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ObjectivesSport psychology researchers have yet to explore the socio-cultural context of concussion. The aim with this study was to explore the contribution of one socio-cultural context (i.e., sport media) toward understanding the construction of meaning(s) of a sport celebrity's concussion and the implications for sport psychology.DesignA qualitative approach was used to explore concussion as a socio-cultural issue shaped by cultural narratives (i.e., news media). The meanings and implications for how sport concussion is understood and “constructed” through a key media incident were of interest.MethodAn ethnographic content analysis (see Altheide, 1996) of the mediation of the National Hockey League's (NHL) star player Sidney Crosby's concussion from January 1, 2011 (when the concussion occurred) to June 30, 2011 (end of the NHL season) was undertaken on North American news data.ResultsThe ethnographic content analysis of 68 articles revealed that Crosby's concussion and its associated meanings were constructed within a central narrative: a culture of risk and its impact on athletes. Multiple meanings of concussion within the risk narrative emerged depending on three sub-narratives: (a) Crosby's concussion as a cautionary tale, (b) Crosby's concussion as a political platform, and (c) concussion as ambiguous.ConclusionsThe culture of risk narrative raises awareness of the physical risks, physiological effects and the politics of concussion. These cultural meanings do not acknowledge/include the psychological implications/effects of concussion. This study furthers understandings of sport concussion within a socio-cultural context.  相似文献   

Both sports and organizations rely on teams. As such, the sport psychology and management literatures have contributed greatly to our understanding of team functioning. Despite this, previous reviews based on subsets of articles in these literatures indicate a lack of communication between them. In this article, we assess the state of integration between the entirety of the sport psychology and management literatures on teams by considering the full set of interconnected team articles in the SCOPUS database (6974 articles over 69 years). We use this data to conduct a combination of citation network analysis and content analysis via topic modeling to evaluate conceptual integration. The data show that interdisciplinary discussion between these two fields is lacking, particularly regarding the integration of sport psychology into management research. Whereas 7% of references to team articles in sport psychology come from management journals, only 0.6% of team references in management journals come from sport psychology. Despite this, longitudinal analysis indicates that in the last 10 years the rate of integration between these fields is increasing. We identify specific topics that have accounted for this integration and suggest topics ripe for future integration.  相似文献   

ObjectivesAlthough a growing presence within sport, elite athlete mothers have minimal presence within sport psychology research, particularly within the context of sociocultural expectations concerning motherhood and sport. The purpose of this study was to extend this understanding by examining how news media constructed elite athlete identities of prominent athlete mothers during the 2012 Olympic year.DesignA qualitative approach grounded in critical cultural sport psychology (Schinke & McGannon, 2014) was used to explore motherhood and athletic identity as socio-cultural creations shaped by media and the potential psychological implications.MethodAn ethnographic content analysis (Altheide, 1996) of 80 stories from North American news media collected from January 27, 2011 to December 31, 2012surrounding 10 prominent US athlete mothers was conducted. Visual data analysis of 99 images and 4 videos accompanying were also analyzed to contextualized the textual meaning(s) (Altheide & Schneider, 2013).ResultsA central narrative within which identities were constructed was identified: motherhood and athletics as a transformative journey. The meaning(s) and implication(s) of this narrative emerged differently depending on how two athlete mother identities were constructed: 1. athlete and mother in conflict and 2. athlete mother as superwoman.ConclusionsThis study extends critical cultural sport psychology and qualitative literature exploring elite mother athletes and the implications for athletic career (dis)engagement.  相似文献   

