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Employment for mothers with school-age children has generated great concern regarding its possible harmful effects on adolescents and their families. We examined the influence of maternal employment on the risk-taking behavior of adolescents in two-parent families. Three hundred and eighty-nine high school students completed a 48-item survey in which they indicated their mother's and father's employment patterns, and their own risk-taking behaviors (e.g., substance use, driving while under the influence). Results showed no significant effects of maternal employment on adolescent risk-taking behaviors.  相似文献   

Alcohol and condom use were assessed using global, situational, and event-level analyses in a sample of young adults (N = 305). Results varied by methodology, event, and partner type; an inverse association between alcohol and condom use was found only at the event level. Participants with strong sex-related expectancies used condoms less frequently when drinking at the time of 1st intercourse with their current partner. For most recent event with a regular partner, alcohol use was unrelated to condom use, but gender, relationship duration, and oral contraceptive use accounted for more than 25% of the variance. Thus, alcohol may increase risky sex early in a relationship, whereas partner familiarity and alternate contraceptive use play a larger role as relationships develop.  相似文献   

Male risk-taking as a context-sensitive signaling device   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evolutionary theorists have suggested that sex differences in risk-taking are due ultimately to greater intrasexual competition among men (compared with women) over access to mating opportunities. The current work provides one of the first direct tests of the hypothesis that risk-taking serves self-presentational functions associated with mating. Results of an experimental study indicated a strong positive relationship between sexual arousal and risk-taking, but only in men exposed to a romantically available female confederate who purportedly would view their risk-taking performance. Findings suggest that risk-taking can serve as a signaling device in the context of mating, that this function is sex-specific, and that it is highly sensitive both to the situational context and to the current psychological state of the risk-taker. This research highlights the utility of an evolutionary approach in understanding the proximate social psychological determinants of risky decision-making.  相似文献   

This study investigates a mood regulation-based reconciliation of prior findings in the mood maintenance and information processes literatures about the impact of negative mood state on risktaking judgment. Participants were administered a negative mood state induction using a standardized film clip procedure and subsequently completed a measure of risk-taking judgment under one of three conditions: (1) immediately following the mood induction, (2) following a 5 min no-task delay period, or (3) following performance of a cognitively demanding task. As expected, participants who made risk judgments after the performance of the cognitively demanding task showed higher level of recovery from the negative mood induction (i.e., increased positive mood and decreased negative mood) and lower levels of risk-taking judgment than participants in the delayed condition. Additional analyses showed the risk-taking judgments were explained by mood change after the interpolated task. These findings reconcile previous inconsistencies between the two perspectives. Implications for future research on the restorative role of cognitive task performance as a mood regulation strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of peers on young adult substance use.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data collected from 294 young adults, ages 19 to 25, and both a same- and an opposite-gender best friend or mate across 3 annual assessments were analyzed to examine the similarity to and influence of the peer on the young adult's substance use. The authors found similarity across time between both peers and the young adult in cigarette use, alcohol use, binge drinking, and, in most cases, marijuana use. In prospective analyses, peer use predicted young adult cigarette use, binge drinking, and problem use by the young adults. Results were generally consistent across gender and for both same- and opposite-gender peers. Findings emphasize peer influence contribution to young adult substance use and suggest the design of interventions that involve both young adults and their peers.  相似文献   

Concerns about road safety are at the forefront of discussions given the recent legalization of cannabis in many areas. Some studies have demonstrated that the frequency of cannabis use is a significant predictor of risky driving among young drivers. However, it is difficult to isolate the specific contribution of substance use from the influence of certain individual personality traits such impulsivity. Indeed, impulsivity traits (i.e., positive urgency, negative urgency, lack of premeditation, lack of perseverance, sensation seeking) are also correlated with risky driving. The present study examined the effect of the frequency of cannabis use on risky driving while taking into account the effect of five impulsivity traits. A community sample of 209 young drivers (aged 17–25 years) completed self-report questionnaires about their road behaviors, their cannabis use, and their impulsivity traits. The results showed that the frequency of cannabis use was significantly associated with risky driving beyond the five impulsivity traits measured. Positive urgency was the only impulsivity trait that remained significantly associated with risky driving once all covariates were entered into the model. Moreover, the frequency of cannabis use acted as a mediator in the relationship between sensation seeking and risky driving.  相似文献   

