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This study examined whether skill in the discrete sequence production task involves, apart from the typical effector-independent component, an effector-dependent component. To that end, 12 participants practiced two 5-key sequences, each for 1,060 trials. One group practiced with three fingers of one hand, the other group with three fingers of two hands. In a subsequent test phase, participants in both groups executed the same sequences and two new sequences with the hand configuration they had used during practice, and with the hand configuration of the other group. The results provide support for an effector-dependent component in that both groups performed the practiced sequences faster with the hand configuration they had used during practice than with the hand configuration that was new to them. In addition, the unpracticed hand configuration performed the practiced sequences faster than the new sequence, which demonstrated the effector-independent component.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that task sets could be configured endogenously (i.e., on the basis of memory) according to an explicit sequence or exogenously according to a task cue. In two experiments, we examined whether an implicitly learned sequence could facilitate task set configuration without participants’ intention. These experiments led to opposite conclusions regarding this question, but their methodology made it impossible to distinguish between the interpretations. We altered the task-switching paradigm by embedding a hidden task sequence, while randomizing all other aspects, including perceptual (i.e., task cues) and motor elements. We found that a sequence of tasks, proper, was learned implicitly and that the memory of that sequence endogenously facilitated task decision processes without the participants’ explicit knowledge.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted in order to study the segmentation process in a visual search task with relevant stimuli (target and distractors) randomly distributed among textural elements. The basic idea was that a parallel segmentation process of the relevant stimuli would contribute to the overall reaction time independently of the contribution of the number of relevant stimuli. In the first experiment, with relevant stimuli and textural elements that differed in the orientation of their component lines, texture presence interacted with number of relevant stimuli and with target presence. These results were not favorable to the parallel segmentation hypothesis. In the second and third experiments, in which the relevant and the textural stimuli differed in orientation and in the luminance contrast of their component lines, the results support a parallel segmentation process for the higher contrast conditions. In these experiments, the effect of texture presence was greater on target-absent than on target-present trials. Experiment 4 shows that the search can be restricted to the high-contrast relevant stimuli when the number of these stimuli is constant and the number of textural stimuli changes from trial to trial. The present results suggest that the relevant stimuli can be segmented in parallel and then submitted to a restricted analysis, even when they are scattered among textural stimuli.  相似文献   

Bush EC  Shimojo S  Allman JM 《Perception》2002,31(7):791-798
We have developed a detection task in which subjects identify a pair of collinear edges in a field of polygons. Five of our six subjects showed significant, rapid learning at this task. Four showed evidence of retention a day and a week later. In several transfer tests, we found that disruption of the distractors produced a significant drop-off in performance. These results are consistent with a model in which collinear targets initially produce a salience signal too weak to be reliably detected over the noise of the distractors. As the experiment proceeds, the visual system learns to dampen the distractor signals, allowing for more reliable detection.  相似文献   

C. M. MacLeod and P. A. MacDonald (2000) suggested that congruent and incongruent Stroop stimuli cause more task conflict than neutral stimuli because the anterior cingulate cortex is more activated with these stimuli. This study investigated behavioral expression for this pattern. Experiment 1 reduced task conflict control by increasing the proportion of nonword neutrals. Additionally, half the trials had conflict or neutral cues. The control reduction revealed the task conflict. For noncued trials, response time was longer for congruent stimuli than for neutral stimuli (reverse facilitation effect). In addition, response time for congruent stimuli was longer when stimuli were uncued vs. cued. Experiment 2 increased task conflict control by changing the neutral stimuli to noncolor words. Consequently, the task conflict expression disappeared.  相似文献   

Various studies suggest that movement sequences are initially learned predominantly in effector-independent spatial coordinates and only after extended practice in effector-dependent coordinates. The present study examined this notion for the discrete sequence production (DSP) task by manipulating the hand used and the position of the hand relative to the body. During sequence learning in Experiment 1, in which sequences were executed by reacting to key-specific cues, hand position appeared important for execution with the practiced but not with the unpracticed hand. In Experiment 2 entire sequences were executed by reacting to one cue. This produced similar results as in Experiment 1. These experiments support the notion that robustness of sequencing skill is based on several codes, one being a representation that is both effector and position dependent.  相似文献   

The intent of this study was to determine whether performance on an error detection task and a series of cognitive search and memory tasks would be affected if performed serially. Fifty-six participants were assigned into two experimental groups, defined by whether they performed the error detection task or the cognitive tasks first. Measures of hit rates and false alarms were taken for the error detection task, and the perceived workload of both tasks was measured immediately following completion. In the group that did the cognitive tasks first, a significant relationship between perceptions of mental demand on the cognitive tasks and subsequent performance on the error detection task was found. Also, false alarms in error detection were correlated with perceptions of time pressure and frustration measured after the error detection task. These results suggest that a mentally demanding initial task may facilitate performance in a subsequent cognitively-based task. Parts of this paper were presented at the American Psychological Society's annual convention in Atlanta, GA in June 2003. The author thanks Abbie Woodruff and Brandon Corbin for their work on the original presentation and their help in data collection, and Blaine Browne for helpful editorial comments.  相似文献   

