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How is visual object perception limited by divided attention? Whereas some theories have proposed that it is not limited at all (unlimited capacity), others have proposed that divided attention introduces restrictive capacity limitations or serial processing (fixed capacity). We addressed this question using a task in which observers searched for instances of particular object categories, such as a moose or squirrel. We applied an extended simultaneous-sequential paradigm to test the fixed-capacity and unlimited-capacity models (Experiment 1). The results were consistent with fixed capacity and rejected unlimited capacity. We ascertained that these results were due to attention, and not to sensory interactions such as crowding, by repeating the experiment using a cuing paradigm with physically identical displays (Experiment 2). The results from both experiments were consistent with theories of object perception that have fixed capacity, and they rejected theories with unlimited capacity. Both serial and parallel models with fixed capacity remain viable alternatives.  相似文献   

Everyday tasks often require us to keep track of multiple objects in dynamic scenes. Past studies show that tracking becomes more difficult as objects move faster. In the present study, we show that this trade-off may not be due to increased speed itself but may, instead, be due to the increased crowding that usually accompanies increases in speed. Here, we isolate changes in speed from variations in crowding, by projecting a tracking display either onto a small area at the center of a hemispheric projection dome or onto the entire dome. Use of the larger display increased retinal image size and object speed by a factor of 4 but did not increase interobject crowding. Results showed that tracking accuracy was equally good in the large-display condition, even when the objects traveled far into the visual periphery. Accuracy was also not reduced when we tested object speeds that limited performance in the small-display condition. These results, along with a reinterpretation of past studies, suggest that we might be able to track multiple moving objects as fast as we can a single moving object, once the effect of object crowding is eliminated.  相似文献   

It has generally been accepted that attention is inhibited from returning to previously attended locations, and that this inhibition of return (IOR) lasts just two or three seconds. Recently, Tipper, Grison, and Kessler (2003) showed that IOR can occur over much longer periods of time provided the inhibition is encoded with a context-rich event. Here we examine standard (i.e., typical time range) and long-term IOR within the same experimental paradigm as a means to compare their properties. Experiment 1 used the simple displays typical of cueing paradigms and revealed that both standard and long-term IOR can be obtained under such conditions. Experiment 2 showed that both standard and long-term IOR occurred when there was incongruence between the required response on the current trial and that stored in memory. Furthermore, IOR was not produced when there was incongruence between a target feature (colour) of the current trial and that stored in memory. These results are consistent with a memory retrieval account of IOR and suggest that the same inhibitory mechanism may underlie both standard and long-term IOR.  相似文献   

The acquisition of learned behavior involves multiple memory systems, and hippocampal system damage impairs cognitive learning while leaving stimulus-response habit learning intact. In view of evidence that extinction also involves new learning, the present experiments examined whether multiple memory systems theory may be applicable to the neural bases of extinction. Adult Long-Evans rats were trained to run in a straight-alley maze for food reward. Twenty-four hours later, rats matched for runway latencies during acquisition received extinction training. In a response extinction condition conducive to habit learning, rats performed a runway approach response to an empty food cup. In a latent extinction condition conducive to cognitive learning, rats were placed at an empty food cup without performing a runway approach response. Prior to daily extinction training, neural activity of the dorsal hippocampus was reversibly inactivated via infusion of bupivacaine (0.75%, 0.5 microl/side). Control rats receiving saline infusions displayed extinction behavior in both the response and latent training conditions. In contrast, rats receiving bupivacaine extinguished normally in the response condition, but did not display latent extinction. The findings (1) confirm that learning underlying extinction of the same overt behavior can occur with or without explicit performance of the previously acquired response, (2) indicate that extinction learning produced by response and latent training procedures can be neuroanatomically dissociated, and (3) suggest that similarly to initial task acquisition, the hippocampus may critically mediate extinction in situations requiring the use of cognitive learning, such as when performance of a previously acquired response habit is prevented.  相似文献   

In visual search, detection of a target is faster when a layout of nontarget items is repeatedly encountered, suggesting that contextual invariances can guide attention. Moreover, contextual cueing can also adapt to environmental changes. For instance, when the target undergoes a predictable (i.e., learnable) location change, then contextual cueing remains effective even after the change, suggesting that a learned context is “remapped” and adjusted to novel requirements. Here, we explored the stability of contextual remapping: Four experiments demonstrated that target location changes are only effectively remapped when both the initial and the future target positions remain predictable across the entire experiment. Otherwise, contextual remapping fails. In sum, this pattern of results suggests that multiple, predictable target locations can be associated with a given repeated context, allowing the flexible adaptation of previously learned contingencies to novel task demands.  相似文献   

