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While treatment guidelines for outpatient psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa are known, it is hard to find published concepts for inpatient or day clinic settings. We will describe a treatment program developed in Freiburg/Germany, which integrates symptomoriented, cognitive-behavioral elements into a psychodynamic concept. The program presented can be seen as an example. For implementation at other clinics, it should be adapted to their special context and structure.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Vorgestellt wird eine quantitative inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung an 46 psychoanalytischen Erstinterviews, die mit Angstpatienten und depressiven Patienten in Düsseldorf und Magdeburg geführt wurden. Im Mittelpunkt der Methodik steht das Regressive Imagery Dictionary (RID), ein computergestütztes Verfahren mit 43 Einzelkategorien, die zu den drei Indikatoren primärprozesshafter Inhalt, sekundärprozesshafter Inhalt und Emotionalität zusammengefasst werden. Die durchgeführten Subgruppenvergleiche beziehen sich auf Unterschiede zwischen Angstpatienten und depressiven Patienten sowie ostdeutschen (Magdeburg) und westdeutschen (Düsseldorf) Patienten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen in den Texten der ostdeutschen Patienten ein höheres Maß an primärprozesshaften Inhalten, insbesondere in den Kategorien Passivität und regressive Kognition. Bezüglich der Diagnosegruppen zeigen die Angstpatienten gegenüber den depressiven Patienten ein höheres Maß an primärprozesshaften Inhalten in der Subkategorie Oralität. Es zeigt sich, dass in psychoanalytischen Interviews nicht nur diagnosespezifische Inhalte thematisiert werden, sondern auch kultureller Hintergrund, Geschlecht und Bildung von Bedeutung sind. Die Studie leistet einen Beitrag zur Identifizierung automatisch erfassbarer Textmerkmale, die charakteristisch für die in einer qualitativen Studie gefundenen idealtypischen nosologischen Konstrukte der neurotischen Depression und der phobisch-angstneurotischen Erkrankung sind. Hierbei ist der depressive Idealtypus durch eine Überidentifikation mit Werten, durch das Gefühl der Abhängigkeit von einer schädigenden Person, durch Selbstwertprobleme, Hemmung und den unerfüllten Wunsch, geliebt zu werden, gekennzeichnet. Der Angsttypus zeichnet sich durch ein klischeehaft positives Bild der eigenen Persönlichkeit aus sowie durch die Gefühle, falsch verstanden, ausgenutzt, nicht ernst genommen und zum Außenseiter gemacht zu werden, sodass er bei nachlassenden Kräften im Kampf um Leistung nicht mehr mithalten kann.
Primary and secondary processes in psychoanalytic first interviews with patients suffering from anxiety and depressionA regressive imagery dictionary content analysis study in West and East German patients
The present paper describes a study on the intake interview narratives of psychotherapy patients with computer assisted content analysis methods. 46 psychoanalytic first interviews of patients suffering from depression or anxiety disorders were analysed with the Regressive Imagery Dictionary (RID), a computer assisted content analysis method with 43 subcategories, which were sumed up to three main categories: Primary Process, Secondary Process, and Emotion. Comparisons between different subgroups of this sample were made: Anxiety vs. depressive patients, and East Germans (Magdeburg) vs. West Germans (Düsseldorf). Significant correlations were found between the Primary Process subcategories Passivity and Regressive Cognition, and East German patients, as well as correlations between the Primary Process subcategory Orality, and anxiety patients. The results confirm our hypothesis, that the psychotherapist-patient-interaction sequences, which are the basis of diagnostic categorization, enclose as well elements which are specific for the disorders under study as elements which are specific for sex and culture (east vs. west). The study contributes to the identification of specific text markers, which can be found in the narratives of patients suffering from neurotic depression vs. patients with phobia and panic disorders. The results of the study are compared with a previous qualitative study. Using the ideal-type concept, our qualitative content analysis study showed as characteristic features of depressed patients overidentification with social roles and norms, feeling of being dependent and injured by another person, problems of self-esteem, shyness, and unfulfilled wishes to be loved and accepted. In contrast, phobic patients characterized the own personality as normal and without any problems in a stereotype way, at the same time feeling misunderstood and exploited by other persons, feeling as an outsider and left alone, and being no more able to compete with others.

