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If there is one thread running through the history of Chinese philosophy, Ziporyn would identify it as the concept of "coherence." It is no exaggeration to say that Ironies of Oneness and Difference is a gronndbreaking work, in which Ziporyn makes a case for the primacy of coherence in Chinese ontology. This is the first installment of a two part study. The second volume, Beyond Oneness and Difference." Li and Coherence in Chinese Buddhist Thought and Its Antecedents, examines explicit articulations of the concept li ~, traditionally translated as "principle," "reason," or "pattern," but which he argues should be understood as a form of coherence. The first volume examines the discourses in pre-Qin texts that prefigure its development. Ziporyn attempts to plot continuities of meaning and usage over time that may be interpreted as stages in the emergence of an explicit concept of li. He makes his case with impeccable sinological scholarship, extensive familiarity with the relevant texts, and mastery of philosophical concepts, discourses, and methodologies.  相似文献   

The present special theme of the Frontiers of Philosophy in China is devoted to research on the recently excavated texts from Chinese antiquity.The importance of the new materials for the study of Chinese philosophy and for the intellectual history of ancient China has been recognized and emphasized in numerous publications.The philosophical study of the new materials,however,also tremendously changed aims and methods of the philosophical inquiry into ancient Chinese texts.A special field of academic research of considerable breadth grew out of the studies of the excavated materials.Within it,philological methodologies and historical considerations play a great role.We may say that a separate field of research in the field of Chinese philosophy has been established.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Plato's "Form of the Good," or "the Good," with an interest in Plato's riddle that "the Good is the One." Unlike the traditional approach to explaining the Good in the Republic as "rational order" or a unity of Forms, this ]paper argues that the Good is the unique transcendent principle, like the apex of a hierarchy, but does not encompass the whole structure. According to its Ontological position, its multiple facets (functions) include the Ontological foundation of uniting "to be" and "ought to be," the ultimate source of knowledge, and the Ideal goal of uniting the common good and individual goods. The practical dimension of the Good is highlighted in exploring the lifelong study of the Philosopher-Kings and their political personality. It is also pointed out that "sudden enlightenment" plays an important role in their path toward the Good. Finally, this paper proposes that the Good should be the a priori beginning of education and the end of the practice of virtues in the community.  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine the general issue of how reference is possible in philosophy of language through a case analysis of the "double reference" semantic-syntactic structure of ideographic hexagram (guaxiang 卦象) names in the Yijing text. I regard the case of the "hexagram" names as being quite representative of the "double-reference" semantic-syntactic structure of referring names. I thus explore how the general morals drawn from this account of "hexagram" names can engage two representative approaches, the Fregean and Kripkean ones, and contribute to our understanding and treatment of the issue of reference.  相似文献   

The present issue of Frontiers of Philosophy in China (FPC),"Special Issue on Daoist Philosophy Ⅱ:Contemporary Explorations in the Thought of the Laozi,"is a companion to a previous issue of FPC,"Daoist Philosophy and Philosophical Daoism:Conceptual Distinctions" (volume 12,no.1).Where that issue offered four original English-language articles on topics in Daoist philosophy mainly from Western perspectives,this issue presents four original Chinese-language articles in translation focused on topics in Daoist philosophy from the Chinese perspective.  相似文献   

Frontiers of Philosophy in China (FPC) aims to disseminate new scholarly achievements in the field of broadly defined philosophy, and to promote philosophical research of the highest level by publishing peer-reviewed academic articles that facilitate communication and cooperation among philosophers in China and abroad. The journal covers nearly all the main branches of philosophy, with priority given to original works on Chinese philosophy and to comparative studies between Chinese philosophy and other types of philosophy in the world.  相似文献   

Frontiers of Philosophy in China (FPC) aims to disseminate new scholarly achievements in the field of broadly defined philosophy, and to promote philosophical research of the highest level by publishing peer-reviewed academic articles that facilitate communication and cooperation among philosophers in China and abroad. The journal covers nearly all the main branches of philosophy, with priority given to original works on Chinese philosophy and to comparative studies between Chinese philosophy and other types of philosophy in the world.  相似文献   

