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Zusammenfassung Da tachistoskopisches Erkennen unter sehr ungünstigen Umständen durch vorherige Bekanntheit der exponierten Gebilde erleichtert wird, kann das tachistoskopische Erkennen zu einem weiteren Nachweis der Retentionsstörung verwandt werden. Sind die betreffenden Gebilde vorher in Häufung vorgeführt, so gelingt das Erkennen viel schlechter als wenn sie in Isolierung gegeben waren.Auch in Versuchen über tachistoskopisches Wiedererkennen kommt die Retentionsstörung viel deutlicher zum Ausdruck als in Versuchen über Wiedererkennen unter gewöhnlichen Bedingungen.Daß die Retentionsstörung bei Prüfung des Wiedererkennens unter gewöhnlichen Bedingungen anscheinend geringer ist, liegt an der Unempfindlichkeit des dabei verlangten Wiedererkennens als Indicator.Wird das tachistoskopische Erkennen des gleichen Materials wiederholt unter denselben ungünstigen Bedingungen geprüft, so gelingt es allmählich besser. Auch diese Spurenwirkung wird gestört, wenn dabei mehrere Gebilde des gleichen Materials vorgeführt werden.Dissertation der Philosophischen Fakultät Greifswald. — Für die Fragestellungen dieser Arbeit und für vielen Rat habe ich Herrn Professor Köhler und Fräulein Dr. von Restorff zu danken, Herrn Professor von Allesch dafür, daß er ihren Abschluß ermöglichte und mich dabei auf das freundlichste unterstützte.  相似文献   



Negative comments (teasing) on weight and body image in adolescence might predict body dissatisfaction, overweight and eating disorders in adulthood. This study investigated 134 nursing students for a relationship between a history of teasing, body image and weight.

Materials and methods

Subjects with a body mass index (BMI)>?25 kg/m2 reported more teasing compared with normal subjects whereas those with a BMI<?20 kg/m2 showed lower values compared with normal or overweight subjects. Teasing questionnaire values correlated with aspects of negative body image. The BMI was predicted by factors age (p?=?0.001), sex (p?=?0.016) and teasing subscale weight (p?=?0.001).


It is remarkable that low teasing experience was associated with low weight, which might point to underweight as protective factor against teasing; however, the cross-sectional design of this study precludes direct causal inferences.  相似文献   

We present a semantic proof of Löb's theorem for theories T containing ZF. Without using the diagonalization lemma, we construct a sentence AUT T, which says intuitively that the predicate autological with respect to T (i.e. applying to itself in every model of T) is itself autological with respect to T. In effect, the sentence AUT T states I follow semantically from T. Then we show that this sentence indeed follows from T and therefore is true.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen einer Systemtheorie des Verhaltens und der Persönlichkeit und auf dem Hintergrund der Ergebnisse der Berner Längsschnittuntersuchungen wird eine Hypothese über die Genese der Wahrnehmung entwickelt, wonach die frühesten Wahrnehmungen im wesentlichen Verarbeitungen der Reizwirkungen in einer von zwei Klassen von Verhaltenssystemen sind, nämlich der Abwendung und Selbstsicherung (A-Systeme) bzw. der Zuwendung zur Außenwelt (Z-Systeme).In einem Experiment mit 8-, 9- und l0wöchigen Säuglingen wurde das Wahrnehmungsverhalten in Abhängigkeit von verschiedenen Reizfiguren, von der individuellen Eigenart und vom Aktivationsniveau des Kindes mit Hilfe eines Zeitstichprobenverfahrens beobachtet. Der auf die Differenzierung zwischen den verschiedenen Reizfiguren entfallende Varianzanteil steigt mit zunehmendem Alter an, während die Wirkung der autonomen Aktivationsprozesse allmählich zurücktritt. Mit 10 Wochen kann eine geordnete Form oder gute Gestalt leichter verarbeitet werden als eine mehr zufällige Form.Einige Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Annahmen, Methoden und Ergebnissen des Experiments werden diskutiert, darunter die Theorie der Formwahrnehmung, die Genese von Subjekt- und Objektsystem und die beschränkte Bedeutung der Methode der bevorzugten Fixierung in der Erforschung der Säuglingswahrnehmung.
Summary Within the framework of a System Theory of behavior and personality and against the background of the results of the Bernese Longitudinal Studies, a hypothesis of the genesis of perception is developed. It states that the earliest perceptions are essentially integrations of the effects of stimuli into one of two classes of behavioral systems, viz. withdrawal and self-preservation (A-systems) or, respectively, approach to the outer world (Z-systems).The perceptual behavior of 8-, 9-, and 10-week-old infants as a function of different stimulus forms, individuality, and activation level was observed by means of a time-sampling rating method. The proportion of variance accounted for by the differences between stimuli was found to increase with age; at the same time the effect of autonomic activation processes was decreasing. At the age of 10 weeks the infant can work up an orderly form or good Gestalt more readily than a more irregularly-shaped form.Some problems in connection with the assumptions, methods, and results of the study are then discussed, including form perception theory, the genesis of subject- and object-system, and some restriction of the method of preferred fixation in the study of infant perception.

