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On listening where we look: the fragility of a phenomenon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of eye position information has been the subject of some debate in the literature on the visual facilitation of auditory localization and attention. In one particularly compelling study, Reisberg, Scheiber, and Potemken (1981) found that fixation position strongly influenced subjects' recall performance in a binaural selective-listening task. The present paper describes repeated failures to demonstrate the eye position effect under conditions similar to those of the original study, thus challenging the robustness of this oft-cited phenomenon of "listening where we look."  相似文献   

In order to determine the spatial location of an object that is simultaneously seen and heard, the brain assigns higher weights to the sensory inputs that provide the most reliable information. For example, in the well-known ventriloquism effect, the perceived location of a sound is shifted toward the location of a concurrent but spatially misaligned visual stimulus. This perceptual illusion can be explained by the usually much higher spatial resolution of the visual system as compared to the auditory system. Recently, it has been demonstrated that this cross-modal binding process is not fully automatic, but can be modulated by emotional learning. Here we tested whether cross-modal binding is similarly affected by motivational factors, as exemplified by reward expectancy. Participants received a monetary reward for precise and accurate localization of brief auditory stimuli. Auditory stimuli were accompanied by task-irrelevant, spatially misaligned visual stimuli. Thus, the participants’ motivational goal of maximizing their reward was put in conflict with the spatial bias of auditory localization induced by the ventriloquist situation. Crucially, the amounts of expected reward differed between the two hemifields. As compared to the hemifield associated with a low reward, the ventriloquism effect was reduced in the high-reward hemifield. This finding suggests that reward expectations modulate cross-modal binding processes, possibly mediated via cognitive control mechanisms. The motivational significance of the stimulus material, thus, constitutes an important factor that needs to be considered in the study of top-down influences on multisensory integration.  相似文献   

采用内源性线索-靶子范式,操纵线索类型(有效线索、无效线索)和靶刺激通道类型(视觉刺激、听觉刺激、视听觉刺激)两个自变量,通过两个实验,分别设置50%和80%两种内源性空间线索有效性来考察不同空间线索有效性条件下内源性空间注意对视听觉整合的影响。结果发现,当线索有效性为50%时(实验1),有效线索位置和无效线索位置的视听觉整合效应没有显著差异;当线索有效性为80%时(实验2),有效线索位置的视听觉整合效应显著大于无效线索位置的视听觉整合效应。结果表明,线索有效性不同时,内源性空间注意对视听觉整合产生了不同的影响,高线索有效性条件下内源性空间注意能够促进视听觉整合效应。  相似文献   

唐晓雨  崔鑫忠  高敏  袁梦莹 《心理学报》2022,54(11):1310-1324
多感觉整合遵循空间原则和时间原则, 有研究表明Pip-and-Pop效应产生的原因是多感觉整合, 那么Pip-and-Pop效应是否同样遵循空间原则和时间原则呢?本研究采用动态视觉搜索范式, 通过两个眼动实验考察空间一致性(实验1)和时间一致性(实验2)对Pip-and-Pop效应的影响。结果发现:(1)当视觉目标颜色变化伴随一个同侧的听觉刺激时所产生的Pip-and-Pop效应最大, 对侧条件没有发现Pip-and-Pop效应。(2)视听刺激同时呈现所产生的Pip-and-Pop效应最大, 随视听刺激呈现时间间隔的增加Pip-and-Pop效应逐渐减弱直至消失。结果表明, 视听时、空一致性对Pip-and-Pop效应具有调节作用, 这为多感觉整合在产生Pip-and-Pop效应中的作用提供了证据。  相似文献   

Participants made unspeeded temporal order judgments (TOJs) regarding which occurred first, anauditory or a visual target stimulus, when they were presented at a variety of different stimulus onset asynchronies. The target stimuli were presented either in isolation or positioned randomly among a stream of three synchronous audiovisual distractors. The largest just noticeable differences were reported when the targets were presented in the middle of the distractor stream. When the targets were presented at the beginning of the stream, performance was no worse than when the audiovisual targets were presented in isolation. Subsequent experiments revealed that performance improved somewhat when the position of the target was fixed or when the target was made physically distinctive from the distractors. These results show that audiovisual TOJs are impaired by the presence of audiovisual distractors and that this cost can be ameliorated by directing attention to the appropriate temporal position within the stimulus stream.  相似文献   

