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在物质主义价值观盛行的当今中国社会, 如何推进绿色消费这一举措是值得关注的问题。以往研究对于物质主义与绿色消费的关系得出了矛盾的结论。针对这一现状, 本研究以绿色产品本身的特征(炫耀性/非炫耀性)为切入点, 首先考察物质主义影响绿色消费的边界条件, 即绿色产品炫耀性的调节作用, 然后进一步探究物质主义促进炫耀性绿色消费及抑制非炫耀性绿色消费的心理机制, 最后在此基础上进行自然接触的干预研究, 以期为解决现有研究分歧提供全新的思路, 同时为企业和政府引导绿色消费提供管理建议。  相似文献   

从进化心理学生命史理论视角探究童年环境和典型消费行为的关系。通过专项问卷调查收集1028个有效样本进行实证研究,证实童年环境的核心变量——童年社会经济地位显著影响成年后的绿色消费和炫耀性消费行为,生命史策略和"团结和谐"的传统价值观维度在其中分别起显著的中介和调节作用。研究有助于理解炫耀攀比、奢侈浪费等非理性消费的深层原因,并从生命史和价值观角度提供可能的解决思路,为大众培养健康理性消费提供借鉴。  相似文献   

以往炫耀性消费研究多囿于自尊补偿视角,本文着眼于驱动炫耀性消费动机的自我增强属性,提出敬畏的自我超越属性可以降低个体对自身目标重要性的评估(即提升“小我”水平),进而降低炫耀性消费倾向。四个研究采用三种炫耀性消费倾向测量方式,通过测量特质敬畏(研究1a)和操纵状态敬畏(研究1b)均验证了敬畏对炫耀性消费倾向的抑制作用。研究2表明敬畏不影响非炫耀性消费倾向。研究3发现“小我”在敬畏与炫耀性消费倾向之间起到了中介作用。  相似文献   

Because young adult drinking occurs primarily in peer groups, this should be taken into account when studying influences on drinking behaviour. This paper aimed to assess influences on drinking by observing existing peer groups in a naturalistic setting. We first analysed the basic levels at which two types of influence take place. The first, modelling (imitating others' drinking), was found to significantly influence individual drinking, whereas for the second one, persuasion (drinking resulting from others offering drinks), no predictions were found. Subsequently, we examined whether peer group members' sociometric status in the group affected the amount of influence and persuasion exerted and received. No indications were found that sociometric status had an impact on influence in alcohol consumption within a drinking situation. Features and weaknesses of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来低阶层大学生炫耀性消费负性事件频发,研究以补偿性消费理论为基础,考察低阶层大学生炫耀性消费的内因与外因。实验一通过比较高、低状态自尊条件下不同阶层被试的炫耀性消费倾向来考察自尊的作用,结果表明低阶层大学生的炫耀性消费倾向受到其状态自尊的调节; 实验二通过比较不同阶层被试对地位及非地位符号商品的支付意愿来考察商品符号价值的作用,结果表明低阶层大学生只有在商品具有地位符号价值时,才会表现出比高阶层大学生更强烈的炫耀性消费倾向。  相似文献   

Using evolutionary psychology as a theoretical framework, it is argued that conspicuous consumption serves as a means by which men communicate their social status to prospective mates. Accordingly, men’s endocrinological responses, particularly their testosterone levels, are responsive to fluctuations in their status as triggered by acts of conspicuous consumption. Study 1 reports that men’s testosterone levels increased and decreased partially (directionally), after driving an expensive sports car and an old family sedan, respectively. Additionally, the location of the drive, either a busy downtown area or a semi-deserted highway, partially moderated this response. Study 2 demonstrates that when men’s social status was threatened by the wealth displays of a male confederate in the presence of a female moderator, their testosterone levels increased. This is suggestive of an evolved mechanism for responding to intra-sexual challenges. Collectively, these constitute the first set of studies to measure hormonal outcomes in consumer behavior.  相似文献   

While much of the previous research has examined the influence of consumers' social and economic states on conspicuous consumption, little attention has been paid to the potential role that consumers' decision-making tendency plays. This study investigates whether, how, and when maximizing, as a type of decision-making tendency (both dispositional and situationally primed), influences subsequent decisions regarding conspicuous consumption. Four studies were conducted, revealing that maximizing consumers are more likely to engage in conspicuous consumption than non-maximizing consumers (Studies 1 and 2). The need for status serves as the underlying mechanism behind this behavior (Study 3). In addition, the observed effect holds only when the situation is public but disappears when it is private (Study 4). As one of the first investigations into the effect that maximizing has on a type of consumption, these findings offer valuable contributions to both theory and practice.  相似文献   

