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《Personnel Psychology》1991,44(2):391-472
book Review in This Article: COATES, JOSEPH E, JARRATT, JENNIFER, and MAHAFFIE, JOHN B. Future Work: Seven Critical Forces Reshaping Work and the Work Force in North America. FUCINI, JOSEPH J. and FUCINI, SUZY. Working for the Japanese: Inside Mazda's American Auto Plant. HOPKINS, KEVIN R., NESTLEROTH, SUSAN L., and BOLICK, CLINT. Help Wanted: How Companies Can Survive and Thrive in the Coming Worker Shortage. BELLMAN, GEOFFRY M. The Consultant's Calling: Bringing Who You Are to What You Do. LEDVINKA, JAMES and SCARPELLO, VIDA G. Federal Regulation of Personnel and Human Resource Management (2nd ed.). ROMAN, PAUL M. (Ed.). Alcohol Problem Intervention in the Workplace: Employee Assistance Programs and Strategic Alternatives. SONNENSTUHL, WILLIAM J. and TRICE, HARRISON M. Strategies for Employee Assistance Programs: The Crucial Balance (2nd ed., rev.). NORO, KAGEYU and BROWN, OGDEN, JR. (Eds.). Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management–III (Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management, Kyoto, Japan, July 18-21, 1990). MURPHY, KEVIN R. and SAAL, FRANK E. (Eds.). Psychology in Organizations: Integrating Science and Practice. FUKUDA, RYUJI. CEDACA Tool for Continuous Systematic Improvement. RUMMLER, GEARY A. and BRACHE, ALAN P. Improving Performance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart. TICHY, NOEL M. and DEVANNA, MARY ANNE. The Transformational Leader. SRIVASTVA, SURESH, COOPERRIDER, DAVID L. and Associates. Appreciative Management and Leadership: The Power of Positive Thought and Action in Organizations. WHEELAN, SUSAN A. Facilitating Training Groups: A Guide to Leadership and Verbal Intervention Skills. BAUM, HOWELL S. Organizational Membership: Personal Development in the Workplace. ASTRACHAN, JOSEPH H. Mergers, Acquisitions, and Employee Anxiety: A Study of Separation Anxiety in a Corporate Context. PARKER, GLENN M. Team Players and Teamwork: The New Competitive Business Strategy. RIZZO, ANN-MARIE and MENDEZ, CARMEN. The Integration of Women in Management: A Guide for Human Resources and Management Development Specialists. MAYER, RICHARD J. Conflict Management; The Courage to Confront. RAHIM, M. AFZALUR (ED.). Theory and Research in Conflict Management. HITT, WILLIAM D. Ethics and Leadership: Putting Theory into Practice. BOWEN, DAVID E., CHASE, RICHARD B., CUMMINGS, THOMAS G., and Associates. Service Management Effectiveness: Balancing Strategy, Organization and Human Resources, Operations and Marketing.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1985,38(1):153-269
Book Reviewed in this article: CRONBACH, LEE J. Essentials of Psychological Testing (4th edition). PARSONS, DAVID. Employment and Manpower Surveys: A Practitioner's Guide. BERNARDIN, H. JOHN and BEATTY, RICHARD W. Performance Appraisal: Assessing Human Behavior at Work. TUNG, ROSALIE L. Key to Japan's Economic Strength: Human Power. PINDER, CRAIG C. Work Motivation: Theory, Issues, and Applications. BRIEF, ARTHUR P. (Editor). Productivity Research in the Behavioral and Social Sciences. FITZ-ENZ, JAC. How to Measure Human Resources Management. KETS DE VRIES, MANFRED F. R. (Editor). The Irrational Executive: Psychoanalytic Studies in Management. BATEMAN, THOMAS S. and FERRIS, GERALD R. Method and Analysis in Organizational Research. QUICK, JAMES C. and QUICK, JONATHAN D. Organizational Stress and Preventive Management. SCHULER, RANDALL S. Personnel and Human Resource Management (2nd edition). SCHULER, RANDALL S. and YOUNGBLOOD, STUART A. Readings in Personnel and Human Resource Management (2nd edition). DESSLER, GARY. Personnel Management: Modern Concepts and Techniques (3rd edition). KAKABADSE, ANDREW and PARKER, CHRISTOPHER (Editors). Power, Politics, and Organizations: A Behavioural Science View. MILKOVICH, GEORGE T. and NEWMAN, JERRY M. Compensation. SMITH, IAN. The Management of Remuneration: Paying for Efectiveness. MARGOLIS, FREDERIC H. and BELL, CHIP R. Managing the Learning Process. OBORNE, D. J. and GRUNEBERG, M. M. (Editors). The Physical Environment at Work. BOWMAN, JAMES S., ELLISTON, FREDERICK, and LOCKHART, PAULA. Professional Dissent: An Annotated Bibliography and Research Guide. FIEDLER, FRED E. and CHEMERS, MARTIN M. Improving Leadership Efectiveness: The Leader Match Concept (2nd edition). LAMBERT, CLARK. The Complete Book of Supervisory Training. SPIELBERGER, CHARLES D. and BUTCHER, JAMES N. (Editors). Advances in Personality Assessment (Volume 3). PEPPER, ALLAN D. Managing the Training and Development Function. MASLOW, ALBERT P. Staffing the Public Service. BURGESS, JOHN H. Human Factors in Forms Design. PETTMAN, BARRIE O. and TAVERNIER, GERARD. Manpower Planning Workbook (2nd edition). SWAP, WALTER C. and ASSOCIATES. Group Decision Making. GOODWORTH, CLIVE T. Eflective Interviewing for Employment Selection. SIKULA, andREW F. and MCKENNA, JOHN F. The Management of Human Resources: Personnel Text and Current Issues. FLIPPO, EDWIN B. Personnel Management (6th edition). GMELCH, WALTER H. and MISKIN, VAL D. Productivity Teams: Beyond Quality Circles. TIMM, PAUL R. Supervision. HESS, KAREN (Editor). The Positive Manager. BOELLA, M. J. Personnel Management in the Hotel and Catering Industry (3rd edition).  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1984,37(3):515-577
