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The field of vocational psychology is replete with schemata for the determinants of career choice in adulthood (e.g., A. Roe, The psychology of occupations. New York: Wiley, 1956; D. E. Super, The psychology of careers. New York: Harper &Row, 1957; J. O. Crites, Vocational psychology: The study of vocational behavior and development. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969). A view not given much weight in empirical research in this area is that of psychoanalytic theory relating career choice to unresolved childhood conflicts and their derivatives. To examine the validity of this psychoanalytic prediction, students' Rorschach protocols were analyzed to yield an index of frustrated oral needs. The students were given decks of careers to rank from most to least preferable. Results showed that the ranking of the oral careers was a function of the Rorschach index of frustrated oral needs for women only but not for men.  相似文献   

The authors used gender and culture to examine the theory that touching behavior is an expression of dominance. Participants were 120 men and women from Italy, the Czech Republic, and the United States. The authors examined both hand touches and nonhand touches. For hand touches, there was a significant gender-by-culture interaction in that Czech men as a group touched more than any of the other groups. For nonhand touches, Czech and Italian women and Italian men as groups touched significantly more than any of the other groups. Taken in cultural context, these results seem to support the dominance theory for touches with the hand but not for nonhand touches. The authors discussed implications and future directions.  相似文献   

情境事件、关系取向与人际关系满意感的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵菊  佐斌 《心理学探新》2008,28(3):88-92
该文采用问卷方法探讨了情境事件、情绪和关系取向与人际关系满意感的关系。研究结果显示,年龄、性别和职业均影响着人们对关系满意感两个维度的评价。消极事件直接影响个体对关系不满意维和满意维的评价,导致个体的不满意感产生,而积极事件则只能通过情绪间接的影响着个体对关系的评价。关系缘分观能够解释人际关系满意感。结论:情境事件和关系取向均影响着人们对自身人际关系满意感的评价。  相似文献   

The study aims were to identify the interpersonal style characteristics of Vietnam Era veterans by comparison with World War II veterans. The sample included 3,075 veterans in treatment in 47 VA health care facilities. Patients were categorized as medical-surgical, psychiatric, and drug addicted, and divided by age into the 24 or less, and the 45 to 55 age groups. The measuring device was the Interpersonal Style Inventory. Group differences on the 17 scores were tested by discriminant function analyses. The Vietnam Era veterans were found to be more rebellious, mistrustful, adventure-seeking and expedient than the older veterans.  相似文献   

Self-touching is defined as self-directed touches, e.g., scratching or rubbing, that have no apparent conscious motivation. Earlier research on self-touching focused on internal processes associated with self-touching, e.g., mental conflict, while more recent research has considered external motivators, such as an auditory or visual presentation of a provocative stimulus, e.g., leeches. Here, 110 undergraduate psychology students (68 women, 42 men; M age = 18.7 yr., SD = 1.0) were shown a video about chiggers to replicate previous findings, while simultaneously studying the social influence of self-touching modeled by the presenter. A significant interaction was found as modeled self-touching significantly increased participants' self-touching when they were also attending to the video about chiggers. The results are discussed in terms of potential processes underlying this behavior and directions for research.  相似文献   

Subjects in five experiments matched tangible braille against a visible matching code. In Experiment 1, braille recognition suffered when entire lines of braille characters were tilted in varying amounts from the upright. Experiment 2 showed that tilt lowered performance for tangible, large embossed letters, as well as for braille. However, recognition was better for print letters than it was for braille. In Experiment 3, subjects attempted to match the upright array against embossed braille that was left/right reversed, inverted up/down, or rotated +180 degrees. Performance was close to that for normal braille in the left/right reversal condition, and very low for the +180 degrees rotation group. These results on braille tilt in the "picture plane" may reflect difficulty in manipulating the tangible "image." Braille recognition performance was not lowered when the visible matching array was tilted -45 degrees or -90 degrees from the upright but the tangible stimuli were upright. In Experiment 4, recognition of left/right reversed braille that was physically horizontal (on the bottom of a shelf) was compared with that of braille left/right reversed due to its location on the back of a panel, in the vertical plane. Braille recognition accuracy was higher with braille located vertically. An additional experiment showed the beneficial effect of locating braille in the vertical, frontoparallel plane, obtained with +90 degree rotated braille. It is proposed that optimal tactual performance with tangible arrays might depend on touching position, and on the physical position of stimuli in space. Just as there are good and poor viewing positions, there may be optimal touching positions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

There are distinct but legitimate notions of both personal justification and interpersonal justification. Interpersonal justification is definable in terms of personal justification. A connection is established between good argumentation and interpersonal justification.  相似文献   

What is one who takes normativity seriously to do if normativity can neither be discovered lurking out there in the world independently of us nor can it be sufficiently grasped from a merely explanatory perspective? One option is to accept that the normative challenge cannot be met and to retreat to some form of moral skepticism. Another possibility has recently been proposed by Christine Korsgaard in The Sources of Normativity where she aims to develop an account of normativity which is grounded in autonomy. Furthermore, she argues that on her account reasons are "essentially public" and that this captures how it is that we can obligate one another. In this paper I argue that there is a serious tension between her account of normativity and the publicity of reasons-namely, that if reasons are essentially public, then it is not possible for individuals to legislate laws for themselves. However, I then argue that if we revise her conception of normativity such that it is understood to involve collective rather than individual legislation that it may then be possible to account for interpersonal reasons.  相似文献   

The relations among behavioral complementarity, interpersonal rigidity, as indicated by the Interpersonal Adjective Checklist (IAS, Wiggins, 1995) vector score, and interpersonal distress, as indicated by the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP, Horowitz, Rosenberg, Baer, Ureno, & Villasenor, 1988), were examined in two studies. In Study 1, 214 undergraduates viewed videotapes depicting different interactions and then provided their responses. In Study 2, 122 undergraduates interacted in randomly paired dyads on a mutual task. These interactions were videotaped and the interchanges were rated using the Interpersonal Communication Ratings Scale (ICRS, Strong, Hills, & Nelson, 1988). The extent to which each participant demonstrated complementary behavior was determined. Results of the studies demonstrated support for interpersonal rigidity as related to complementarity and as a moderator of the adaptability of behavior. Further complementarity was a mediator in the behavioral rigidity–interpersonal distress relation.  相似文献   

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