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吴莹皓  蒋晶 《心理科学进展》2018,26(9):1680-1688
经济学理性人假说判定, 个体对同一个事物的认知和需求不会随事物表征方式以及个体信息处理方式的改变而改变。同时, 消费者旨在运用最低成本获得最大收益, 实现经济效用最大化。然而消费者行为领域的学者对此提出了相反的主张。他们指出, 当个体解读刺激物数量化属性时, 不仅会对用不同数字和单位表征的同一数量判断出现偏差, 还会受到数字启动的影响, 对用不同数字表示的同一商品产生不同的需求, 甚至做出违反经济效用最大化的决策, 产生了数字效应。不同的心理机制对数字效应如何导致消费者非理性行为进行了解释。在此基础上, 对数字效应在消费者行为领域的未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Effects of consumer motives on search behavior using internet advertising.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Past studies on uses and gratifications theory suggested that consumer motives affect how they will use media and media contents. Recent advertising research has extended the theory to study the use of Internet advertising. The current study explores the effects of consumer motives on their search behavior using Internet advertising. The study employed a 2 by 2 between-subjects factorial experiment design. A total of 120 subjects were assigned to an experiment condition that contains an Internet advertisement varying by advertising appeals (i.e., rational vs. emotional) and product involvement levels (high vs. low). Consumer search behavior (measured by the depth, breadth, total amount of search), demographics, and motives were collected by post-experiment questionnaires. Because all three dependent variables measuring search behavior were conceptually related to each other, MANCOVA procedures were employed to examine the moderating effects of consumer motives on the dependent variables in four product involvement-advertising appeal conditions. Results indicated that main effects for product involvements and advertising appeals were statistically significant. Univariate ANOVA also showed that advertising appeals and product involvement levels influenced the total amount of search. Three-way interactions among advertising appeals, product involvement levels, and information motive were also statistically significant. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

  • Grounded in the cognitive framework of processing fluency, this study proposes further support for the experiential perspective in aesthetics by positing that aesthetic response to the same object may be malleable, depending on how the symbolic properties of the object interact with different cultural contexts which either facilitate or debilitate the processing experience of the perceiver. The study employed an Internet experiment to test the hypotheses among 105 female Hispanic college‐aged students enrolled at a large midwestern university. The findings revealed that symbolic attributes of products interact with cultural contexts to affect aesthetic judgments of (Hispanic) consumers. Aesthetic judgments were more positive when evaluating culturally symbolic product attributes after exposure to congruent contextual cues that facilitate fluent processing. The study furnishes support for the impact of environment/context on consumer behavior and aesthetic judgment, thus establishing further support for the cognitive framework of conceptual fluency in explaining aesthetic response. The study also contributes to recent literature on “frame‐switching” among bicultural consumers by suggesting that these consumers navigate between competing cultural frames in response to visual primes, with resultant shifts in aesthetic judgments. Important marketing insights emerge from these findings.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nine-month-old babies were presented a manual search problem in which toys were hidden in one of two containers, and then the containers were transposed. Over a series of training trials either two, one, or no cues were perfectly correlated with the location of the toy. The infants' first searches became more accurate over training trials in conditions with consistent container and/or position cues. In the final training trial block search performance was best with two cues, intermediate with one cue, and least accurate in the no-cue condition. In a subsequent reversal procedure, in which the toy was placed in the previously unused hiding place, the number of correct first searches also differed according to the nature of cues available across hidings. The implications for learning the concept of object permanence are discussed.  相似文献   

People have difficulty sighting missing persons, partially because people's limited cognitive resources are required for searching. As a result, people sometimes do not devote resources to searching. This research will examine whether empathy increases the resources devoted to searching and search performance. In Experiment 1, we will manipulate empathy toward a formerly missing person and measure willingness to volunteer to search and actual search performance. In Experiment 2, we will manipulate empathy felt toward a missing person. We will measure the time participants spend studying the missing person's photograph. We hypothesize that participants induced to feel empathy will indicate more willingness to search (Exp 1 & 2), put more effort toward searching (Exp 1), and spend more time studying the photograph (Exp 2) than those not induced to feel empathy. If empathy increases search effort and performance, it could be induced in actual missing persons cases to increase recovery rates.  相似文献   

