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The fluency of information encoding has frequently been discussed as a major determinant of predicted memory performance indicated by judgements of learning (JOLs). Previous studies established encoding fluency effects on JOLs. However, it is largely unknown whether fluency takes effect above and beyond the effects of item difficulty. We therefore tested whether encoding fluency still affects JOLs when numerous additional cues indicating the difficulty of an item are available as well. In three experiments, participants made JOLs for another participant while observing his or her self-paced study phase. However, study times were swapped in one experimental condition, so that items with short study times (indicating high fluency) were presented for long durations, whereas items with long study times (indicating low fluency) were presented for short durations. Results showed that both item difficulty and encoding fluency affected JOLs. Thus, encoding fluency in itself is indeed an important cue for JOLs that does not become redundant when difficulty information is available in addition. This observation lends considerable support to the ease-of-processing hypothesis.  相似文献   

The categorical-dimensional debate has catalyzed a wealth of empirical advances in the study of personality pathology. However, this debate is merely one articulation of a broader conceptual question regarding whether to define and describe psychopathology as a quantitatively extreme expression of normal functioning or as qualitatively distinct in its process. In this article I argue that dynamic models of personality (e.g., object relations, cognitive-affective processing system) offer the conceptual scaffolding to reconcile these seemingly incompatible approaches to characterizing the relationship between normal and pathological personality. I propose that advances in personality assessment that sample behavior and experiences intensively provide the empirical techniques, whereas interpersonal theory offers an integrative theoretical framework, for accomplishing this goal.  相似文献   

Aggressive behavioral characteristics were assessed in a large group of men and women by a self-report instrument, the Aggression Inventory. Significant gender differences appeared on four factors in which men reported more physical aggression and verbal aggression than did women. Further, men had higher scores on measures of impulsiveness and lack of patience than women, while women reported being more likely to avoid confrontation. In addition to these quantitative sex differences in self-reported behavior, factor analyses indicated qualitative differences by sex, wherein most of the variance for women centered on verbal aggression, while physical aggression was the first factor for men.  相似文献   

The experiments examined qualitative and quantitative changes in the dynamics of learning a novel motor skill (roller ball task) as a function of the manipulation of a control parameter (initial ball speed). The focus was on the relation between the rates of change in performance over practice time and the changing time scales of the evolving attractor dynamic. Results showed 3 different learning patterns to the changes in the dynamics as a function of practice that were mediated by the initial ball speed. Only participants who learned the task showed a bifurcation in coordination mode that was preceded by enhanced performance variability. The observed multiple time scales to motor learning are interpreted as the products of the dynamical stability and instability realized from (a) the continually evolving landscape dynamics due to bifurcations between attractor organization and (b) the transient phenomena associated with moving toward and away from fixed-point dynamics.  相似文献   

Garner has hypothesized that a S exposed to a stimulus infers alternatives to it. Data are reviewed which establish a close correlation between the number of implicit alternatives to a stimulus and the difficulty of encoding that stimulus. This correlation provides a datum to be explained and suggests that the identification of specific implicit alternatives may provide clues to the encoding process. For dot patterns of a certain kind, it has been suggested that the rotations and reflections of a stimulus are its only alternatives, but a close examination of certain data indicates that, for many of these patterns, the alternatives also include one or more other patterns which differ from the stimulus only in the position of a single dot and which locate that dot in a position where it is more predictable from the other dots. It is suggested that the one-dot-different alternatives represent schemas used in schema-plus-correction encoding.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we tested the hypothesis that strategy performance on a given trial is influenced by the difficulty of the strategy executed on the immediately preceding trial, an effect that we call strategy sequential difficulty effect. Participants' task was to provide approximate sums to two-digit addition problems by using cued rounding strategies. Results showed that performance was poorer after a difficult strategy than after an easy strategy. Our results have important theoretical and empirical implications for computational models of strategy choices and for furthering our understanding of strategic variations in arithmetic as well as in human cognition in general.  相似文献   

Kindergarten, third, and sixth graders (6, 9, and 12 years of age, respectively) received a cue-at-input/cue-at-output recall task, using category typical and atypical items that were based on either (1) children's conceptions of item typicality, or (2) adults' conceptions of item typicality. At each grade level, recall was greater with the child-defined lists than with the adult-defined lists, and typical items were recalled to a greater extent than atypical items. Further analyses items were recalled to a greater extent than atypical items. Further analyses revealed that the recall of typical items varied as a function of children's typicality ratings of items, and that the “typicality effect” in the adult-norm condition was due primarily to the childrennot realizing that many of the atypical items were appropriate category exemplars. In contrast, typicality effects in the child-norm condition were attributed to qualitative differences in the judged “goodness of example” of the typical and atypical items. The results were discussed in terms of the appropriateness of typicality as a dimension of children's natural language concepts, the role of age differences in knowledge base in affecting performance on a cognitive task, and of the importance of using child-generated norms in studies of children's processing of category information.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current and emerging status of qualitative research in psychology. The particular value of diverse philosophical paradigms and varied inquiry approaches to the advancement of psychology generally, and multicultural psychology specifically, is emphasized. Three specific qualitative inquiry approaches anchored in diverse philosophical research paradigms are highlighted: consensual qualitative research, grounded theory, and participatory action research. The article concludes by highlighting important ethical considerations in multicultural qualitative research.  相似文献   