Dysphoria is associated with persistence of attention on mood-congruent information. Longer time attending to mood-congruent information for dysphoric individuals (DIs) detracts from goal-relevant information processing and should reduce working memory (WM) capacity. Study 1 showed that DIs and non-DIs have similar WM capacities. Study 2 embedded depressive information into a WM task. Compared to non-DIs, DIs showed significantly reduced WM capacity for goal-relevant information in this task. Study 3 replicated results from Studies 1 and 2, and further showed that DIs had a significantly greater association between processing speed and recall on the depressively modified WM task compared to non-DIs. The presence of inter-task depressive information leads to DI-related decreased WM capacity. Results suggest dysphoria-related WM capacity deficits when depressive thoughts are present. WM capacity deficits in the presence of depressive thoughts are a plausible mechanism to explain day-to-day memory and concentration difficulties associated with depressed mood.  相似文献   

We describe a multiple-route model of reading development in which coarse-grained orthographic processing plays a key role in optimizing access to semantics via whole-word orthographic representations. This forms part of the direct orthographic route that gradually replaces phonological recoding during the initial phases of reading acquisition. The model predicts distinct developmental trajectories for pseudo-homophone and transposed-letter effects - two benchmark phenomena associated with phonological recoding and coarse-grained orthographic processing, respectively. Pseudo-homophone effects should decrease over the first years of reading acquisition, whereas transposed-letter effects should initially increase. These predictions were tested in a lexical decision task with 334 children in grades 1-5, and 29 skilled adult readers. In line with the predictions, we found that the pseudo-homophone effect diminished as reading level increased, whereas the transposed-letter effect first increased and then diminished.  相似文献   

Psychophysical theories differ in the relative weight given to sensory and cogruuve variables. Two opposing theories are described and tested in an experiment designed to vary a cognitive factor while maintaining a constant sensory factor. The method of magnitude estimation was used with the constant stimulus attribute of line length. The cognitive factor was varied by providing Ss with different feedback concerning the numerical values assigned to the largest and smallest lines in the series. This procedure led to multiple ratio scales for the same stimulus attribute. It is argued that these results support a theory which stresses both cognitive and sensory variables in the explanation of psychophysical functions.  相似文献   

The capacity of visual short-term memory is not a fixed number of objects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Luck and Vogel (1997) have reported several striking results in support of the view that visual short-term memory (VSTM) has a fixed capacity of four objects, irrespective of how many relevant features those objects comprise. However, more recent studies have challenged this account, indicating only a weak effect of the number of objects once other factors are more evenly equated across conditions. Here, we employed a symmetry manipulation to verify object segmentation in our displays, to demonstrate that when spatial and masking factors are held constant, the number of objects per se has no effect on VSTM. Instead, VSTM capacity may reflect the number of object "parts" or feature conjunctions in a given display.  相似文献   

There is a large body of evidence relating to the ways that people tap in time with sounds, and perform error correction in order to do this. However, off-beat tapping is less well investigated than on-beat tapping. The current study involves coordinating with a stimulus sequence with underlying isochrony and systematic deviations from this isochrony that increase or decrease in magnitude to look at people’s capacity to error-correct when performing off-beat synchronisation with a set of sounds. Participants were instructed to ‘tap between the tones’ but ‘try to maintain regularity’. While analysis using typical methods suggested a form of error correction was occurring, a series of more complex analyses demonstrated that participants’ performance during each trial can be classified according to one of four different strategies: maintaining a regular pulse, error correction, phase resetting, and negative error correction. While maintaining a regular pulse was the preferred strategy in conditions with increasingly isochronous stimuli, the majority of trials are best explained by other strategies, suggesting that participants were generally influenced by variability in the stimuli.  相似文献   

Sentences were presented in various spatial formats, and readers localised one word of each sentence using a mouse cursor directly after reading. There was a localisation advantage for cumulative over single-word displays, for left-to-right presentation over presentation in a 3 x 3 grid, and for complete over incomplete sentences. Comparing performance for predictable and unpredictable word locations suggests that word location memory in reading decays within three seconds to a span of only 2-3 entries, and that readers can then reconstruct word locations from item memory. Implications for the role of spatial cognition in reading are discussed.  相似文献   