The intent of this study was to determine whether performance on an error detection task and a series of cognitive search and memory tasks would be affected if performed serially. Fifty-six participants were assigned into two experimental groups, defined by whether they performed the error detection task or the cognitive tasks first. Measures of hit rates and false alarms were taken for the error detection task, and the perceived workload of both tasks was measured immediately following completion. In the group that did the cognitive tasks first, a significant relationship between perceptions of mental demand on the cognitive tasks and subsequent performance on the error detection task was found. Also, false alarms in error detection were correlated with perceptions of time pressure and frustration measured after the error detection task. These results suggest that a mentally demanding initial task may facilitate performance in a subsequent cognitively-based task. Parts of this paper were presented at the American Psychological Society's annual convention in Atlanta, GA in June 2003. The author thanks Abbie Woodruff and Brandon Corbin for their work on the original presentation and their help in data collection, and Blaine Browne for helpful editorial comments.  相似文献   

TheSimon effect denotes faster responses when the task-irrelevant stimulus position corresponds to the response position than when it does not. Accounts of this effect assume that stimulus position automatically activates a spatially corresponding response while the correct response is being computed. Yet the Simon effect has been found to be reduced after noncorresponding trials. Some authors have interpreted these sequential modulations of the Simon effect as evidence for a mechanism gating positionbased response activation. Alternatively, sequential modulations have been explained in terms of feature-integration processes, which depend upon the fact that different sequences of spatial-correspondence conditions covary with different degrees of feature overlap between subsequent trials. The present study investigates whether sequential modulations of the Simon effect can occur when feature overlap in the different conditions is the same. Therefore, a Simon task with four stimulus positions and two response positions was used. Sequential modulations of the Simon effect were found in trial sequences with constant amounts of feature overlap between trials. Although the feature-integration account cannot explain this result, it is consistent with the idea of a gating (i.e., cognitive control) mechanism.  相似文献   

Memory & Cognition - Reaction times in a simultaneous visual matching task were obtained for four types of letter strings: high-frequency words, low-frequency words, orthographically legal...  相似文献   

Visual input was lateralized using a specially designed contact lens system. Subjects performed a sequence of two keypresses in response to a light stimulus with either the left or the right hand in a choice reaction time paradigm. Two choice reaction time conditions were used: (A) hand certainty, sequence uncertainty and (B) hand uncertainty, sequence certainty. Reaction time (RT) results indicate that there are no significant differences between the left and right hemisphere in selecting a sequential response in either of the two conditions. Interfinger time (IFT) results show a relative left eye (right hemisphere)-left hand advantage when there was hand certainty, sequence uncertainty and a relative left eye (right hemisphere) disadvantage for both hands when there was hand uncertainty, sequence certainty. The RT results do not support the concept of a center in the left hemisphere for selection of the components of a two-element sequential keypress, prior to movement initiation. However, the IFT results indicate that there are differences in the processing ability of the left and right hemispheres in a sequencing task, after movement initiation.  相似文献   

Task switching research has revealed that task changes lead to a performance switch cost. The present study focuses on the organization of task components in the task set. Three different views of task set organization have been distinguished and evidence in favor of each of these has been reported in the literature. In four experiments, we orthogonally varied the categorization task (magnitude and parity) and the stimulus dimension on which the categorization was to be made. Experiments 1, 2, and 4 used Stroop-like number stimuli, whereas Experiment 3 used global-local stimuli to define the stimulus dimension. In Experiments 2-4, the cue-stimulus interval was also varied. The findings showed that a change of any component resulted in a cost, without any reliable difference in the size of these costs. These results are consistent with the flat view on task-set organization, which assumes that the task set binds all elements in an unstructured representation, which is completely reconfigured each time a change to the task set is required. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to other findings and the different views on task-set organization.  相似文献   

The Serial Reaction Time (SRT) task was used in 2 experiments to determine if the specific sequence used by the task influences implicit learning. In Experiment 1, participants performed the SRT task with the locations of the stimuli determined by a commonly used fixed sequence (taken from P. J. Reber & L. R. Squire, 1998), by a fixed sequence that was uniquely generated for each participant, or at random. Experiment 2 used the same basic design, but the random condition was changed so that each possible transition between responses was seen the same number of times, making it more comparable to the fixed-sequence conditions. Results from both experiments indicate that the specific sequence used in the SRT task influences the strength of implicit learning effects. Follow-up analyses show that the strength of implicit learning can be linked to the presence of particular types of triads within the sequence. The authors suggest that future researchers should not use on a single fixed sequence across all participants when using the SRT task but should instead generate different fixed sequences for each participant to enhance the generalizability of their results.  相似文献   

