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Researchers frequently have only categorical data to analyze and cannot, for theoretical or methodological reasons, assume that the observed variables are discrete representations of an underlying continuous variable. We present latent class analysis as an alternative method of measuring latent variables in these circumstances. Latent class analysis does not require the assumptions of factor analyses about the nature of manifest and latent variables, but does allow the use of more precise model selection than techniques such as cluster analysis. We modeled the lifetime substance use of American Indian youth. The latent class model of American Indian teenagers' substance use had four classes: Abstaining, Predominantly Alcohol, Predominantly Alcohol and Marijuana, and Plural Substance. We then demonstrated the usefulness of this latent variable by using it to differentiate levels of several variables in a manner consistent with Social Cognitive Theory.  相似文献   

The relationships between specific quantities and frequencies of alcohol, cigarette, and illicit substance use and substance use (SUD) and other psychiatric disorders were investigated among 1,285 randomly selected children and adolescents, aged 9 to 18, and their parents, from the Methods for the Epidemiology of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders (MECA) Study. Logistic regressions indicated that daily cigarette smoking, weekly alcohol consumption, and any illicit substance use in the past year were each independently associated with an elevated likelihood of diagnosis with SUD and other psychiatric disorders (anxiety, mood, or disruptive behavior disorders), controlling for sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity, family income). The associations between the use of specific substances and specific psychiatric disorders varied as a function of gender.  相似文献   

This study compared alternative hypotheses (from general deviance, life course, and developmental psychopathology perspectives) regarding the effects of early adolescent delinquency on psychosocial functioning in family, school, and peer contexts, and on alcohol use. Analyses also examined parent-child negative affective quality, prosocial school orientation, and peer substance use as possible direct predictors of problem substance use. Participants in this longitudinal study, extending from age 11 to age 18, were 429 rural teens (222 girls) and their families. Path model comparisons supported the tenability of a partial mediation model that included mediating pathways and a direct effect of delinquency on alcohol use, as hypothesized by developmental psychopathology. A supplemental analysis controlling for the stability of the family, school, and peer variables revealed that delinquency had less pervasive direct effects on, and a nonsignificant indirect effect through, changes in the mediators over time. Results also showed that peer substance use was a direct positive predictor of problem use.  相似文献   

A sample of 211 adults returned a questionnaire that was a modified version of Tinsley's (1982) Expectations about Counselling: Brief Form. The sample was recruited from an evangelical Anglican Church, an evangelical Anglican theological college, a doctor's surgery and a number of educational establishments. Analysis of the data compared subjects' choice of counselor between evangelical Christians and non-evangelical Christians. Results indicate that evangelical Christians do not have significantly lower expectations about counseling, in comparison with non-evangelical Christians, except in the Directiveness and Attractiveness sections. There was, though, a significantly higher expectation of the counselor with regard to Religious Behavior by evangelical Christians in contrast to non-evangelical Christians.  相似文献   

This study examined how multiple dimensions and levels of the community context associated with early adolescent problem behaviors in rural communities. Four thousand, five hundred and nine eighth-grade students in 28 rural and small town school districts in two states participated in surveys regarding substance use and delinquency in 2005. Locations of alcohol retailers, tobacco retailers, youth-serving organizations, and student residences were geocoded. Associations of the number of proximal alcohol and tobacco retailers, and youth-serving organizations with an early-adolescent problem behavior index were tested in Nonlinear Mixed Models that controlled for multiple district-level and individual characteristics. Multi-level model results demonstrated that the number of alcohol and tobacco retail locations within a one-mile radius of each adolescent's home positively associated with student-reported problem behaviors above and beyond the influence of school district and individual characteristics. Results suggest that the proximal community context added significantly to the district context when understanding the occurrence of early adolescent problem behaviors. Recognizing this variability in geographically determined risk within a community will likely enhance the effectiveness of community prevention activities.  相似文献   

Previous research has linked higher levels of hopelessness about one's future to violent behavior during adolescence; however, little is known about this relationship over time for adolescents. Using growth curve modeling, we tested the association between future orientation and violent behavior across the high school years of adolescence in a sample of African American youth (n = 681). Variation based on demographic characteristics (i.e., sex, SES, previous violence) was explored. At baseline, differences in violent behavior varied by demographic characteristics. Overall, violent behavior decreased with age. Higher levels of future orientation were associated with greater decreases in violent behavior over time. Demographic characteristics were not associated with change in violent behavior overtime. Our findings suggest that future orientation can act as a promotive factor for at risk African American youth. Interventions that help support the development of future goals and aspirations could play a vital role in violence prevention efforts.  相似文献   

