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Besides the ongoing discussion on whether persons with schizophrenia have a higher prevalence of criminal offences, it is also of special interest for the prognosis in this group of offenders whether there is a causal relationship between the schizophrenic disease and the type of delinquency. For the construction of causal relationships it is important to determine a typology of offences committed by schizophrenic persons. This article deals with the problem by analyzing the offences of 133 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizo-affective and delusional disorders at the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) Center for Forensic Psychiatry in Lippstadt.  相似文献   

Considering the in-patient diagnostics and treatment of an 11-year-old child with a complex attention disturbance who was treated before in an out-patient setting for many years with methylphenidat and behavioral therapy, we first point out the great variety of attention, cognitive and sensomotorical disorders. Such a comprehensive disorder should rather be considered as a complex neurotical developmental disorder (MCDD – Multiple Complex Development Disorder) and requires treatments in more than one field (psychotherapy, body therapy, training in learning etc.). The individual therapy presented here in detail is based on a developmentally oriented psychodynamic approach involving the latest results of infant, attachment and biomedical research. It is shown how the boy succeeds to develop mechanisms for self-regulation and to experience the therapist as a person who survives his attacks.  相似文献   

65 Jahre später     
Research on the long-term emotional impact of World War II experiences is an important psychoanalytical issue and requires an interdisciplinary approach. In the project: “Witnesses of the ‘Operation Gomorrha (Hamburg Firestorm)’ (1943) and their families” long-term processing of and coping with war experiences of former children and adolescents are investigated by historians and psychoanalysts. A sample of 64 witnesses (34 women, 30 men, average age 75 years) and their families was recruited and investigated by semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analyzed by methods of “renarrated and interpreted history of coping” and group analysis against the background of historical, psychological and cultural approaches. A total of nine prototypical cases give insight into different biographically determined representations of the “Firestorm” and the conjunction with socio-cultural processes. Analysis of coping over the life-time has to take life experiences after the war and during the time of rebuilding into account. The research project attracts much interest among the former “war”-children.  相似文献   

Very little reliable information is currently known about the individual background of terrorist offences. The few empirical studies available are as a rule based on a consideration of the social statistical characteristics without reference to personality or psychopathological diagnostic findings. The present article is based on 40 expert opinions which were given by the author on a total of 29 subjects in the years 2000–2013. All subjects had committed crimes motivated by Islamic beliefs of which 23 could be explored and investigated in detail. Although the offenders included in this study consisted mainly of immigrants to Germany, in recent years a group of young offenders has crystallized, even in this sample of subjects, who were born and grew up in Germany. In the “immigrant” group (n?=?19) no psychopathological traits were detected and also only few ego-syntonic offenders who acted on convictions. In fact, these subjects were more a series of primarily conspicuously dissocial offenders and subjects who had failed to cope with their way of life or with their aims in life. Of the young Moslems who grew up in Germany (n?=?10) three subjects suffered from a schizophrenic psychosis and two had a primarily dissocial psychosis. Among the other subjects there were some special features in the developmental background, especially in the area of identity crises but without any noticeable uniform background pattern for a personality development to an Islamic offender.  相似文献   

Bachtin’s concept of personality is considered in light of Kierkegaard’s philosophy of human existence. Unlike Kierkegaard, who sees the aesthetic concept of the person moving over into an ethical one, Bachtin takes art to be the highest form of the realization of individuality that brings together the opposing tendencies within the ethical sphere (between what is and what must be).  相似文献   

Exhibitionists are generally considered to be repeated but otherwise inoffensive delinquents. In contrast to this position in the past politicians repeatedly declared acting exhibitionistically to be the starting point of a development leading to sexual assaults. The following analysis is based on conviction records for the years 1998 to 2000. Out of 1979 Federal Registry records a total of 34 showed a development toward sexual assault. A far greater number of delinquents were convicted for property crime or common crime like assault or libel. This could has been confirmed for the time before they have committed exhibitionistic acts in public as well as after that. Convictions for similar offenses like indecent behaviour or sexual acts in front of children are common as well. More than one fifth of all offenders committed such an offence over the evaluated period of about 5 years after the reference crime. A much more decisive fact is that absolutely as well as relatively more offenders had been convicted of sexual assault before they were convicted of exhibitionistic acts in public. So from a statistical point of view a correlation between acting exhibitionistically and sexual assaults is not obvious. The ongoing dissection of files gives reason to classify the above mentioned 34 offenders to be a atypical type of exhibitionist, what means that their behavior is dominated by a antisocial personality and not by exhibitionism in psychiatric terms.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In den vergangenen 50 Jahren konnten große Fortschritte in der Entwicklung und der Umsetzung des verhaltensmedizinischen Wissens über die Gesundheit von Individuen und Populationen erzielt werden. Allerdings kamen Gesundheitsförderung und Krankheitsprävention nicht allen Bevölkerungsschichten in und zwischen den einzelnen Ländern in gleichem Maße zugute. Die Ungleichheit der sozialen, psychischen und körperlichen Gesundheit zwischen den wohlhabendsten und ärmsten Bevölkerungsgruppen ist im Wesentlichen gleichgeblieben oder sogar gewachsen. Das Wissen darüber, wie solche Unterschiede in der Gesundheit entstehen, ist allerdings erst dann von Bedeutung, wenn es dazu verwendet wird, geeignete, langfristige und nachhaltige Präventionsstrategien auf mehreren Ebenen zu erarbeiten. Bei solchen Strategien spielen verschiedene Aspekte der globalen natürlichen ökologischen Umwelt und das Streben nach einer sog. gesundheitserhaltenden Umwelt eine wichtige Rolle. Mit dem wachsenden Einfluss der Globalisierung auf die Gesundheit stellt sich die Frage, welche Folgen jenseits der traditionellen nationalen Grenzen für die Krankheitsprävention und für die Gesundheitsförderung zu erwarten sind. Sie sollte uns anregen, darüber nachzudenken, dass die Verbreitung von wirksamen Interventionen auf institutioneller oder politischer Ebene nicht nur innerhalb eines Landes, sondern auch zwischen verschiedenen Ländern von höchster Wichtigkeit ist. In Anbetracht der global und schnell voranschreitenden ökonomischen und sozialen Veränderungen und des gewaltigen Einflusses von globalen Umweltveränderungen auf die Gesundheit müssen die Bandbreite und die Praxis der Verhaltensmedizin erweitert werden.Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Dipl.-Psych. Erika Nemény, Berlin und Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ehlert, Zürich  相似文献   