Early release, temporary absence, and minimum security confinement have been permitted less often in German prisons in recent years. There are several reasons and indications that sexual offenders are particularly affected by these developments. Prison files and recidivism data of 115 adult sexual offenders who had been in a Lower Saxony prison in the mid-1990s were analyzed for the current study to find out whether this group posed a specific risk when permitted temporary absence or minimum security confinement. It was also considered whether temporary absence and minimum security confinement were related to reduced recidivism after release. The average follow-up interval was 8.5 years. The following findings emerged: First, 50.9% were reconvicted for any offence, 21.3% with an aggressive offence, and only 7.4% were reconvicted with a sexual offence. Every fifth (19.4%) was sentenced to another prison term or had another probation term revoked. Second, rule-breaking and criminal activity by sex offenders during minimum confinement or temporary absence were very rare and of low severity. Third, sexual offenders in minimum security confinement were less likely to recidivate than others on all measures of reoffending. With Cox regression analyses that controlled for important risk factors for recidivism it was found that minimum security confinement contributed to reduced general, but not to reduced sexual or aggressive reoffending. No relationship was found between level of temporary absence status (unaccompanied vs. accompanied) and recidivism. It is concluded that, contrary to public opinion and judicial practice, sexual offenders can be granted minimum security confinement and temporary absence if an adequate selection process is implemented.  相似文献   

In this article I will compare two approaches for defining theoretical terms, that of Logical Empirism (especially the approach of R. Carnap) and that of Structuralism (according to the works of J. Sneed and W. Stegmüller). I will determine explicitly the accounts of theoreticity in both Logical Empirism and Structuralism, and compare them by means of a case study: a structuralistic reconstruction of Neurobiological Constructivism (according to the theory of G. Roth). I will point out that the structuralistic criticism on the account of theoreticity of Logical Empirism is insufficient and that the structuralistic criterion of theoreticity does not satisfy the requirements of demarcation for theoretical terms demanded by Logical Empirism.
Stephan KornmesserEmail:

Zusammenfassung Ein von Day vorgenommener Versuch, die Phänomene der Formwahrnehmung bei abgeschwächter Konturbildung einzuordnen in die statistisch-physiologische Theorie der Konturenbildung von Marshall und Talbot, wird für nicht ausreichend gehalten. Nach Vergleichen mit Ergebnissen eigener Versuche ist die Phänomenanalyse dort dafür nicht weit genug voran getrieben.In den eigenen Versuchen wurden Figuraufbau und Konturfunktionen untersucht bei abgeschwächter Konturenbildung, und zwar abgeschwächt durch eine physiologisch-somatische Bedingungsvariation: Reizaufnahme mittels peripher gelegener Netzhautteile. Die Zusammenfassungen der Ergebnisse dieser Versuche finden sich je am Schluß der Abschnitte II, III und IV auf S. 285, 293f. und 299.Experimenteller Teil einer Arbeit, die im Jahre 1959 der Philosophischen Fakultät der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster in teilweiser Erfüllung der Habilitationsverpflichtungen vorgelegt wurde.  相似文献   

In his recent paper Indeterminacy, empiricism, and the first person John R. Searle tries to refute Willard V. O. Quine's famous indeterminacy of translation thesis by arguing that this thesis is in fact areductio ad absurdum of Quine's own linguistic behaviorism. Searle accuses Quine of being (irrationally) antimentalistic and suggests that the absurdity of Quine's thesis might be avoided if a full-fledged intentionality were tolerated in the debate on meaning. — This anti-Quinean approach in some respects reminds of the improbable debate between Searle and Jacques Derrida ten years ago, when Derrida had split and deferred intentionality by showing that the essential iterability of signs inevitably infects every intentional act with an unremovable non-presence.In this paper it is argued that Searle's attacks on Quine and Derrida have both failed — and that there are structural similarities between these two failures which reveal some interesting parallels between Quine's and Derrida's philosophy.  相似文献   

