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《黄帝阴符经》或《阴符经》是道教传统中一部极为主要的文本。虽然文本作者不详,而且篇幅短小、语义晦涩,但自唐代以来一直被当作奇书,引发多种注释与解读:内丹修炼抑或兵家谋略。本文以(唐)李荃注释本为主,阐述《阴符经》有关阴阳、生杀、机时、五贼、三盗等所涵盖的道家/道教的本体-宇宙观,并以此论述就有关暴力与战争议题所展示的道教伦理观。笔者认为,《阴符经》在重玄思辨中,强调道教"治身治国"的理念,其暗含的"义战"思想亦带有一定的黄老印记。  相似文献   

沙盘游戏疗法自20世纪90年代末引进我国以来,在临床实践方面呈逐渐深化的趋势.研究者们主要以箱庭特征和个案研究为主要方法,考察沙盘游戏疗法在不同心理疾病中的治疗效果,本文主要回顾了沙盘游戏疗法在临床实践中的疗效和诊断评估研究,证明了沙盘游戏疗法在我国也是一种有效的心理治疗方法,并对今后沙盘游戏疗法的发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

The paper first demonstrates the ability to provode objective data and analyses during war and then examines the need for such objective gathering of data and analysis in the context of mass violence and war, specifically in the 2009 Gaza War. That data and analysis is required to assess compliance with just war norms in assessing the conduct of the war, a framework quite distinct from human rights norms that can misapply and deform the application of norms such as proportionality and obligations not to target civilians.  相似文献   

箱庭疗法的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张日昇  耿柳娜 《心理科学》2003,26(2):354-355
箱庭疗法在国内又称沙盘疗法或沙箱疗法 ,是一种将分析心理学理论和游戏疗法相结合的心理疗法。在箱庭疗法实施过程中 ,让来访者选择一些模型 (玩具 )摆放在特定的沙箱里构成一些场景 (作品 ) ,以表现自己个性和社会性的多个层面 ,咨询者极为关注来访者对其具有象征意义作品的特有解释。箱庭疗法能帮助来访者区分内心世界和外部世界 ,促使无意识的心理内容直接转化为有意识的行动 ,进而澄清来访者的问题。 193 9年英国伦敦的小儿科医生Lowenfeld创始了箱庭疗法 ,当时称为“世界技法”。随后 ,Erikson、Buhler和Cal…  相似文献   

太平天国战争在中国近代史上影响深远,西方学界对此却鲜少研究。太平天国运动始于宗教信仰的宣传,其宗教信仰的深层本质在学界引起诸多讨论。本文关注的重点则在于战争期间,属于清政府的忠君派儒家文人的宗教信仰表现方式。流传于19世纪末的末日浩劫说历史悠久,本文回顾了末日浩劫说的历史渊源,着重分析了清代,尤其是太平天国战争期间文人辑编的宝卷善书,指出在乩文中,暴力来自于天劫,这种救劫思想反映了当时中国社会的现实,也推动了历史发展。  相似文献   


This research aimed to identify signs suggesting psychotrauma in Sandplay scenarios of unaccompanied asylum-seeking adolescents in the Netherlands. The Sandplay method involves the client constructing a three-dimensional scenario in a standardised sand tray, indicating representations of one’s experiences, emotions, and life events. The first Sandplay of 12 adolescents (equally girls/boys ages 15–17 years from African origin) referred to mental health treatment were analysed. Participants signed an informed consent for research. The material investigated procedure reports and photographs of the Sandplay scenarios; the analysis included titles, clients’ commentaries, themes, and contents of the scenarios. Results have shown common use of vehicles, animal, and soldier miniatures, with little engagement with the sand. Most of the scenarios suggested psychological wounding being incomplete representational and mixed, aggressive, empty, closed, and disorganised, displaying the need for protection and nurturance. The most common themes also indicated psychological trauma, presenting elements of emptiness, threatening, and split. The results confirmed literature related to psychotrauma, although Sandplay research with adolescents is rare in the field. Therefore, this research contributes to the understanding of psychotrauma, supporting the use of Sandplay as a nonverbal psychological assessment method for early diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder in that population.  相似文献   

箱庭在心理咨询实践和实证研究中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,箱庭研究在心理咨询实践和实证研究领域有了长足的发展。当前箱庭研究领域的热点是融合以上两方面的研究,使其互相补充,共同推进箱庭疗法有效地融入心理咨询与治疗领域的主流。  相似文献   