Book Reviewed in this article: RONCO, WILLIAM AND PEATTIE, LISA. Making Work: Sev- Created Jobs in Participatory Organizations. HENDERSON, RICHARD I. Performance Appraisal. ROCK, MILTON L. (Ed.) Handbook of Wage and Salary Administration. LEVINE, EDWARD L. Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Job Analysis (and More!…A Job Analysis Primer). DREHER, GEORGE F. AND SACKETT, PAUL R. Perspectives on Employee Stafing and Selection: Readings and Commentary. NEILSEN, ERIC H. Becoming an OD Practitioner. SCHRANK, ROBERT (Ed.) Industry Democracy at Sea: Authority and Democracy on a Norwegian Freighter. HOPKINS, ANNE H. Work and Job Satisfaction in the Public Sector. RUCH, RICHARD S. AND GOODMAN, RONALD. Image at the Top: Crisis and Renaissance in Corporate Leadership. MITROFF, IAN I. Stakeholders of the Organizational Mind: Toward a New View of Organizational Policy Making. PFEIFFER, J. WILLIAM. (Ed.) A Handbook of Structured Experiences for Human Relations Training Vol IX. HUCZYNSKI, ANDRZEJ Encyclopedia development Methods. MUNSON, LAWRENCE S. How to Conduct Training Semi CARROLL, STEPHEN J. AND SCHULER, RANDALL S. (Eds.) Human Resources Managment in the 1980s: Supplement to the ASPA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations. DESATNICK, ROBERT L. The Business of Human Resource Management: A Guide for the Results Oriented Executive. WEXLEY, KENNETH N. AND YUKL, GARY A. Organizational Behavior and Personnel Psychology. (Rev. Ed.) KOLB, DAVID A., RUBIN, IRWIN M. AND McINTYRE, JAMES M . Organizational Psychology: An Experiential Approach to Organizational Behavior, (Fourth Ed.) and KOLB, DAVID A., RUBIN, IRWIN M. AND McINTYRE, JAMES M. Organizational Psychology: A Book of Readings. LAU, JAMES B. AND JELINEK, MARIANN. Behavior in Organizations: An Experiential Approach. WALSH, W. BRUCE AND OSIPOW, SAMUEL H. (Eds.) Handbook of Vocational Psychology. Vol. I: Foundations. and WALSH, W. BRUCE AND OSIPOW, SAMUEL H. (Eds.) Handbood of Vocational Psychology. Vol. 2: Applications. PAGE, TERRY. (Ed.) Computers in Personnel: Papers for the First National Confence and Exhibition of Computers in Personnel (22-24 June 1982). and PAGE, TERRY, (Ed.) Computers in Personnel: Toward the Personnel Ofice of the Future. TAYLOR, A ROBERT. How to Select and Use an Executive Search Firm.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1989,42(3):613-613

《Personnel Psychology》1992,45(2):407-782
Book review in This Article: GILLESPIE, RICHARD. Manufacturing Knowledge: A History of the Hawthorne Experiments. SASHKIN, MARSHALL and KISER, KENNETH J. Total Quality Management. WEST, MICHAEL A. and FARR, JAMES L. (Eds.). Innovation and Creativity at Work: Psychological and Organizational Strategies. REDMON, WILLIAM K. and DICKENSON, ALYCE M. (Eds.). Promoting Excellence Through Performance Management. MILKOVICH, GEORGE T. and WIGDOR, ALEXANDRA K. (Eds.), with Renae F. Broderick and Anne S. Mavor. WEISS, DONALD H. Fair, Square, and Legal: Safe Hiring and Firing Practices to Keep You and Your Company Out of Court. WELLINS, RICHARD S., BYHAM, WILLIAM C, and WILSON, JEANNE M. Empowered Teams: Creating Self-Directed Work Groups That Improve Quality, Productivity, and Participation. HOLLWAY, WENDY. Work Psychology and Organizational Behaviour: Managing the Individual at Work. PFEIFFER, J. WILLIAM (Ed.). The 1991 Annual: Developing Human Resources. QUICK, THOMAS L. Training Managers So They Can Really Manage: Confessions of a Frustrated Trainer. FERMAN, LOUIS A., HOYMAN, MICHELE, CUTCHER-GER-SHENFELD, JOEL, and SAVOIE, ERNEST J. (Eds.). SWAN, WILLIAM S. How to Do a Superior Performance Appraisal. CONNOLLY, KATHLEEN GROLL and CONNOLLY, PAUL M. Competing for Employees: Proven Marketing Strategies for Hiring and Keeping Exceptional People. KAYDOS, WILL. Measuring, Managing and Maximizing Performance: What Every Manager Needs to Know About Quality and Productivity to Make Real Improvement in Performance. STERN, GERRY and STERN, YVETTE BORCIA. Stem's Source-Finder: Human Resource Management Value-Added Periodical Index. WASKEL, SHIRLEY A. Mid-Life Issues and the Workplace of the 90s: A Guide for Human Resource Specialists. CRAWFORD, LOUELLEN. Dependent Care and the Employee Benefits Package: Human Resource Strategies for the 1990s. HANKS, ROMA S. and SUSSMAN, MARVIN B. (Eds.). Corporations, Businesses, and Families. HEENAN, DAVID A. The New Corporate Frontier: The Big Move to Small Town, USA. COOK, MARK. Personnel Selection and Productivity. SCHWARTZ, HOWARD S. Narcissistic Process and Corporate Decay: The Theory of the Organization Ideal. BELOHLAV, JAMES A. Championship Management: An Action Model for High Performance. SURI, G. K. and SINGH, AJIT (Eds.). Role of Trade Unions in Productivity Improvement: Papers, Proceedings and Conclusions of the National Conference.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1990,43(1):135-226

