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Lever pressing of three squirrel monkeys with experience under continuous avoidance schedules was maintained by response-produced shock under a 5-minute variable-interval schedule. Responding decreased when half of the scheduled shocks were delivered independently of lever pressing and decreased further when all shocks were independent of lever pressing. Responding was lowest when all shocks were eliminated. When the proportion of response-dependent shocks increased, responding increased. This relation occurred even though the frequency and temporal distribution of shock delivery remained the same. Responding of two monkeys increased in a graded fashion as the frequency of shock was increased by arranging variable-time 5-minute, 2-minute, and 1-minute schedules jointly with the variable-interval 5-minute schedule. Thus, increasing the proportion of response-independent shocks decreased responding when the overall frequency of shocks stayed the same, but increased responding when the overall frequency of shock delivery increased.  相似文献   

Two experiments studied the effects of brief response-dependent clock stimuli in fixed-interval schedules of reinforcement. In the first experiment, two pigeons were exposed to a fixed-interval schedule. Two conditions were compared. In both conditions each peck on the key produced a brief stimulus. In one condition, pecks produced a different stimulus in successive sixths of the interval. This was the clock condition. In the other condition, the same stimulus was produced throughout the interval. Response rates were lower and the pause after reinforcement was longer in the clock condition. In the second experiment, a two-key optional clock procedure was used. Responding on the clock key produced one of three stimuli correlated with the three successive minutes of a fixed-interval schedule. A response on the other key produced grain at the end of the 3 min. When the final stimulus was removed from the situation and pecking produced nothing during the third minute, responding to the clock key declined to a very low rate. When the first two stimuli were removed and the third one replaced, responding to the clock key was resumed.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, lever pressing by rats was maintained by the delivery of food pellets under a 45-sec fixed-interval schedule. Fixed-time 180-sec and fixed-interval 180-sec schedules of shock delivery were systematically superimposed on the baseline food schedule to study effects on schedule-induced water intake. Response-dependent shock had little, if any, effect on water intake, whereas shocks independent of lever pressing attenuated fluid intake. In Experiment 2, rats received food pellets under a fixed-time 60-sec schedule. Electric shock delivered concurrently under a variable-time 180-sec schedule, but never while the animal was licking or within 5 sec after licking terminated, led to similar attenuation of water intake. These findings suggest that schedule-induced polydipsia is sensitive to differences in the functional properties of response-independent and dependent electric shock.  相似文献   

The effects of Pavlovian conditioned stimuli (CSs) for food or shock on a variety of behaviors of golden hamsters were observed in three experiments. The aim was to see whether previously reported differences among the behaviors produced by food reinforcement and punishment procedures could be accounted for by differential effects of Pavlovian conditioning on the behaviors. There was some correspondence between the behaviors observed to the CSs and the previously reported effects of instrumental training. However, the Pavlovian conditioned responses (CRs) alone would not have predicted the effects of instrumental training. Moreover, CRs depended to some extent on the context in which training and testing occurred. These findings, together with others in the literature, suggest that the results of Pavlovian conditioning procedures may not unambiguously predict what system of behaviors will be most readily modified by instrumental training with a given reinforcer.  相似文献   

Pigeons received food when they emitted the number of responses specified by a fixed-ratio schedule, and the time specified by a fixed-time schedule had elapsed. The order of meeting the response and time requirements was irrelevant. In different conditions, stimuli signalled completion of one, both, or neither requirement. Ratio size interacted with stimulus condition to determine performance. When a stimulus signalled the end of the fixed-time period, under all ratios the birds tended to respond after the stimulus appeared. When stimuli followed both components, small ratios produced responding during the fixed-time period, and other ratios resulted in responses after the time period had elapsed. With either no stimulus changes, or with a stimulus correlated with completion of the ratio alone, responding first increased and then decreased as the ratio increased. Low and high ratios produced stable response frequencies and patterns in successive intervals. Intermediate ratios resulted in two types of performance. Intervals with long initial pauses and few responses during the fixed-time period were followed by intervals with short pauses and numerous responses and vice versa. The source of these dynamic effects was hypothesized to be number of responses per reinforcer in one condition and response-reinforcer contiguity in the other.  相似文献   