Frontiers of Philosophy in China (FPC) aims to disseminate new scholarly achievements in the field of broadly defined philosophy, and to promote philosophical research of the highest level by publishing peer-reviewed academic articles that facilitate communication and cooperation among philosophers in China and abroad. The journal covers nearly all the main branches of philosophy, with priority given to original works on Chinese philosophy and to comparative studies between Chinese philosophy and other types of philosophy in the word.  相似文献   

Early 20th century Chinese philosophy,marked by the introduction of evolutionism,presented an overview of "the exchange and conflict between the Ancient and the Modern,and the Chinese and the Western" from its very beginning.To be frank,the trends of thought that characterize early 20th century Chinese philosophy resulted,to a large extent,from philosophical syncretism between China and the West.From the perspective of disputes between the Ancient and the Modem,and between the Chinese and the Western,it is urgent that contemporary scholars explore in depth how Western philosophy exerted influence on early 20th century Chinese philosophy and what resulted from this influence.  相似文献   

In the chapter "The Adjustment of Controversies" in his eponymous work, Zhuangzi has the character Nanguo Ziqi declare "I effaced myself," thereby holding that one can return to the state of naturalness only after breaking with the "self" that is in opposition to "objects," abandoning his subject-object standpoint and entering a state of "effacement" wherein one fuses with the Dao. Coincidently, the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard also repeatedly stresses the "disappearance of the subject" in his later philosophy, trying to dissolve subject-centrism by means of a counterattack by the object wherein its logic would entrap the subject. Although they lived in different times, both Zhuangzi and Baudrillard note the same human predicament--the situation wherein the "I as subject" constantly obscures the "real I." Their resolutions of the predicament are similar: both put their hopes in the dissolution of the "I" or self in subject-object relations, with Zhuangzi declaring "I effaced myself' and Baudrillard mooting the "disappearance of the subject." They differ, however, on how to dissolve the "I" (myself). Briefly, Zhuangzi advocates "effacing myself through the Dao," that is, quitting one's "fixed mindset" and "egoism" and returning to the Dao by means of "forgetting" or "effacing"; Baudrillard, on the other hand, proposes to "efface oneself through the object," i.e., replace the supremacy of the subject with that of the object. Baudrillard's theory has often been criticized as pataphysics because of its nihilism without transcendence; in contrast, Zhuangzi's view, which construes the whole world as the unfolding of the Dao, seems more thought-provoking.  相似文献   

Frontiers of Philosophy in China (FPC) aims to disseminate new scholarly achievements in the field of broadly defined philosophy, and to promote philosophical research of the highest level by publishing peer-reviewed academic articles that facilitate communication and cooperation among philosophers in China and abroad. The journal covers nearly all the main branches of philosophy, with priority given to original works on Chinese philosophy and to comparative studies between Chinese philosophy and other types of philosophy in the world.  相似文献   

Contemporary Confucian Political Philosophy can be regarded as a creative development and comprehensive expression of Stephen C. Angle's former works integrating Neo-Confucian tradition and contemporary ethical and political thought. He cites the idea of conservatism from Mou Zongsan and Tang Junyi to propose his own idea that conservatism is rooted in creative practice. It is in the affirmation of basic Confucian values that he sets up his view of progress, which means growing ethically and making the world better (18-19). In this light, Progressive Confucianism can be seen as a theory that interprets and conserves traditional Confucian values in agreement with contemporary demands. Thus it can be compared with Western ethics, especially with liberalism, which also emphasizes civic virtue and moral education. And so Progressive Confucianism aims at opening up dimensions like constitutionalism and democracy that accord with Western traditions while remaining consistent with Confucian ethics and rituals.  相似文献   

Philosophical analysis is commonly assumed to involve decomposing the meaning of a sentence or an expression into a set of conceptually basic constituent parts. This essay challenges this traditional view by examining the potential semantic roles that classifier phrases play in Chinese. It is suggested that the conceptual resources necessary for justifying claims about the semantical status of natural language classifier phrases should be informed in part by methods that accommodate ontogenic and evolutionary contexts. Evidence is provided for the view that many Chinese classifiers (but not all) are features regimented in the grammar of Chinese that have no functional role in normal adult communication, but which play an ontogenetic role in the child's development of linguistic competency. Furthermore, it is suggested that this ontogenetic role has features in common with the phylogenetic processes by which Chinese or its classical variants came about, as a later product of mechanisms that evolved in the species in accordance with varying demands for successful communication.  相似文献   

