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内隐自尊是内隐社会认知的重要组成部分,一直受到国内外学者的关注。要研究内隐自尊,首先要能对其进行有效的测量。本文总结了前人研究内隐自尊时所采用的一些测量方法,主要包括基于启动任务的几种方法,Stroop颜色命名任务,字母和生日数字偏好任务,内隐联想测验及其变式,自我统觉测验等。  相似文献   

心理疾病内隐污名是个体无法内省或精确识别的与心理疾病有关的痕迹, 它潜在地调节着个体对心理疾病患者的观念和行为。心理疾病内隐污名的主要测量方法包括内隐联想测验、简式内隐联想测验、启动任务和生理心理测量。当前该研究领域集中在内隐污名的成分、公众内隐污名、自我内隐污名、去污名化评估等方面。未来研究可从心理疾病内隐污名的构成与结构、认知神经基础、测量整合和本土化等角度做进一步探讨。  相似文献   

内隐自尊的研究趋势及测量方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张镇  李幼穗 《心理科学》2004,27(4):961-963
内隐自尊是社会认知研究的新领域。本文主要回顾了内隐自尊研究的趋势及测量方法的进展。内隐自尊的研究趋势主要表现为:内隐与外显自尊研究对照进行;应用性研究初步开展;研究方法的不断更新;与其它社会认知结构的关系;与行为的关系等。目前在研究方法上以反应时范式为主,最常用是内隐联想测验,还包括阈上语义启动、阈下语义启动、姓名字母与数字偏爱、Stroop颜色命名任务、内隐自我评价调查和外部情绪性Simon任务等。  相似文献   

内隐社会认知(implicit social cognition)是指在社会认知过程中虽然个体不能回忆某一过去经验(如用自我报告法或内省法),但这一经验潜在地对个体的行为和判断产生影响。内隐社会认知研究采用的是内隐记忆的间接测量技术和方法,使原来行为主义、精神分析学派等无法实证研究的内部心理过程得到了直接的实验室观察。将人的认知过程的两个方面结合起来考察,具有更为全面的理论基础。随着内隐记忆研究方法的不断进步与创新,内隐社会认知已成为社会认知领域的一个研究热点。  相似文献   

内隐社会认知(implicit social cognition)是指在社会认知过程中虽然个体不能回忆某一过去经验(如用自我报告法或内省法),但这一经验潜在地对个体的行为和判断产生影响。内隐社会认知研究采用的是内隐记忆的间接测量技术和方法,使原来行为主义、精神分析学派等无法实证研究的内部心理过程得到了直接的实验室观察。将人的认知过程的两个方面结合起来考察,具有更为全面的理论基础。随着内隐记忆研究方法的不断进步与创新,内隐社会认知已成为社会认知领域的一个研究热点。  相似文献   

通过视觉与组词任务启动范式的两个实验考察了利他人物形象与利他词语对利他行为的内隐启动效应。结果发现,完成利他人物形象视觉启动(实验1)与完成利他组词任务启动(实验2)的实验组被试,在独裁者分配任务中分配给他人的钱数显著多于控制组被试。研究结果表明:利他人物形象视觉和利他语义组词都可以使个体的利他行为被显著直接无意识启动,即内隐启动。研究对设计能更好地启动人们的利他行为的一般情境有重要的启示。  相似文献   

采用外部情绪性Simon任务(EAST)对109名大学生对代表自我和他人的刺激词的态度差异进行测量,从而探讨内隐自尊的特性。结果显示:在个体的认知图式中,对自我持有一种内隐的积极的评价或态度,对他人持有一种内隐的相对消极的评价或态度。具体表现在:(1)内隐自尊的特性是将自己与积极的评价和情感相联系,将他人与消极的评价和情感相联系;(2)自我姓名激活的积极的内隐自我态度比一般性自我词更为强烈,而他人姓名激活的消极的内隐态度比一般性非我词更弱。本研究表明,EAST能有效检测出内隐自尊效应,并可以同时获得个体对自我和他人的内隐态度的强度和方向,为内隐自尊研究提供了一种新的有效的方法,但其应用仍需谨慎。  相似文献   