“To make him [the patient] as efficient and as capable of enjoyment as is possible” (1923a, S.E. 18, p. 251) was, for Freud, a satisfactory definition of the treatment aims of psychoanalysis. The present paper connects this definition with the mythologically formulated antagonism between the drives in which Eros appears as the adversary of Thanatos, and elaborates this by drawing upon Plato’s notions about love as proposed in his “Symposion”. In doing this, the theory of Sublimation becomes the focus of attention quite naturally. It is the author’s thesis that this concept is more useful than that of a neutralized or even a primarily neutral ego-energy. This is more than a question of different opinions. It is the question of the usefulness of the genetic point of view and of the idea of the unity of the libido. Within the range of these concepts it is possible to elaborate in an adequate manner how we are capable to find satisfaction and fulfillment in achievements and enjoyment.  相似文献   

The legal and administrative framework for psychotherapy of offenders in prisons and secure forensic hospitals is outlined. Established treatment programs for offenders are presented including different variations of standardized cognitive behavioral approaches, e. g. relapse prevention programs (RP), dialectic behavioral therapy (DBT), transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP), and mentalization-based treatment (MBT). The foci of the individual programs as well as their integrative tendencies are described. In psychodynamic therapies cognitive processes are taken into consideration and, vice versa, cognitive-behavioral therapists discover the significance of the therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   



Negative comments (teasing) on weight and body image in adolescence might predict body dissatisfaction, overweight and eating disorders in adulthood. This study investigated 134 nursing students for a relationship between a history of teasing, body image and weight.

Materials and methods

Subjects with a body mass index (BMI)>?25 kg/m2 reported more teasing compared with normal subjects whereas those with a BMI<?20 kg/m2 showed lower values compared with normal or overweight subjects. Teasing questionnaire values correlated with aspects of negative body image. The BMI was predicted by factors age (p?=?0.001), sex (p?=?0.016) and teasing subscale weight (p?=?0.001).


It is remarkable that low teasing experience was associated with low weight, which might point to underweight as protective factor against teasing; however, the cross-sectional design of this study precludes direct causal inferences.  相似文献   

Reoffending by young persons has led to the introduction of ??persistent offender programs?? in the police forces of most Federal states. In criminological research, too, multiple delinquencies are a phenomenon which receives a lot of attention. However, quite often there is still no connection between the criminological findings and the way these offenders are managed by the police. Therefore, it is the objective of this contribution to show the potential and the need for a closer interlinking of both areas. In this context, special emphasis is placed on the selection of persons to participate in programs for multiple and prolific offenders, in particular on the often used criterion of a negative prognosis on further delinquency. In principle, the inclusion of the findings of prognosis research promises a potential for optimization. However, police framework conditions need to be given special consideration in this connection. The necessity for interaction arises from the desire to use the limited resources of the police as efficiently as possible. On the other hand any police intervention influences the further course of the lives of young people so that the selection of the target group and the further police measures involve a great deal of responsibility.  相似文献   

This study compared a sample of 273 juvenile (aged 14 to under 18), 178 adolescent (aged 18 to under 21) and 273 adult (older than 20 years) male sex offenders modus operandi (or MO, the way in which they committed their offenses), frequency of recidivism and predicted recidivism via the static-99. In terms of the frequencies of the MO aspects we found that juveniles and adolescents differed significantly from adult sexual offenders. However, concerning the frequency of sexual violent behaviors, adolescents committed more severe offenses in contrast to the two other groups. The comparison of recidivism rates indicated that adolescent sexual offenders were significantly less likely to commit a new sexual offense, but were considerably more likely to commit a non-sexual violent offense compared to adult sexual offenders. For juvenile offenders, only few static-99 variables were predictive of future recidivism in comparison to the other groups, suggesting that the static-99 may only have a restricted utility in juvenile offenders. Further, juvenile offenders risk levels were found to fall primarily within the medium risk group making individual differentiation of potential risk difficult. It is suggested that additional predictors, which help to differentiate young sexual offenders must be investigated.  相似文献   

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