《Personnel Psychology》1985,38(4):865-938
Book Reviewed in this article: DECKER, PHILLIP J. AND NATHAN, BARRY R. Behavior Modeling Training: Principles and Applications. SCOTT, W. E., JR. AND PODSAKOFF, P.M. Behavioral Principles in the Practice of Management. GINZBERG, ELI AND VOJTA, GEORGE. Beyond Human Scale: The Large Corporation at Risk. BOWDITCH, JAMES L. AND BUONO. ANTHONY L. A Primer on Organizational Behavior. CLARK, NEILAND PHILLIPS, KERI with Dave Barker. Unfinished Business: The Theory and Practice of Personal Process Work in Training. CLAWSON, JAMESG. KOTTER. JOHN P., FAUX. VICTOR A. AND MCARTHUR, CHARLES C. Self Assessment and Career Development (2nd ed.). LIPPITT, GORDON L., LANGSETH, PETERAND Mossop, JACK. Implementing Organizational Change. ZIEGENFUSS, JAMEST., JR. Patient/Client/Employee Complaint Programs: An organizational Systems Model. GOODMAN. PAULS., ATKIN, ROBERTS. AND ASSOCIATES. Absenteeism. BLANCHARD, KENNETH, ZIGARMI, PATRICIA AND ZIGARMI, DREA. Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness through Situational Leadership. MCCALL, MORGAN W., JR. AND KAPLAN, ROBERTE. Whatever It Takes: Decision Makers at Work. LUTHANS. FRED.Organizational Behavior (4th ed.). DRENTH, P. J. D., THIERRY, H., WILLEMS, P. J. AND DE WOLFF, C. J. (Eds.). Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (Volume I). OSKAMP. STUART(Ed.). Applied Secial Psychology Annual 5: Applications in Organizational Settings. WERTHER, WILLIAM B., JR. AND DAVIS, KEITH. Personnel Management and Human Resources (2nd ed.). GOODSTEIN, LEONARD D. AND PFEIFFER. J. WILLIAM (Eds.). The 1985 Annual: Developing Human Resources. QUICK, THOMAS L. The Manager's Motivation Desk Book. ROBSON, MIKE (Ed.). Quality Circles in Action. DOUGLAS, JOHN. KLEIN, STUARTAND HUNT, DAVID. The Strategic Managing of Human Resources. ARTHUR, MICHAEL B., BAILYN, LOTTE, LEVINSON, DANIEL J. AND SHEPARD, HER BERT A. Working with Careers. CONYNE. ROBERTK. (Ed.). The Group Workers' Handbook: Varieties of Group Experience.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1987,40(4):825-897
Book reviewed in this article: BARNEY, JAY B. and OUCHI, WILLIAM G. (Eds.). Organizational Economics: Toward a New Paradigm for Understanding and Studying Organizations. RITTI, R. RICHARD and FUNKHOUSER, G. RAY. The Ropes to Skip and The Ropes to Know: The Inner Life of an Organization (3rd ed.). MILES, ROBERT H. Managing the Corporate Social Environment: A Grounded Theory. NEVO, BARUCH (Ed.). The Scientific Aspects of Graphology: A Handbook. O'BRIEN, GORDON E. Psychology of Work and Unemployment. HILLS, FREDERICK S. Compensation Decision Making. VAN GUNDY, ARTHUR B. Creative Problem Solving: A Guide for Trainers and Managers. HARGIE, OWEN (Ed.). A Handbook of Communications Skills. BLOCK, PETER. The Empowered Manager: Positive Political Skills at Work. EZORSKY, GERTRUDE (Ed.). Moral Rights in the Workplace. MYERS, DONALD W. Human Resource Management: Principles and Practice. ZEIDNER, JOSEPH (Ed.). Human Productivity Enhancement: Organizations, Personnel, and Decision Making (Vol. 2). HARTMANN, HEIDI I., KRAUT, ROBERT E., TILLY, LOUISE A. (Eds.). Computer Chips and Paper Clips: Technology and Women's Employment, (Vol. I). EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, ERGONOMICS GROUP, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT LABORATORIES. Ergonomics Design for People at Work, Volume II: The Design of Jobs. TJOSVOLD, DEAN. Working Together to Get Things Done: Managing Organizational Productivity. GARDNER, JAMES E. Stabilizing the Workforce: A Complete Guide to Controlling Turnover. SZILAGYI, ANDREW D. and WALLACE, MARC J. Organizational Behavior and Performance (4th ed.). HOLLEY, WILLIAM H. and JENNINGS, KENNETH M. Personnel/Human Resource Management: Contributions and Activities (rev. ed.). LEIBOWITZ, ZANDY B., FARREN, CAELA, and KAYE, BEVERLY L. Designing Career Development Systems. HODGETTS, RICHARD M. Modern Human Relations at Work (3rd ed.). ROBERSON, CLIFF. Preventing Employee Misconduct: A Self-Defense Manual for Businesses. MANGHAM, IAIN L. Power and Performance in Organizations: An Exploration of Executive Process. SCOTT, W. RICHARD. Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems (2nd ed.).  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1985,38(3):617-694
Book Reviewed in this article:
BEER, MICHAEL, SPECTOR, BERT, LAWRENCE, PAUL R., MILLS, D. QUINNAND WALTON, RICHARD E. Managing Human Assets: The Groundbreaking Harvard Business School Program.
