerland): Lehranalysanden traumen von der Gruppe: Traumreaktion nach Gruppensitzungen (Analysts in training dream about their group). Prax. Psychother.
W ilkinson , A. H. (London): 'Psychosomatic concepts and approach in student health services', chapter 7 in Students in need—essays in memory of Nicholas Malleson  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
J ung , C. G. The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1932
P apadopoulos , R enos K. (ed.). Carl Gustav Jung: Critical Assessments
S poto , A ngelo . Jung's Typology in Perspective
S tein M urray (ed.). The Interactive Field In Analysis: Volume One
S tevens , A nthony . The Two-Million-Year Old Self
B ollas , C hristopher & S undelson , D avid . The New Informants, The Betrayal of Confidentiality in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
S hepherd , R., J ohns , J. & R obinson H. R. (eds). D. W. Winnicott Thinking About Children
C lay , J ohn . R. D. Laing: A Divided Self
C oltart , N ina . The Baby and the Bathwater  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1965,18(3):359-360
Book review in this article.
B radford , L eland , P., G ibb , J ack R., and B enne K enneth D. (Eds.) T-Group Theory and Laboratory Method: Innovation in Re-Education. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1964. Pp. xii + 498. $9.75
D oriot , G eorges F., et al . The Management of Racial Integration in Business. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964. Pp. x + 147. $10.00
T urner , A rthur N., and L awrence , P aul R. Industrial Jobs and the Worker: An Investigation of Response to Task Attributes. Boston: Division of Research, Harvard Business School, 1965. Pp. xvi + 177. $4.00
M c C ormick , E rnest J. Human Factors Engineering. (Second Edition of Human Engineering ) New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964. Pp. xii + 653. $12.50
L opez , F elix M., J r . Personnel Interviewing: Theory and Practice. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965. Pp. ix + 326. $8.95
P orter , D onald E., and A pple -W hite , P hilip B. Studies in Organizational Behavior and Management. Scranton, Pa.: International Textbook Company, 1964. Pp. x + 741. $7.75
K ahn , R obert L., and B oulding , E lise (Editors). Power and Conflict in Organizations. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1964. Pp. xvi + 173. $4.95
Applying Behavioral Science Research in Industry. (Symposium Papers and Discussions) New York: Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc., 1964. Pp. viii + 113. $2.75
B ennis , W arren G., S chein , E dgar H., B erlew , D avid E., and S teele , F red I. Interpersonal Dynamics: Essays and Readings on Human Interaction. Homewood, Ill.: The Dorsey Press, Inc., 1964. Pp. xv + 763. $11.35
S eybold , G eneva . Personnel Audits and Reports to Top Management. (Studies in Personnel Policy No. 191) New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1964. Pp. 147. $25.00; $5.00 to NICB Associates & Gov't. Agencies; $1.65 to Students & Teachers, Mailed Only to School Address.  相似文献   

