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本文介绍正则互模拟理论并比较了正则互模拟的外延性大小,通过对非良基公理之间不相容的条件的讨论,我们进一步比较了由正则互模拟决定的非良基集合域的大小,最后对非良基集合论FAFA、SAFA和AFA中的非良基集合进行了分类。  相似文献   

史璟 《逻辑学研究》2009,2(4):82-96
引入非良基集合可以为模态逻辑提供一种新的语义学。这种语义是在集合上解释模态语言,使用集合中作为元素的集合之间的属于关系解释模态词,并在集合中采用命题变元作为本元,从而解释原子命题的真假。在这种新的语义下,从模型构造的角度看可以引入几种非标准的集合运算:不交并、生成子集合、p-态射、树展开等等,证明模态公式在这些运算下的保持或不变结果。利用这些结果还可以证明一些集合类不是模态可定义的。  相似文献   

增加特定的基数量词,扩张一阶语言,就可以导致实质性地增强语言的表达能力,这样许多超出一阶逻辑范围的数学概念就能得到处理。由于在模型的层次上基本模态逻辑可以看作一阶逻辑的互模拟不变片断,显然它不能处理这些数学概念。因此,增加说明后继状态类上基数概念的模态词,原则上我们就能以模态的方式处理所有基数。我们把讨论各种模型论逻辑的方式转移到模态方面。  相似文献   

在集合论ZFC-+AFA中,每个图有唯一装饰,每个方程组有唯一解。但是,在集合论ZFC-4-SAFA和ZFC-4-FAFA中,每个图并非只有一个装饰,每个方程组并非只有一个解。笔者通过定义互模拟坍塌概念,在可达点图的典范装饰概念的基础上导出方程组的典范解,提出并证明:在上述三种具体的非良基集合论中,每个可达点图都有唯一的典范装饰,每个方程组有唯一的典范解。  相似文献   

1989年A.Blass和A.Scedrov构造了含有原子的模型V(A)(A是所有原子的集合,参见文献[1])并证明了V(A)是ZFA(ZFA=ZF+A,公理A断言:存在所有原子的集合)的模型。由于集合论的公理系统GB是ZF的一个保守扩充,因此,集合论的公理系统GBA(GBA=GB+A,其中GB是集合论的含有集合和类的哥德尔-贝奈斯公理系统)也是ZFA的一个保守扩充。本文的目的是在集合论的含有原子和集合的公理系统ZFA的自然模型V(A)的基础上,为集合论的含有原子、集合和类的公理系统GBA建立模型。因此,我们首先介绍了A.Blass和A.Scedrov的含有原子的模型V(A);第二,给出并证明V(A)具有的一些基本性质;第三,扩充了集合论的公理系统ZFA的形式语言LZFA并定义含有原子和集合的类C;第四,构造含有原子、集合和类的模型∑(A),称它为自然模型,最后,证明了∑(A)是GBA的模型。  相似文献   

奎因通过定义逻辑真句子为他的逻辑论题辩护,即逻辑等于带等词的一阶逻辑,我们称之为奎因论题。奎因早期没有否认集合论属于逻辑,尽管他已经认识到集合论与逻辑之间相互区别的重要性。奎因后期在《逻辑哲学》中明确说集合论不属于逻辑。逻辑真句子的基础是逻辑概念和非逻辑概念的划分。塔尔斯基式的逻辑概念标准可以为奎因论题提供一种根本性的辩护。奎因批评模态逻辑,说它没有明确的语义。即使量化模态逻辑有了可能世界语义学,奎因论题仍然可以通过说明模态词不是逻辑词而得到辩护。  相似文献   