LUTHANS, FREDAND KREITNER, ROBERT. Organizational Behavior ModiJication and Beyond: An Operant and Social Learning Approach.
BLAKE, ROBERT R. AND MOUTON, JANESRYGLEY. Solving Costly Organizational Conflicts: Achieving Intergroup Trust, Cooperation, and Teamwork.
DRENTH. P. J. D., THIERRY. H., WILLEMS, P. J. AND DE WOLFF, C. J. (Editors). Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (Vol. 2).
KILMANN, RALPH H. Beyond the Quick Fix: Managing Five Tracks to Organizaiional Success.
SRINIVAS, KALBURGIM. (Ed.) Human Resource Management: Contemporary Perspectives in Canada.
ROSENBAUM. JAMESE. Career Mobility in a Corporate Hierarchy.
SCHERMERHORN, JOHN R. JR., HUNT, JAMESG. AND OSBORN, RICHARD N. Managing Organizational Behavior (2nd ed.).
HUNT, JAMESG., HOSKING. DIAN-MARIE. SCHRIESHEI M. CHESTER A. AND STEW ART, ROSEMARY (Eds.). Leaders and Managers: International Perspectives on Managerial Behavior and Leadership.
FOMBRUN. CHARLES, TICHY, NOEL M. AND DEVANNA. MARY ANNE (Eds.). Strategic Human Resource Management.
BLACKLER. FRANK AND SHIMMIN. SYLVIA.Applying Psychology in Organizations.
LEGGE, K. Evaluating Planned Organizational Change.
GENEEN, HAROLDS, with Alvin Moscow. Managing.
BROWN, DUANE, BROOKS, LINDAAND ASSOCIATES. Career Choice and Development: Applying Contemporary Theories to Practice.
GERSTEL, NAOMIAND GROSS, HARRIET. Commuter Marriage: A Study of Work and Family.
BENNER, PATRICIAE. Stress and Satisfaction on the Job: Work Meanings and Coping of Mid-Career Men.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1984,37(4):733-817
Book Reviewed in this article: DUNHAM, RANDALL B. Organizational Behavior. LARWOOD, LAURIE. Organizational Behavior and Management. STEERS, RICHARD M. Introduction to Organizational Behavior. SASHKIN, MARSHALL AND MORRIS, WILLIAM C. Organizational Behavior: Concepts and Experiences. DU BRIN, ANDREW J. Foundations of Organizational Behavior: An Applied Perspective. BAZERMAN, MAX H. AND LEWICKI, ROY J. (Editors) Negotiating in Organizations. DAWIS, RENÉ V. AND LOFQUIST, LLOYD H. A Psychological Theory of Work Adjustment: an Individual-Differences Model and Its Applications. FORISHA-KOVACH, BARBARA. The Flexible Organization: A Unique New System for Organizational Effectiveness and Success. LANDY, FRANK, ZEDECK, SHELDON AND CLEVELAND, JEANETTE. (Editors) Performance Measurement and Theory. KING, PATRICIA. Performance Planning and Appraisal: A How-To Book for Managers. GERALD A. VASTANO Management Consultant Professional Training & Development Corona del Mar. BAILEY, CATHERINE T. The Measurement of Job Performance. COOPER, CARY L. AND DAVIDSON, MARILYN J. High Pressure: Working Lives of Women Managers. DAVIDSON, MARILYN AND COOPER, CARY Stress and the Woman Manager. RAE, LESLIE. The Skills of Training: A Guide for Managers and Practitioners. VAN MENTS, MORRY. The Effective Use of Role-Play: A Handbook for Teachers and Trainers. LA BELLE, CHARLES D. ET AL. Finding, Selecting, Developing, and Retaining Data Processing Professionals through Effective Human Resources Management. BYARS, LLOYD L. AND RUE, LESLIE W. Human Resource and Personnel Management. BRADFORD, DAVID L. AND COHEN, ALLAN R. Managing for Excellence: The Guide to Developing High Performance in Contemporary Organizations. SRTVASTVA, SURESH AND ASSOCIATES. The Executive Mind: New Insights on Managerial Thought and Action. KAKABADSE, ANDREW. The Politics of Management. BEMIS, STEPHEN E., BELENKY, ANN HOLT AND SODER, DEE ANN. Job Analysis: An Effective Management Tool. DU BR.IN, ANDREW J. Human Relations: A Job Oriented Approach. BACHARACH, SAMUEL B. (Editor) Research in the Sociology of Organizations: A Research Annual. DONAGHY, WILLIAM C. The Interview: Skills and Applications. FEAR, RICHARD A. The Evaluation Interview. DOYLE, ROBERT J. Gainsharing and Productivity: A Guide to Planning, Implementation and Development. SCHLEH, EDWARD C. How to Boost Your Return on Management.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1992,45(4):875-953