Escape from serial stimuli leading to food   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
If the functional relations governing the strength of a conditioned reinforcer correspond to those obtained with other Pavlovian procedures (e.g., Kaplan, 1984), the termination of stimuli appearing early in the interval between successive food deliveries should be reinforcing. During initial training we presented four key colors, followed by food, in a recurrent sequence to each of 6 pigeons. This established a baseline level of autoshaped pecking. In later sessions, we terminated each of these colors or only the first color for a brief period following each peck, replacing the original color with a standard substitute to avoid darkening the key. Pecking decreased in the presence of the last color in the sequence but increased in the presence of the first. In accord with contemporary models of Pavlovian conditioning, these and other data suggest that the behavioral effects of stimuli in a chain may be better understood in terms of what each stimulus predicts, as measured by relative time to the terminal reinforcer, than in the exclusively positive terms of the traditional formulation (Skinner, 1938). The same model may also account for the initial pause under fixed-interval and fixed-ratio schedules of reinforcement.  相似文献   

Pigeons were presented with a concurrent-chains schedule in which terminal-link entries were assigned to two response keys on a percentage basis. The terminal links were fixed delays that sometimes ended with food and sometimes did not. In most conditions, 80% of the terminal links were assigned to one key, but a smaller percentage of the terminal links ended with food for this key, so the number of food reinforcers delivered by the two alternatives was equal. When the same terminal-link stimuli (orange houselights) were used for both alternatives, the pigeons showed a preference for whichever alternative delivered more frequent terminal links. When different terminal-link stimuli (green vs. red houselights) were used for the two alternatives, the pigeons showed a preference for whichever alternative delivered fewer terminal links when terminal-link durations were long, and no systematic preferences when terminal-link durations were short. This pattern of results was consistent with the predictions of Grace's (1994) contextual choice model. Preference for the alternative that delivered more frequent terminal links was usually stronger in the first few sessions of a condition than at the end of a condition, suggesting that the conditioned reinforcing effect of the additional terminal-link presentation was, in part, transitory.  相似文献   

In a multiphase experiment, dogs first received discriminative, discretetrial, barrier-jumping training with two tones (SD, SΔ) in a shuttle box reinforced by either shock avoidance (Group I) or by food (Group II). Then the dogs were trained on free-operant barrier-jumping reinforced by the qualitatively opposite reinforcer—food in Group I and shock avoidance in Group II. Finally, test presentations of the tone stimuli were superimposed on the free-operant behavior. The tone SDs markedly facilitated responding in all animals. This experiment demonstrates a summation of responding maintained by shock avoidance and food reinforcement and casts doubt on explanations of conditioned suppression outcomes that appeal solely to incompatible motivational states within the organism.  相似文献   

This study assessed whether choosing a signalled shock condition over an unsignalled one is controlled by a stimulus that predicts the presence of shock (Experiment I), or by a stimulus that predicts the absence of shock (Experiment II). The dependability of these stimuli as predictors of either the presence or the absence of shock was parametrically varied over a wide range, and subjects (rats) were given an option to change from an unsignalled to a signalled condition. In the first experiment, all shocks were preceded by signals; however, the probability of a signal being followed by shock varied from 1.0 to 0.02. The data obtained indicate that the dependability of the signal as a predictor of shock is unimportant. Rats changed to the signalled condition when the signal was completely dependable (all signals followed by shock) and when the dependability of the signal was systematically degraded. In the second experiment, all signals were followed by shock; however, some shocks were not preceded by a signal. The data show that the dependability of a stimulus predicting the absence of shock is important in that, as dependability decreases, changing to the signalled condition also decreases.  相似文献   

Pigeons performed on second-order schedules of reinforcement consisting of four fixed-interval components. Only the terminal component ended with food. Performance was studied both when a brief stimulus followed the completion of each of the first three fixed intervals (brief-stimulus schedule) and when the stimulus was omitted (tandem schedule). Variations in the temporal contiguity of the last presentation of the stimulus and the presentation of food indicated that the shorter the delay, the greater was the enhancement of rate of responding in comparison with tandem performance. A positively accelerated pattern of responding within fixed-interval components was a function of the contiguity of the brief stimulus and reinforcement; this pattern was absent for all tandem-schedule performance.  相似文献   

