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The adjustment of 2 groups of immigrant students in an Israeli university was investigated as a function of their acculturation attitudes and the perceived attitude of the host society. Acculturation attitudes were divided into group attitudes representing generalized aims of the group, and personal attitudes pertaining to individual aims of acculturation that deviate from these group aims. We argued that a preference for acculturation attitudes that contradicted the group consensus would be detrimental to immigrants' psychological adjustment, whereas normative attitudes would not adversely affect this adjustment. It was hypothesized further that personal and group attitudes would not have different effects on social adjustment and that both facets of adjustment would be affected by the attitude of the majority. The data generally supported the research hypotheses.  相似文献   

Acculturation Attitudes in Plural Societies   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Dans les sociétés culturellement diversifiés, les individus peuvent présenter des attitudes relatives à leurs relations avec les autres et les groupes. Ces attitudes (dites "attitudes d'acculturation") sont liées à des prises de position sur deux problèmes généraux posés à toute personne en acculturation: la préservation culturelle de son propre groupe et le contact avec les autres groupes. On définit les attitudes d'assimilation, d'intégration, de séparation et de marginalisation, puis on les mesure dans plusieurs groupes en acculturation d'Australie et du Canada (les indigènes, les immigrants et les groupes ethniques implantés). On donne la validité et la fidélité des échelles d'attitude, puis on analyse les relations des échelles entre elles par rapport aux deux problèmes sous-jacents que sont la préservation et le contact. Enfin, quelques-unes des applications pratiques des attitudes d'acculturation sont envisagées.  相似文献   

There has been a vast amount of research on the changes experienced by immigrants, but little is known about the changes experienced by host individuals. This article focuses on the role of host individuals in the networks of relations between immigrant populations and the communities from the dominant culture, as well as the changes experienced by host individuals because of their continuous contact with immigrants. This research applied a network approach to the study of the acculturation of host individuals. Two independent studies were carried out: a systematic analysis of the personal networks of Argentinean (n = 67), Ecuadorian (n = 59), Italian (n = 37) and German (n = 37) residents in Seville and Cadiz (Spain) (Study 1); and an ethnographic study with human service workers for Latin American immigrants in Boston (USA) (Study 2). With two different strategies, the role of host individuals in personal networks of foreigners in the United States and Spain was analyzed. The results show that host individuals tend to have less centrality than compatriots, showing an overall secondary role in the personal networks of immigrants. The lowest average centrality was observed in recent and temporal migrants, whereas the highest corresponded to the individuals with more time of residence in Spain. The personal networks of human service providers in the United States vary in ethnic composition and in their structural properties, and therefore shape different types of integrative bridges for immigrants.  相似文献   

Research examining how changes in life circumstances affect subjective well-being has been dominated by set-point theory. New evidence challenges the assumptions of this theory, indicating that major life events can result in lasting changes to individuals’ life satisfaction. This study examines whether changes in national-level conditions following migration affect the life satisfaction of immigrant groups from different source countries by comparing the average life satisfaction levels of immigrant groups to that of non-emigrants in their source countries. Life satisfaction differences between immigrant groups and the native-born population in Canada are also examined. Results show that migration to a country with improved national-level conditions increases immigrants’ life satisfaction. Most immigrant groups had higher life satisfaction than their source-country counterparts and life satisfaction scores were similar to those of the native-born population. These findings persist when the sample includes immigrants who have resided in Canada for up to 20 years.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to identify acculturation preference profiles using cluster analysis in public and private areas of culture in the host and immigrant populations, and to find out the relationship between these profiles and prejudice levels. Four hundred and ninety-nine Spaniards and 500 Romanians participated in a survey. The sampling of Spaniards was multistage random and the sampling of Romanians was by quota. The results confirm our predictions. Romanians who are less prejudiced against Spaniards prefer assimilation in public areas and integration in private areas. Romanians who are more prejudiced against Spaniards prefer integration in public areas and separation in private areas. Spaniards who are less prejudiced against Romanians prefer integration in both public and private areas. Spaniards who are more prejudiced against Romanians prefer assimilation in both areas.  相似文献   

Research on acculturation has revealed a variable relationship between acculturation and mental health, which is due to the presence of a number of moderating factors. Some of these factors, namely, modes of acculturation, acculturative experience with the host society, contact with the culture of origin, and individualistic values have been examined in order to understand better the relationship of these factors with acculturative stress. In the present research. Central American refugees (N = 101) who were resettled in Canada completed a questionnaire dealing with their attitudes, behaviours, values, and levels of acculturative stress. Results indicated that different factors are involved in the prediction of psychological and somatic aspects of acculturative stress, with contact with the culture of origin and modes of acculturation being the best predictors.  相似文献   


