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Reliability (internal consistency and test‐retest) and validity (construct and factorial) of the Orthogonal Cultural Identification Scale (OCIS; E. R. Oetting & F. Beauvais, 1990–1991) were evaluated in a sample of Asian American university students. Ethnic identification, measured using the OCIS, and acculturation, measured using the Suinn‐Lew Asian Self‐Identity Acculturation Scale (R. M. Suinn, K. Rickard‐Fugueroa, S. Lew, & P. Vigil, 1987), are hypothesized to measure related but separate constructs. Análisis de fiabilidad (consistencia interna y estabilidad temporal), y de validez (conceptual y factorial) de la Escala Ortagonal de Identificación Cultural (OCIS; E. R. Oetting & F. Beauvais, 1990–1991) fueron evaluados en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios Asiáticos Americanos. La identificación étnica fue medida usando la OCIS, y la aculturación fue medida usando la Escala de Identidad de Ser y Aculturación Asiática de Suinn‐Lew (R. M. Suinn, K. Rickard‐Figueroa, S. Lew, & P. Vigil, 1987). Se presenta la hipótesis que la identificación étnica y la aculturación miden conceptos separados que estan relacionados.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the cultural intelligence scale (CQS) in a Saudi Arabian context. The CQS was administered to a random sample of 553 undergraduate students at Hail University. Results of a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) supported the four‐factor structure of the CQS: cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, and behavioral. In addition, the results of a second‐order CFA indicated that these four factors can be further collapsed into one general factor. The CQS showed adequate internal consistency and test–retest reliability as well as convergent and discriminant validity. The results further revealed no significant differences between males and females. In sum, results suggest that the Arabic version of the CQS is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring an individual's intercultural intelligence.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychometric properties of a Chinese adaptation of the Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS; Simons & Gaher. Motivation and Emotion, 29, 83–102, 2005) among 5,423 (2,857 boys) Chinese adolescents. Results of the confirmatory factor analyses supported a hierarchical model encompassing four first-order factors: Tolerance, Absorption, Appraisal and Regulation, and one second-order factor, General Distress Intolerance, which was comprised of the first three first-order factors. Acceptable levels of internal consistency and 6-month test-retest reliability were demonstrated in the second-order and all first-order factors. The Chinese DTS also displayed good convergent and discriminant validity with negative emotion, emotion reactivity and maladaptive impulsive coping behaviors. Chinese adolescent girls possessed lower distress tolerance ability than their boy counterparts. Additionally, the strength of associations between distress tolerance and negative affectivity was larger in girls than in boys. This study suggests that the Chinese DTS appears to be a psychometrically sound measure of distress (in)tolerance among adolescents.  相似文献   

Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy - The current study developed the first translation and adaptation of the ICS (Insomnia Catastrophizing Scale) into European Portuguese,...  相似文献   

The Sex-Role Egalitarianism Scale (SRES) is an instrument reported to be both reliable and valid. SRES was normed primarily on a Caucasian population, and there is little research on its psychometric properties with other ethnic groups. SRES' abbreviated version (BB) was administered to 148 African American men and women. There were no significant differences found between the norming sample and the study's sample. However, significant differences were found between African American men and women at the .01 level with African American women having a more egalitarian attitude. Further research should administer the SRES to a larger, more heterogenous African American sample to further support the psychometric findings of this study. The SRES should also be studied with other ethnic groups.  相似文献   

The Perth Emotional Reactivity Scale (PERS) is a 30-item self-report measure of trait levels of emotional reactivity. In this article, we examine the psychometric properties of the PERS subscale and composite scores in an adult community sample (N = 428), and develop an 18-item short form of the measure (PERS–S). The PERS and PERS–S are designed to assess the typical ease of activation, intensity, and duration of one's emotional responses, and do so for positive and negative emotions separately. Our confirmatory factor analyses supported that the PERS and PERS–S both had the same theoretically congruent factor structure, and that all subscale and composite scores displayed high internal consistency reliability. Correlations with scores from established measures of psychopathology and emotion regulation also supported the validity of PERS and PERS–S scores. Our data therefore suggest that the PERS–S subscale and composite scores retain the psychometric strengths of their longer PERS counterparts. We conclude that both forms of the measure have good utility. Clinical and research applications are discussed.  相似文献   


The female appearance ideal has undergone considerable changes in recent years, resulting in increases in drive for muscularity among Brazilian women. The Female Muscularity Scale (FMS) was developed to assess muscularity concerns among U.S. women and was shown to be a promising measure of muscularity-related attitudes and behaviors. The present studies aimed to translate and culturally adapt the FMS to Brazilian Portuguese and to explore its factorial structure among Brazilian women (Study 1: n = 202, Mage = 24.40, SD = 5.03) and to confirm the factor structure as well as evaluate convergent and divergent validity and reliability of the FMS for young adult Brazilian women (Study 2: n = 382, Mage = 22.71, SD = 4.32). Exploratory factor analysis revealed a two-factor structure (Attitudes and Behaviors subscales), each comprising five items. Confirmatory factor analysis upheld the original two-factor structure with good fit indices. The full scale and its subscales presented convergent validity through associations with measures of body dissatisfaction, drive for muscularity, body-ideal internalization, body checking and avoidance behaviors, disordered eating, and exercise engagement. Evidence of divergent validity was obtained in relation to self-esteem and depressive symptoms. The Brazilian version of FMS also presented adequate values for internal consistency and 2-week test-retest reliability. These findings support the Brazilian version of the FMS as a useful tool for investigating muscularity-related aspects of body image and body change behaviors that are increasingly a source of concern for women.


