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Generalized latent trait models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we discuss a general model framework within which manifest variables with different distributions in the exponential family can be analyzed with a latent trait model. A unified maximum likelihood method for estimating the parameters of the generalized latent trait model will be presented. We discuss in addition the scoring of individuals on the latent dimensions. The general framework presented allows, not only the analysis of manifest variables all of one type but also the simultaneous analysis of a collection of variables with different distributions. The approach used analyzes the data as they are by making assumptions about the distribution of the manifest variables directly.  相似文献   

Latent trait models for binary responses to a set of test items are considered from the point of view of estimating latent trait parameters=( 1, , n ) and item parameters=( 1, , k ), where j may be vector valued. With considered a random sample from a prior distribution with parameter, the estimation of (, ) is studied under the theory of the EM algorithm. An example and computational details are presented for the Rasch model.This work was supported by Contract No. N00014-81-K-0265, Modification No. P00002, from Personnel and Training Research Programs, Psychological Sciences Division, Office of Naval Research. The authors wish to thank an anonymous reviewer for several valuable suggestions.  相似文献   

For questionnaires with two answer categories, it has been proven in complete generality that if a minimal sufficient statistic exists for the individual parameter and if it is the same statistic for all values of the item parameters, then the raw score (or the number of correct answers) is the minimal sufficient statistic. It follows that the model must by of the Rasch type with logistic item characteristic curves and equal item-discriminating powers.This paper extends these results to multiple choice questionnaires. It is shown that the minimal sufficient statistic for the individual parameter is a function of the so-called score vector. It is also shown that the so-called equidistant scoring is the only scoring of a questionnaire that allows for a real valued sufficient statistic that is independent of the item parameters, if a certain ordering property for the sufficient statistic holds.  相似文献   

The most widely-used computer programs for structural equation models analysis are the LISREL series of Jöreskog and Sörbom. The only types of constraints which may be made directly are fixing parameters at a constant value and constraining parameters to be equal. Rindskopf (1983) showed how these simple properties could be used to represent models with more complicated constraints, namely inequality constraints on unique variances. In this paper, two new concepts are introduced which enable a much wider variety of constraints to be made. The concepts, phantom and imaginary latent variables, allow fairly general equality and inequality constraints on factor loadings and structural model coefficients.During the preparation of this article, it was discovered that another researcher, Jack McArdle, had concurrently and independently discovered some of the techniques reported here. While he has chosen not to publish his research, I wish to acknowledge his work. I would like to thank Art Woodward for telling me about sort-of simple structure.  相似文献   

A major research direction for ability measurement has been to identify the information-processes that are involved in solving test items through mathematical modeling of item difficulty. However, this research has had limited impact on ability measurement, since person parameters are not included in the process models. The current paper presents some multicomponent latent trait models for reproducing test performance from both item and person parameters on processing components. Components are identified from item subtasks, in which performance is a logistic function (i.e., Rasch model) of person and item parameters, and then are combined according to a mathematical model of processing on the composite item.The author would like to thank David Thissen for his invaluable insights concerning this model and an anonymous reviewer for his suggestion about the sample space for the model.This research was partially supported by National Institute of Education grant number NIE-6-7-0156 to Susan E. Whitely, principal investigator. However the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the National Institute of Education, and no official endorsement by the National Institute of Education should be referred. Part of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of thePsychometric Society, Monterey, California: June, 1979.  相似文献   

Higher-order latent trait models for cognitive diagnosis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Higher-order latent traits are proposed for specifying the joint distribution of binary attributes in models for cognitive diagnosis. This approach results in a parsimonious model for the joint distribution of a high-dimensional attribute vector that is natural in many situations when specific cognitive information is sought but a less informative item response model would be a reasonable alternative. This approach stems from viewing the attributes as the specific knowledge required for examination performance, and modeling these attributes as arising from a broadly-defined latent trait resembling theϑ of item response models. In this way a relatively simple model for the joint distribution of the attributes results, which is based on a plausible model for the relationship between general aptitude and specific knowledge. Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for parameter estimation are given for selected response distributions, and simulation results are presented to examine the performance of the algorithm as well as the sensitivity of classification to model misspecification. An analysis of fraction subtraction data is provided as an example. This research was funded by National Institute of Health grant R01 CA81068. We would like to thank William Stout and Sarah Hartz for many useful discussions, three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions, and Kikumi Tatsuoka and Curtis Tatsuoka for generously sharing data.  相似文献   