Using a meta‐analytical procedure, the relationship between team composition in terms of the Big‐Five personality traits (trait elevation and variability) and team performance were researched. The number of teams upon which analyses were performed ranged from 106 to 527. For the total sample, significant effects were found for elevation in agreeableness (ρ = 0.24) and conscientiousness (ρ = 0.20), and for variability in agreeableness (ρ = ?0.12) and conscientiousness (ρ = ?0.24). Moderation by type of team was tested for professional teams versus student teams. Moderation results for agreeableness and conscientiousness were in line with the total sample results. However, student and professional teams differed in effects for emotional stability and openness to experience. Based on these results, suggestions for future team composition research are presented. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ObjectiveGiven our limited understanding of mentoring in sport, reviewing research from other disciplines has the potential to advance knowledge in this context. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to synthesize and evaluate the mentoring literature across disciplines in order to bridge existing knowledge and to situate the mentoring in sport literature.DesignA citation network analysis.MethodA comprehensive literature search was conducted to locate influential career mentoring articles, books, and book chapters across all disciplines. Subsequently, this body of literature was evaluated using citation network to (a) identify the major career mentoring disciplines, (b) locate the most influential career mentoring texts, (c) evaluate the transfer of knowledge across disciplines, and (d) situate and evaluate the mentoring in sport literature.ResultsThe literature search resulted in a mentoring network of 1,819 texts and 10,951 citation links. Five major mentoring disciplines emerged: academic medicine, industrial and organizational psychology, education, nursing, and psychology. The industrial and organizational psychology and academic medicine disciplines were the most substantial mentoring disciplines. Further, the findings suggest the literature is relatively disconnected within and across disciplines. In regard to sport, the mentoring research represented 1.47% of the full-network (29 texts and 50 citation relations) and is interwoven into the industrial and organizational psychology literature.ConclusionGiven the limited sport texts uncovered in the citation network analysis, sport scholars can stand to benefit from the wealth of existing career mentoring literature in other disciplines. Accordingly, the identification of seminal career mentoring disciplines and texts serves to provide sport mentoring scholars with a roadmap to further promote the advancement and dissemination of mentoring knowledge and research.  相似文献   

Team selling is a useful approach for retaining strategically important accounts in business-to-business markets. For key account sales teams, ensuring adequate access to information about customer needs offers sustainable competitive advantages. However, the internal alignment of market information remains a recurring managerial issue in key account team selling. This study develops a moderated mediation model to identify management strategies that encourage team members' formal information sharing, which in turn improves team effectiveness. Analysis of a multilevel data set comprising 37 fluid key account teams reveals that customer orientation and task interdependence increase formal information sharing among team members. Managers' exercise of professional control strengthens the positive impact that formal information sharing has on team satisfaction. However, the practice has a dysfunctional influence on the positive effect of task interdependence on formal information sharing. Firms with key account management (KAM) programs must decide whether the marginal benefits attained by advocating such professional control outweigh the possible drawbacks.  相似文献   

This study aimed at examining the ways in which different athletes may combine the use of several coping strategies and at testing whether perceived goal attainment, affective states, and experience of control would differ across distinctive profiles of coping. A sample of 151 French-Canadian athletes out of 200 who were approached by a research assistant completed l’Inventaire des Strat gies de Coping en Comp tition Sportive (Gaudreau & Blondin, 2002a), the PANAS ( Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988), and a series of items measuring experience of control and perceived goal attainment. Results of a cluster analysis indicated that athletes could be classified in four groups according to their in-competition use of coping strategies. After controlling for athletes’ self-referenced goal attainment, their experience of control, positive affective state, and anger-dejection state differed significantly (p<0.008) across the four profiles of coping. Athletes who have used high level of task-oriented coping in combination with low level of disengagement-oriented coping reported better goal and psychological adjustment than athletes who have used high level of disengagement-oriented coping in combination with low level of task-oriented coping. Overall, these findings suggested that research should move from coping strategies to coping profiles in order to provide a deeper understanding of how different individuals cope with stress.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe present study aimed to examine what kind of burnout profiles exist among student-athletes based on their sport and school burnout symptoms. Moreover, it was investigated whether athletes' expectations of success in sport and school, on the one hand, and parental expectations, on the other hand, were predictors of the likelihood of the athlete to show a certain profile, after taking into account the effects of gender, grade point average, type of sport, and level of competition.Design and methodsThe participants were 391 student-athletes (51% females) from six different upper secondary sport schools in Finland, and 448 parents (58% mothers). The athletes filled in questionnaires about burnout and success expectations at the beginning of the first year of upper secondary school. At the same time point, parents were asked to answer a questionnaire on their success expectations for their child. Structural equation modeling and latent profile analysis were used to analyze the data.ResultsFour burnout profiles were identified: well-functioning, mild sport burnout, school burnout, and severe sport burnout. Athletes' and parents' expectations of success seemed to protect against burnout in the same domain, but this protection did not extend to the other domain. Moreover, high success expectations in one domain seemed to increase the risk for burnout in another domain.ConclusionsBurnout needs to be investigated within and across context in order to gain a holistic understanding of student-athletes' wellbeing.  相似文献   