Sandplay in Jungian analysis: matter and symbolic integration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jung described a way of thinking, tied to sensations and feelings, that is a thought connected to the body. Again in The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Jung (1954) speaks of the symbol as a 'live body', corpus et anima. If the mind cannot credit itself with the discomfort that manifests through the body, this is a sign of a separation between mind and body. A consequence of all this is the literalization of the discomfort which makes it impossible to have a symbolic dimension. Therapy activates a process in which the patient can move from a stage of separation to a possible connection between mind and body, resulting in changes in the level of communication and of awareness. The mind opens itself to symbolization and the body becomes a field for a common language. From our reflections we have come to ascertain that we can speak of analysis only when an imaginary space is achieved, an intermediate space between the patient and the analyst, a space that is created from the intertwining of the symbolic capability of the patient with that of the analyst. Focusing our attention on the use of sandplay in analytic therapy, we know that one puts in the sand box objects that are marks of our psyche, visible traits that contain actions, corporeal movements and feelings. When one focuses on the overall representation built, one can go beyond the literal image and the analyst, keeping alive the image through his symbolic capability, opens the possibility of a dialogue with the symbolic dimension. The imagination as a symbolic thought is the humus that allows the analyst to maintain the intermediate symbolic level open by activating a symbolic process within the dialectic of the analysis.  相似文献   

本文作者于1998年将箱庭疗法介绍到中国,立足于东方文化和中国传统园林盆景艺术的精髓,探讨箱庭疗法在中国文化背景下的适用性.先后在北京师范大学、河北大学、辽宁师范大学、天津师范大学建立了箱庭治疗室,开展心理临床实践,并在<心理科学>上发表国内第一篇"箱庭疗法"的综述文章、个案报告和基础研究报告,其专著<箱庭疗法>亦将由人民教育出版社出版.这期间还成功地培养了一批从事心理咨询及箱庭疗法工作的心理咨询师,箱庭疗法在心理临床中的有效性已得到了验证,在中国心理学临床应用中将发挥重要作用并不断得到发展.  相似文献   

箱庭疗法在灾后心理援助与辅导中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了箱庭疗法引入灾后心理援助工作的在可行性,介绍了以"心"为主题的心理危机援助模式,并报告了存灾区活动板房内使崩箱庭疗法为一名初中一年级学生进行心理咨询的过程,还报告了一位女教师通过箱庭制作梳理负面情绪的过程,说明箱庭疗法可以作为灾后心理援助与辅导的重要方法.  相似文献   

The authors discuss interpersonal violence in the schools, along with specific roles that counselors can assume in intervening and creating solutions for change at different system levels.  相似文献   

The statistics are staggering: Approximately 22 veterans commit suicide every day. A previous study done just a few short years ago put the numbers at 38 a day. Why? It is in the pursuit of an answer that this article came to be written, and a mythological lens seemed to bring the most understanding and depth to the possible answer. Out of the four functions of myths, it is the metaphysical one that helps us the most with understanding the causes and conditions of PTSD and the most profound reasons for suicide. With the help of philosophers such as Schopenhauer and Kant, we pierce the veil of the temporal forms of sensibility and experience the oneness of all life, as the soldier experiences it in the moment of life and death, the moment of killing. With the help of Martin Buber, we observe these veterans coming to a metaphysical understanding of a spiritual nature that they cannot undo. This truth is both the root of their suffering and the key to their healing.  相似文献   


This article focuses on expressions of resilience in a sample of 30 women from El Salvador and Guatemala who survived multiple types of violence, including war trauma, before taking refuge in the US. Traumatic impact, recovery, and resilience were assessed using the Multidimensional Trauma Recovery and Resilience Interview (MTRR-I) and rating scale, MTRR-99. Exposure to violence was assessed by the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire and the MTRR-I. The study established that the women had suffered multiple and extreme forms of violence prior to and en route to the United States and yet were highly resilient on multiple MTRR domains when compared with a US sample. Implications for future research for assessment of trauma exposure and resilience among war-afflicted populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Domestic violence is a significant issue for the United States and internationally. Although many social workers may desire to work in the domestic violence field, such work is far more difficult and challenging than many social workers would expect. In fact, many domestic violence workers are abused by their clients or their clients' family members in the course of their work. The purpose of this article is to clarify why examining client violence toward workers in the domestic violence field is critically important, describe the current state of the research, and discuss recommendations for future research in this area.  相似文献   

In her recent book, Violence and the Philosophical Imaginary (2012), Ann Murphy suggests that the philosophical imaginary, in particular that of contemporary continental philosophy, is imbued with images of violence (2012, 117). The concept of the philosophical imaginary is drawn from the work of Michèle Le D?uff to explore the role of images of violence in philosophy. Murphy sets the language of violence, reflexivity, and critique against that of vulnerability, ambiguity and responsibility. Her concern is that images of violence have become and may become more ‘neutralised, domesticated or eroticised’ in objectionable ways (2012, 3). There is no doubt Murphy has isolated and highlighted a striking feature of the continental imaginary in a clear and thoughtful way. My paper takes Murphy’s argument further by elaborating a Le D?uffian argument that theorises the reversal of priority from violent language to the violence of language. I take Murphy’s injunction for attention and sensitivity seriously by examining the language of violence and exposing that which is unfamiliar, what has become incorporated and what is revealed by the language that is used. The language of the third Reich and the language of the Rwandan genocide will be briefly compared to demonstrate these points. Our responsibility is to recognise the use of euphemism and metaphor to sometimes cover and sometimes blatantly advertise the horrifying truth. The focus on violence in philosophical language can lead us away from the violence of genocidal language and other violent language that philosophers, like all responsible people, are called to witness.  相似文献   

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