以41名大学生为被试,探讨智力因素和认知风格对内隐序列学习的影响。采用联合型瑞文推理测验和镶嵌图形测验分别测试智力水平和认知风格类型。用序列反应时任务测试内隐学习绩效,并以生成任务验证序列学习的内隐性。研究结果发现不同智力水平大学生的内隐学习绩效无显著差异;场依存型个体的内隐学习绩效显著高于场独立型个体。  相似文献   

第二外语的习得在当今社会变得越发重要,但是即使能熟练使用第二外语的个体在理解情绪性信息时,也会发现二外中的所含有的情绪强度远小于母语,这一现象得到了众多科学家的关注和研究。本文从情绪启动范式、情绪stroop范式、内隐翻译启动范式、情绪词汇判断任务和记忆任务这些不同的实验范式为视角,对这一领域的研究做出综述和展望。  相似文献   

基于反应时范式的内隐社会认知研究方法   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12  
三种新的内隐社会认知研究方法--IAT、GNAT和EAST,这些方法采用反应竞争任务,考察概念间的联结强度。IAT通过对个体在不同任务上的操作,考察不同目标与属性间的联系、GNAT考察某一特定对象和评价间的联系;EAST考察被试在一个任务上的操作来推断个体对目标的评价。  相似文献   

Priming is a well established tool for experimental examination of how mental representations drive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that has been widely used in adult research. Priming is also a well established technique in cognitive development research. Social development research, however, has rarely used priming as a research method despite evidence that this technique is promising for helping researchers untangle causal connections between children’s mental representations and children’s social development outcomes. This paper discusses how priming methods may yield important insights into the role that children’s mental representations of the social world play in children’s social functioning. We begin by discussing the theoretical conceptualization underlying priming and priming methods. We next review evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of priming techniques in child development research. We conclude by suggesting ways in which priming can inform future research in social development using research examining attachment, social-information-processing, gender development, and mood and mental health as examples.  相似文献   

刻板印象的自动激活实验研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
连淑芳 《心理科学》2004,27(1):95-96
本研究应用模糊主次评判方法配合语义启动技术进行实验。结果表明;在年龄刻板印象上存在自动激活,而且没有性别差异;用不同性质的启动词来激活与年龄有关的刻板印象,激活后的刻板印象对年龄的判断有不同的影响,而且被试没有一个人意识到这点,表明内隐刻板印象的存在;人的判断具有模糊性,模糊主次评判方法有助于社会认知领域的量化研究,这是一个全新的尝试。  相似文献   

We present two studies that together provide preliminary evidence to challenge the view that the relationship between adult attachment and mindfulness is bi-directional (Study 1: repeated measures design and Study 2: a repeated measures study examining the efficacy of attachment security priming and a mindfulness induction). Adult attachment anxiety emerged as a significant predictor of some facets of mindfulness, over time, but the reverse was not true. Priming attachment security increased state mindfulness of mind to a greater degree than a mindfulness induction or control. These findings challenge previous research suggesting that the relationship between adult attachment and mindfulness is bi-directional, suggesting that attachment orientation plays a causal role in the development of mindfulness.  相似文献   

阈上或者阈下的安全依恋启动可以使个体获得暂时的依恋安全感,并对个体的社会行为产生显著的影响。这种影响主要表现在个体会表现出更多的亲社会行为、揭露行为以及更少的欺骗、歧视行为和道德脱离行为。这可能是因为启动激活的依恋安全感迁移至外显行为。脑神经活动是迁移顺利发生的生理基础。今后的研究可以设置更具生态效度的实验条件,以其它社会行为为研究对象,或者结合当前研究提出的迁移视角,进一步探索安全依恋启动对社会行为的影响。  相似文献   