Physiological arousal was measured in 20 obese and 20 normal-weight subjects during presentation of imagery tasks with food- and nonfood-related stimuli and during presentation and eating of food. No differential arousal, as measured by skin conductance, was obtained between the groups for any of the stimuli. Presentation and eating of the food did produce significant arousal in subjects.  相似文献   

An experiment is described in which 32 rats were tested to determine if an escape box which had been previously associated with shock reduction had secondary reinforcement value. Subjects were tested in both a fear and a neutral situation. Significant secondary reinforcement effects were found in both situations. However, contary to expectations, greater secondary reinforcement effects were obtained in the neutral than in the fear situation.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys were exposed to response-independent, fixed-frequency shock that produced biting attack upon a pneumatic hose. Attacks decreased within and across sessions at low intensities and high frequencies of shock, but increased within and across sessions at higher intensities and lower shock frequencies. Stimuli paired with shock, when presented alone, came to produce biting, and stimuli correlated with shock parameters that produced increases in responding within sessions produced similar increases when presented alone. Further experiments showed that continuing exposure to shock also produced lever pressing or chain pulling, with longer shock exposure again producing higher response rates. Whereas biting generally decreased throughout the intershock interval, manual responding generally increased as shock time approached, but immediately before shock was often suppressed. Following shock, biting attack predominated over manual behavior. The results suggest a possible explanation for the extreme resistance of avoidance behavior to extinction, and may also partially explain the persistence of responding during schedules of response-produced shock. Relationships of the present findings to naturalistic observations of relations between fleeing, freezing, and fighting performances are discussed.  相似文献   

Four Asian quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were exposed to concurrent-chain schedules, the terminal links of which were either variable-interval 30 sec and variable-time 30 sec, or fixed-interval 30 sec and fixed-time 30 sec. Except for one bird that exhibited a preference for the variable-interval schedule over the variable-time schedule, no consistent preferences were demonstrated for response-dependent or response-independent schedules. However, response rates were three times greater on response-dependent than on response-independent schedules. The discrimination between terminal-link schedules was rapidly recovered after the schedule positions were reversed. Casual observations revealed that the birds engaged in stereotypic circling and pecking while the response-independent schedules were operative.  相似文献   

In two experiments rats were initially trained with one conditioned stimulus (CS) signalling food and another CS signalling water. The main purpose of the experiments was to examine the effects of presenting these stimuli in compound. Experiment 1 demonstrated that the level of conditioned responding to this compound was equal to that of a group for which the compound was composed of elements that had separately signalled the same reinforcer. Moreover, the level of this responding was greater than for a group that had received only compound conditioning. In the second experiment it was found that after the initial training, repeatedly pairing the compound with a single reinforcer resulted in an equivalent loss of conditioned responding to both elements. These findings suggest that the interaction between conditioned stimuli for food and water is facilitatory rather than inhibitory.  相似文献   

Two frequently used methods of producing delayed alternation were compared at two ITI levels, 20 see and 6 min. One method alternated reward according to a fixed schedule (response independent), while the other demanded placement of reward opposite to the S’s previous response (response dependent). The response-dependent method produced a higher number of correct responses and alternations at both ITIs. Increasing the ITI duration from 20 sec to 6 min produced reliable decreases in the number of correct choices and alternations produced by Ss trained according to either procedure.  相似文献   

Pigeons' keypecks were reinforced with grain on the average of once per minute by schedules that maintained low response rates and by schedules that maintained high response rates. During these schedules, a fixed-duration conditioned stimulus (CS) ranging from 7.5 to 120 sec in duration across conditions terminated with response-independent food. Response rates during the CS were inversely related to CS duration. The rates and the temporal patterns of responding during the shortest CS were similar whether the ongoing schedule maintained high response rates or low response rates. As CS duration increased, the rate and pattern of responding during the CS converged on the rate and pattern of responding maintained by the baseline schedule. These data indicate that changes in responding during stimuli that signal response-independent reinforcement are not homogeneous throughout the CS; that response measures, such as “suppression ratios”, which presume homogeneity may mislead us; and that conditioned suppression and conditioned enhancement may be better talked about in terms of species-specific approach and avoidance than in terms of emotional states.  相似文献   

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