We used a novel meta regression analysis approach to examine the effectiveness of psychological skills training and behavioral interventions in sport assessed using single-case experimental designs (SCEDs). One hundred and twenty-one papers met the inclusion criteria applied to eight database searches and key sport psychology journals. Seventy-one studies reported sufficient detail for effect sizes to be calculated for the effects of psychological skills training on psychological, behavioral, and performance variables. The unconditional mean effect size for weighted (Δ = 2.40) and unweighted (Δ = 2.83) models suggested large improvements in psychological, behavioral, and performance outcomes associated with implementing cognitive-behavioral psychological skills training and behavioral interventions with a SCED. However, meta-regression analysis revealed important heterogeneities and sources of bias within this literature. First, studies using a group-based approach reported lower effect sizes compared to studies using single-case approaches. Second, the single-case studies, (over 90 per cent the effect sizes), revealed upwardly biased effect sizes arising from: (i) positive publication bias such that studies using lower numbers of baseline observations reported larger effects, while studies using larger numbers of baseline observations reported smaller – but still substantial – effects; (ii) not adopting a multiple baseline design; and (iii) not establishing procedural reliability. We recommend that future researchers using SCED’s should consider these methodological issues.  相似文献   

Shared awareness was studied in one novice and one expert basketball team during real games. Teams were considered dynamic social networks with team members as nodes and members’ awareness of other members during ongoing performance as relations. Networks, and changes to them across games, were analysed at different levels of organization using social network analysis to identify patterns of awareness within the teams. The results showed that one team member in each team often heeded, or was heeded by, his teammates, indicating his leadership role in coordinating the team. Also, expert team members had a low level of awareness of their teammates, which may be explained by implicit coordination processes. Finally, there was less variability in intra-team relations in the expert (vs. novice) team, which may be explained by the enhanced ability of the expert team to achieve and maintain an optimal level of awareness during the game. At a practical level, teams might be alerted during performance when their network of connections approaches connectedness thresholds that predict coordination breakdowns, affording online regulation of team processes. Future studies should explore the generalizability of these early findings using larger samples.  相似文献   

The relationship between a leader's personality and his team's performance has been established in organisational research, but the underlying process and mechanism responsible for this effect have not been fully explored. Both the traditional multiple linear regression and the multilevel structural equation model approaches were used in this study to test a proposed mediating model of subordinates' perception of collective efficacy between leader personality and team performance. The results show that the team leader's extraversion and conscientiousness personality traits were related positively to both the team‐average (individual) perception of collective efficacy and team performance, and the collective efficacy mediated the relationship of the leader's personality traits and team performance. This study also discusses how Chinese cultural elements play a role in such a mediating model.  相似文献   

Speeding has consistently contributed to a high number of motor vehicle crashes and subsequent injuries and deaths in the U.S. Identifying types of drivers related to speeding behaviour may help target interventions to reduce speeding. Typology of U.S. driver speeders have examined very specifically speeding behaviours and speeding-related attitudes. This exploratory work used latent class analysis (LCA) to examine how other driving behaviours and attitudes cluster around speeding behaviours to determine speeder typologies, which may lend a more holistic perspective to speeder types. Predicted class assignments were evaluated for associations with demographic and personality factors. The LCA resulted in four driver typologies, which we labelled: Externally Motivated (40.7%), Non-Reactors (26.2%), Perceived Invulnerable (24.3%), and Perceived Vulnerable (8.9%). The Externally Motivated and Non-Reactors typologies had the highest probability of reporting extreme speeding. The Externally Motivated may be intervened upon with messaging about reducing risks crashes and injuring passengers, while the Perceived Vulnerable class already exhibit several risk-averse behaviours that self-limits their speeding behaviour. Class placement was associated with age, self-reported speeding frequency, receipt of speeding violations. The resulting U.S. driver typologies advances the literature by demonstrating that non-speeding driver behaviours and attitudes cluster with speeding behaviours, which altogether can inform more nuanced and effective anti-speeding campaigns.  相似文献   

Illness appraisals are central to understanding how individuals cope with chronic illness. An interpretive phenomenological approach to the analysis of two years of bimonthly stressful event narratives in a sample of 57 HIV?+?gay men revealed five groups that differed on how they appraised HIV and one group of individuals who changed from one type of appraisal to another over the course of the 2-year study. The ways of appraising HIV revealed in this analysis have implications for interventions and for the study of coping with HIV as a chronic illness. The repeated assessment of specific HIV-associated stressful events and a qualitative analytic approach allowed for a more in-depth understanding of the meaning of HIV for the participants. This study suggests that coping interventions may be more powerful if they are tailored to individual appraisals of HIV because different forms of coping are likely to be differentially effective depending on the meaning of HIV in the individual's life.  相似文献   