Most studies of inattentional blindness—the failure to notice an unexpected object when attention is focused elsewhere—have focused on one critical trial. For that trial, noticing the unexpected object might be a result of random variability, so that any given individual would be equally likely to notice the unexpected object. On the other hand, individual differences in the ability to perform the primary task might make noticing more likely for some individuals than for others. Increasing the difficulty of the primary task has been shown to decrease noticing rates for both brief static displays (Cartwright-Finch & Lavie, 2007) and dynamic monitoring tasks (Simons & Chabris, 1999). However, those studies did not explore whether individual differences in noticing arise from differences in the ability to perform the primary task. For our Experiment 1, we used a staircase procedure to equate primary task performance across individuals in a dynamic inattentional blindness task and found that the demands of the primary task affected noticing rates when individual differences in accuracy were minimized. In Experiment 2, we found that individual differences in primary task performance did not predict noticing of an unexpected object. Together, these findings suggest that although the demands of the primary task do affect inattentional blindness rates, individual differences in the ability to meet those demands do not.  相似文献   

This study aimed at uncovering factors influencing execution of memory strategies and at furthering our understanding of ageing effects on memory performance. To achieve this end, we investigated strategy sequential difficulty (SSD) effects recently demonstrated by Uittenhove and Lemaire in the domain of problem solving. We found that both young and older participants correctly recalled more words using a sentence-construction strategy when this strategy followed an easier strategy (i.e., repetition strategy) or a harder strategy (i.e., mental-image strategy). These SSD effects were of equal magnitude in young and older adults, correlated significantly with Stroop performance in both young and older adults and correlated with N-back performance only in young adults. These findings have important implications for furthering our understanding of memory strategy execution and age-related variations in memory performance, as well for understanding mechanisms underlying SSD effects.  相似文献   