Nine- and sixteen-month-old infants were repeatedly presented a manual search problem in which a toy was hidden in one of two containers, which were then moved into reach. The distinctiveness of the containers or their closeness during the movement was varied in different conditions. Overall, the older infants performed better than younger infants, performance improved across trials, and there were more correct searches when the containers or trajectories were distinctive. Analyses of visual orienting indicated that infants learned to restrict their looking to the hiding place. The ability to maintain attention to discriminative cues may be instrumental to progress in delayed-reaction and object permanence tasks.  相似文献   

Prior research on regret has assumed a consideration set of only two-alternatives. The authors have relaxed that assumption and have developed hypotheses to examine the influence of the unawareness set and order effects in the measurement of consumer regret in a post-purchase evaluation. The results demonstrated that the brands consumers were previously unaware of, do indeed influence consumer regret, especially in a post-purchase upward comparison situation (comparing to superior unknown brands); this was not the case in a post-purchase downward comparison situation (comparing to inferior unknown brands). Order effects were also found to moderate consumer regret.  相似文献   

消费者能够基于长期形成的联结产生预期并引导产品搜索。然而,在实际搜索过程中,消费者可能会遭遇符合预期的经验或违反预期的经验。本研究主要探讨基于不同产品搜索经验的联想学习影响消费行为的机制,主要涉及(1)消费者是否会基于产品搜索经验的联想学习产生“违反预期”的预期,并且影响随后搜索中的注意加工;(2)违反预期和符合预期的产品搜索经验对任务无关信息的联想学习所产生的影响,同时关注先前短期的联想学习能否建立预期从而引导随后的产品注意搜索过程;(3)基于产品搜索经验的联想学习对产品偏好的影响,并将行为偏好和大脑奖赏进行联系。本研究有助于阐明消费情境中产品搜索对消费者行为和大脑的影响机制,为营销应用中通过改变消费体验、促进产品购买提供实证依据。  相似文献   

This research investigates the effects of affect and cognition in consumers' information processing of branded content on Facebook pages. A model was suggested to delve into the elaboration process leading to consumer attitude formation. A 2 (purchase‐decision involvement: low versus high) × 2 (product categories: hedonic versus utilitarian) × 2 (sources of Facebook posts: brand posts versus consumer posts) between‐subjects experiment was conducted online. The validated model demonstrates the main effects that affective elaboration significantly supersedes cognitive elaboration in forming attitudes toward the posts and attitudes toward the brand. Post hoc analyses show further evidence of the interaction effects that affective elaboration is the dominant influencer when consumers process brand‐related information in Facebook posts across situations. Theoretical implications for future research and managerial suggestions for social media marketing are discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is well established that visual search becomes harder when the similarity between target and distractors is increased and the similarity between distractors is decreased. However, in models of visual search, similarity is typically treated as a static, time-invariant property of the relation between objects. Data from other perceptual tasks (e.g., categorization) demonstrate that similarity is dynamic and changes as perceptual information is accumulated (Lamberts, 1998). In three visual search experiments, the time course of target-distractor similarity effects and distractor-distractor similarity effects was examined. A version of the extended generalized context model (EGCM; Lamberts, 1998) provided a good account of the time course of the observed similarity effects, supporting the notion that similarity in search is dynamic. Modeling also indicated that increasing distractor homogeneity influences both perceptual and decision processes by (respectively) increasing the rate at which stimulus features are processed and enabling strategic weighting of stimulus information.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of team strategic orientation on team member perceptions, work strategy and information search. In Experiment 1, 80 teams worked on a hidden profile decision-making task. A defensive team strategic orientation increased members’ perceptions of the problem’s scope, leading to a more process-focused work strategy and broader information search compared to an offensive team strategic orientation. When teams needed critical information from the environment, defensive teams outperformed offensive teams; offensive teams performed better when critical information resided within the team. In Experiment 2, these findings were replicated with 92 teams performing a different decision task. When making a second decision, half of the teams were led to change their strategic orientation; teams shifting from offense to defense altered their information search behavior more readily than did teams shifting in the opposite direction, suggesting an asymmetric adaptation effect.  相似文献   

In visual search tasks, the relative proportions of target-present and -absent trials have important effects on behavior. Miss error rates rise as target prevalence decreases (Wolfe, Horowitz, & Kenner, Nature 435, 439-440, 2005). At the same time, search termination times on target-absent trials become shorter (Wolfe & Van Wert, Current Biology 20, 121-124, 2010). These effects must depend on some implicit or explicit knowledge of the current prevalence. What is the nature of that knowledge? In Experiment 1, we conducted visual search tasks at three levels of prevalence (6%, 50%, and 94%) and analyzed performance as a function of "local prevalence," the prevalence over the last n trials. The results replicated the usual effects of overall prevalence but revealed only weak or absent effects of local prevalence. In Experiment 2, the overall prevalence in a block of trials was 20%, 50%, or 80%. However, a 100%-valid cue informed observers of the prevalence on the next trial. These explicit cues had a modest effect on target-absent RTs, but explicit expectation could not explain the full prevalence effect. We conclude that observers predict prevalence on the basis of an assessment of a relatively long prior history. Each trial contributes a small amount to that assessment, and this can be modulated but not overruled by explicit instruction.  相似文献   