The problem of characterizing the manifest probabilities of a latent trait model is considered. The item characteristic curve is transformed to the item passing-odds curve and a corresponding transformation is made on the distribution of ability. This results in a useful expression for the manifest probabilities of any latent trait model. The result is then applied to give a characterization of the Rasch model as a log-linear model for a 2 J -contingency table. Partial results are also obtained for other models. The question of the identifiability of “guessing” parameters is also discussed. The research reported here is collaborative in every respect and the order of authorship is alphabetical. Dr. Cressie was a Visiting Research Scientist at ETS during the Fall of 1980. His current address is: School of Mathematical Sciences, The Flinders University of South Australia, Bedford Park SA, 5042, AUSTRALIA. The preparation of this paper was supported, in part, by the Program Statistics Research Project in the Research Statistics Group at ETS.  相似文献   

Until recently, item response models such as the factor analysis model for metric responses, the two‐parameter logistic model for binary responses and the multinomial model for nominal responses considered only the main effects of latent variables without allowing for interaction or polynomial latent variable effects. However, non‐linear relationships among the latent variables might be necessary in real applications. Methods for fitting models with non‐linear latent terms have been developed mainly under the structural equation modelling approach. In this paper, we consider a latent variable model framework for mixed responses (metric and categorical) that allows inclusion of both non‐linear latent and covariate effects. The model parameters are estimated using full maximum likelihood based on a hybrid integration–maximization algorithm. Finally, a method for obtaining factor scores based on multiple imputation is proposed here for the non‐linear model.  相似文献   

Chang and Stout (1993) presented a derivation of the asymptotic posterior normality of the latent trait given examinee responses under nonrestrictive nonparametric assumptions for dichotomous IRT models. This paper presents an extention of their results to polytomous IRT models in a fairly straightforward manner. In addition, a global information function is defined, and the relationship between the global information function and the currently used information functions is discussed. An information index that combines both the global and local information is proposed for adaptive testing applications.This research was partially supported by Educational Testing Service Allocation Project No. 79424. The author wishes to thank Charles Davis, Xuming He, Frank Jenkins, Spence Swinton, William Stout, Ming-Mai Wang, and Zhiliang Ying for their helpful comments and discussions. The author particularly wishes to thank the Editor, Shizuhiko Nishisato, the Associate Editor, and three anonymous reviewers for their thoroughness and thoughtful suggestions.  相似文献   

Current computer programs for analyzing linear structural models will apparently handle only two types of constraints: fixed parameters, and equality of parameters. An important constraint not handled is inequality; this is particularly crucial for preventing negative variance estimates. In this paper, a method is described for imposing several kinds of inequality constraints in models, without the necessity for having computer programs which explicitly allow such constraints. The examples discussed include the prevention of Heywood cases, extension to inequalities of parameters to be greater than a specified value, and imposing ordered inequalities. Work on this project was aided by the City University of New York—Professional Staff Congress Research Award Program Grant Number 13631.  相似文献   

Items that are clustered according to shared content may violate the principle of conditional independence commonly used in item response theory. This paper investigates the capabilities of a logistic item response model in relation to locally dependent item responses. The model includes main effect and interaction parameters that are computed as linear functions of the latent trait. The paper explains the interpretation of the parameters, the maximum likelihood estimation algorithm, the information matrix and some results concerning parameter identifiability. The problem of over-fitting the data is addressed in a simulation study, and two real data examples are described to illustrate the approach, one from the context of a sample survey and the other from ability testing using testlets.  相似文献   

In a restricted class of item response theory (IRT) models for polytomous items the unweighted total score has monotone likelihood ratio (MLR) in the latent trait. MLR implies two stochastic ordering (SO) properties, denoted SOM and SOL, which are both weaker than MLR, but very useful for measurement with IRT models. Therefore, these SO properties are investigated for a broader class of IRT models for which the MLR property does not hold.In this study, first a taxonomy is given for nonparametric and parametric models for polytomous items based on the hierarchical relationship between the models. Next, it is investigated which models have the MLR property and which have the SO properties. It is shown that all models in the taxonomy possess the SOM property. However, counterexamples illustrate that many models do not, in general, possess the even more useful SOL property.Hemker's research was supported by the Netherlands Research Council, Grant 575-67-034. Junker's research was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health, Grant CA54852, and by the National Science Foundation, Grant DMS-94.04438.  相似文献   