Although cognitive appraisal, situational properties, and attributions are important parts of the stress process, few multidimensional measures are available to examine these constructs simultaneously. This paper investigates the properties of the Dimensions of Stress Scale (DSS). The DSS is a brief self-report questionnaire designed to assess appraisals of personal relevance (salience) and control; stressor properties (novelty, duration, and predictability); and self-attributions (causality). The items were derived theoretically, using the cognitive-phenomenological model of stress and the stress literature. Empirical support for the six dimensions (scales) was generated first on a sample of elderly individuals (n= 269) and then replicated on an independent sample of younger individuals (n= 162). In both investigations, the factor structure of five of the scales was shown to approximate a simple structure. Evidence of internal consistency and content validity was also provided. The scales’ construct validity was supported by their relationships with stressor type (e. g., physical health problems, relationships, work, finances, individuals with indeterminate Western Blots, and caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease), coping, and depressed mood. The DSS should be useful in examining stressful experiences.  相似文献   

We studied 205 low-income families, using the Family Needs Scale (FNS). Factor analysis of the FNS data resulted on a 7-factor solution with high internal consistency within the various subscales. We provide normative scores based on the factor structure of the FNS. A total of 53 parents completed the FNS on two occasions with an average of four weeks between these two ratings. In general, the test-retest reliabilities were low to moderate. A total of 61 pairs of parents independently rated their families with the FNS. Again, agreement between raters was low to moderate. Several factors that may have detracted from better test-retest and interrater reliability were identified. Our data point to the need for more psychometric studies with the FNS.  相似文献   

The 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) is a self-report questionnaire designed to measure the three components of alexithymia; difficulty identifying feelings in the self (DIF), difficulty describing feelings (DDF), and externally orientated thinking (EOT). We examined the scale’s psychometric properties in Australian nonclinical (N = 428) and psychiatric (N = 156) samples. In terms of factorial validity, confirmatory factor analyses found the traditional 3-factor correlated model (DIF, DDF, EOT) to be the best and most parsimonious solution, but it did not reach adequate levels of goodness-of-fit in either sample. Several EOT items loaded poorly on their intended factor, and a reverse-scored item method factor was present; the factor structure of the scale was invariant across both samples. A higher-order factor model (with a single higher-order factor) was slightly inferior to the correlated models, but still tenable. The total scale score and DIF and DDF subscales displayed sound internal consistency, but the EOT subscale did not. We conclude that the TAS-20 has, for the most part, adequate psychometric properties, though interpretation should focus only on the total scale score and DIF and DDF subscales; we recommend the EOT subscale score not be used. Implications for clinical use and future revision of the scale are discussed.  相似文献   

A number of studies have addressed the dimensionality and the measurement invariance of the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy scale (LSRP; Levenson, Kiehl, & Fitzpatrick, 1995). However, previous investigations exclusively relied on North American samples and mainly on statistical methods that assume data as normally and continuously distributed. The aim of this study was to further investigate dimensionality and differential item functioning for gender in the 26-item LSRP scale in a Brazilian population-based sample using analytical methods adequate for ordered categorical variables. Findings revealed strong evidence for a 2-factor model, similar to the original factor structure of the instrument. Only 3 items presented negligible differential functioning for gender. We address the implications of these results, and stress the need for expanding research on the measurement and structural invariance of the LSRP scale by means of cross-cultural investigations.  相似文献   