In accord with humanistic psychology, the person-centred approach (PCA) highlights individuality and is characterised by subjectivity and freedom vs. objectivity and determination. This study endeavoured to define how person-centred counsellors position themselves within PCA. In order to employ a critical frame of mind, analysis focused on identifying constructions, contradictions and functions of language that pointed to power relations. This study revealed a power relation between PCA and the counsellors, displaying five discourses: the philosophical discourse, the discourse of freedom, the discourse of religion/spirituality, the discourse of militarism and the discourse of eros (love). PCA is thought to empower the client in relation to its respectful and non-directive, therapeutic framework. Analysis suggests that despite rhetorical endorsement of PCA as enabling, the approach has implications for subjectivity and practice regarding the counsellor him/herself. Adhesive attachments closely resembling religious and erotic ones seem responsible for dogmatic and militaristic phenomena as described by participants. Strong emotions such as pride and guilt are indicative of this adhesive investment. Furthermore, the analysis shows that as the discourse of freedom becomes embedded in the philosophical discourse of PCA, it has connotations of truth. Lastly, the discourse of religion/spirituality seems to organise PCA in terms of meaning coherence.  相似文献   

本研究通过蒙特卡洛模拟考查了分类精确性指数Entropy及其变式受样本量、潜类别数目、类别距离和指标个数及其组合的影响情况。研究结果表明:(1)尽管Entropy值与分类精确性高相关,但其值随类别数、样本量和指标数的变化而变化,很难确定唯一的临界值;(2)其他条件不变的情况下,样本量越大,Entropy的值越小,分类精确性越差;(3)类别距离对分类精确性的影响具有跨样本量和跨类别数的一致性;(4)小样本(N=50~100)的情况下,指标数越多,Entropy的结果越好;(5)在各种条件下Entropy对分类错误率比其它变式更灵敏。  相似文献   

This study examined the efficacy of a Photovoice‐based video as a novel online anti‐stigma video in reducing mental illness stigma, as well as the role of empathic concern in stigma reduction. Photovoice is a grassroots process by which members of a marginalized group, such as people with a mental illness, document and convey their experience; in this study’s context, the experience of living with a mental illness and the stigma associated with this experience. Canadian undergraduate university students (n = 303; average age = 21) were randomly assigned to view either a Photovoice‐based anti‐stigma intervention video (n = 156) or a control video (n = 147). Compared to the control condition, the Photovoice‐based video was efficacious in reducing mental illness stigma, including reduced fear and anger toward people with a mental illness, decreased perceptions of dangerousness, and decreased desired social distance. In addition, the intervention was efficacious in maintaining reduced desired social distance relative to the control at 1‐month post‐intervention. Finally, empathic concern was found to mediate the relationship between the Photovoice‐based video and reduced mental illness stigma, suggesting that one way the intervention reduced mental illness stigma was by eliciting empathy in the viewer.  相似文献   

Aims: The present study was intended to examine how a particular client disclosure came about and what made it important to the client. Method: A client‐identified significant therapy event involving disclosure of childhood abuse was analysed using Comprehensive Process Analysis (CPA), a qualitative interpretive method for examining the process, effects and context of significant events in therapy. Results: The analysis identified therapist invitation and client universalisation as the key elements of the disclosure event. The context analysis showed how the event linked to the client's symbolisation of her fear earlier in the session and in the previous session. The client gained insight into how the earlier abuse had affected her life, linking it to the victimisation that was her primary reason for seeking therapy, and to her relationship with her mother. The therapist facilitated the event by following up the client's hints, trusting the strength of the alliance, and staying close to the client's frame of reference. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the initial significance of an invited disclosure event may diminish for a client over the course of therapy.  相似文献   

Anxiety-related responding to, and recovery from, a 5-min 10% carbon dioxide-enriched air presentation among 80 participants with no history of psychopathology was examined. Half of participants were instructed to suppress challenge-induced emotional responses, whereas their matched counterparts were instructed to observe such responses. Responding from immediately post-challenge through a 10-min recovery period was analyzed as a function of Anxiety Sensitivity-Physical Concerns and experimental condition using individual growth curve modeling. Anxiety Sensitivity-Physical Concerns moderated the effect of suppression only on emotion valence during recovery. In terms of main effects, suppression resulted in increased heart rate during recovery and Anxiety Sensitivity-Physical Concerns was positively associated with post-challenge self-reported anxiety. Results are discussed in terms of the potential role of inhibition-oriented affect regulation processes in the etiology of panic disorder.  相似文献   

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