  • Parents inevitably shape their young children's consumption during early years; does this influence endure as the offspring mature? We explore this phenomenon—known as Intergenerational Influence (IGI)—with survey data from 265 young adults and their parents for four product categories. Our specific focus is on two research questions: (1) By what modality is IGI transferred, and (2) does family relationship quality (FRQ) moderate IGI outcomes? Results show IGI to be present in differing degrees across products—more for utilitarian and, likewise, shared products, less for individually consumed and stylistic products. As to modality, we explore active indoctrination by parents versus passive learning by mere observation by the offspring, and find the latter to be the dominant mode. We also find a strong moderating role of so that all IGI outcomes are stronger among high FRQ than among low FRQ families. Of import to theory as well as practice, these findings confirm and extend current literature on IGI and suggest directions for future research.
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Maxine E. Lentz 《Sex roles》1982,8(9):987-997
This study was designed to determine whether different arousing situations will generate different responses in fear-of-success (FOS) and performance behavior. Female subjects were given instructions stating that the tasks they were going to complete would later be evaluated by a panel of males, females, or persons in order to determine whether the panel would select them as a potential friend, co-worker, or acquaintance. Results indicated that no significant differences in FOS were due to the different situations. However, there was evidence to conclude that level of performance behavior depends on the situation in which it is measured. Possible explanations for the failure to find FOS situational are discussed, as well as the inability to explain the significant interaction in performance behavior.  相似文献   

Rough-and-tumble play (RTP), also known as play fighting, is a common form of play frequently reported and studied by researchers. However, one important limitation of past research in the area of RTP has been the neglect of the adolescence period. Consequently, little is known about the function of adolescent RTP as well as about clinical characteristics of youth who engage in this activity after childhood. In a school-based sample of 1,771 middle school students (ages 9–16 years), the current study sought to address this gap by examining, via bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses, the potential cross-sectional associations of adolescent RTP with (a) selected demographic variables, (b) conduct problem symptoms, (c) substance use, and (d) risk-taking behaviors, including adjustment for several demographic confounders. Results indicated that adolescents reporting higher rates of conduct problem symptoms were more likely to report a recent participation in RTP. In addition, substance use (experimentation and current consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana) and risk behaviors assessed all were strongly associated with an increased likelihood of reporting an engagement in RTP. This finding suggests that participation in this activity probably implicates particular phenotypic characteristics including the propensity to engage in health-damaging behaviors. But the most profound issue raised by this research concerns the strong relationship between RTP and great levels of conduct disorder symptoms, suggesting a possible significant change in the functional significance of RTP in the adolescence period.  相似文献   

Dionne MM  Davis C 《Body image》2004,1(4):335-349
The current studies consider the effect of body size, body composition feedback, and the moderating influence of neuroticism (N) on three measures of body dissatisfaction (BD) in young women. In Study One, normal-sized subjects who were given false feedback indicating that they were either fatter or leaner than average showed heightened BD compared to groups who received either accurate or no feedback about body size. There was no evidence of a moderating effect of N. In Study Two, thinner-than-average subjects who received accurate body-size feedback showed greater satisfaction than a control group receiving no information. For heavier than average subjects, feedback only increased BD for those low on N. Although these results show mixed support for N as a moderator, they are the first to show an effect of body composition information on BD.  相似文献   

Distracted driving is a major safety concern. This paper explores the role personality traits and self-reported cognitive failures play in the propensity towards distracted driving behavior (DDB) among young adults in the United States. Two independent time-separated studies (study 1 with 522 participants; study 2 with 314 participants) confirm the role of cognitive failures as a mediator between specific personality traits and DDB propensity among young adult drivers. The results of this study suggest drivers’ personality traits such as extraversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism have a direct impact on DDB propensity. In addition, there is evidence that cognitive failure mediates the relationship between these three personality traits and DDB propensity. Lastly, based on the results, agreeableness moderates the relationship between cognitive failure and DDB propensity. Together, these findings suggest that personality traits should be considered in conjunction with driver’s cognitive failure in explaining DDB propensity. Future research using a combination of self-reported, naturalistic and simulation studies may provide additional insight into the relationships between personality traits, cognitive failures, and the propensity towards DDB.  相似文献   