Using latent class analyses (LCA), the present study aimed to test whether meaningful subtypes of internalizing and externalizing behaviors could be found among Chinese community-based adolescents. A total of 5244 adolescents, ages 11–18 years (M?=?15.11, SD?=?1.79) recruited from 16 Chinese middle schools completed the Chinese version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ-C). We examined the data using Latent Class Analysis to identify subtypes of internalizing and externalizing behaviors among the adolescents. Multivariate Logistic regression was subsequently implemented to ascertain the relationships between latent classes and demographic covariates. Three distinct subtypes were uncovered: a high-risk group, a middle-risk group and a low-risk group; the three subtypes accounted for 19.8, 31.1, and 49.1 % of the total sample variance respectively. Youth with elevations in one behavior type were likely to have elevations in the other behavior type. Further analyses revealed that compared to the low-risk group, the adolescents from the high-risk group and middle-risk groups were female and older. Significant heterogeneity in internalizing and externalizing behaviors was revealed in this Chinese adolescent’s sample. Profiling behavior problems patterns is potentially useful as a first step in developing tailored prevention and intervention programs. Suggestions for future research, including cross-national studies, and implications for mental health professionals were discussed.  相似文献   

Multiple forms of abuse may co-occur, resulting in specific abuse typologies. A stratified random probability survey was conducted in Denmark with 4,718 participants, aged 24, from the 1984 birth cohort. A total of 2,980 interviews were successfully conducted. Latent class analysis was implemented using 20 categorical abuse experience items across four domains of childhood maltreatment. Logistic regression was conducted to ascertain whether abuse typologies could be differentiated by child protection status and gender. Four distinct abuse typologies were revealed: a non-abused group, a psychologically maltreated group, a sexually abused group, and a group experiencing multiple abuse types. Child protection status and female gender were predictive of group membership in certain abused groups compared to a non-abused group.  相似文献   

The Future Problem Solving Program International (FPSPI) is an internationally applied educational program that involves young people. Its theoretical foundation is both the Creative Problem Solving Model and the Futurist Thinking. It aims to promote creative and critical thinking through a futurist approach to problems. This study intended to analyze the effects of the program on creative skills evaluated by the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (Figural Version). The participants’ perceptions of the efficacy of the program were also assessed. This intervention was carried out with 131 adolescents over a period of 7 months in an extra‐curricular context. The evaluation of the program takes into account periods both before and after interventions, using similar experimental and control groups. The results showed significant statistical differences for the all skills studied and very positive perceptions of the efficacy of FPSPI. Two significant gender differences in creative performance were also found. The results are described and discussed in order to promote awareness for future research concerning this program.  相似文献   

Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and other forms of substance use among children and adolescents is a significant public health concern. At present, one high-risk population of great concern is those affected with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and those with subthreshold ADHD-like symptoms. The prevalence of tobacco and substance use is considerable within this population, and ADHD and ADHD-like symptoms often present as comorbid conditions. To further the understanding of this problem, a review is provided of youth tobacco and substance use and their biobehavioral influences in the context of ADHD. Using primary care as an example, opportunities for tobacco and substance use prevention and treatment within this high-risk population are examined.  相似文献   

This article explores the interconnected spiritual, religious, and cultural worlds of the majority of American Indian (AI) youth who live in urban areas: their patterns of involvement in religion and Native spirituality and associated well‐being. Latent class analysis of data from 205 AI middle school students identified five distinctive classes using survey measures of religious affiliation, attendance at services, adherence to Christian and traditional spiritual beliefs, Native spirituality, and Native cultural practices. Two classes were Christian groups: one attending Christian churches and following Christian beliefs but uninvolved with Native beliefs, spirituality, or cultural practices; and a nominal Christian group affiliated with but not attending church and unattached to belief systems. Two groups followed Native beliefs and spiritual practices, one affiliated with the Native American Church and another unaffiliated with any church. The fifth, nonreligious group, had no religious affiliation, followed neither Christian nor traditional beliefs, and was uninvolved in Native spirituality and cultural practices. The two groups embracing AI spirituality reported better academic performance, more reservation contact, higher AI enculturation, and stronger bicultural orientations.  相似文献   

采用问卷法对1401名青少年进行调查研究,考察了同伴侵害对青少年问题性网络游戏使用(Problematic online game use,POGU)的影响,同时考察了学业自我效能感在其中的中介作用,以及该过程是否受到父母知情的调节。结果发现:(1)在控制了性别、年龄和家庭社会经济地位(SES)后,同伴侵害仍可显著正向预测青少年POGU;(2)同伴侵害不仅可以直接正向预测青少年POGU,还可以通过影响学业自我效能感进而间接预测青少年POGU;(3)父母知情显著调节同伴侵害影响青少年POGU的直接效应,较高的父母知情可以缓冲同伴侵害的负面效应;(4)父母知情显著调节中介模型的后半段(学业自我效能感→POGU),即低水平的父母知情放大了低学业自我效能感对青少年POGU的风险效应。  相似文献   

