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(一) A.H.托尔斯泰是苏维埃文学大师之一。他的“苦难的历程”三部曲、中篇小说“面包”、长篇小说“彼得大帝”和杰出的爱国主义的政论全都获得了人民的应得的承认,成为千百万读者最喜爱的读物,被列入古典作品中,成为我国文学的最宝贵的一部分。托尔斯泰的写作和他对美学问题的经常关注是有着不可分割的联系的。他竭力地寻求那种牢固可靠的文艺创作的理论基础,找出文艺发展的一般规律。作者在他所发表的理论中往往不能保持它的一贯性。只是由于紧张地寻求和掌握了新的世界观的结果,他才正确地解决了那些使他激动不安的艺术问  相似文献   

A.麦金太尔的道德哲学高国希阿拉斯代尔·麦金太尔(A·C·Macintyre,1929—)是英美当代最著名的道德哲学家之一。他是美国艺术与科学院院士,国际现象学学会《哲学与现象学研究》杂志编委,1984年任美国哲学协会东部分会主席,现任美国圣母大学哲学系麦克马洪一汉克哲学讲座教授。他的哲学以其批判性、富有挑战性、多学科的文化叙述形式特别是其德性理论而享誉欧美思想界。1985年以来渐为我国学者译介和研究。麦金太尔著述颇丰,著有:《马克思主义:一种解释》(195),《无意识:一种概念的分析》(1958,《督教信仰中的难题》(1959),《伦理学简史》(1966),《世俗化与道德变迁》(1967),《马克思主义与基督教》(1968),《无神论的宗教意义》(1967,与P.利科合著),《赫伯特·马尔库塞:解说与反驳》(1970),《反对时代的自我镜象:意识形态和哲学文集》(1971),《社会学理论和哲学分析》(编,1970),《黑格尔:批评文集》(1976,编),《德性之后:道德理论研究》(198;1984第2版),《谁之正义?哪种合理性?》(1988),《三种对立的道德探索观点:百科全书、谱系学和传统》(1990  相似文献   

G.A.科恩是分析马克思主义的重要人物,也是将分析哲学的研究方法引入历史唯物主义解释的第一人。在对马克思的公平正义思想进行分析的过程中,他一方面反驳了自由至上主义者诺齐克的自我所有权原则,另一方面又批判了罗尔斯正义思想的差别原则,从而捍卫了社会主义的平等,突出了平等的规范性意义,将平等作为马克思公平正义思想的理论内核突显出来。研究G.A.科恩的社会主义平等思想,不仅能够把握住当代西方政治哲学争论的焦点,明确分析马克思主义的理论态度,而且能够为阐释马克思的平等观,揭示马克思公平正义的思想本质提供理论资源。  相似文献   

John Clay (1996) R.D. Laing: A Divided Self, London: Hodder & Stoughton, pp. 308, $20.00 (hb), $7.99 (pb)  相似文献   

This essay is an attempt to piece together the elements of G. A. Cohen’s thought on the theory of socialism during his long intellectual voyage from Marxism to political philosophy. It begins from his theory of the maldistribution of freedom under capitalism, moves onto his critique of libertarian property rights, to his diagnosis of the “deep inegalitarian” structure of John Rawls’ theory and concludes with his rejection of the “cheap” fraternity promulgated by liberal egalitarianism. The paper’s exegetical contention is that Cohen’s work in political philosophy is best understood in the background of lifelong commitment to a form of democratic, non-market, socialism realizing the values of freedom, equality and community, as he conceived them. The first part of the essay is therefore an attempt to retrieve core socialism-related arguments by chronologically examining the development of Cohen’s views, using his books as thematic signposts. The second part brings these arguments together with an eye to reconstructing his vision of socialism. It turns out that Cohen’s political philosophy offers a rich conception of objective and subjective freedom, an original understanding of justice as satisfaction of genuine need, and a substantive ideal of fraternity as justificatory community with others. If properly united, these values can suggest a full-bloodied account of the just polity, and give us a glimpse into what it means, for Cohen, to treat people as equals.  相似文献   

A 5-year old subject was treated for molestation-induced behavior problems consisting of excessive verbal ruminations and concamitant negative emotional responding. Treatment invovled utilization of a modified operant DRO procedure using the subject's mother as primary behavior change agent. Data based observations predicated on home-environment and generalization probe sources demonstrated dramatic reductions in problem behaviors targeted for intervention. Treatment gains remained stable over a 12-month period as indicated by extended follow-up assessment queries.  相似文献   

鲁道夫·马克瑞尔生于比利时的安特卫普,童年在荷兰海牙度过,11岁时举家迁至纽约.他曾就读于布鲁克林的职业高中.后进入哥伦比亚大学,获得了他的学士学位和博士学位.  相似文献   

The work of Henry A. Murray at the Harvard Psychological Clinic played a major role in shaping the face of American psychology. In particular, he was instrumental in broadening the scope of academic psychology to include such topics as personality, abnormal, and clinical psychologies as viable areas of research. However, by reason of his background and education, Murray had virtually nothing in common with his specialist-trained professional colleagues. This article details Murray's education and conversion to psychology and briefly analyzes the controversies surrounding the establishment of the Harvard Psychological Clinic and its relationship with the Department of Psychology.  相似文献   

张世英 《心理学报》1980,13(4):89-95
苏联心理科学,自十月革命以来,经历了漫长的道路,取得了巨大的进展。现在,它在整个世界心理学中自成体系,成了一支不可忽视的力量。 但苏联心理学的发展正象任何其他科学一样,也是在斗争中、在科学实验的基础上逐  相似文献   

Oliveri  Gianluigi 《Synthese》1997,112(3):379-402
The present article aims at showing that it is possible to construct a realist philosophy of mathematics which commits one neither to dream the dreams of Platonism nor to reduce the word 'realism' to mere noise.It is argued that mathematics is a science of patterns, where patterns are not objects (or properties of objects), but aspects, or aspects of aspects, etc. of objects. (The notion of aspect originates from ideas sketched by Wittgenstein in the Philosophical Investigations.)The philosophical importance of this contribution is mainly in the successfulness of the attempt made to justify a view of mathematics which, holding on to a Tarskian/Aristotelian conception of mathematical truth, does not involve the postulation of entities which are beyond the bounds of experience.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungPresented at the III World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Washington, DC, November 1985.  相似文献   

A book, ‘On Dexterity and its Development,’ written by N. A. Bernstein in the 1940s has recently been published in Moscow. We describe briefly the amazing fate of this miraculously saved book and of its famous author. The book is unique in its reader-friendly handling of the most complicated issues of motor control, motor development, motor skill acquisition, and more general aspects of brain activity. It presents the basis for what is now called motor control and for some of the more fundamental issues of theoretical neuroscience. Bernstein described his views on multilevel control of movements, the role of sensory feedback, preprogramming, feedback and feedforward components in motor control, the role of exercise, and other subjects. Despite the fact that the book was written nearly half a century ago, its deep philosophical content remains beyond any competition.  相似文献   

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