A comparison of 4 subsamples with the Ethnic Identity Scale (developed for the present study) yielded 2 relatively independent facets of ethnic identity: ethnic pride and belonging (EP) and ethnic differentiation (ED). First, the distinction between EP and ED increased understanding of how age and immigration status affect changes in ethnic identity. In a comparison of Estonians living in Sweden with those living in Estonia, only ED was affected by emigration and contacts with other ethnic groups, although both EP and ED were positively correlated with age. Second, the distinction between EP and ED increased understanding of earlier and seemingly contradictory findings about the connection between ethnic identity and ethnic attitudes. In the present study, EP was not correlated with ethnic attitudes, but, for 2 majority groups, ED was positively correlated with negative evaluations of out-groups. The authors also discuss the role of group status and relationships with the target nation in understanding the relationship between ethnic identity and ethnic attitudes.  相似文献   

In this study, I examined the relationships between ethnic identity, social support within one's own group, activity with one's own group, and readiness to cooperate with people of another group. The hypothesis that there will be a stronger link between ethnic identity and prosocial activity in a minority group was tested using a questionnaire collected from 60 Byelorussians and 62 Poles living in the same villages of eastern Poland. The analyses showed that Byelorussians had lower ethnic identity and social support than Poles but higher readiness to cooperate with Poles than the reverse. For the Byelorussians, the correlational analysis revealed significant coefficients between ethnic identity and social support, between ethnic identity, social support, and prosocial activity, and between social support and readiness to cooperate, whereas the relationships among these variables were not significant in the Polish group. On a cognitive level, therefore, the members of the dominant group identified more with the nation and country than the members of a minority, whose ethnic identity was more salient in social attitudes and ingroup and outgroup activities.  相似文献   


Among 300 Jewish sojourner youth (age range: 15–18 years) from the Russian Federation, the authors investigated associations of acculturation attitudes, measures of sociocultural adjustment, and length of the encounter with the host society, Israel. All the youth were participating in a 1-3-year program of high school studies in Israel. In the light of J. W. Berry's (1997) acculturation model, the authors examined the assumptions that the participants' adjustment to Israeli society would require readiness to abandon some of their previous identity and to adopt elements of a new identity characteristic of the host society. Lower degrees of separation and higher degrees of integration were positively linked with measures of sociocultural adjustment. The adjustment scores tended to decrease over time spent in Israel.  相似文献   

Three measurement methods (1, 2, or 4 statements) to assess acculturation attitudes were compared in 2 studies involving Turkish immigrants in The Netherlands. Each measurement method revealed support for differentiation between acculturation in the public and the private domains. The Turkish culture was more valued than the Dutch culture in the private domain, while both cultures were about equally favored in the public domain. A direct comparison of the 3 measurement methods found evidence for a general method factor on which all 3 measurement methods loaded, and an acculturation attitude factor with positive loadings for 2 indicators (private and public domains). The 2‐statement measurement method addressing public and private life domains was found to provide a short, though comprehensive instrument.  相似文献   


A sample of 157 Korean immigrants responded to measures of acculturation level, stress from acculturation, and depressive symptoms. The authors hypothesized that adaptive acculturation would depend on assimilation regarding social interactions and the host culture's language as well as on retention of a core identity, including values and traditions of the culture of origin. Consistent with the mediation hypothesis, acculturation, based on a factor representing language use and social relationships, was related to lower acculturative stress and, in turn, lower depression. However, there was no direct support for the integrative, or bicultural, strategy of acculturation. Stress did not mediate the effect of a 2nd acculturation factor, identity and tradition-based acculturation. Rather, this measure of acculturation was directly related to higher depression (i.e., immigrants reporting abandonment of Korean identity, traditions, and values scored higher for depression).  相似文献   

This study examined the nature and size of differences in family relationships in five cultural groups in the Netherlands (Dutch mainstreamers, and Turkish, Moroccan, Surinamese, and Antillean immigrants). In order to get a better insight into the differences in family relationships, a distinction was made between family values and family ties. Family values refer to obligations and beliefs about family relationships whereas family ties involve more behavior‐related relational aspects. Results confirmed that the cultural differences in mean scores between immigrants and majority members were larger for family values than for family ties. Individual background variables had a much stronger association with family values than with family ties. In addition, first‐generation immigrants had more traditional family values and reported stronger family ties than did Dutch mainstreamers. Second‐generation immigrants had more traditional family values than Dutch mainstreamers but they did not report stronger family ties. In conclusion, the distinction between family values and family ties as different expressions of family relationships is highly relevant in an acculturation context, because cultural differences between the various immigrant groups and the mainstream group are not the same for values and ties, and acculturative changes are different for both. On se penche dans cette étude sur les relations familiales, leur nature et leurs différences dans cinq groupes culturels des Pays‐Bas (Hollandais de souche et immigrants turcs, marocains, surinamiens et antillais). Pour accéder à une meilleure appréhension des différences dans les relations familiales, on a opéré une distinction entre les valeurs et les liens familiaux. Les valeurs familiales font référence aux obligations et aux croyances concernant les relations familiales alors que les liens familiaux touchent des aspects relationnels plus comportementaux. Les résultats confirment que les différences culturelles (estimées au niveau des moyennes) entre les immigrants et les membres de la majorité de la population sont plus nettes pour les valeurs que pour les liens familiaux. Le fond culturel des individus est plus fortement associé aux valeurs qu’aux liens familiaux. De plus, les migrants de première génération présentent davantage de valeurs familiales traditionnelles et témoignent de liens familiaux plus forts que ceux des Hollandais de souche. Les migrants de seconde génération ont également plus de valeurs familiales traditionnelles que les Hollandais de souche, mais pas de liens familiaux plus étroits. Disons pour conclure que distinguer valeurs et liens familiaux comme étant des expressions différentes des relations en famille est tout à fait pertinent dans un contexte d’acculturation puisque les différences culturelles entre les divers groupes de migrants et les autochtones ne sont pas identiques pour les valeurs et les liens et que l’impact dûà l’acculturation n’est pas le même dans les deux cas.  相似文献   