在生态系统理论和社会学习理论基础上提出一个有中介的调节模型,探讨青少年感觉寻求与烟酒使用的关系,以及压力性生活事件的调节效应和结交不良同伴的中介效应。被试为660名青少年,研究工具包括青少年感觉寻求量表、压力性生活事件量表、不良同伴问卷和烟酒使用问卷。结果显示:(1)青少年感觉寻求是烟酒使用的风险因素。(2)压力性生活事件对感觉寻求与烟酒使用之间的关系具有风险增强的调节效应。(3)这种调节效应以结交不良同伴为中介变量。因此,青少年感觉寻求与烟酒使用之间既存在调节效应又存在中介效应。  相似文献   

Scarce qualitative literature has focused on understanding the perspective of parents of adolescents involved in crime, and no prior literature has examined how the status of being a parent of an adolescent who is involved in delinquency intersects with being an immigrant parent. The current phenomenological study examined, through the eyes of immigrant parents, how they comprehend their children’s involvement in delinquent behavior. This study examined in-depth semistructured interviews conducted with fourteen immigrant parents (10 mothers and 4 fathers) from the former Soviet Union in Israel of children treated in rehabilitation facilities for delinquent youth. Data analysis revealed a gradual decline in children's behavior ascribed to the developmental stage of adolescence, the pressures of immigration, and cultural conflict. These three factors are interwoven together to create a fabric within which they see their children turning to crime. Parents' gradual loss of control is balanced by attempts to idealize the parent–child relationship and to minimize the severity of the offenses committed. They describe various differing and even contradictory experiences of themselves as parents and their struggles to piece together incohesive, alternating experiences of themselves as parents. Despite the critical role they can play in their children’s rehabilitation, as well as the distress that they themselves experience, parents of children involved in delinquent behavior have often been ignored in research. Acknowledging parents' perspectives and experiences can allow development of appropriate therapeutic strategies to support them and maximize their abilities to support their children.  相似文献   

A sample of 279 13- to 16-year-old adolescents completed the Short-form Revised Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (JEPQR-S) and a six-item Index of Paranormal Belief. The data demonstrate that neuroticism is fundamental to individual differences in paranormal belief, while paranormal belief is independent of extraversion and psychoticism.  相似文献   

了解中学生心理素质的类别特征并考察其性别与学段特点。使用中学生心理素质问卷对全国1570名中学生被试施测,使用潜在类别分析方法对中学生的心理素质类别特征进行划分,使用无序多分变量的Logistic回归考察中学生心理素质的性别与学段特点。结果:依据潜在类别分析的统计指标,中学生心理素质可划分"高心理素质组"(15%)、"较高个性-适应性组"(21%)、"较低个性-适应性组"(33%)和"低心理素质组"(31%)。进一步的分析发现,与"低心理素质组"相比,其它三组有着显著的性别和学段效应,"高心理素质组"、"较高个性-适应性组"和"较低个性-适应性组"的女生所占比例更大;同时,在这三个组群中初中生所占的比例更高。表明,中学生的心理素质有明显分类特征,不同潜在类别中有显著的性别与学段特点。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study explores heterogeneity of middle school students by identifying subgroups of youth characterized by distinct truancy trajectories and by determining disability profiles that distinguish these subgroups. Participants comprised an entire 7th through 9th grade student population, with approximately 58,000 students, in a large urban school district. Latent class growth analysis was used to identify subgroups of truant youth. This analysis yielded five distinct truant subgroups: Very-Low (37 %), Low (43.4 %), Declining (3.3 %), Rising (12.8 %), and Chronic (3.6 %). Further, differential disability profiles were found in each subgroup with the control of demographic characteristics (i.e., gender, race/ethnicity, free/reduced lunch, Limited English Proficiency, grade, and prior school absences), students with serious emotional disturbance and learning disabilities demonstrated amplified risks of being classified in the Chronic or Rising subgroups, which show chronic or incremental upward truant trajectories over time. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for future research.  相似文献   

Interdependent situations are pervasive in human life. In these situations, it is essential to form expectations about the others' behaviour to adapt one's own behaviour to increase mutual outcomes and avoid exploitation. Social value orientation, which describes the dispositional weights individuals attach to their own and to another person's outcome, predicts these expectations of cooperation in social dilemmas—an interdependent situation involving a conflict of interests. Yet, scientific evidence is inconclusive about the exact differences in expectations between prosocials, individualists, and competitors. The present meta‐analytic results show that, relative to proselfs (individualists and competitors), prosocials expect more cooperation from others in social dilemmas, whereas individualists and competitors do not significantly differ in their expectations. The importance of these expectations in the decision process is further highlighted by the finding that they partially mediate the well‐established relation between social value orientation and cooperative behaviour in social dilemmas. In fact, even proselfs are more likely to cooperate when they expect their partner to cooperate. Copyright © 2018 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

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