Book review in this article
T he R iddle of the S phinx . By Geza Roheim. With a preface by Ernest Jones.
A D ynamic T heory of P ersonality . By Kurt Lewin.
P rinciples of G estalt P sychology . By K. Koffka. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1935.
T he S ubnormal M ind . By Cyril Burt.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1965,18(2):222-223
Book review in this article.
S mith , H enry C lay . Psychology of Industrial Behavior (Second Edition). New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964. Pp. xii + 418. $7.50
W ebster , E dward C., et al . Decision Making in the Employment Interview. Montreal: Industrial Relations Centre, McGill University, 1964. Pp. v + 124. $3.50
P orter , L yman W. Organizational Patterns of Managerial Job Attitudes. New York: The American Foundation for Management Research, Inc. 1964. Pp. 61. $2.00
K oontz , H arold (Editor). Toward a Unified Theory of Management. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1964. Pp. xiv + 273. $6.95
M arrow , A lfred J. Behind the Executive Mask. New York: American Management Association, 1964. Pp. 143. $6.00; $4.00 to AMA members
H eyel , C arl (Editor). The Encyclopedia of Management. New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1964. Pp. xxvii + 1084. $25.00
S tewart , J ohn B. Repetitive Advertising in Newspapers: A Study of Two New Products. Boston: Division of Research, Harvard Business School, 1964. Pp. xxii + 357. $7.50
F ord , G uy B. Building a Winning Employee Team. New York: American Management Association, Inc., 1964. Pp. 111. $6.00; $4.00 to AMA members
B lood , J erome W. (Editor). The Personnel Job in a Changing World. New York: American Management Association, Inc., 1964. Pp. 368. $9.00; $6.00 to AMA members  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1958,11(4):631-633
Book review in this article.
M errill , H arwood F., and M arting , E lizabeth . (Eds.) Developing Executive Skills: New Patterns for Management Growth . New York: American Management Association, Inc., 1958. Pp. 431. $9.00.
L eavitt , H arold J. Managerial Psychology . Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1958. Pp. xi + 335. $5.00.
C alhoon , R ichard P., N oland , E. W illiam , and W hitehill , A rthur M., J r . Cases on Human Relations in Management . New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1958. Pp. viii + 444. $6.00.
G ross , N eal , M ason , W ard S., and M c E achern , A lexander W. Explorations in Role Analysis: Studies of the School Superintendency Role . New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1958. Pp. xiv + 379. $8.75.
H eider , F ritz . The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations . New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1958. Pp. ix + 322. $6.25.
M c C ormick , E rnest , J. Human Engineering . New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1957. Pp. xi + 467. $8.00.
B ellows , R oger , B ellows , C arol S., E step , M. F rances , R ush , C arl H., S choll , C harles E., and W ilson , R onald F. Workbook in Industrial Psychology and Personnel Management . Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Company, 1957. Pp. iv + 94. $2.40.
Y oder , D ale , H eneman , H. G., J r ., T urnbull , J ohn G., and S tone , C. H arold . Handbook of Personnel Management and Labor Relations . New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1958. Pp. v + approximately 1200. $12.50.
C hamberlain , N eil W., P ierson , F rank C., and W olfson , T heresa . (Eds.) A Decade of Industrial Relations Research, 1946–1956: An Appraisal of the Literature in the Field . New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958. Pp. viii + 205. $3.50.  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
[Authors are invited to submit for review articles published in professional journals on subjects likely to be of interest to readers of The Journal of Analytical Psychology. Chapters or sections of books may also be sent provided the book has not been submitted to our Book Review section.]
B ash , K. (Berne). '"Bewusstseins" Schwund' (Loss of 'consciousness'). Nervenarzt
C ahen , R. (Paris).
C lark , G. (London). 'A black hole in psyche'. Harvest
M c C ully , R. (Charleston). 'The nature of collective movements: the hidden second force'. Amer.J. Psychotherapy
R assback -M c P herson , S. (Los Angeles). 'In Yahweh's shadow'. Psychological Perspectives
S amuels , A. (London). 'The theory of archetypes in Jungian and post-Jungian analytical psychology'. Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal.
S amuels , A. (London). 'Dethroning the self. Spring
S amuels , A. (London). 'Beyond compensation: modifying Jung's approach to dreams'. Harvest
S artorius , B. (Geneva). 'Der Mythos von Narziss: Notwendigkeit und Grenzen der Reflexion' (The myth of Narcissus: necessity and limits of reflection). Analytische Psychologie
S artorius , B. (Geneva). 'La tentation faustienne' (The Faustian temptation). Cahiers de Psychologie Jungienne
S chlegel , M., Z eier , H. (Zürich). 'Psychophysiologische Aspekte des Assoziationsexperiments und Normdaten zu einer Reizwörterliste' (Psycho-physiological aspects of the word association test and normative data for a list of stimulus words). Analytische Psychologie
W ilkinson , A. (London). 'Fashion, addiction and progress in group analysis'. Group Analysis  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
Two Careers/One Family , L ucia A. G ilbert . Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Dual-Career Marriage: A System in Transition , L isa R. S ilberstein . Hillsdale, NJ:
Dual Career Couples: New Perspectives in Counseling , M arian S toltzloike . Alexandria, VA:
Teaching a Psychology of People , P hyllis A. B ronstein and K athryn Q uina . Washington, DC
Lifting a Ton of Feathers: A Woman's Guide to Surviving in the Academic World , P aula J. C aplan . Toronto, Canada
Making Violence Sexy: Feminist Views on Pornography , D iana E. H. R ussell (Ed.). New York:
Breast Cancer in the Life Course: Women's Experiences , J ulianne S. O ktay and C arolyn A. W alter . New York:
Challenging the Breast Cancer Legacy , R enee R oyak -S chaler and B eryl L ieff B enderly . New York:
New Directions in Feminist Psychology: Practice, Theory, and Research , J. C. C hrisler and D. H oward (Eds.). New York:  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
L uke , H elen M. Kaleidoscope: The Way of Woman and Other Essays.
P rétat , J ane R. Coming to Age: The Croning Years and Late-Life Transformation.
R yce -M enuhin , J oel . (ed.). Jung and the Monotheisms: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
W hitmont , E dward C. The Alchemy of Healing: Psyche and Soma.
H orowitz , M ardi J., K ernberg , O tto F. and W einshel , E dward M. (eds). Psychic Structure and Psychic Change: Essays in Honor of Robert S. Wallerstein, M.D.
G oldman , D. In Search of the Real: The Origins and Originality of D. W. Winnicott.
L angs , R obert . Empowered Psychotherapy: Teaching Self-Processing: A New Approach to the Human Psyche and Its Reintegration.
R oazen , P aul . Meeting Freud's Family.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1958,11(3):477-479
Book review in this article.
B ook R eview S ection
F ear , R ichard A. The Evaluation Interview: Predicting Job Performance in Business and Industry . New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1958. Pp. xii + 288. $6.00.
R othstein , J erome . Communication, Organization and Science . Indian Hills, Colorado: The Falcon's Wing Press, 1957. Pp. xcvi + 110. $3.50.
P ieper , F rank . Modular Management and Human Leadership . Minneapolis: Methods Press, Publishers, 1958. Pp. 288. $6.50, either cloth bound or plastic back-and-cover manual.
M enninger , W illiam C., and L evinson , H arry . Human Understanding in Industry: A Guide for Supervisors . (With a separate Leader's Guide ) Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1956. Pp. 104. $2.25, the book; $0.50, the Leader's Guide .
M urphy , D ennis , Better Business Communication . New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1957. Pp. ix + 306. $4.50.
R amfalk , C. W. Top Management Selection . Stockholm: The Swedish Council for Personnel Administration, 1957. Pp. 203.28 Swed. crowns.
Assessing Managerial Potential . (Report of a Seminar) Ann Arbor, Mich.: Foundation for Research on Human Behavior, 1958. Pp. 83. $3.00.
F arnsworth , P. R., and M c N emar , Q. Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 9, 1958 . Palo Alto, Calif.: Annual Reviews, Inc., 1958. Pp. vii + 543. $7.00.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1965,18(4):460-462
Book review in this article.
S chein , E dgar H. Organizational Psychology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1965. Pp. xi + 114. $3.95, hard cover; $1.50, paperbound.
K ahn , R obert L., et al . Organizational Stress: Studies in Role Conflict and Ambiguity. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1964. Pp. xii + 470. $7.95
G uion , R obert M. Personnel Testing. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965. Pp. xiii + 585. $9.50
H addon , W illiam , J r ., S uchman , E dward A., and K lein , D avid . Accident Research: Methods and Approaches. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1964. Pp. xvi + 752. $15.00
S ampson , R obert C. Managing the Managers: A Realistic Approach to Applying the Behavioral Sciences. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965. Pp. ix + 272. $7.95
M iner , J ohn B. Studies in Management Education. New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc., 1965. Pp. ix + 239.
F erguson , C harles A., F ersing , J an E., et al . The Legacy of Neglect: An Appraisal of the Implications of Emotional Disturbances in the Business Environment. Fort Worth, Texas: Industrial Mental Health Associates, 1965. Pp. xii + 209. $13.50
Z aleznik , A braham , and M oment , D avid . The Dynamics of Interpersonal Behavior. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1964. Pp ix + 520. $7.95
Z aleznik , A braham , and M oment , D avid . Casebook on Interpersonal Behavior in Organizations. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1964. Pp xvi + 587. $7.95
T homas , C. A., D avies , I. K., O penshaw , D., and B ird , J. B. Programmed Learning in Perspective: A Guide to Program Writing. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1965. (British printing, 1963) Pp. 183. $7.95
F ox , H arland , and K erpen , M iriam C. Corporate Retirement Policy and Practices. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1964. Pp. 90. $15.00; $3.00 to NICB Associates and government agencies; $1.00 to students and teachers, mailed only to school address.  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
A stor , J. (London). 'Michael Fordham e 1'analisi dell'infanzia'
B osanquet , C. (London). 'The confusion of tongues and the Rugby Conference'
D avies , M. (London). 'Defensive pattern in a pre-pubertal boy'
H ornby , S., H erst , E. (London) The Application of Psychodynamic Understanding to Organizations in the Helping Services
J acoby , M. (Zürich). 'Wechselwirkung zwischen Neuroseverständnis und psycho-therapeutischen Vorgehen in der Analytischen Psychologie'
J acoby , M. (Zürich). 'Bezichung und Deutung aus der Sicht der analytischen Psychologie, oder, zur psychotherapeutischen Forderung der Entfaltlungsterndenz des Selbst'
M acdiarmid , D. (London). 'Self-cathexis and other-cathexis: vicissitudes in the history of an observation'
M oore , N. (London). 'The shape of change'
P eters , R. (London). Nuclear initiation and the Sacrifice of Innocence
R oy , M. (Boston). 'Sexual abuse of children: incest archetype in theory and practice'
S alzmann , M. (Paris). 'La conjonction des opposés dans le travail sur l'ombre'
S teinberg , W. (New York). 'The therapeutic utilization of countertransference'
Z inkin , L. (London). 'The grail quest and the analytic setting'
Z inkin , L. (London). 'The group as container and contained'
Z inkin , L. (London). 'A gnostic view of the therapy group'  相似文献   