Manipulations of Task 1 difficulty in the attentional blink paradigm can have minimal effects on performance of a subsequent visual encoding task, when Task 1 difficulty is thought of as a form of data limitation (e.g., by masking T1 more or less effectively) using mixed trials (e.g., McLaughlin, Shore, & Klein, 2001). In this work we show that a different form of Task 1 difficulty, namely the difficulty of organizing T1 as a representation in STM, has a large impact on accuracy in Task 2, even when the different levels of Task 1 difficulty are intermixed from trial to trial. The results support the Central Interference Theory of the attentional blink by showing that the time taken for central processing of T1 has a direct impact on performance in Task 2.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to determine participants' ability to transfer a learned movement sequence to new spatial locations. A 16-element dynamic arm movement sequence was used in both experiments. The task required participants to move a horizontal lever to sequentially projected targets. Experiment 1 included two groups. One group practised a relatively easy 16-element movement sequence (easy long). The other group practised a more difficult 16-element movement sequence (difficult long). Approximately 24 hours after practice with their respective sequence both groups were administered a retention and two transfer tests. The only difference between the retention and transfer tests was the location of the targets. The short transfer target configuration was considered a proportional transfer because all the amplitudes between targets were reduced by the same proportion. The mixed transfer configuration was considered a nonproportional transfer because the targets did not have the same proportional distances between targets as the sequence they practised. The results indicated that participants could effectively transfer the difficult long sequence to the new target configurations regardless of whether the transfer required proportional and nonproportional spatial changes to the movement pattern. However, the easy long sequence was only effectively transferred in the proportional transfer condition. Experiment 2 assessed the effects of extended practice of the easy long sequence on proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer. The data indicated that participants could again effectively transfer the easy long sequence to proportional but not the nonproportional spatial transfer conditions regardless of the amount of practice (1 or 4 days). The results are discussed in terms of the mechanism by which response sequences become increasingly specific over extended practice in an attempt to optimize movement production and how this process interacts with the difficulty of the sequence.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to determine participants' ability to transfer a learned movement sequence to new spatial locations. A 16-element dynamic arm movement sequence was used in both experiments. The task required participants to move a horizontal lever to sequentially projected targets. Experiment 1 included two groups. One group practised a relatively easy 16-element movement sequence (easy long). The other group practised a more difficult 16-element movement sequence (difficult long). Approximately 24 hours after practice with their respective sequence both groups were administered a retention and two transfer tests. The only difference between the retention and transfer tests was the location of the targets. The short transfer target configuration was considered a proportional transfer because all the amplitudes between targets were reduced by the same proportion. The mixed transfer configuration was considered a nonproportional transfer because the targets did not have the same proportional distances between targets as the sequence they practised. The results indicated that participants could effectively transfer the difficult long sequence to the new target configurations regardless of whether the transfer required proportional and nonproportional spatial changes to the movement pattern. However, the easy long sequence was only effectively transferred in the proportional transfer condition. Experiment 2 assessed the effects of extended practice of the easy long sequence on proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer. The data indicated that participants could again effectively transfer the easy long sequence to proportional but not the nonproportional spatial transfer conditions regardless of the amount of practice (1 or 4 days). The results are discussed in terms of the mechanism by which response sequences become increasingly specific over extended practice in an attempt to optimize movement production and how this process interacts with the difficulty of the sequence.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we investigated the effects of word concreteness and encoding instructions on context-dependent discrimination in verbal contexts, using Murnane, Phelps, and Malmberg's (1999) ICE (item, context, ensemble) theory as the framework Word concreteness was manipulated within participants, and encoding was manipulated between participants. It was hypothesized that the magnitude of context-dependent discrimination would be affected by both concreteness and encoding instructions. Imagery instructions resulted in context-dependent discrimination for both concrete and abstract word pairs across all the experiments. Context-dependent discrimination was observed under rote instructions for concrete and abstract words, particularly when the same context word was paired multiple times with the targets. The results indicated that context-dependent discrimination is not dependent solely on the use of interactive imagery instructions or on word concreteness.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined whether relative retrieval fluency (the relative ease or difficulty of answering questions from memory) would be translated, via metacognitive monitoring and control processes, into an overt effect on the controlled behavior—that is, the decision whether to answer a question or abstain. Before answering a target set of multiple-choice general-knowledge questions (intermediate-difficulty questions in Exp. 1, deceptive questions in Exp. 2), the participants first answered either a set of difficult questions or a set of easy questions. For each question, they provided a forced-report answer, followed by a subjective assessment of the likelihood that their answer was correct (confidence) and by a free-report control decision—whether or not to report the answer for a potential monetary bonus (or penalty). The participants’ ability to answer the target questions (forced-report proportion correct) was unaffected by the initial question difficulty. However, a predicted metacognitive contrast effect was observed: When the target questions were preceded by a set of difficult rather than easy questions, the participants were more confident in their answers to the target questions, and hence were more likely to report them, thus increasing the quantity of freely reported correct information. The option of free report was more beneficial after initial question difficulty than after initial question ease, in terms of both the gain in accuracy (Exp. 2) and a smaller cost in quantity (Exps. 1 and 2). These results demonstrate that changes in subjective experience can influence metacognitive monitoring and control, thereby affecting free-report memory performance independently of forced-report performance.  相似文献   

People look longer at things that they choose than things they do not choose. How much of this tendency—the gaze bias effect—is due to a liking effect compared to the information encoding aspect of the decision-making process? Do these processes compete under certain conditions? We monitored eye movements during a visual decision-making task with four decision prompts: Like, dislike, older, and newer. The gaze bias effect was present during the first dwell in all conditions except the dislike condition, when the preference to look at the liked item and the goal to identify the disliked item compete. Colour content (whether a photograph was colour or black-and-white), not decision type, influenced the gaze bias effect in the older/newer decisions because colour is a relevant feature for such decisions. These interactions appear early in the eye movement record, indicating that gaze bias is influenced during information encoding.  相似文献   

Recognition of random shapes followed by a visual distractor is altered by the type of distractor and whether the distractor needs to be attended. Three experiments tested which characteristics modify a visual distractor's effect on random target shapes presented for 75 to 150 msec. Exp. 1 showed that increasing the number of digits to be remembered (1, 3, or 8) increased the effectiveness of digits as distractors. Exeir effect as visual distractors for random target shapes. Random shapes were highly effective as distractors, while pictures of faces or comples colored pictures had a relatively small effect. In Exp. 3 decreasing the presentation time for novel visual distractors decreased recognition of the distractors but not of random target shapes. However, adding a three-digit distractor after the novel visual distractor did decrease recognition of target shapes. Exps. 2 and 3 showed that the order of the recognition tests of the target and distracting stimuli altered target recognition if and only if subjects did know which was to be reported first. These experiments indicate that the effect of a visual distractor depends on both the extent to which it is allotted attention and its visual similarity to the target stimulus.  相似文献   

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