It is challenging to estimate the degree to which the system of the Trigrams and Hexagrams in The Book of Changes (Yijing) had an impact on the whole history of Chinese thought. The universal paradigm from which it was derived formed the basis of a semiotic theory of evolution which, because of structural analogies, was applied to all fields and aspects of human life where decision making and action in correspondence with a cosmic principle was required. To achieve that goal, countless commentaries on and interpretations of the Yijing have been written. They can be divided into two schools. The first used the Yijing as a book for divination, in combination with manifestations of the universe and nature. The second interpreted it with a philosophical background, making it part of the tradition of Confucian thought. Modem scholars have also contributed some new approaches to the Yijing. My paper is based on the assumption that the Trigrams and Hexagrams of the Yijing cannot be understood in a purely representational way. They do not represent things apart from their relation to human needs or consciousness. Because of the co-determination of text and reader as a task without determinate end-points, it proves to be a unique case of effective-history. In the Yijing, there is no real line between culture and nature, sign/image/language and fact, the universe of semiosis and other universes. With its use of signs, images and language, the Yijing confirms that the universe of semiosis is the universe of heaven, earth and man. Against this background, my explanations will not only focus on the Trigrams and Hexagrams. My paper will also deal with the following topics: (1) interpenetration of linguistic meaning and objective reality and (2) the social nature of verbal or literary expression.  相似文献   

国际中西哲学比较研究学会[Internationnal So-ciety for Comparative Stuies of Chinese and WesternPhilosophy(ISCWP)]与北京大学外国哲学研究所(会议东道主)和美国哲学学会国际合作委员会[Committee on International Cooperation of the Ameri-can Philosophical Association (APA)]合作,将于2003年7月25日至27日在北京大学举办主题为“哲学交锋-交融:戴维森哲学与中国哲学(Philosophical Engagement:Davidson’s Philosophy andChinese Philosophy)”国际专题学术研讨会。本届  相似文献   

Theorists in the period of the Second International mostly regarded Marx's theories as an empirical science but refused to admit the existence of "Marx's philosophy." Marx himself also held the idea of "abolishing philosophy" and in The German Ideology, he even drew an analogy comparing the relationship between philosophy and empirical science and that between masturbation and actual sexual love. Since Plekhanov, and particularly since Lenin, Dialectical Materialism has been considered to be synonymous with Marx's philosophy. Early Marxists from Luk~ics and Gramsci to Korsch were all against the trend that theorists of the Second International consigning Marx's theories to empirical science, but, at the same time, they also objected to systemizing Marx's philosophy in terms of Dialectical Materialism (they even traced the origin of this approach back to Engels), and, as the result, they created a new interpretive approach to Marx's "praxis philosophy."  相似文献   

正In late October last year,the workshop of national modern logic was held in Xiamen organized by Professional Committee of Modem Logic,the Logic Association of China and Philosophy department of Xiamen University.More than 100 scholars or graduate students attended the meeting.The topics of the workshop contain philosophical logic,mathematical logic,philosophy of logic,logic and language,and so on.There are several  相似文献   

William James challenged the traditions of British Empiricism (Hume) on one hand and German Idealism (Kant and Hegel) on the other. James' "Radical Empiricism" is a via media ("middle road") between these divergent positions. His central points of contention are the ontological status of relationships and the correct analysis of experience. British Empiricism leaves us with a world of separate, particular facts, based on atomic sense impressions. Idealists, on the other hand, claim that all worldly phenomena are conjoined by one rational principle. According to James' account, neither side recognizes that both conjunctive and disjunctive relations are integral to experience. Furthermore, James' critique proved to influence A. N. Whitehead's philosophy of experience and orientation toward Hume and Kant. This essay situates James' philosophy in this polemical and historical context.  相似文献   

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