Lynd, R. S., & Merrell, H. Middletown, a Study in Contemporary American Culture. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1929. Pp. 550. $5.00.

Mead, M. Coming of Age in Samoa. New York: Morrow, 1928. Pp. 297. $3.00.

Hollingworth, L. S. The Psychology of the Adolescent. New York: Appleton, 1928. Pp. 227. $2.50.

Chadwick, M. Difficulties of Child Development. New York: Day, 1928. Pp. 411. $4.00.

Johnson, Harriet M. Children in the Nursery School. New York: Day, 1928. Pp. 325. $3.00.

Gesell, A. Infancy and Human Growth. New York: Macmillan, 1928. Pp. 418. $3.50. Reviewed by Helen McM. Bott

Hamilton, G. V. A Research in Marrige. New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1929. Pp. 570. $10.00

Hamilton, G. V. & Macgowan, K. What is Wrong With Marriage? New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1929. Pp. 319. $3.00. Reviewed by Ernest R. Groves

Hollingworth, H. H. Vocational Psychology and Character Analysis. New York: Appleton, 1929. Pp. 409. $3.00. Reviewed by June E. Downey

Cason, H. Common annoyances: a psychological study of every-day aversions and irritations. Psychol. Monog., 1920, 40, No. 182. Pp. v+218.

Kroh, O. Die Psychologie des Grundschulkindes. Friedrich Mann's Päd. Mag., 1930, No. 1122. Päd. Untersuchungen (V. Reihe: Untersuchungen zur Psychologie und Theorie der Bildung), No. 1. Pp. 352. 6,60 RM.

Lasswell, H. D. Psychopathology and politics. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 1930. Pp. x+286. $3.00.

Maeterlinck, M. The life of the ant. (Trans. by Bernard Miall.) New York: Day, 1930. Pp. xiii+282.

Seligman, E. R. A., & Johnson, A. [Eds.] Encyclopedia of the social sciences. Vol. II: All-Bri. New York: Macmillan, 1930. Pp. xxvii+ 646. $7.50.

Saint-Paul, G. Invertis et homosexuals. Paris: Vigot, 1930. Pp. 158. 15 frs.