The stochastic subject formulation of latent trait models contends that, within a given subject, the event of obtaining a certain response pattern may be probabilistic. Ordinary latent trait models do not imply that these within-subject probabilities are identical to the conditional probabilities specified by the model. The latter condition is called local homogeneity. It is shown that local homgeneity is equivalent to subpopulation invariance of the model. In case of the monotone IRT model, local homogeneity implies absence of item bias, absence of item specific traits, and the possibility to join overlapping subtests. The following characterization theorem is proved: the homogeneous monotone IRT model holds for a finite or countable item pool if and only if the pool is experimentally independent and pairwise nonnegative association holds in every positive subpopulation.This research was supported by the Dutch Interuniversity Graduate School of Psychometrics and Sociometrics. The authors wish to thank two reviewers for their thorough comments.  相似文献   

The structure of the covariance matrix of sample covariances under the class of linear latent variate models is derived using properties of cumulants. This is employed to provide a general framework for robustness of statistical inference in the analysis of covariance structures arising from linear latent variate models. Conditions for normal theory estimators and test statistics to retain each of their usual asymptotic properties under non-normality of latent variates are given. Factor analysis, LISREL and other models are discussed as examples.  相似文献   

Jürgen Rost 《Psychometrika》1988,53(3):327-348
A general approach for analyzing rating data with latent class models is described, which parallels rating models in the framework of latent trait theory. A general rating model as well as a two-parameter model with location and dispersion parameters, analogous to Andrich's Dislocmodel are derived, including parameter estimation via the EM-algorithm. Two examples illustrate the application of the models and their statisticalcontrol. Model restrictions through equality constrains are discussed and multiparameter generalizations are outlined.  相似文献   

The EM algorithm is a popular iterative method for estimating parameters in the latent class model where at each step the unknown parameters can be estimated simply as weighted sums of some latent proportions. The algorithm may also be used when some parameters are constrained to equal given constants or each other. It is shown that in the general case with equality constraints, the EM algorithm is not simple to apply because a nonlinear equation has to be solved. This problem arises, mainly, when equality constrints are defined over probabilities indifferent combinations of variables and latent classes. A simple condition is given in which, although probabilities in different variable-latent class combinations are constrained to be equal, the EM algorithm is still simple to apply.The authors are grateful to the Editor and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. C. C. Clogg and R. Luijkx are also acknowledged for verifying our results with their computer programs MLLSA and LCAG, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper brings together and compares two developments in the analysis of Likert attitude scales. The first is the generalization of latent class models to ordered response categories. The second is the introduction of latent trait models with multiplicative parameter structures for the analysis of rating scales. Key similarities and differences between these two methods are described and illustrated by applying a latent trait model and a latent class model to the analysis of a set of life satisfaction data. The way in which the latent trait model defines a unit of measurement, takes into account the order of the response categories, and scales the latent classes, is discussed. While the latent class model provides better fit to these data, this is achieved at the cost of a logically inconsistent assignment of individuals to latent classes.The author wishes to thank Clifford C. Clogg, Otis Dudley Duncan and Benjamin D. Wright for their helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

Eric Maris 《Psychometrika》1995,60(4):523-547
In this paper, some psychometric models will be presented that belong to the larger class oflatent response models (LRMs). First, LRMs are introduced by means of an application in the field ofcomponential item response theory (Embretson, 1980, 1984). Second, a general definition of LRMs (not specific for the psychometric subclass) is given. Third, some more psychometric LRMs, and examples of how they can be applied, are presented. Fourth, a method for obtaining maximum likelihood (ML) and some maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimates of the parameters of LRMs is presented. This method is then applied to theconjunctive Rasch model. Fifth and last, an application of the conjunctive Rasch model is presented. This model was applied to responses to typical verbal ability items (open synonym items).This paper presents theoretical and empirical results of a research project supported by the Research Council [Onderzoeksraad] of the University of Leuven (grant number 89-9) to Paul De Boeck and Luc Delbeke.  相似文献   

Assuming a nonparametric family of item response theory models, a theory-based procedure for testing the hypothesis of unidimensionality of the latent space is proposed. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is derived assuming unidimensionality, thereby establishing an asymptotically valid statistical test of the unidimensionality of the latent trait. Based upon a new notion of dimensionality, the test is shown to have asymptotic power 1. A 6300 trial Monte Carlo study using published item parameter estimates of widely used standardized tests indicates conservative adherence to the nominal level of significance and statistical power averaging 81 out of 100 rejections for examinee sample sizes and psychological test lengths often incurred in practice.The referees' comments were remarkably detailed and greatly enhanced the writeup and sensitized the author to certain pertinent issues. Discussions with Fritz Drasgow, Lloyd Humphreys, Dennis Jennings, Brian Junker, Robert Linn, Ratna Nandakumar, and Robin Shealy were also very useful.This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-84-K-0186; NR 150-533, and by the National Science Foundation under grant DMS 85-03321.  相似文献   

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