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This study examined perfectionism in a national sample of 178 counselor educators to explore why certain groups of counselor educators may be at greater risk for experiencing stress and burnout. In line with previous literature, latent profile analysis based on measures of perfectionism supported a 3‐class model (i.e., adaptive perfectionists, nonperfectionists, and maladaptive perfectionists). Maladaptive perfectionists had significantly higher levels of perceived stress, work‐related burnout, personal burnout, and student‐related burnout compared with adaptive perfectionists and nonperfectionists.  相似文献   

Psychodynamic group therapy offers many opportunities for members to identify, understand, and change the underlying problems, which lead to their aggressive behavior. In addition, group therapy can help to improve the members’ interpersonal relationships. The “Coping with Aggression” is comprised of three groups. A psychodynamic group of assaultive men made up the first group. The second group consisted of two leaders and a consultant whom the group members knew about but never actually met. The observers who sat outside the group made up the third group. Therapy contracts, boundaries, and leadership, and group process are discussed.  相似文献   

The traditional way to filter out the implausible candidate solutions to the semantic paradoxes is to appeal to the so-called “cost/benefit analyses.” Yet it is often tedious and controversial to carry out such analyses in detail. Facing this, it would be helpful for us to rely upon some principles to filter out at least something, if not everything, from them. The proposal in this paper is thereby rather simple: We may use principles of compositionality as a “filter” for this purpose. The paper has four sections. In Section 2, the author uses the filter to examine Kripke’s fixed-point theory and to thereby show how it works. In Section 3, the author gives more examples from the classical theories of truth to demonstrate the power of the filter. In Section 4, the author addresses the skepticism concerning whether there is any consistent or non-trivial theory of truth that can survive this filtering procedure. A “nearly sufficient” condition for a theory of truth to survive this test is discussed in order to show that at least some consistent or non-trivial theories of truth do indeed survive the filtering procedure.  相似文献   

The study of a weekly women's prayer group in a small northern English town discusses how participants resolve tensions which may arise from unanswered prayer. The most important mechanism in that process is the informal ‘chatting’ which precedes the period of formal prayer. The author concludes that women actively conduct a ‘ritual of theodicy’ to rescue their worldview from chaos. The participants maintain that they are directed by God's wisdom, not by their own actions.  相似文献   

Plagiarism is increasingly evident in business and academia. Though links between demographic, personality, and situational factors have been found, previous research has not used actual plagiarism behavior as a criterion variable. Previous research on academic dishonesty has consistently used self-report measures to establish prevalence of dishonest behavior. In this study we use actual plagiarism behavior to establish its prevalence, as well as relationships between integrity-related personal selection and workplace deviance measures. This research covers new ground in two respects: (a) That the academic dishonesty literature is subject to revision using criterion variables to avoid self bias and social desirability issues and (b) we establish the relationship between actual academic dishonesty and potential workplace deviance/white-collar crime.  相似文献   

A paucity of evidence for the validity of coping questionnaires prompted investigation of the Coping Strategy Indicator (CSI; Amirkhan, 1990), a self-report measure of three fundamental modes of coping that has already demonstrated considerable psychometric strength. Three tests of criterion-related validity were performed, with variations in both the types of stressors and respondents sampled. In the first, CSI scores were found to correspond to coping choices made under the threat of electric shock in a laboratory. In the second and third, the CSI correctly identified coping patterns associated with participation in educational and therapeutic programs in more natural settings. Results confirmed the validity and wide applicability of the CSI and suggested avenues for future basic and applied research.  相似文献   

随着考试事业的发展,标准参照测验(Criterion Referenced Test,CRT)也越来越多地受到人们的关注,但是它却陷入了用常模参照测验的方法来解释和报告分数的误区。该文从国内外重大标准参照测验CET-4&CET-6、HSK、GRE、CLEP等分数体系入手,通过对其分数体系的共同点分析,探讨出适合于标准参照测验的分数体系,最后指出目前一些测验的分数体系仍然存在的问题。  相似文献   

In this study the authors found that trait anxiety has a negative relationship with self-concept and a positive relationship with self-criticism and several life changes.  相似文献   

The present study assessed a short-term group treatment program using cognitive interventions focused on students’ procrastination. A structured 90-min session program was used with 10 students (5 female, 5 male; M age = 21.8, SD = 3.2) across 5 weeks. In the first and last session of the program participants completed a two reliable and valid procrastination scales, and then 8 weeks later in the follow up sessions filled out the same questionnaires. During the group sessions, participants identified their irrational thoughts as well as cognitive distortions associated with their procrastination tendencies. Results of a non-parametric Friedman Test revealed a significant decrease in participants’ academic procrastination score and general procrastination scores from the pre-test to follow-up test suggesting that the program was deemed to be successful.  相似文献   

This research investigates the validity of the stereotype of insanity defendants as malingerers by analyzing the proportions of insanity defendants who exaggerate psychopathology at the pre- and postacquittal stages of the legal process and by assessing the severity of psychopathology among preacquittal defendants. We administered the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) to 49 insanity defendants evaluated for fitness to stand trial and/or sanity at the time of the alleged crime and to 52 subjects previously found not guilty by reason of insanity. Results indicated: (a) Contrary to the stereotype, a minority (14% to 41%) of insanity defendants clearly malingered, whereas 22% to 39% showed evidence of minimizing psychopathology. (b) Eighty-one percent of these subjects had MMPI profiles suggestive of psychosis, but relatively few showed evidence of primarily antisocial behavior. Thus, the malingering stereotype may be application to only a minority of insanity defendants and is specifically inapplicable to a substantial proportion who minimized psychopathology or showed evidence of psychosis consistent with the claim of insanity.  相似文献   

Family therapy training in India is not provided in a systematic manner. Only one institution, the National Institute of Mental Health and NeuroSciences at Bangalore, offers this training, in the form of a three-month program. Consequently, a workshop on basic skills in Family Therapy was conducted in February 2003, at Mumbai, by a trained family therapist from Bangalore. The workshop resulted in founding the Family Therapy Study Group (Mumbai), a non-registered body, in March 2003 so that learning could continue to occur. The group meets once a month for two hours and has had 18 such meetings at this writing. This paper describes the objectives, activities, significant achievements, and future plans of the study group.  相似文献   

These constructivist exploratory study set out to explore the relationship between flying phobia and attachment styles, as well as between phobia and construction of self, others and world. We hyphothesised that individual affected by flying phobia would display avoidant and anxious-ambivalent attachment styles, and that their core constructs would be semantically related to primary ??freedom/dependence?? construct. 40 individuals affected by aerophobia were administered with two self reported instruments (AAQ and ASQ) after compiled a self-characterization. The phobic group was significantly connected to an avoidant style. In addition the phobic individuals define themselves as dependant, fearful, powerless and reserved. Clinical implication of this study, limitations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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