Our everyday life is characterized by changing conditions of awareness up to ecstasy. Ecstasy is a special form of dissociation, which must be differentiated from the pathological-clinical forms of dissociation. Its psychic mechanisms are illustrated by the example of ecstasy during the process of reading. On the basic of the myths of Dionysos and Orpheus as well as in biographies of artists, the ability to reach the state of ecstasy is described as one of the presuppositions for creativity, which must be supplemented by the ability of working through. Reverie and interpretation are the corresponding creative abilities in the psychoanalytical process. Our psychic vitality and creativity results from permanent switches between these different spheres, which must be identifiable as being distinct. The disappearing fonction du réel (Janet)—because of the increasing virtualisation of our everyday life—should be discussed with respect to creativity.  相似文献   



Recurrent pain, especially primary headache, is a serious health problem in adolescents. Music therapy in the treatment of children with migraine has already been evaluated. The aim of this pilot study was to adopt this treatment manual for adolescent patients with recurrent primary headache in preparation for the main randomized controlled trial.

Patients and methods

In this pilot study two different modes of treatment (standard and compact treatment) were tested in an outpatient setting with 19 patients. Frequency and intensity of headache symptoms were evaluated using pain diaries for 8 weeks in a pre-post design.


The pilot study showed good feasibility of both treatment conditions in outpatient practice. Patients reported a reduction of pain frequency and intensity in both groups. The evaluation of the clinical relevance of these effects remains the objective for the main trial.


The music therapeutic treatment plan for children with migraine is even feasible in the treatment of adolescents with recurrent, primary headache. Further evidence questioning the effectiveness of the treatment under controlled conditions is needed.

The present study aims to discriminate true and false memory by examining the EEG activity in a setting as applied as possible to the context of credibility assessment. To achieve this, 19 participants saw a short film about a robbery and had to answer 35 yes-no-questions, 25 of them contained misleading information. In order to distort the participants’ memories suggestive techniques were implemented, e. g. repeated questioning. The comparison of event-related potentials (ERP) of true and false memories reveals a parieto-occipital effect between 350 and 500 ms. This effect is consistent with the parietal old/new effect, which is associated with recollection. At the same time, this finding is in agreement with research associating a transient negativity (N400) with processing of semantic incongruent information.  相似文献   

The author investigates the relationship of defence, repression and substitutive formation as it presents itself in Freud’s writings. He shows that Freud gives at least four different meanings to the term “repression”: Freud uses it interchangeably with defence, as a consciously intended forgetting, as a specific unconscious mechanism of defence and to describe the consequence of defence mechanisms leading to substitutive formations. The inconsistencies in this relationship are discussed and clarified and Freud’s economic and linguistic attempts to justify repression are subjected to critique as well as the need of a primal repression as a necessary condition for repression proper. In developing Freud’s linguistic justification of repression further, the author presents defence as a semantic displacement. Ideas are excluded from the realm of the concepts which belong to them historically. These presentations become unconscious, i.e. repressed, in that they can no longer be identified as “cases” of these conceptual internal contents. At the same time they are displaced into the extensions of concepts whose internal contents do not belong to them originally. It is by virtue of the internal contents of these concepts that the displaced elements as substitutive formations once again attain consciousness, albeit a false one. It is suggested that repression as a specific defence mechanism of its own should be dismissed, to reverse Freud’s thesis that repression as a rule creates a substitutive formation into its opposite and to understand that the mechanisms used to build substitutes as a rule create repression.  相似文献   

Social competence is viewed as a decisive protective factor in avoiding delinquent behaviour. The encouragement of social competence is therefore an essential content of juvenile offender treatment. The central issue this paper addresses is whether the participation in social competence trainings in youth correctional facilities prevents recidivism and is conductive to social reintegration after release. This study uses longitudinal data of 218 males aged 15 to 24 years in youth correctional facilities. A control group was established by Propensity Score Matching which was compared with 109 former participants of social competence training. The results of the analyses put the relevancy of the social competence training for the future life of the juveniles in perspective.  相似文献   

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