Increases in perceived control over the driving task are known to increase intended driving speeds. Also, some people like being in control more than others. In the present study, we compared drivers with a high desire for control and drivers with a low desire for control, as measured on Burger and Cooper's (1979) [Motivation and Emotion 3 (4) (1979) 381] Desirability of Control Scale. Using validated video simulation techniques, we found that drivers with a high desire for control intended to drive at faster speeds and were willing to pull out into smaller gaps in traffic. We discuss the results in terms of an illusion of control and we describe implications for road safety interventions.  相似文献   

Although there is some literature which discusses adolescent reference groups, none have utilized reference group theory to examine the relative impact of the parent and peer reference groups and to attempt to predict behavior among teenagers from this knowledge. This study attempts to correct this deficiency by examining the frequency of marijuana use in a nonrandom sample of college students from a large southwestern university. Ordinal type scales and tau-b provide a statistically strong degree of association between the type of reference group orientation and marijuana use. The results of this study show that the influence of the most salient reference group appears to be an important predictor of whether or not an individual may engage in the use of marijuana.  相似文献   

A number of models of behaviour have been applied to contraception use including subjective expected utility theory and social cognition models. Whilst correlates of contraception use have been identified, the limitations of these models include their failure to consider either contextual factors or changes in contraception use over time. Researchers have called for integrated and dynamic models of contraception use, which can be related to the changing contraception use of individual women and can also be readily operationalised to explore within and between subject differences in contraception use. The present study therefore used a qualitative methodology to explore women's contraceptive histories and to enable women to define the issues from their perspectives, resulting in a model of contraception use that is firmly located within the context of their own lives and allows an investigation of the factors and processes involved in changes in contraception use/non-use over time. This model conceptualises the predictors of contraception use in terms of the meaning and importance of a range of social goals, perceptions of vulnerability and constraints on or facilitators of contraception. Further the dynamic nature of these factors is described and it is illustrated how these core components vary over time according to situation, experience, and new information. The paper outlines the relevance of the findings for different models of decision-making processes and highlights the way that the model addresses the limitations of previous approaches.  相似文献   

The effects of urbanization on avian cognition remain poorly understood. Risk-taking behaviors like boldness, neophobia and flight distance are thought to affect opportunism and innovativeness, and should also vary with urbanization. Here, we investigate variation in risk-taking behaviors in the field in an avian assemblage of nine species that forage together in Barbados and for which innovation rate is known from previous work. We predicted that birds from highly urbanized areas would show more risk-taking behavior than conspecifics from less urbanized parts of the island and that the differences would be strongest in the most innovative of the species. Overall, we found that urban birds are bolder, less neophobic and have shorter flight distances than their less urbanized conspecifics. Additionally, we detected between-species differences in the effect of urbanization on flight distance, more innovative species showing smaller differences in flight distance between areas. Our results suggest that, within successful urban colonizers, species differences in innovativeness may affect the way species change their risk-taking behaviors in response to the urban environment.  相似文献   

IntroductionSome studies have suggested that regular cannabis users appear to exhibit a general reckless driving style that may contribute to an inflated estimate of collisions related to driving under the influence of cannabis (DUIC) among this group.ObjectiveThis study investigated whether patterns of cannabis use would predict levels of self-reported unsafe driving behaviours and levels of performance observed in a driving simulator.MethodThe study investigated 48 young cannabis users with respect to frequency of cannabis consumption, alcohol use, driving exposure, self-reported dangerous driving habits, impulsivity, sensation seeking and performance in a driving simulator.ResultsCannabis use was positively associated with DUIC, with sensation seeking and with self-reports of risky driving. An ANOVA confirmed a significant effect of levels of consumption of cannabis among participants on self-report risk-taking in driving. Moreover, the observed behaviours during the simulation tasks correlated with risky driving habits, and with the self-reported frequency of driving in the hour following smoking cannabis or immediately after drinking alcohol.ConclusionSince cannabis usage and DUIC appear to be related to an overall reckless style of driving, it is proposed that public safety policies should be more holistic, simultaneously targeting multiple on-road dangerous behaviours for intervention.  相似文献   

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