This study examines the basic psychometric properties of the Core Self-evaluations Scale (CSES) originally developed by Judge, Erez, Bono and Thoresen. To date, it is the only available instrument that permits a conceptually pure quantification of core self-evaluations. Factor structures, validity, internal reliability were examined for the two Chinese subsamples. The two-factor model was confirmed via exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. The invariance between students and non-students was supported. The CSES was found to have satisfactory internal reliability and test-retest reliability. The results of the present study are comparable with those obtained in previous work with measures of social support, emotional intelligence and life satisfaction and increase support for the validity of this instrument. The questionnaire can be used in Chinese adults.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of Turkish version of the General Belongingness Scale (GBS; Malone et al. in Personality and Individual Differences, 52(3):311–316, 2012). The adaptation process was carried out with four independent studies, examining the data from two Turkish universities. In study 1, linguistic equivalence of the scale was examined. In study 2, after ensuring the linguistic equivalence, construct, convergent and concurrent validity of the GBS were analyzed. In study 3, predictive validity of the GBS was examined in order to provide additional evidence for the construct validity of the scale. In study 4, the internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the GBS were investigated. The results of this study revealed that both two-factor structure (Acceptance/Inclusion and Rejection/Exclusion) and one-factor structure of the GBS were acceptable. The GBS demonstrated positive relations with social connectedness, social safeness, life satisfaction and subjective happiness while negative relations with loneliness. Results also revealed that extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, life satisfaction and subjective happiness were all positive predictors of the GBS. Finally, the results of the study indicated high levels of internal consistency and test retest reliability. These findings suggest that The GBS is suitable for use among Turkish youth. Suggestions for future research and for the use of the GBS were offered.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the dimensionality of a Greek-language version of the Sex Role Egalitarianism Scale—Form B (SRES-B) via confirmatory factor analysis. Using two different samples (undergraduates and community sample from Greece) data from 667 individuals were collected. Three models were specified: the five-factor model (marital, parental, social–interpersonal–heterosexual, employment, and educational roles); the two-factor model (Intimate and Formal); and the single-factor model (Global factor). The findings indicated that the two-factor model had the best fit. The corresponding alpha coefficients were .94 and .92 respectively, with .96 for the total scale. Results also showed that women, young individuals, well educated persons, and people residing in cities were more egalitarian. No differences between the two samples were found.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to adapt the Psychological Abuse Experienced in Groups Scale (PAEGS) for use in the Japanese population. This scale evaluates the frequency with which an individual has experienced psychologically abusive behaviors within a group. A questionnaire was administered to 130 former members of abusive groups and to a comparison sample composed of 124 former members of non‐abusive groups. The main results showed a one‐dimensional factor structure and an adequate reliability score. Significant correlations were found between the PAEGS and a group abusiveness measure, providing evidence of convergent validity. In addition, high discriminatory power was found, determining an optimal cut‐off point to distinguish between abusive experiences and non‐abusive experiences within groups. The Japanese version of the PAEGS is able to overcome limitations of previous instruments intended to assess the phenomenon, as sufficient empirical evidence is found for its use in research. In addition, it can be useful in clinical and legal contexts to assess the degree of psychological abuse experienced by Japanese people during their involvement in certain groups.  相似文献   

测量大学生的心理问题:GHQ-20的结构及其信度和效度   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
本研究对GHQ-20进行了结构分析并检验其对中国大学生被试的可信性和有效性。被试取自北京市两所高校的一至三年级大学生,共1142人。包括两个分研究,研究一(354名被试 )和研究二(788名被试)。研究一的因素分析提取出三个因子,它们被分别命名为三个不同的分量表:GHQ-自我肯定,GHQ-忧郁和GHQ-焦虑。两个研究结果均发现,GHQ-20的内部一致性满意,其三个分量表的内部一致性或者满意或者可接受。效度检验结果表明,GHQ-20及三个分量表均具有良好效度。基于上述结果,GHQ-20可以作为测量中国大学生心理问题的一个较为满意的工具,其分量表亦可作为测量中国大学生不同心理问题的较满意或至少是可用工具。  相似文献   

This research involved the development of a behavior rating scale designed to measure ADHD and the investigation of the scale's psychometric properties and factor structure. This scale, the ADHD Symptoms Rating Scale (ADHD-SRS), was developed for the assessment of ADHD in the school-age (K–12) population. Participants were 1006 children and adolescents (in grades K–12) who were rated by their parents and/or teachers. The results indicate that the ADHD-SRS possesses strong internal consistency reliability and test–retest reliability and moderate cross-informant reliability. The data also suggest that the ADHD-SRS has strong content validity. Convergent validity of this instrument was also high, as demonstrated by correlations with three previously validated behavior rating scales. Significant age and gender differences in ADHD symptoms were found with both the parent and teacher respondent populations. Finally, the factor analysis of the ADHD-SRS suggested a two factor oblique rotation as the best fit for both the parent and the teacher data. After a visual inspection of the items which loaded on each factor, Factor 1 was named Hyperactive-Impulsive and Factor 2 was named Inattention. These two factors, along with the items which loaded on each factor, appear to be remarkably similar to the two categories listed in the DSM-IV for ADHD. Directions for future research, as well as clinical implications and limitations of the research are discussed.  相似文献   

Rui Dong 《Ethics & behavior》2018,28(2):154-175
This study focuses on the reliability and validation of the Chinese version of the Moral Attentiveness Scale. Factor analysis confirmed that the scale includes two factors: perceptual moral attentiveness and reflective moral attentiveness. Moral attentiveness is negatively correlated with normlessness and positively associated with internalization and symbolization, moral identity, and other academic dishonesty behaviors. Reflective moral attentiveness moderated the relationship between formalism and unethical decision making. All results showed that the Chinese version of the Moral Attentiveness Scale has satisfactory psychometric properties and is a valid and reliable measurement of moral attentiveness in the Chinese population.  相似文献   

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