非直谓现象普遍存在于许多领域中。在数学中,对集合的最小元的定义是非直谓的。在逻辑中,罗素悖论的产生是由于允许非直谓地定义一个集合,即“所有不包含它自身的集合的集合”。莱布尼兹对“同一性”的定义——“a与b是相同实体当且仅当对所有性质f,如果f(a)则f(b),反之亦然”——是非直谓的。罗素构造分歧类型论的动机不是来自形式系统的悖论,而是来自日常语言中的悖论。本文的目标是构造一文化景观命题逻辑来刻画关于特定的非直谓语句的推理。一个非直谓语句的表达预设了一个语句集,一个典型的非直谓语句是“拿破仑具备一名伟人将军的所有德性”(罗素的例子)。本文所关注的是“一阶”非直谓语句,即仅预设直谓语句集的非直谓语句。非直谓语句的一个性质是:一个非直谓语句等价于它所预设的语句集中的成员(可能无穷)的合取。这一性质需要在要构造的逻辑系统的句法中被表达出来,而针对此本文所采用的手段是在命题逻辑系统的符号中加入“命题量词”,也就是说本文要构造一个量化命题逻辑系统。在形式化部分,本文给出了这个逻辑的句法、语义、希尔伯特公理系统和它的完全性证明。  相似文献   

不用联结词和量词的一阶逻辑系统张清宇在文〔2〕中,我们建立了不用联结词的经典命题逻辑系统。本文将继续这一工作,充分发挥括号的作用,建立不用联结词和量词的一阶逻辑系统。一、一阶语言一阶逻辑所用的形式语言叫作一阶语言。下面先列出它们共有的初始符号,然后在定义中给出它们相互间可能相异的初始符号。一阶语言共有的初始符号有以下几类:(1)恒真命题符和命题符:T;P0,P1,P2,…,Pn,…;n为非负整数。T指恒真命题,命题符的全体记为{P0,P1,P2,…,Pn,…}记为VP。(2)变元符:v0,v1,…  相似文献   

使用辅助变元来引入定义,在知识表达中是一个流行和有力的技巧,能够得到更短、更自然的编码而无需冗长的重复。这篇论文中,我们形式地定义了辅助变元的概念,检验了其表达力并讨论了有趣的相关应用。我们把以下两者联系起来:一是,反复使用中间结果而不通过定义重复;二是,布尔函数其他表达中的相似概念。特别的,我们表明带定义的命题逻辑与具有任意输出端的布尔线路以及约束变元满足Horn性质的存在量化布尔公式(记作(?)HORN~b)具有相同的表达力。本文还考虑了定义结构的限制,以及命题定义的扩充。特别的,我们检验了正命题定义与带存在量化的正定义之间的关系(或等价地,检验了(?)HORN~b公式和约束变元未被Horn限定的存在量化的CNF公式(记作(?)CNF~*)之间的关系)。对命题定义的进一步扩充,是允许在定义中使用任意的量词,或等价地,允许布尔公式的嵌入。我们还证明了,量化CNF公式中的约束变元的表达力,是由子句中被约束部分的极小不可满足子公式或极小假子公式的结构所决定的。  相似文献   

论可能世界的名字   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“可能世界”是模态逻辑语义学的核心概念,一般也可以称为“世界”、“点”、“状态”、“时间”以及“情境”等。模态语言本质上是研究通常一阶模型论意义上的关系结构的简单、且具有丰富表达力的形式语言,但是,传统的模态语言没有一种机制来指称关系结构中的个体并对其进行推理。以传统模态逻辑为基础,在句法中引入“可能世界的名字”作为第二类原子命题、引入相应的算子和约束词而得到的语言称为混合语言,这一语言既发扬了模态语言积极的一面,同时又克服了模态语言前述的重大缺陷。本文首先介绍“可能世界的名字”引入的逻辑背景和主要思…  相似文献   

We consider second-order propositional modal logic (SOPML), an extension of the basic modal language with propositional quantifiers introduced by Kit Fine in 1970. We determine the precise expressive power of SOPML by giving analogues of the Van Benthem–Rosen theorem and the Goldblatt Thomason theorem. Furthermore, we show that the basic modal language is the bisimulation invariant fragment of SOPML, and we characterize the bounded fragment of first-order logic as being the intersection of first-order logic and SOPML.  相似文献   