Wheeler, R. H. Readings in psychology. New York: Crowell, 1930. Pp. x+597. $3.97.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1940,8(3):250-269
Book reviews in this article:
P sychology : The Science of Behavior. By Karl F. Muenzinger.
T he I ndividual and H is S ociety : The Psychodynamics of Primitive Social Organisation. By Abram Kardiner.
M inor M ental M aladjustments I n N ormal P eople. By J. E. W. Wallin.
T he C linical T reatment O f T he P roblem C hild . By C. R. Rogers.
P sychological F oundations O f P ersonality . By Louis P. Thorpe.
E xplorations in P ersonality . By Henry A. Murray.
P sychology and T he R eligious Q uest : An Account of the Psychology of Religion and a Defence of Individualism. By Raymond B. Cattell.
S keptic's Q uest . By Hornell Hart.
A n E xperiment with T ime . By J. W. Dunne.
A nalysis of F arercasia . By Gladys C. Terry and Thomas A. C. Rennie.
Y ou & H eredity . By Amram Scheinfeld, Assisted in the Genetic Sections by Dr. Morton D. Schweitzer.
P ersonality S tructure in S chizophrenia . By Samuel J. Beck.
T he S tartle P attern . By Carney Landis and William A. Hunt.
E motions and B odily C hanges : A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic Interrelationships, 1910–1933. Second Edition. By H. Flanders Dunbar.  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
Allenby , A. L. (London). ‘Begegnung mit Archetypen’ Bach , Susan R. (Zürich). ‘Spontaneous pictures of leukemic children as an expression of the total personality, mind and body’ Biomeyer , R. (Berlin). ‘Symbole: Einstellungen-Definitionen-Wirkungen’ Jacoby , M. (Zürich). Autorität und Revolte—der Mythus vom Vatermord. Jacoby , M. (Zürich). ‘Der Mythus vom verlorenen Paradies—heute’ Kirsch , T. B. (Palo Alto). ‘The practice of multiple analyses in analytical psychology’. Kraemer , W. (London). ‘Homosexuality—is it an illness?’ Mccully , Robert S. (South Carolina). ‘A Jungian Commentary on Epstein's case (Wet-shoe fetish)’ Mccully , Robert S. (South Carolina). ‘Archetypal psychology as a key for understanding prehistoric art forms’ Marshak , Mel . (London). ‘I never knew I knew that’ Pontius , Anneuese (New York). ‘Dyslexia and specifically distorted, drawings of die face—a new subgroup with prosopagnosia’ Pontius , Anneuese and Ruttiger , K. F. (New York). ‘Frontal lobe system maturational lag in juvenile delinquents as shown in narrative test.’ Strobel , H. (Zürich). ‘Das “Menschenbild” in der Analytischen Psychologic von C. G. Jung’ Wood , Dorothy , A. (New York). ‘Psychological impressions from an Indian dream’  相似文献   

Essay Review of:
The Dynamics of Divorce: A Life Cycle Perspective , F. W. Kaslow and L. L. Schwartz, New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1987.
Divorced Families: A Multidisciplinary Developmental View , C. R. Ahrons and R. H. Rodgers, New York: W. W. Norton, 1987.
The Difficult Divorce: Therapy for Children and Families , M. B. Isaacs, B. Montalvo, and D. Abelson, New York: Basic Books, 1986.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
GRAY, J. A. Elements of a Two-Process Theory of Learning. London: Academic Press. 1975. Pp. 423. £6.60.

STOCKBRIDGE, H. C. W. Behaviour and the Physical Environment :Case Studies in Psychology and Ergonomics. London: Batsford. 1975. Pp. 191. £7.50.

CRYSTAL, D. The English Tone of Voice-Essays in Intonation, Prosody and Paralanguage. London: Edward Arnold. 1975. Pp. 198. £3.75.

MCFARLAND, D. J. (Ed.). Motivational Control Systems Analysis. London and New York: Academic Press. 1974. Pp. xii + 523. £11.00.

IVERSEN, S. D. and IVERSEN, L. L. Behavioral Pharmacology. New York and London: Oxford University Press. 1975. Pp. xiv + 310. £2.75.

LEVITT, R. A. Psychopharmacology. A Biological Approach. New York: Wiley. 1975. Pp. x + 502. £9.45.

DOWNS, R. M. and STEA, D. (Eds). Image and Environment. Chicago: Aldine. 1973. (London: Arnold). Pp. xxii + 439. £6.75.

MACCOBY, E. E. and JACKLIN, C. N. The Psychology of Sex Differences. London: Oxford University Press. 1975. Pp. 634. £7.00.

MASSARO, D. W. (Ed.). Understanding Language. New York: Academic Press. 1975. PP. 438. £7.90.

HILGARD, E. R., ATKINSON, R. C., and ATKINSON, R. L. Introduction to Psychology. Sixth Edition. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1975. Pp. 658. £8.10.  相似文献   

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