At least five earlier studies could not find effector-dependent learning in the keying version of the serial reaction time (RT) task. Experiment 1 examined whether effector-dependent learning occurs when participants practice the serial RT task with three fingers of one hand for about 1,300 sequence repetitions instead of the more common 50-100 repetitions. The results confirm that, following extended practice, sequence learning produces an effector-dependent component. Specifically, an unpracticed hand executed a practiced sequence slower than a practiced hand. However, Experiment 2 showed that effector-dependent sequence learning develops only when fingers of one hand are used, suggesting that effector-dependent sequence learning involves adjustment to the mechanical interactions between the fingers of one hand. In addition, when sequences had been practiced with one hand, mirror versions of the practiced sequences in both experiments showed moderate transfer. But when practiced with two hands no transfer to a mirrored version of the sequence was observed. This suggests that only practice with one hand produces a representation that facilitates the execution of mirror sequences. Generally, the same results were found in more or less aware participants, congruent with the idea that the effector-dependent representation and the representation allowing transfer to mirror sequences are implicit.  相似文献   

In this experiment we sought to provide evidence for transliminality from a test of subliminal perception that was disguised as a computerised ESP card-guessing task. It was predicted that highly transliminal individuals would outperform those with low levels of transliminality when given subliminal primes or 'clues' to the correct choice of card, but not when no primes were given. In line with the prediction, higher levels of transliminality were found to be associated with a greater number of correct selections of the target card on the primed trials, but not on the unprimed trials. In addition, a positive correlation was obtained between transliminality and detection accuracy, suggesting that higher levels of transliminality are associated with a greater sensitivity to visual stimulation. The results are discussed with reference to the possibility that transliminality might offer an alternative explanation for some ostensibly psychic perceptual experiences if subliminally acquired material is wrongly attributed to psychic sources.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of selection demands on implicit sequence learning. Participants in a search condition looked for a target among seven distractors and responded on the target identity. The responses followed a deterministic sequence, and sequence learning was compared to that found in two control conditions in which the targets were presented alone, either at a central location or over a series of unpredictable locations. Sequence learning was obtained in all conditions, and it was equivalent for the two variable location conditions, regardless of the perceptual demands. Larger effects of learning were observed in the central location, both on the indirect measures and on the measures taken from a cued-generation task. The expression of learning decreased selectively in this condition when the sequence validity was reduced over a test block. These results are consistent with the claims that implicit and explicit learning are mixed in this central condition and that implicit learning is not affected by selection difficulty.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of selection demands on implicit sequence learning. Participants in a search condition looked for a target among seven distractors and responded on the target identity. The responses followed a deterministic sequence, and sequence learning was compared to that found in two control conditions in which the targets were presented alone, either at a central location or over a series of unpredictable locations. Sequence learning was obtained in all conditions, and it was equivalent for the two variable location conditions, regardless of the perceptual demands. Larger effects of learning were observed in the central location, both on the indirect measures and on the measures taken from a cued-generation task. The expression of learning decreased selectively in this condition when the sequence validity was reduced over a test block. These results are consistent with the claims that implicit and explicit learning are mixed in this central condition and that implicit learning is not affected by selection difficulty.  相似文献   

The extent to which orthographic and phonological processes are available during the initial moments of word recognition within each hemisphere is under specified, particularly for the right hemisphere. Few studies have investigated whether each hemisphere uses orthography and phonology under constraints that restrict the viewing time of words and reduce overt phonological demands. The current study used backward masking in the divided visual field paradigm to explore hemisphere differences in the availability of orthographic and phonological word recognition processes. A 20 ms and 60 ms SOA were used to track the time course of how these processes develop during pre-lexical moments of word recognition. Nonword masks varied in similarity to the target words such that there were four types: orthographically and phonologically similar, orthographically but not phonologically similar, phonologically but not orthographically similar and unrelated. The results showed the left hemisphere has access to both orthography and phonology early in the word recognition process. With more time to process the stimulus, the left hemisphere is able to use phonology which benefits word recognition to a larger extent than orthography. The right hemisphere also demonstrates access to both orthography and phonology in the initial moments of word recognition, however, orthographic similarity improves word recognition to a greater extent than phonological similarity.  相似文献   

Together with magnitude representations, knowledge about multiplicativity and parity contributes to numerical problem solving. In the present study, we used eye tracking to document how and when multiplicativity and parity are recruited in the number bisection task. Fourteen healthy adults evaluated whether the central number of a triplet (e.g., 21_24_27) corresponds to the arithmetic integer mean of the interval defined by the two outer numbers. We observed multiplicativity to specifically affect gaze duration on numbers, indicating that the information of multiplicative relatedness is activated at early processing stages. In contrast, parity only affected total reading time, suggesting involvement in later processing stages. We conclude that different representational features of numbers are available and integrated at different processing stages within the same task and outline a processing model for these temporal dynamics of numerical cognition.  相似文献   

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