The ability to successfully search for an invisibly displaced object is frequently assumed to relate to the emergence of mental representation at around 2 years of age. However, little is known about what is actually being measured in the typical “stage 6” object permanence search task. Two studies examined the effects of task factors and practice on invisible displacements and systematic search tasks to show that simple variations in ways of hiding an object change the child's ability to find it. Experiment 1 compared two common methods of presenting invisible displacements items to 36 children, approximately 2 years of age. One task was significantly easier than the other, despite the fact that they contained identical items that varied only in their order of presentation. Experiment 2 tested the effects of short-term practice on 18- and 24-month-olds' success on invisible displacements trials and on two systematic search tasks. Results indicate that too little practice inhibited performance in 18-month-olds, but that practice beyond an optimum level did not further affect their scores. In contrast, 24-month-olds continued to benefit from increased practice until they reached the maximum possible score. The findings are interpreted to mean that invisible displacements tasks may require only sensorimotor search strategies rather than representation. The findings also have implications for (a) research that attempts to relate object permanence to other variables and (b) programs that use object permanence as an assessment or screening measure.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of emotion priming on visual search in participants characterised for different levels of social anxiety. Participants were primed with five facial emotions (angry, fear, happy, neutral, and surprised) and one scrambled face immediately prior to visual search trials involving finding a slanted coloured line amongst distractors, as reaction times and accuracy to target detection were recorded. Results suggest that for individuals low in social anxiety, being primed with an angry, surprised, or fearful face facilitated visual search compared to being primed with scrambled, neutral or happy faces. However, these same emotions degraded visual search in participants with high levels of social anxiety. This study expands on previous research on the impact of emotion on attention, finding that amongst socially anxious individuals, the effects of priming with threat extend beyond initial attention capture or disengagement, degrading later visual search.  相似文献   

The effects of search criteria upon recall performance following a word classification task were investigated. Rival hypotheses were tested, one based on the number of cues available at retrieval and the other on the amount of processing carried out during classification. After being presented with two-component category names, subjects classified words on the basis of either category membership or the number of semantic components the words shared with a target category, and then they received an unexpected recall test. Experiment 1 favored an amount-of-processing explanation, but it was felt that redundancy in the stimulus materials might invalidate this conclusion. Experiment 2 confirmed this suspicion and clearly supported an explanation in terms of retrieval cue availability. The notion of partial semantic processing of words is discussed, and it is argued that the number of congruent encodings formed during classification can be used as an index of elaboration and subsequent memory performance.  相似文献   

Rauschenberger and Yantis (2006) observed that an intersecting circle-line combination enjoyed significantly greater search efficiency when it was oriented to resemble a "Q" than when it was oriented so that the intersecting line was vertical (cf. Treisman and Souther, 1985). Although a control experiment made it unlikely that the obliqueness of the line was responsible for the observed benefit, there was no direct evidence that this benefit was attributable to the "Q-ness" of the stimulus. In the present study, a subset of Rauschenberger and Yantis's experiments was repeated with Chinese subjects, who had never been exposed to the Latin alphabet. For these subjects, there was no benefit for the"Q"-like stimulus, in contrast to the results of Rauschenberger and Yantis's study. These results show that a simple 45 degrees rotation of a stimulus can affect search efficiency significantly--but only when this rotation bestows meaning, or familiarity, to that stimulus.  相似文献   

The following research focuses on fragrance (sense of smell) as a primary driver in consumer choice. The fragrance industry is also discussed, along with the impact of atmospherics and the surrounding environment on the consumer. A case study on bar soaps shows how changes to the product fragrance or packaging can affect the purchase decision. The learning and recommendations apply directly to the formation of marketing strategy and are particularly important to categories such as body cleaning and other categories where fragrance is a primary driver in consumer choice, as well as (to a lesser extent) any products that are (or might be potentially) fragranced. The findings affect the ultimate product packaging, colour, appearance and fragrance. Copyright © 2003 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

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