王润洲  毕鸿燕 《心理科学进展》2022,30(12):2764-2776
发展性阅读障碍的本质一直是研究者争论的焦点。大量研究发现,阅读障碍者具有视听时间整合缺陷。然而,这些研究仅考察了阅读障碍者视听时间整合加工的整体表现,也就是平均水平的表现,却对整合加工的变化过程缺乏探讨。视听时间再校准反映了视听时间整合的动态加工过程,对内部时间表征与感觉输入之间差异的再校准困难则会导致多感觉整合受损,而阅读障碍者的再校准相关能力存在缺陷。因此,视听时间再校准能力受损可能是发展性阅读障碍视听时间整合缺陷的根本原因。未来的研究需要进一步考察发展性阅读障碍者视听时间再校准能力的具体表现,以及这些表现背后的认知神经机制。  相似文献   

In the psychology of teaching, teaching of knowledge is one of the central themes. The psychology of teaching itself is also knowledge, so that the psychology of teaching and the teaching of psychology mutually include each other. Here, I would like to consider a phenomenon in the art of questioning in teaching a literary work of art and would like to show its relevance to the psychology of teaching in general.  相似文献   

Two experiments studied recall of objects and their locations in an intentional-incidental learning paradigm. When studying spatial information, the usual incidental condition is not truly incidental, because subjects often deliberately use locations to help organize objects for recall. Therefore, a true incidental task was devised in which neither objects nor locations were expected to be recalled and for which explicit encoding of locations was irrelevant. There was only a small loss in recall of objects or their locations in a true incidental condition. It was concluded that a great deal of location information is automatically coded into long-term memory storage in the sense that active processing is not required. The data were contrasted with incidental processing of other attributes, such as color. Although adults performed better than children, there were no age-related interactions, indicating similarity of functioning at all ages studied.  相似文献   

We investigated the extent to which auditory and visual motion signals are combined when observers are asked to predict the location of a virtually moving target. In Condition 1, the unimodal and bimodal signals were noisy, but the target object was continuously visible and audible; in Condition 2, the virtually moving object was hidden (invisible and inaudible) for a short period prior to its arrival at the target location. Our main finding was that the facilitation due to simultaneous visual and auditory input is very different for the two conditions. When the target is continuously visible and audible (Condition 1), the bimodal performance is twice as good as the unimodal performances, thus suggesting a very effective integration mechanism. On the other hand, if the object is hidden for a short period (Condition 2) and the task therefore requires the extrapolation of motion speed over a temporal and spatial period, the facilitation due to both sensory inputs is almost absent, and the bimodal performance is limited by the visual performance.  相似文献   

This study examined the multisensory integration of visual and auditory motion information using a methodology designed to single out perceptual integration processes from post-perceptual influences. We assessed the threshold stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) at which the relative directions (same vs. different) of simultaneously presented visual and auditory apparent motion streams could no longer be discriminated (Experiment 1). This threshold was higher than the upper threshold for direction discrimination (left vs. right) of each individual modality when presented in isolation (Experiment 2). The poorer performance observed in bimodal displays was interpreted as a consequence of automatic multisensory integration of motion information. Experiment 3 supported this interpretation by ruling out task differences as the explanation for the higher threshold in Experiment 1. Together these data provide empirical support for the view that multisensory integration of motion signals can occur at a perceptual level.  相似文献   

An implication of the data analysis and presentation of Podgorny and Shepard (1983) is that subjects are able to attend simultaneously to more than one square of a grid display when the squares are separated by unattended areas: Attention to such nonunitary areas produces similar benefits as attention to unitary areas. These benefits are reflected in reaction times (RTs), which were reported by Podgorny and Shepard (1983) as being related to a measure of spatial dispersion (compactness) of the attended areas, but this measure does not signify whether these areas are unitary or not. A reanalysis of part of Podgorny and Shepard's (1983) data shows that RTs to attended and unattended squares are almost identical when the attended areas are nonunitary. This reanalysis also shows that RTs are related to compactness for unitary attended areas but that this relation breaks down when attention is focused on nonunitary areas. In addition, Podgorny and Shepard's (1983) data are presented in a way that demonstrates the importance of the actual grid location of probes on RTs. The failure of compactness to reflect these aspects of the spatial nature of attention suggests that this metric is deficient when applied to the study of the spatial determinants of attention.  相似文献   

