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Moradi  Bonnie  Yoder  Janice D.  Berendsen  Lynne L. 《Sex roles》2004,50(3-4):253-266
Responses from 101 African American/Black and 100 White women were used to examine the psychometric properties of the Womanist Identity Attitudes Scale (WIAS; Ossana, 1986; Ossana, Helms, & Leonard, 1992). First, internal consistency reliabilities suggested the need for further development of 3 of the 4 WIAS subscales. Second, links between WIAS scores and (a) sexist, (b) hostile sexist attitudes toward women, (c) benevolently sexist attitudes toward women, and (d) egalitarian attitudes toward women's rights and roles provided mixed support for the convergent validity of the WIAS. Third, consistent with theoretical conceptualization, the intercorrelations among WIAS subscales were similar for African American/Black and White women. These intercorrelations, however, were not entirely consistent with the theorized developmental process of the womanist identity model. Finally, the structural validity of the WIAS was examined using confirmatory and exploratory factor-analytic procedures. Both sets of analyses challenged the fit of the theorized womanist identity development model with data produced by the WIAS.  相似文献   

This study explored the hypothesis that womanist identity and racial identity development are related. The racial identiy and womanist identity attitudes of 214 women were measured using the Black Racial Identity Attitude Scale, the White Racial Identity Attitude Scales (WRIAS), and the Womanist Identity Attitude Scale. Canonical correlation analysis was used to determine the nature of relationships among racial identity and womanist identity attitudes. Results showed that for Black women there was a significant relation between racial identity and womanist identity attitudes. Specifically, Internalization attitudes on the WRIAS were positively related to Level II (Encounter) and Level IV (Internalization) attitudes on the Womanist Identity Attitude Scale. Despite a larger number of White participants, no such relationship emerged for White women. Implications for theory, research, and counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

Although many studies have explored the salutary associations between multiple dimensions of religiousness and psychological well-being, a smaller body of work has focused on the links between spiritual struggles and negative mental health outcomes. Two types of spiritual struggles have received considerable attention in this literature: divine struggles, or troubled relationships with God, and struggles with belief, or religious doubts. Using data from a nationwide online survey of U.S. adults conducted in 2006, our study investigated links between these types of spiritual struggles and four aspects of psychopathology: depressed affect, anxiety, phobic anxiety, and somatization. In particular, we tested the hypothesis that these links vary according to religious identity, such that individuals who identify themselves as highly religious—and therefore are likely to be most invested in their roles as religious persons—experience the strongest negative effects of spiritual struggles, in comparison with persons who identify themselves as moderately religious, or not religious at all. Findings supported this overall hypothesis. The article concludes by noting several study limitations and identifying promising directions for further research.  相似文献   

Latina mothers' perceptions of mental health and factors that promote/restore mental health were explored in this qualitative study. Participants discussed the importance of community, safety, and financial stability in addition to conventional factors that are related to mental health. Implications for working with urban Latinas and their families are discussed. En este estudio cualitativo se exploraron las percepciones de las madres Latinas sobre Salud Mental y los factores que la fomentan/restablecen. Las participantes discutieron acerca de la importancia de la comunidad, la seguridad y la estabilidad financiera además de otros factores convencionales relacionados con la salud mental. Se discuten las implicaciones para el trabajo con Latinas residentes en núcleos urbanos y sus familias.  相似文献   

This study utilized the development-based trauma framework on identity traumas to study the cumulative effects of trauma on the identities of Syrian refugees. Participants included 196 Syrian refugees residing in Cairo, Egypt (Mean age = 35.99, SD = 11.05). The rate of post-traumatic stress disorder was 33.5%, and the rate of depression was around 30%; the level of comorbidity was high with a high rate of suicidal plans or attempts (13.7%). Analyses indicated that existential annihilation anxieties, moderated by identity salience, mediated the effects of cumulative trauma on mental health. The results confirmed the utility and validity of the identity trauma model and provided evidence of the dire mental health needs of Syrian refugees.  相似文献   

Mental Health     
《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1-2):323-332
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):57-62
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The National Academy of Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselors was developed by the American Mental Health Counselors Association as an effort to firmly establish the role and identity of mental health counselors in the fields of counseling and mental health. This article provides a brief background of and discusses future goals for the Academy.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):69-90

Unwanted pregnancy and abortion are common life events, and therapists are likely to work with clients who experience them. Legal abortion currently entails little physical or mental health risk; most women currently cope effectively with these life events without need of clinical intervention. But current abortion politics include efforts to make abortion a more threatening, stressful, and stigmatized experience and to create a “postabortion syndrome.” Using a stress and coping framework, we examine how antiabortion activists spread myths and misinformation aimed at women's appraisal processes, and discuss approaches therapists can use to enhance women's strategies for coping with abortion. We also discuss specific issues and useful techniques for counseling about abortion concerns, including cultural sensitivity and strategies for promoting positive sexual health.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3):63-77

This article discusses the epistemological biases and therapeutic risks of overly-medicalized and deterministic approaches to women's psychological problems. Constructivist and feminist perspectives are used to illuminate the essentially political enterprise of naming psychological distress, and to argue the necessity of feminist theories of psychotherapy. These too, however, must be critically examined for deterministic assumptions which emphasize pathology or victimization, thereby limiting recognition of women's agency, and capacity for resistance and change. One alternative model is Adler's Individual Psychology. This humanistic approach is neither medicalized nor deterministic, assumes human freedom and pur-posefulness, emphasizes the dialectic interaction of the individual and society, and is philosophically committed to gender equality.  相似文献   

In this essay I continue the conversation going on today on the crisis in delivering mental-health care within the realities of managed care. A guiding perspective is represented briefly in material from the writings of Edmund Pellegrino. He recommends the norm of patient-centered relationships to direct and govern managed care so cost can be controlled, but not by the sacrifice of quality of care. This emphasis must be balanced with a struggle for the greater social good and fair allocation of goods to all citizens. Definitions are offered along with a discussion of controversial issues and constructive suggestions to make possible a better future for the work of mental health in relation to managed care.  相似文献   

宋晶晶  郑涌 《心理科学进展》2014,22(9):1446-1455
个体间表现出的昼夜节律差异现象可以从日周期类型上进行分类, 包括偏爱早睡早起的清晨型, 偏爱晚睡晚起的夜晚型以及处于两者之间的中间型。已有研究表明, 夜晚型与心境障碍、注意缺陷多动障碍和进食障碍等心理疾病有关, 而日周期类型与心理健康的关系可能受到基因、社会时差、人格等因素的影响。未来应改进研究设计和测量方法, 深入考察日周期类型与心理健康的关系及其作用机制, 以及在我国文化背景下推进日周期类型与心理健康的关系研究。  相似文献   

中国人的人格与心理健康   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
系统总结了中国人人格与心理健康之间关系的研究。首先,对心理健康的含义进行了理论分析,提出了心理健康由心身症状的缺失、行为抑制的降低、自我和谐水平的提高以及主观幸福感的提升等4个不同的水平构成,并对人格与心理健康的4个水平之间的关系进行了综述,特别分析了人格与心理健康的结构方程模型,以及不同人格维度对心理健康的促进、抑制、及促进-抑制作用。文中还提出了建立中国人的人格耐受性模型的设想,并对将来研究的方向进行了讨论  相似文献   

Sex Roles - Black women are uniquely located at the intersection of two marginalized identities which puts them at risk of experiencing a combined discrimination known as gendered racism. Among...  相似文献   

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