We model the forgetting of propositional variables in a modal logical context where agents become ignorant and are aware of each others’ or their own resulting ignorance. The resulting logic is sound and complete. It can be compared to variable-forgetting as abstraction from information, wherein agents become unaware of certain variables: by employing elementary results for bisimulation, it follows that beliefs not involving the forgotten atom(s) remain true. The work for this publication was mainly carried out while Hans van Ditmarsch was associated to: Institut de Recherche en Informatique, Université Paul Sabatier, France.  相似文献   

This paper develops a probabilistic model of belief change under interpretation shifts, in the context of a problem case from dynamic epistemic logic. Van Benthem [4] has shown that a particular kind of belief change, typical for dynamic epistemic logic, cannot be modelled by standard Bayesian conditioning. I argue that the problems described by van Benthem come about because the belief change alters the semantics in which the change is supposed to be modelled: the new information induces a shift in the interpretation of the sentences. In this paper I show that interpretation shifts can be modeled in terms of updating by conditioning. The model derives from the knowledge structures developed by Fagin et?al [8], and hinges on a distinction between the propositional and informational content of sentences. Finally, I show that Dempster-Shafer theory provides the appropriate probability kinematics for the model.  相似文献   

Sambin  Giovanni 《Studia Logica》1999,62(2):269-282
The duality between general frames and modal algebras allows to transfer a problem about the relational (Kripke) semantics into algebraic terms, and conversely. We here deal with the conjecture: the modal algebra A is subdirectly irreducible (s.i.) if and only if the dual frame A* is generated. We show that it is false in general, and that it becomes true under some mild assumptions, which include the finite case and the case of K4. We also prove that a Kripke frame F is generated if and only if the dual algebra F* is s.i. The technical result is that A is s.i. when the set of points which generate the dual frame A* is not of zero measure.  相似文献   

We present a coinductive definition of models for modal logics and show that it provides a homogeneous framework in which it is possible to include different modal languages ranging from classical modalities to operators from hybrid and memory logics. Moreover, results that had to be proved separately for each different language—but whose proofs were known to be mere routine—now can be proved in a general way. We show, for example, that we can have a unique definition of bisimulation for all these languages, and prove a single invariance-under-bisimulation theorem.We then use the new framework to investigate normal forms for modal logics. The normal form we introduce may have a smaller modal depth than the original formula, and it is inspired by global modalities like the universal modality and the satisfiability operator from hybrid logics. These modalities can be extracted from under the scope of other operators. We provide a general definition of extractable modalities and show how to compute extracted normal forms. As it is the case with other classical normal forms—e.g., the conjunctive normal form of propositional logic—the extracted normal form of a formula can be exponentially bigger than the original formula, if we require the two formulas to be equivalent. If we only require equi-satisfiability, then every modal formula has an extracted normal form which is only polynomially bigger than the original formula, and it can be computed in polynomial time.  相似文献   

The tangle modality is a propositional connective that extends basic modal logic to a language that is expressively equivalent over certain classes of finite frames to the bisimulation-invariant fragments of both first-order and monadic second-order logic. This paper axiomatises several logics with tangle, including some that have the universal modality, and shows that they have the finite model property for Kripke frame semantics. The logics are specified by a variety of conditions on their validating frames, including local and global connectedness properties. Some of the results have been used to obtain completeness theorems for interpretations of tangled modal logics in topological spaces.  相似文献   

本文从对一元价值谓词“好”、“坏”和二元价值谓词“更好”之间的关系出发,首先回顾了偏好逻辑中用二元价值谓词定义一元谓词的各种方案。然后,文章介绍了vanBenthem利用语境从一元谓词定义二元谓词的工作。文章着重分析了在这一背景下语境的概念和性质,并提出了两种逻辑的方法刻画语境。本文重点给出了语境的模态语言、语义模型,并对涉及语境变化的三条有效规则进行了深入讨论。  相似文献   

The classical propositional logic is known to be sound and complete with respect to the set semantics that interprets connectives as set operations. The paper extends propositional language by a new binary modality that corresponds to partial recursive function type constructor under the above interpretation. The cases of deterministic and non-deterministic functions are considered and for both of them semantically complete modal logics are described and decidability of these logics is established. Presented by Melvin Fitting  相似文献   

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