We used electrophysiological methods to track the deployment of visual spatial attention while observers were engaged in concurrent central attentional processing, using a variant of the attentional blink paradigm. Two visual targets (T1, T2) were presented at a stimulus onset asynchrony of either 200 ms or 800 ms. T1 was a white digit among white letters presented on a dark background using rapid serial visual presentation at fixation. T2 was another digit that was presented to the left or right of fixation simultaneously with a distractor digit in the opposite visual field, each followed by a pattern mask. In each T2 display, one digit was red and one was green. Half of the subjects reported the red digit and ignored the green one, whereas the other half reported the green digit and ignored the red one. T1 and T2 were reported in one block of trials, and only T2 in another block (order counterbalanced across subjects). Accuracy of report of T2 was lower at short SOA than at long SOA when both T1 and T2 were reported, but was similar across SOA when only T2 was reported. The electrophysiological results focused on the N2pc component, which was used as an index of the locus of spatial attention. N2pc was reduced in amplitude when subjects reported T1, and particularly so at the short SOA. The results suggest that attention to T1 interfered with the deployment of visual spatial attention to T2.  相似文献   

Social, political, and economic environments play an active role in nurturing professional virtue. Yet, these environments can also lead to the erosion of virtue. As such, professional virtue is fragile and vulnerable to environmental shifts. While physicians are often considered to be among the most virtuous of professional groups, concern has also always existed about the impact of commercial arrangements on physicians’ willingness and capacity to enact their professional virtues. This article examines the ways in which commercial arrangements have been negotiated to secure medical virtue from real or perceived threats of erosion. In particular, we focus on the concern surrounding conflicts of interest arising from commercial arrangements that have developed as a result of neoliberal economic and social policies. The deregulation of medical markets and privatization of services have produced new commercial relationships that are often misunderstood by patients, publics, and physicians themselves. ‘Conflicts of interest’ policies have been introduced in an attempt to safeguard ethical conduct and medical practice. However, a number of virtue ethicists have critiqued these policies as inadequate for securing virtue. We examine the ways in which commercial arrangements have been seen to impact upon medical virtue, both historically and in the context of modern medicine (using the example of fertility services in Australia). We then describe and critique current efforts to restore clinical virtue through both conflict of interest policies and through virtue ethics. Finally, we suggest some possible ways of addressing the corrosive effects of neoliberalism on medical virtue.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined any inhibition-of-return (IOR) effects from auditory cues and from preceding auditory targets upon reaction times (RTs) for detecting subsequent auditory targets. Auditory RT was delayed if the preceding auditory cue was on the same side as the target, but was unaffected by the location of the auditorytarget from the preceding trial, suggesting that response inhibition for the cue may have produced its effects. By contrast, visual detection RT was inhibited by the ipsilateral presentation of a visual target on the preceding trial. In a third experiment, targets could be unpredictably auditory or visual, and no peripheral cues intervened. Both auditory and visual detection RTs were now delayed following an ipsilateral versus contralateral target in either modality on the preceding trial, even when eye position was monitored to ensure central fixation throughout. These data suggest that auditory target—target IOR arises only when target modality is unpredictable. They also provide the first unequivocal evidence for cross-modal IOR, since, unlike other recent studies (e.g., Reuter-Lorenz, Jha, & Rosenquist, 1996; Tassinari & Berlucchi, 1995; Tassinari & Campara, 1996), the present cross-modal effects cannot be explained in terms of response inhibition for the cue. The results are discussed in relation to neurophysiological studies and audiovisual links in saccade programming.  相似文献   

Infant perception often deals with audiovisual speech input and a first step in processing this input is to perceive both visual and auditory information. The speech directed to infants has special characteristics and may enhance visual aspects of speech. The current study was designed to explore the impact of visual enhancement in infant-directed speech (IDS) on audiovisual mismatch detection in a naturalistic setting. Twenty infants participated in an experiment with a visual fixation task conducted in participants’ homes. Stimuli consisted of IDS and adult-directed speech (ADS) syllables with a plosive and the vowel /a:/, /i:/ or /u:/. These were either audiovisually congruent or incongruent. Infants looked longer at incongruent than congruent syllables and longer at IDS than ADS syllables, indicating that IDS and incongruent stimuli contain cues that can make audiovisual perception challenging and thereby attract infants’ gaze.  相似文献   

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