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本文认为,儒家学说中的"天"具有宗教意义,自秦汉至宋明,它经历了一个从既有道德理性又有好恶等意志情感的"天"到只有道德理性没有具体情感意志的"天"的历史演变过程;与此相应,"天"主宰世界的方式,也从直接通过天人之间的相互感应转变为一种间接的方式,即通过"天命"使"天理"内在于万物和人类,从而使万物和人类直接受其天赋之理(性)的支配.  相似文献   

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion -  相似文献   

引言 五岳作为华夏神山,在中国的人文地理中居于非常尊崇的地位。不论是在政治文化中,还是在宗教传统中,五岳就像五座宝山,期待着人们去发现与探索。  相似文献   

Olli‐Pekka Vainio 《Dialog》2019,58(4):301-306
In this article, I evaluate particular critical narratives of religion in pop culture. I note briefly some early cases where criticism is primarily directed at religious abuses. Next, I make some observations about the misotheistic tradition in which the relationship between religious reality and human life is more complicated. Finally, I make some remarks on the use of religious and quasireligious elements in pop culture and what kind of effects these might have on our social imagination.  相似文献   

中国道教协会副会长、辽宁省道教协会会长、辽宁省政协常委、鞍山市道教协会会长、鞍山市政协常委、中国道教第二十四代大律师王全林方丈于2007年9月26日在辽宁省鞍山市千山五龙宫羽化,享年80岁。  相似文献   

本文辨析了古代文献关于谢自然白日飞升记载中的几个重要问题 ,认为 :《唐书》并无谢自然飞升记载 ,谢自然与司马承祯的师徒关系不可能存在 ,韩愈《谢自然诗》的意旨在于指斥飞升成仙之异端。本文还对谢自然飞升对川北地区的影响进行了简略论述。  相似文献   

Abundant literature in cognitive sciences has shown that morality is grounded in bodily experience. Four studies tested the perceptual association between the spatial dimension of straightness and the abstract concept of morality. Study 1 (n = 61) employed an IAT and revealed an association between straight figures and moral related words. Study 2 (n = 83) employed a similar paradigm and further revealed that the effect we found in Study 1 cannot be attributable to the general association between straight figures and positivity. Study 3 (n = 64) revealed that participants showed a stronger preference for straight figures after recalling moral (vs. immoral) deeds. Study 4 (n = 183) showed the specific role of morality, in this sense, as recalling sociable (vs. unsociable) deeds had no significant influence on figure preferences. A small‐scale meta‐analysis confirmed the robustness of our findings. Results are discussed in light of the embodiment theory.  相似文献   

In this article we propose that work teams implement many of the innovative changes required to enable organizations to respond appropriately to the external environment. We describe how, using an input?–?process?–?output model, we can identify the key elements necessary for developing team innovation. We propose that it is the implementation of ideas rather than their development that is crucial for enabling organizational change. Drawing on theory and relevant research, 12 steps to developing innovative teams are described covering key aspects of the team task, team composition, organizational context, and team processes.  相似文献   

Although the considerable majority of reported near-death experiences (NDEs) are associated with positive affect, there are occasional cases of so-called negative NDEs that are dominated by fear and anguish. The phenomenological status of the negative experiences and their relationship to the more typical positive NDEs have been the subject of increasing speculation. In that light, the NDE described in this paper is of interest because it began to unfold as a positive experience but then changed course to become a negatively toned one. We present the details of this case and note its principal theoretical implications.  相似文献   

<易传>通过吸取道家的天道观、承袭儒家的伦理观,利用阴阳家的阴阳学说,建构了兼具自然主义和人文主义色彩的天人合一哲学,完成了该哲学的世俗化历程.本文从本体论、认识论、方法论角度探讨了该哲学的基本理论,指出,<易传>天人合一哲学的基本精神是道德伦理哲学.它对中国封建法的思维模式和价值取向产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

胡治洪 《周易研究》2001,26(2):20-29
本文通过对帛书易传<二三子问>、<易之义>、<要>、<缪和、昭力>四篇的分析,认为帛传四篇为孔子<易>论,其中包涵着<论语>、<孔子集语>、传世本<易传>等反映孔子思想的传世文献所隐微罕见的天人道德观念;帛传四篇表现了孔子在涵括三代以至春秋新旧天人观念的基础上对于天人内涵的初步的哲学改造,反映了孔子将传统的主宰之天转化为道德之天、并将传统的主体对于形上存在的外在超越关系转化为内在超越关系的致思取向,从而凸显了孔子作为当时敏锐而深邃的思想家的形象;帛传四篇所涵具的孔子天人道德思想补足了三代天命德政观与思孟天道性命思想之间的逻辑缺环,是经由曾子(<天圆>)而达致<中庸>、郭店儒家简、<孟子>乃至传世本<易传>所体现的天道性命思想高峰的理论根据.  相似文献   

The relation between heaven and humanity is a central topic in Chinese philosophy. It is often examined through tianren heyi, a term considered the most significant to Chinese culture. In this article, I argue that tianren heyi is inappropriate and even misleading in our discussion of the relation between heaven and humanity. I investigate its absence from pre-Qin texts, the ambiguity of its meaning, and the exaggeration of its significance in Chinese philosophy. Hence, I advance tong as an alternative. My argument consists of two parts. First, I demonstrate that, in contrast to tianren heyi, tong is widely used as an important term by various early philosophical streams. Second, I focus on Mohist shangtong, Confucian datong, and Taoist xuantong, presenting how different philosophical streams take tong as a central term to develop distinct theories of the ideal relation between heaven and humanity. Instead of tianren heyi, tong can provide a solid step to a full understanding of how heaven and humanity are united.  相似文献   

Historians have argued that the ecclesiastic ban on loans at interest delayed the development of capital markets in the middle ages, and have supported this by pointing to well-documented cases of restitutions of usurious gains by famous moneylenders. Strictly, however, such evidence does not prove that usury laws affected lending, because donations by rich bankers may reflect other motivations. If usury laws had an impact, we have to exclude the Medicis or the Fuggers from the sample, and look for it among the small moneylenders of medieval Europe. Data from late medieval Genoa show that donations by merchants were no greater than those of the population at large once personal wealth is accounted for. However, among merchants the value of pious bequests correlates more closely with mercantile activity than personal wealth, a finding that supports the view that usury laws created an effective constraint on medieval capital markets.  相似文献   

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