Although job seekers’ organizational image perceptions can influence attraction to recruiting organizations, little is known about how these perceptions are formed or modified. To address this research gap, the authors drew from research in social cognition theory and demonstrated that recruitment Web site characteristics influenced the development and modification of organizational image perceptions via a priming mechanism. Results of two studies showed that having technologically advanced Web site features and depicting racially diverse organizational members served as contextual primers and influenced participants’ organizational image perceptions. Results also revealed that participants’ familiarity with recruiting organizations moderated the effects of these Web site characteristics on several dimensions of organizational image such that effects were weaker for more familiar organizations. These findings suggest that organizations can manage job seekers’ organizational image perceptions through strategic recruitment Web site design; however, such attempts may be tempered by job seekers’ familiarity with the organization.  相似文献   

为了探讨锚定效应的产生前提以及基础锚定效应的理论解释,设计了两个实验。实验一选取高、低、无三种锚值,设置了15ms、45ms、75ms、1000ms四种呈现时间,结果发现只有15ms条件下未出现锚定效应,随着呈现时间增加,锚定效应不断增大,低锚下的锚定效应高于高锚下的锚定效应。实验二设置了语意相同但表述形式不同的两种水平的锚值,结果发现两者引发的锚定效应不同。锚定效应的产生前提是注意,数字启动假说可以更好地解释基础锚定效应。  相似文献   

We investigated whether circadian arousal affects perceptual priming as a function of whether stimuli were attended or ignored during learning. We tested 160 participants on- and off-peak with regards to their circadian arousal. In the study phase, they were presented with two superimposed pictures in different colours. They had to name the pictures of one colour while ignoring the others. In the test phase, they were presented with the same and randomly intermixed new pictures. Each picture was presented in black colour in a fragment completion task. Priming was measured as the difference in fragmentation level at which the pictures from the study phase were named compared to the new pictures. Priming was stronger for attended than ignored pictures. Time of day affected priming only for ignored pictures, with stronger priming effects off-peak than on-peak. Thus, circadian arousal seems to favour the encoding of unattended materials specifically at off-peak.  相似文献   

Priming effects were tested on the planning of the grasping of common objects under full vision during action performance. Healthy participants took part in four experiments which manipulated the nature of the prime (objects, circular block, rectangular bar) and priming context (blocked vs. mixed). Each experiment relied on four priming conditions: (1) congruent orientation, (2) incongruent orientation, (3) neutral prime, and (4) no prime. Priming was observed to have a facilitating effect on visually guided grasping when the object to be grasped was primed by a congruently oriented identical object. This effect was rather independent of the priming context (experimental set-up). Our data suggest an object's functional identity may contribute to the priming effect, as well as its intrinsic (e.g., shape, size) and extrinsic (orientation) visual characteristics. We showed that the planning of visually guided grasping is influenced by prior visual experience, and thus that grasping is not based exclusively on real-time processing of visual information.  相似文献   

Priming typically increases behavioral enactments of primed constructs. The current work explored a novel mechanism for the behavioral effects of priming, termed the “accessibility as input” account. In two experiments, participants were nonconsciously primed and then completed anagrams until they judged themselves to have reached a particular state. Two different states, or stop rules, were specified, and were matched to the primed constructs such that the combination either implied that the state had been met (e.g., “slow” prime and “tired” stop rule) or had not been met (e.g., “fast” prime and “tired” stop rule). The priming and stop rule manipulations interacted to determine persistence on the anagram task. The results demonstrate that the heightened accessibility resulting from priming can be used as information about one’s current state in relation to situational requirements and, hence, can produce varying, contextually-dependent behavior.  相似文献   

The most common behavioral technique used to study infant perception, cognition, language, and social development is some variant of looking time. Since its inception as a reliable method in the late 1950s, a tremendous increase in knowledge about infant competencies has been gained by inferences made from measures of looking time. Here we examine the logic, utility, and future prospects for further gains in our understanding of infant cognition from the use of looking time measures.  相似文献   

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