HANSEN, CURTISS P. and CONRAD, KELLEY A. (Eds.). A Handbook of Psychological Assessment in Business. SIMS, HENRY, P., JR. and LORENZI, PETER. The New Leadership Paradigm. GORDON, EDWARD E., PONTICELL, JUDITH A., and MORGAN, RONALD R. Closing the Literacy Gap in American Business: A Guide for Trainers and Human Resource Specialists. MINER, JOHN B. Industrial-Organizational Psychology. CARNEVALE, ANTHONY PATRICK. America and the New Economy: How New Competitive Standards are Radically Changing American Workplaces. MURPHY, KEVIN R. and CLEVELAND, JEANETTE N. Performance Appraisal: An Organizational Perspective. WORCHEL, STEPHEN, WOOD, WENDY and SIMPSON, JERRY A. (Eds.). Group Process and Productivity. GOODWIN, PAUL and WRIGHT, GEORGE. Decision Analysis for Management Judgment. FAIRHOLM, GILBERT W. Values Leadership: Toward a New Philosophy of Leadership. KETS DE VRIES, MANFRED F. R. and Associates. Organizations on the Couch: Clinical Perspectives on Organizational Behavior and Change. THOMAS, R. ROOSEVELT, JR. Beyond Race and Gender: Unleashing the Power of Your Total Work Force by Managing Diversity. SHARP, RICHARD S. Applying Career Development Theory to Counseling. BOYD, CHARLES. Individual Commitment and Organizational Change: A Guide for Human Resources and Organizational Development Specialists. MAURER, RICK. Caught in the Middle: A Leadership Guide for Partnership in the Workplace. SMITH, MARTIN R. Contrarian Management: Commonsense Antidotes to Business Fads and Fallacies. DENTON, D. KEITH. Horizontal Management: Beyond Total Customer Satisfaction. NELSON-JONES, RICHARD. Group Leadership: A Training Approach. BRODIE, DONALD W. Individual Employment Disputes: Definite and Indefinite Term Contracts. COOPER, CARY L. and PAYNE, ROY (Eds.). Personality and Stress: Individual Differences in the Stress Process. NADLER, LEONARD and NADLER, ZEACE. Every Manager's Guide to Human Resource Development. LOCKE, EDWIN A. and Associates. The Essence of Leadership: The Four Keys to Leading Successfully. BRUCE, WILLA M. and REED, CHRISTINE M. Dual-Career Couples in the Public Sector: A Management Guide for Human Resource Professionals. COCKBURN, CYNTHIA. In the Way of Women: Men's Resistance to Sex Equality in Organizations.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1969,22(3):337-367
Book Reviews comes in this article
LEVINSON, HARRY. The Exceptional Executive: A Psychological Conception
DALTON, GENE W., BARNES, LOUIS B., AND ZALEZNIK, ABRAHAM. The Distribution of Authority in Formal Organizations
YOSHINO, M. Y. Japan's Managerial System: Tradition and Innovation
HAMPTON, DAVID R., SUMMER, CHARLES E., AND WEBBER, ROSS A. Organizational Behavior and The Practice of Management
ROETHLISBERGER, F. J. Man-in-Organization: Essays of F. J. Roethlisberger
TANNENBAUM, ARNOLD S. Control in Organizations
ATHOS, ANTHONY G., AND COFFEY, ROBERT E. Behavior in Organizations: A Multidimensional View
BYHAM, WILLIAM C. The Uses of Personnel Research
HACKMAN, RAY C. The Motivated Working Adult
SHOUKSMITH, GEORGE. Assessment through Interviewing
CASKEY, CLARK C. Balance in Management
COVILLE, WALTER J., D'ARCY, PAUL F., MCCARTHY, THOMAS N., AND ROONEY, JOHN J. Assessment of Candidates for the Religious Life: Basic Psychological Issues and Procedures
RONAN, WILLIAM W., AND PRIEN, ERICH P. Human Performance Behaviors and Organizations
MINER, JOHN B. Personnel and Industrial Relations: A Managerial Approach  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1994,47(4):877-877
Book review in this Article:
MITROFF, IAN I., MASON, RICHARD O., and PEARSON, CHRISTINE M. Framebreak The Radical Redesign of American Business.
MINER, JOHN B. Role Motivation Theories.
DUNNETTE, MARVIN D. and HOUGH, LEATTA M. (Eds.). Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Vol. 2 (2nd ed.).
MUCHINSKY, PAUL M. Psychology Applied to Work: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology (4th ed.).
BEREMAN, NANCY A. and LENGNICK-HALL, MARK L. Compensation Decision Making:
BARRETT, DERM. Fast Focus on TQM: A Concise Guide to Company-wide Learning.
POWELL, GARY N. Women and Men in Management (2nd ed.).
BAILYN, LOTTE. Breaking the Mold: Women, Men, and Time in the New Corporate World.
HERMAN, STANLEY M. A Force of Ones: Reclaiming Individual Power in a Time of Teams, Work Groups, and Other Crowds.
HENEMAN, HERBERT G., III and HENEMAN, ROBERT L. Staffing Organizations.
PRUNT, DEAN G. and CARNEVALE, PETER J. Negotiation in Social Conflict.
NORTHEY, PATRICIA and SOUTHWAY, NIGEL. Cycle Time Management: The Fast Track to Time-Based Productivity Improvement.