Gegenwärtig als Canada Council Postdoctoral Fellow an der York University in Toronto, Ont., Canada. Der Verfasser möchte seinem verehrten Lehrer Richard Meili seinen herzlichen Dank für die Anregung dieser Arbeit ausdrücken.  相似文献   

The influence of defensivity, measured by validity scales of personality inventories (MMPI-K, FPI-R, GIESSEN-Test) on test results and psychotherapy outcome was studied in 309 patients treated with inpatient client-centered therapy. In general, psychotherapy patients exhibited low defensivity. 25% of patients, who denied psychopathology at admission, did so at discharge and to some extent at follow-up, demonstrating an ”especially good outcome” (means). Relative improvement (effect sizes), however, was significantly diminished in psychopathology scales and significantly enlarged in validity scales. – Results are discussed with regard to prior hypotheses about the influence of defensivity.  相似文献   

The S2 guidelines for the treatment of personality disorders (PD) are summarized. In the diagnostic assessment of personality disorders a clinical interview should be supplemented by (semi-) structured clinical interviews and self-report measures for the categorical and dimensional assessment of PDs. The results of the assessment process should be communicated to the patient based on a psycho-educational framework. The diagnosis should always be linked to the patient’s individual history. Psychotherapy is the treatment of choice for personality disorders. A detailed analysis of the patient’s problems as well as the definition of a hierarchy of treatment goals are part of the process of treatment planning. For three PDs empirical evidence for treatment approaches is available: (1) dialectical behavior therapy, mentalization-based therapy, schema focused therapy and transference focused therapy all proved beneficial in the treatment of borderline personality disorder. Cognitive-behavior therapy proved helpful in the treatment of (2) dissociative personality disorder and (3) avoidant personality disorder. There is limited evidence for interpersonal therapy and psychodynamic therapies in the treatment of avoidant personality disorder.  相似文献   

Narcissism is a multifaceted term which encompasses traits of normal personality as well as a specific personality disorder. While much research has been concerned with narcissism as a trait there are only few empirical studies on narcissistic personality disorder (NPS). The current diagnostic system of NPS according to DSM-5 (section II) focuses on grandiose narcissism whereas vulnerable narcissism, which is emphasized by clinicians and researchers, has not yet been recognized. While treating NPD patients an increased suicide risk has to be taken into consideration. Psychotherapy of narcissistic patients mainly focuses on processes during patient-therapist interactions, the analysis and processing of grandiose and vulnerable schemas, emotion regulation techniques and a correction of narcissistic behavior in favor of prosocial interactions.  相似文献   

There have previously been only few objective investigations on the combined occurrence of intellectual disability and personality disorder. Despite this difficulty, from the current clinical viewpoint there is no doubt that at least people with mild intellectual disability can also develop personality disorders. In slight degrees of intellectual disability it is possible to psychopathologically describe the typical symptoms objectively. For the disorder symptomatic of combined personality disorder in people with an intellectual disability, there are no confirmed facts, publications or diagnostic rules. The diagnostic assignment of behavioral abnormalites as combined personality disorder with dependent and infantile components in people with intellectual diasabilities still does not seem to be justified. In people with medium to severe mental disorders only the comprehensive term “behavioral abnormalities” should be applied.  相似文献   

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