The acculturation of developmental timetables for autonomy was studied in a sample of 220 ethnic German immigrants from Romania, Poland, and countries of the former Soviet Union. A distinction was made between the timing of autonomy from parental supervision and autonomy in social relationships. Four waves of semi-annual asessments were conducted for two groups, newcomers (0–18 months of residence in Germany) and experienced immigrants (more than 18–36 months). From these assessments a gradual acculturation of timetables was observed, resulting, as expected, in considerably earlier ages at which the two facets of autonomy were accomplished. The rate of acculturation was predicted to be related to prior interindividual differences in parent-adolescent interaction and frequency of adolescents' activities outside the home. As expected, higher levels of conflict and permissiveness reported by parents, and lower levels of monitoring and more frequent out-of-home activities, corresponded to a more accelerated acculturation to earlier timetables concerning autonomy from parental supervision—especially among the newcomers. With regard to autonomy in social relationships, the results were less clear, presumably due to the fact that prior interpersonal experiences were less associated with this facet of autonomy. Higher levels of the family variables studied encourage “escape” from the constraints of the newcomers' provisional homes, and thus provide opportunities to make contacts and adopt the lifestyle of adolescents from the general German population. In general, prediction was not possible concerning adolescents whose residence in Germany was longer than 18 months. For this group of immigrants, such escapes no longer serve the expected purpose because they have access to other opportunities, which were not measured in this study.  相似文献   

Relationships between acculturation and attitudes toward psychological help seeking were studied with 170 Asian international students. Results showed a significant relationship between levels of acculturation and attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. Significant correlations were found between students' levels of acculturation and stigma tolerance and confidence in mental health practitioners. La relación entre la aculturación y las actitudes hacia la busqueda de ayuda psicológica se estudió con 170 estudiantes internacionales de orígen asiático. Los resultados demostraron una relación significante entre los niveles de aculturación y las actitudes hacia la solicitación de ayuda psicológica profesional. Correlaciones significantes se encontraron entre los niveles de aculturación y la tolerancia hacia las estigmas de los estudiantes y la confianza que ellos les tienen a los médicos psiquiátricos.  相似文献   

Acculturation Attitudes of Potential Emigrants: Jewish Youths in Russia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present paper investigates the acculturation attitudes of potential emigrants and their relationship to value priorities, cultural identifications, and psychological well-being. The results confirm that potential emigrants have a well-formed system of acculturation attitudes and that integration is the predominant acculturation attitude of the majority of potential emigrants. Preference for acculturation attitudes other than integration is associated with the psychological distress of potential emigrants. The research confirms that personal value preferences underlie acculturation attitudes of potential emigrants, thus indicating that each acculturation attitude allows accomplishment of different motivational goals in the situation of emigration. Cultural identifications of Jewish potential emigrants in Russia are discussed in light of their relationships with value priorities and acculturation attitudes.  相似文献   

In Korea as of 2009, the immigrant population comprised less than 2.5 % of the total population, whereas almost one in ten marriages taking place during the same year was international, of which more than 75 % were ethnic Asian women married to Korean men. On that ground, this study addresses the importance of Asian values and ethnic identity in ethnic Asian wives’ acculturation to Korean society. The subjects of this study have been selected from three ethnic Asian groups—Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese women. Acculturation in this study has been measured in three aspects: Korean cultural attitudes and identity, linguistic assimilation, and the level of satisfaction with Korean culture. First, our findings have revealed that their recognition of Asian values plays an important role in improving their acculturation to Korean society, especially in the realms of cultural attitudes and identity, and satisfaction with Korean culture. Then, there has been no evidence that their sense of ethnic identity is a critical factor of their acculturation to Korean society.  相似文献   


The authors expected the extent to which host community members (a) perceive immigrants as threatening, (b) believe that the immigrants are able to assimilate to the host community (permeability), and (c) consider their presence in the host community as legitimate to predict attitudes towards immigrant acculturation. The authors designed Study 1 to examine attitudes of Germans toward Turkish immigrants. Participants were 227 German white-collar and blue-collar workers. As expected, ethnocentric acculturation attitudes positively correlated with perceived threat and negatively correlated with perceived legitimacy and perceived permeability. However, only perceived threat contributed uniquely to the prediction of the attitudes. In Study 2, the authors applied an experimental manipulation of perceived threat. Before answering attitude questions, participants read magazine articles with a threatening, enriching, or irrelevant content. The manipulation had the predicted impact on the self-reported attitudes toward immigrants. However, the salience of threatening or enriching aspects of the Turkish culture did not affect implicitly measured attitudes.  相似文献   

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