SNYDER, NEIL H., DOWD, JAMES J., JR., and HOUGHTON, DIANNE MORSE. Visions, Values and Courage: Leadership for Quality Management.
KLOSE, ALLEN J. Breaking the Chains: The Empowerment of Employees: How to Evaluate, Monitor and Improve Employee Empowerment Levels.
ROMEYN, JANE. Flexible Working Time: Part-Time and Casual Employment.
PORTER, LYMAN W. and ROSENZWEIG, MARK R. (Eds.).  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1989,42(4):851-933
Book Reviewed in this article: HEELER, WILLIAM J., JONES, W. DAVID and BENHAM, PHILIP O., JR. Managing Human Resources Issues: Conjkonting Challenges and Choosing Options ARVEY, RICHARD D. and FALEY, ROBERT H. Fairness in Selecting Employees (2nd ed.) BUONO, ANTHONY E and BOWDITCH, JAMES L. The Human Side of Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing Collisions Between People, Cultures, and Organizations SCHAFFER, ROBERT H. The Breakthrough Strategy: Using ShortTerm Successes to BuiM the High Performance Organization CASNER-LOTTO, JILL and Associates. Successful Paining Strategies: Twenty-Sir Innovative Cowrate Models ROSOW, JEROME M. and ZAGER, ROBERT Tmining-The Competitive Edge COOPER, CARY L. and PAYNE, ROY (Eds.). Causes, Coping, and Consequences of Stress at Work CONGER, JAY A., KANUNGO, RABINDRA N. and Associates. Charismatic Leadership: The Elusive Factor in Organizatioml Effectiveness WALLACE, MARC J. and FAY, CHARLES H. Compensation Theory and Practice (2nd ed.) PATTEN, THOMAS H., JR. Fair Pay: The Managerial Challenge of Comparable Job Worth and Job Evaluation PFEIFFER, J. WILLIAM (Ed.). The 1989Annual: Developing Human Resources SCHULTHEISS, EMILY E. Optimizing the Organization: How to Link People and Technology GOLEMBIEWSKI, ROBERT T and MUNZENRIDER, ROBERT R. Phases of Burnout: Developments in Concepts and Applications WISE, PAULA SACHS. The Use ofAssessment Techniques by Applied Psychologists McCABE, DOUGLAS M. Corporate Nonunion Complaint Procedures and Systems: A Strategic Human Resources Management Analysis WOLFER, KAREN S. and WONG, RICHARD G. The Outplacement Solution: Getting the Right Job After Mergers, Takeovers, Layoffs, and Other Corporate Chaos ROSE, SUZANNA and LARWOOD, LAURIE (Eds.). Women's Careers: Pathways and Pigalls HARVEY, JERRY B. The Abilene Paradox and Other Meditations on Management IJIRI, YUJI and KUHN, ROBERT LAWRENCE (Eds.). New Directions in Cmative and Innovative Management: Bridging Theory and Practice MANESE, WILFRED0 R. Occupational Job Evaluation: A Research-Based Approach to Job ClassiJication BRADY, GENE F. Management by Involvement: An Action Guide KRAM, KATHY E. Mentoring at Work Developmental Relationships in Organizational Life SYLVIA, RONALD D. Critical Issues in Public Personnel Policy  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1985,38(2):393-489

《Personnel Psychology》1994,47(1):173-242
PISKURICH, GEORGE M. (Ed.-in-Chief). The ASTD Handbook of Instructional Technology. BRUCE, WILLA M. and BLACKBURN, J. WALTON. Balancing Job Satisfaction and Performance: A Guide for Human Resource Professionals. COOPER, CARY L. and ROBERTSON, IVAN T. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1993, Volume 8. CUNNINGHAM, J. BARTON. Action Research and Organizational Development. CLARK, KENNETH E., CLARK, MIRIAM B., and CAMPBELL, DAVID P. (Eds.). Impact of Leadership. ARGYRIS, CHRIS. Knowledge for Action: A Guide to Overcoming Barriers to Organizational Change. MERCER, JAMES L. Public Management in Lean Years: Operating in a Cutback Management Environment. ZEIDNER, MOSHE and MOST, ROBERT (Eds.). Psychological Testing: An Inside new. CROPANZANO, RUSSELL (Ed.). Justice in the Workplace: Approaching Fairness in Human Resource Management. CAMPBELL, DAVID P. Inklings: Collected Columns on Leadership and Creativity. FREI, FELIX, HUGENTOBLER, MARGRIT, SCHURMAN, SUSAN, DUELL, WERNER, and ALIOTH, ANDREAS. Work Design for the Competent Organization. SCHMIDT, WARREN H. and FINNIGAN, JEROME P. The Race without a Finish Line: America's Quest for Total Quality: Lessons from Malcolm Baldrige Award Winners. PUCIK, VLADIMIR, TICHY, NOEL M., and BARNETT, CAROLE K. (Eds.). Globalizing Management: Creating and Leading the Competitive Organization. MOORE-EDE, MARTIN. The Twenty-Four Hour Society: Understanding Human Limits in a World That Never Stops. DESSLER, GARY. Winning Commitment: How to Build and Keep a Competitive Workforce. HUGHES, RICHARD L., GINNETT, ROBERT C., and CURPHY, GORDON J. Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience. COOK, MARY F. (Ed.). The AMA Handbook for Employee Recruitment and Retention. SMITS, STANLEY J. and PACE, LARRY A. The Investment Approach to Employee Assistance Programs. RAHIM, M. AFZALUR. Managing Conflict in Organizations MORGAN, GARETH. Imaginization: The Art of Creative Management. SACHS, RANDI TOLER. Productive Performance Appraisals. COTTON, JOHN L. Employee Involvement: Methods for Improving Performance and Work Attitudes.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1990,43(3):633-692
Book reviewed in this article:
WISKOFF, MARTIN F. and RAMPTON, GLENN M. (Eds.). Military Personnel Measurement: Testing, Assignment, Evaluation.
