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Dark adaptation of the long-wave cones at different eccentricities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a Wright colorimeter the ordinary long-term, long-wave cone dark-adaptation curve was measured at 0, 2, 4, 7, 17, 25, 40 and 49 degrees nasally in the visual field. In opposition to previous findings, the results show that the dark-adaptation function of the long-wave cones changes markedly when the test field is moved outward from the rod-free fovea. It is suggested that the kinetics of the long-wave cone photopigment change with eccentricity. Also, at variance with previous findings, the present curves at all eccentricities may reasonably well be interpreted as consisting of three different sections; a first section where the threshold decreases rapidly, followed by a major, approximately linear section and a terminating section that converges asymptotically towards the final level of sensitivity. This finding suggests that the dark-adaptation process of the cone system, under the given experimental conditions, is based on three somewhat different processes.  相似文献   

In duration, size, and form discrimination tasks, a visual noise mask was presented at variable delays after stimulus offset in order to interrupt processing and control the extent of processing time. Previous work (Thomas & Cantor, 1975) had suggested that both perceived duration and perceived nontemporal “information” might be expected to increase as processing time was extended. As predicted, accuracy in the discrimination of size of circles and form of non-sense figures was found to vary directly with stimulus duration (20, 50 msec) and mask delay interval (0, 30, 70, 110 msec). Differences in perceived duration between filled (forms or circles) and unfilled (blank) intervals were found to increase monotonically with increases in the mask delay interval, when non-sense forms, but not circles, were presented. Two hypotheses of visual masking (“integration” and “interruption”) are discussed. Within the context of the “integration” hypothesis, a model is proposed which predicts processing time as a function of stimulus duration, mask delay interval, and the interval between onset of the mask and termination of processing.  相似文献   

Observers’ ability to perform several discrimination tasks at the same time was tested using a two-alternative temporal forced-choice procedure. Discrimination of two auditory dimensions (pitch and intensity) and two visual dimensions (horizontal position and vertical position) was measured under conditions where one, two or all four dimensions required attention. Three signal durations were used: 67, 133, and 200 msec. Increasing the number of dimensions requiring attention systematically reduces the precisions of discrimination for each dimension. Auditory and visual discrimination is affected similarly. The amount of reduction in discrimination is independent of whether the dimensions requiring attention involve the same or different sensory modalities. The data are analyzed for evidence of a constant processing capacity employed in both single and multidimensional discrimination. The possibility that the observed performance levels could be achieved by sequentially processing the simultaneous inputs is also considered.  相似文献   

通过虚拟现实构建虚拟三维场景,将二维平面视觉空间返回抑制范式应用到三维空间,通过两个实验操纵了目标深度、线索有效性以及视野位置三个变量,考察注意在三维空间不同视野深度位置上进行定向/重定向产生的返回抑制效应。结果发现,(1)二次线索化位于固定的中央视野时,不论目标出现在近处空间还是出现在远处空间,外周视野条件下的返回抑制大于中央视野条件下的返回抑制;(2)二次线索化位于非固定的中央视野时,近处空间和远处空间的返回抑制存在分离,表现为当目标出现在远处空间时,外周视野条件下的返回抑制效应减小。研究表明,三维空间中外周视野深度位置上的返回抑制与中央视野深度位置上的返回抑制存在差异。  相似文献   

Attention and generalization during a conditional discrimination   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A conditional discrimination was established and analyzed, using four pigeons. The discrimination was among four compound stimuli projected on the response key—a white circle or triangle on a red or green background—during two conditions of illumination in the chamber, no illumination or flashing illumination. The two lighting conditions indicated whether the stimuli on the key containing triangles or those containing red would be the occasion for reinforcement. After the discrimination formed, generalization to intermediate and extreme values of the conditional stimulus and the attention of the birds to separate aspects of the stimulus on the key under each of the conditional stimuli were studied. All subjects generalized across values of the conditional stimulus, the lighting of the chamber. But subjects differed in the manner in which they treated the compound stimuli: two tended to attend to one or the other aspect of the stimulus on the key depending on the conditional stimulus, and two offered no evidence of such selective attention. Thus, the differential control of responding by the conditional stimuli cannot be attributed to a shift in attention between the figure and ground aspects of the compound stimuli.  相似文献   

Nonmetric multidimensional scaling techniques were used to evaluate discrimination latency as a similarity measure. A three dimensional Euclidian solution was found for a sample of random polygons. The dimensions were labeled compactness, jaggedness, and elongation. The spatial configuration was highly similar to results obtained from similarity estimates and the dimensions were systematically related to physical shape measures.  相似文献   

This study explores bimanual curvature discrimination of cylindrically curved, hand-sized surfaces. The setup was designed so that the postures of the observers' left and right arms and hands were thesame as if the observers were holding a large object in their hands. We measured psychometric curves for observers who used active, dynamic touch; these curvatures ranged from 1.18 to 4.05/m. Bimanual discrimination thresholds were found to be between 0.26 and 0.38/m on average; they were in the same range as unimanual thresholds reported in previous studies. Variation of (1) the horizontal distance between the stimuli or (2) the position of the setup had no effect on thresholds. In addition, we found that a number of observers showed discrimination biases in which they judged two physically different curvatures to be equal. Biases were of the same order of magnitude as the thresholds and could be either positive or negative. These biases can possibly be explained by small differences in left and right arm movements, an explanation that is supported by the position dependence of biases for individual observers.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 the sequence of trials to the positive (S+) and negative (S?) discriminanda was varied between groups during acquisition and reversal of a successive brightness discrimination. In Experiments 2 and 3, groups received different reward sequences in Phase 1 within S+. In general, groups given transitions from nonrewarded trials to rewarded trials (N-R transitions) in Phase 1 learned both the original discrimination and its reversal more slowly than groups given schedules devoid of N-R transitions. The results were discussed in relation to previously reported effects of partial reinforcement on acquisition and reversal of a discrimination and the role of sequential variables and internal, reward-produced cues in discrimination learning, reversal learning, and nonreversal shifts.  相似文献   

The influence of some process-limiting variables on hemifield differences for nonsense shapes in a "same-different" classification task was examined. "Different" responses, but not "same," did show systematic effects. Weakly discriminable and unfamiliar shapes which were presented successively yielded a significant left-hemifield advantage, while highly discriminable and more familiar shapes presented simultaneously yielded a nonsignificant right-hemifield advantage. Discriminability, considered independently of the other variables, had effects in opposite directions: low discriminability tended to favor more the right than the left hemifield in each experiment, but the right hemifield more than the left when the comparison was made between experiments. The results are discussed in terms of the spatial-frequency model (Sergent, 1982b, 1983) and the analytic-holistic distinction.  相似文献   

Changes in reward magnitude or value have been reported to produce effects on timing behavior, which have been attributed to changes in the speed of an internal pacemaker in some instances and to attentional factors in other cases. The present experiments therefore aimed to clarify the effects of reward magnitude on timing processes. In Experiment 1, rats were trained to discriminate a short (2 s) vs. a long (8 s) signal followed by testing with intermediate durations. Then, the reward on short or long trials was increased from 1 to 4 pellets in separate groups. Experiment 2 measured the effect of different reward magnitudes associated with the short vs. long signals throughout training. Finally, Experiment 3 controlled for satiety effects during the reward magnitude manipulation phase. A general flattening of the psychophysical function was evident in all three experiments, suggesting that unequal reward magnitudes may disrupt attention to duration.  相似文献   

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