There are two opposing models with regard to the function of memory in visual search: a memorydriven model and a memory-free model. Recently, Horowitz and Wolfe (2001) investigated a multipletarget search task. Participants were required to decide whether or not there were at leastn targets present. They demonstrated that the reaction time ×n function has a positive and accelerated curve. They argued that the memory-free model predicts this curve, whereas the memory-driven model predicts a linear function. In this study, I varied the total set sizes of a multiple-target search task and fitted the models separately for eachn condition. The model fit indicated that the memory-driven model is more appropriate than the memory-free model in eachn condition. These results suggest that an amnesic process does not cause the positive accelerated curve of the reaction time ×n function but that it is the result of the time needed to examine each additionaln item.  相似文献   

Six experiments were conducted to examine the effect of knowledge of a target for overriding stimulus-driven interference in simple search tasks (Experiments 1-3) and compound search tasks (Experiments 4-6). In simple search when the target differed from nontargets in orientation, a singleton distractor that had an orientation equivalent to that of a target interfered with search for the target. When the singleton distractor was less salient than the target with respect to the target-defining feature, it still caused interference. Such within-dimensional, nonsaliency-based interference also occurred in compound search tasks. In contrast, no interference occurred when a singleton distractor was defined in cross-dimension in a simple search task. When a compound search task was used, the salient distractor interfered with the search for a less salient target. These results are discussed in terms of their applicability to existing models and the limitations of top-down penetrability of a feature processing stage.  相似文献   

Verbal working memory may combine phonological and conceptual units. We disentangle their contributions by extending a prior procedure (Chen & Cowan, 2005 Chen, Z. and Cowan, N. 2005. Chunk limits and length limits in immediate recall: A reconciliation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 31: 12351249. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) in which items recalled from lists of previously seen word singletons and of previously learned word pairs depended on the list length in chunks. Here we show that a constant capacity of about 3 chunks holds across list lengths and list types, provided that covert phonological rehearsal is prevented. What remains is a core verbal working-memory capacity.  相似文献   

Four of five patients with marked global amnesia, and others with new learning impairments, showed normal processing facilitation for novel stimuli (nonwords) and/or for familiar stimuli (words) on a word/nonword (lexical) decision task. The data are interpreted as a reflection of the learning capabilities of in-line neural processing stages with multiple, distinct, informational codes. These in-line learning processes are separate from the recognition/recall memory impaired by amygdalohippocampal/dosomedial thalamic damage, but probably supplement such memory in some tasks in normal individuals. Preserved learning of novel information seems incompatible with explanations of spared learning in amnesia that are based on the episodic/semantic or memory/habit distinctions, but is consistent with the procedural/declarative hypothesis.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that two color patches can be consolidated into visual short-term memory (VSTM) via an unlimited parallel process. Here we examined whether the same unlimited-capacity parallel process occurs for two oriented grating patches. Participants viewed two gratings that were presented briefly and masked. In blocks of trials, the gratings were presented either simultaneously or sequentially. In Experiments 1 and 2, the presentation of the stimuli was followed by a location cue that indicated the grating on which to base one’s response. In Experiment 1, participants responded whether the target grating was oriented clockwise or counterclockwise with respect to vertical. In Experiment 2, participants indicated whether the target grating was oriented along one of the cardinal directions (vertical or horizontal) or was obliquely oriented. Finally, in Experiment 3, the location cue was replaced with a third grating that appeared at fixation, and participants indicated whether either of the two test gratings matched this probe. Despite the fact that these responses required fairly coarse coding of the orientation information, across all methods of responding we found superior performance for sequential over simultaneous presentations. These findings suggest that the consolidation of oriented gratings into VSTM is severely limited in capacity and differs from the consolidation of color information.  相似文献   

The accuracy of time-to-contact (TTC) judgments for single approaching objects is well researched, however, close to nothing is known about our ability to make simultaneous TTC judgments for two or more objects. Such complex judgments are required in many everyday situations, for instance when crossing a multi-lane street or when engaged in multi-player ball games. We used a prediction-motion paradigm in which participants simultaneously estimated the absolute TTC of two objects, and compared the performance to a standard single-object condition. Results showed that the order of arrival of the two objects determined the accuracy of the TTC estimates: Estimation of the first-arriving object was unaffected by the added complexity compared to the one-object condition, whereas the TTC of the second-arriving object was systematically overestimated. This result has broad implications for complex everyday situations. We suggest that it is akin to effects observed in experiments on the psychological refractory period (PRP) and that the proactive interference of the first-arriving object indicates a bottleneck or capacity sharing at the central stage.  相似文献   

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review - The short-term maintenance of precise location information is fundamental in many daily activities. Often, individuals memorize spatial information provided to...  相似文献   

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