ARTHUR, MICHAEL B., HALL, DOUGLAS T. and LAWRENCE, BARBARAS. (Eds.). Handbook of Career Theory.
LUTHANS, FRED. Organizational Behavior (5th ed.).
KOTTER, JOHN P. A Force for Change: How Leadership Differs from Management.
KOSSEK, ELLEN ERNST. The Acceptance of Human Resource Innovation: Lessons for Management.
NALBANTIAN, HAIG R. (Ed.). Incentives, Cooperation, and Risk Sharing: Economic and Psychological Perspectives on Employment Contracts.
McBEATH, GORDON and RANDS, NICK. Salary Administration (4th ed. by Gordon McBeath).
NEWSTROM, JOHN W. and DAVIS, KEITH. (Eds.) Organizational Behavior: Readings and Exercises (8th ed.).
LOWMAN, RODNEY L. Pre-Employment Screening for Psychopathology: A Guide to Professional Practice.
SETHI, AMARJIT S. and SCHULER, RANDALL S. (Eds.). Human Resource Management in the Health Care Sector: A Guide for Administrators and Professionals.
LOZANO, BEVERLY. The Invisible Work Force: Transforming American Business with Outside and Home-Based Workers.
MAKIN, PETER J., COOPER, CARY L. and COX, CHARLES J. Managing People at Work.
MINTZBERG, HENRY. Mintzberg on Management: Inside our Strange World of Organizations.
CROSBY, PHILIP B. Leading: The Art of Becoming an Executive.
REDDIN, BILL. The Output-Oriented Manager, Aldershot, Hants
ROSENZWEIG, MARK R. and PORTER, LYMAN W. (Eds.). Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 41, 1990.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1987,40(3):593-669
Book reviewed in this article: BERK, RONALD A (Ed.). Performance Assessment: Methods and Applications. GOLDSTEIN, IRWIN L. Training in Organizations: Needs Assessment, Development, and Evaluation. (2nd ed.). Review by Robert Moore DAVIS, DONALD D. and ASSOCIATES. Managing Technological Innovation: Organizational Strategies for Implementing Advanced Manufacturing Technologies. MAEHR, MARTIN L. and BRASKAMP, LARRY A. The Motivation Factor: A Theory of Personal Investment. ZEIDNER, JOSEPH (Editor). Human Productivity Enhancement: Training and Human Factors in Systems Design, Volume 1. PORTNOY, ROBERT A. Leadership: What Every Leader Should Know about People. ACKOFF, RUSSELL L. Management in Small Doses. MORF, MARTIN. Optimizing Work Performance: A Look Beyond the Bottom Line. DYER, W. GIBB, JR. Cultural Change in Family Firms: Anticipating and Managing Business and Family Transitions. WARD, JOHN L. Keeping the Family Business Healthy: How to Plan for Continuing Growth, Profitability, and Family Leadership. HINGLEY, PETER and COOPER, CARY L. Stress and the Nurse Manager. MUMFORD, ALAN (Editor). Handbook of Management Development (2nd ed.). MILLER, DONALD BRITTON Managing Professionals in Research and Development: A Guide for Improving Productivity and Organizational Effectiveness. PFEIFFER, J. WILLIAM (Ed.)- Strategic Planning: Selected Readings. EASTERBY-SMITH, MARK. Evaluation of Management Education, Training and Development. MOORE, LYNDA L. (Ed.) Not As Far As You Think: The Realities of Working Women. SCHUSTER, FREDERICK E. The Schuster Report: The Proven Connection Between People and Profits. CROSBY, PHILIP B. Running Things: The Art of Making Things Happen. HORNSTEIN, HARVEY A. Managerial Courage: Revitalizing Your Company Without Sacrificing Your Job. ZUNKER, VERNON G. Career Counseling: Applied Concepts of Life Planning (2nd ed.). KERR, CLARK and STAUDOHAR, PAUL D. (Editors). Industrial Relations in a New Age: Economic, Social, and Managerial Perspectives.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1986,39(1):149-263
Book reviewed in this article: London , Manuel . Developing Managers. Sorcher , Melvin . Predicting Executive Success: What it Takes to Make it into Senior Management. Friedman , Paul G. AND Yarbrough , Elaine A. Training Strategies from Start to Finish. Neff , Walter S. Work and Human Behavior (3rd Ed.). Czepiel , John A., Solomon , Michael R., AND Surprenant , Carol F. The Service Encounter: Managing Employee/Customer Interactions in Service Businesses. Schein , Edgar H. Organization Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. Farmer , Richard N. AND Hogue , W. Dickerson . Corporate Social Responsibility (2nd Ed.). Berk , Ronald A. (Ed.). A Guide to Criterion-Referenced Test Construction. Wlodkowski , Raymond J. Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn. Cummings , L. L. AND Frost , Peter J. (Eds.). Publishing in the Organizational Sciences. Bell , Chip R. AND Nadler , Leonard (Eds.). Clients and Consultants: Meeting and Exceeding Expectations (2nd Ed.). Connor , Richard A., Jr . AND Davidson , Jeffrey P. Marketing Your Consulting and Professional Services. Lawler , Edward E., Ill, Mohrman , Allan M, Jr ., Mohrman , Susan A., Ledford , Gerald E., Jr ., Cummings , Thomas G. AND Associates . Doing Research That is Useful for Theory and Practice. Elliston , Frederick , Keenan , John , Lockhart , Paula , AND Van Schaick , Jane . Whistleblowing: Managing Professional Dissent in the Workplace. Pennings , Johannes M. AND Associates . Organizational Strategy and Change: New Views on Formulating and Implementing Strategic Decisions. Brakel , Aat (Ed.). People and Organizations Interacting. Vaughn , Bobby C, Hoy , Frank , AND Buchanan , W. Wray . Employee Development Programs: An Organizational Approach. Rosenblat , Paul C, De Mik , Leni , Anderson , Roxanne , Marie , AND Johnson , Patricia . The Family in Business. Weihrich , Heinz . Management Excellence: Productivity Through MBO. Hanlon , Martin D., Nadler , David A. and Gladstein , Deborah . Attempting Work Reform: The Case of “Parkside” Hospital. Davis , Keith and Newstrom , John W. Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior (7th Ed.). Davis , Keith and Newstrom , John W. Organizational Behavior: Readings and Exercises (7th Ed.). Megginson , Leon C. Personnel Management: A Human Resources Approach (5th Ed.). Davidson , Marilyn J. AND Cooper , Cary L. (Eds.) Working Women: An International Survey. Hartmann , Heidi I. (Ed.) Comparable Worth: New Directions for Research. Dennis Doverspike Assistant Professor of Psychology University of Akron Akron, Ohio Rosenbach , William E. and Taylor , Robert L. (Eds.). Contemporary Issues in Leadership. Blake , Robert R. and Mouton , Jane S. The Managerial Grid HI: The Key to Leadership Excellence (3rd Ed.). Federico , Pat -Anthony with the assistance of Kim E. Brun and Douglas B. Mc Calla . Management Information Systems and Organizational Behavior (2nd Ed.). Ronen , Simcha , Alternative Work Schedules: Selecting, Implementing and Evaluating. George , Claude S. Supervision in Action: The Art of Managing Others (4th Ed.). Beehr , Terry A. AND Bhagat , Rabi S. (Eds.). Human Stress and Cognition in Organizations: An Integrated Perspective. Globerson , Schlomo . Performance Criteria and Incentive Systems (Advances in Industrial Engineering, 1). Kravetz , Dennis J. Getting Noticed: A Manager's Success Kit.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1988,41(4):805-889
Book Reviewed in this article: HAWTHORNE, ELIZABETH M. Evaluating Employee Training Programs: A Re- search-Based Guide for Human Resources Managers NALBANTIAN, HAIG R. (Ed.). Incentives, Cooperation, and Risk Sharing: Eco- nomic and Psychological Perspectives on Employment Contracts BARD, RAY, BELL, CHIP, STEPHEN, LESLIE and WEBSTER, LINDA. The Trainer's Professional Development Handbook REDDY, W. BRENDAN and HENDERSON, CLENARD C. (CHIP) JR. (Eds.). Train- ing Theory and Practice TUNG, ROSALIE L. The New Expatriates: Managing Human Resources Abroad KOTER, JOHN P. The Leadership Factor KOUZES, JAMES M. and POSNER, BARRY 2. The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations HUNT, JAMES GERALD, BALJGA, B. RAJARAM, DACHLER, H. PETER and SCHRIESHEIM, CHESTER A. (Eds.). Emerging Leadership Vistas CHALOFSKY, NEAL E. and REINHART, CARLENE. Effecrive Human Resource Development: How to Build a Strong and Responsive HRD Function ROTHMAN, ROBERT A. Working: Sociological Perspectives OBORNE, DAVID J. Ergonomics at Work (2nd ed.) HIRSH, HANNAH ROTHSTEIN (Ed.). Megatrends in Indusfriaii Organizational Psychology (A special issue of Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 2, No. 1) HA'TEN, KENNETH J. and HATTEN, MARY LOUISE. Eflective Strategic Man- agement: Analysis and Action LUTHANS, FRED, HODGETTS, RICHARD M. and ROSENKRANTZ, STUART A. Real Managers ROWE, ALAN J. and MASON, RICHARD 0. Managing with Style: A Guide to Understanding, Assessing, and Improving Decision Making JOHNS, GARY. Organizational Behavior: Understanding Life at Work (2nd ed.) ORGAN, DENNIS W. Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Good Soldier Syn. drome REITZ, H. JOSEPH. Behavior in Organizations (3rd ed.) KOSSEN, STAN. The Human Side of Organizations (4th ed.) ROBINERE, HILLARY M. Burnout in Blue: Managing the Police Marginal Per- former IVANCEVICH, JOHN M. and GANSTER, DANIEL D. (Eds.) Job Stress: From Theory to Suggestion DAVIDSON, MARILYN J. and COOPER, CARY L. (Eds.). Women and Information Technology WERWIE, DORIS M. Sex and Pay in the Federal Government: (Jsing Job Evalimtion Systems to Implement Comparable Worth SIITERLY, CONNIE and DUKE, BETH WHITLEY. A Woman's Place: Management TOULSON, NORMAN. Preparing Staff for Retirement  相似文献   

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