The current research examines whether direct and vicarious identification with a low-status group affects consumers' desire for objects associated with status. Experiment 1 found that individuals who belonged to and identified with a status social category associated with relatively lower status (Blacks) exhibited an enhanced desire for high-status products compared to Blacks who did not identify with their race or individuals who belonged to a social category associated with higher status (Whites). In Experiments 2 and 3, White participants led to vicariously identify through perspective taking with Blacks (Experiment 2), or a low-status occupational group (Experiment 3) exhibited an increased desire for high-status products. Experiment 4 provided meditational evidence for a status based explanation for the relationship between identification with a low-status group and a desire for high-status products. The present work makes new inroads into understanding one factor that might lead minorities to engage in greater conspicuous consumption and provides evidence that conspicuous consumption can be elicited vicariously.  相似文献   

本研究从消费者社会需求层面,探讨在中国新奢侈品会给哪些人带来优越感,什么样的产品可以带来优越感,以及为何会带来优越感等问题。本研究使用一个混合设计的实验,结果发现:(1)相比较非社会排斥状态,社会排斥状态增加了消费者的身份消费需求。(2)在产品炫耀性大时,相比较传统大众产品和奢侈品,社会排斥增加了消费者对新奢侈品的购买意愿。而在产品炫耀性小时,社会排斥的影响不显著;(3)社会排斥、产品种类和产品炫耀性三者的交互作用影响消费者购买意愿的中介变量是消费者感知的产品身份价格比。结论表明,相比较传统大众产品和奢侈品,炫耀性新奢侈品以相对低的价格满足了社会排斥消费者的身份消费需求,为他们提供了一个获得优越感的渠道。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that social exclusion can lead individuals to engage in conspicuous consumption, but these studies did not focus on the relationship between the excluder and the excluded, that is, whether they were friends or strangers. The present research aims to address this gap by taking relationship orientation as a boundary condition between social exclusion and conspicuous consumption. The results of Experiment 1 demonstrate that individuals who are communal relationship oriented (e.g., friends) will prefer conspicuous consumption more when they are socially excluded than when they are socially included. In contrast, there is no significant difference for exchange‐oriented individuals (e.g., strangers). Experiment 2 further confirms the hypothesis and establishes the underlying mechanism by showing that self‐esteem plays an intermediary role in the effect of social exclusion and relationship orientation on conspicuous consumption. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

本文通过3个实验探究了地位感知变化对消费者地位消费行为的影响。研究发现,无论在感知到地位提升还是地位威胁的情况下,消费者对地位商品的购买意愿均会提升,然而两者却有着不同的作用机制。对于感知地位提升的消费者,自我提升动机在地位感知对地位商品购买意愿的影响中起中介作用;而对于感知地位威胁的消费者,自我补偿动机同时在地位感知对地位商品和非地位商品购买意愿的影响中起中介作用。在感知地位威胁的情境下,自我实现的新兴价值观具有强化消费者地位消费行为的作用,而谦卑的传统价值观具有弱化消费者地位消费行为的作用。  相似文献   

A classic question in the communication literature is whether pornography consumption affects consumers' satisfaction. The present paper represents the first attempt to address this question via meta‐analysis. Fifty studies collectively including more than 50,000 participants from 10 countries were located across the interpersonal domains of sexual and relational satisfaction and the intrapersonal domains of body and self satisfaction. Pornography consumption was not related to the intrapersonal satisfaction outcomes that were studied. However, pornography consumption was associated with lower interpersonal satisfaction outcomes in cross‐sectional surveys, longitudinal surveys, and experiments. Associations between pornography consumption and reduced interpersonal satisfaction outcomes were not moderated by their year of release or their publication status. But analyses by sex indicted significant results for men only.  相似文献   

Nowadays, people tend to show off in a more conservative rather than ostentatious way, that is, “low‐key style.” This paper focuses on consumers' low‐key conspicuous behavior on social media after they purchase fashion luxury goods, so as to explore the antecedents of this behavior, as well as its impact, on consumer happiness. Our results show that motivations for self‐representation and avoidance of negative comments from others trigger the low‐key conspicuous behavior. Afterward, this behavior will positively affect consumers' short‐term happiness through both perceived self‐image and perceived interpersonal relationship, while enhancing long‐term happiness only through perceived interpersonal relationship. The reason may be that the temporary pleasure brought by the improvement of perceived self‐image is not enough to raise the quality of life, but an improvement in one's interpersonal relationship is a lifelong benefit.  相似文献   

本文从幸福学的角度,对和谐消费的内涵进行了阐释和分析。基于幸福学中所提出的参照点效应、范围-频次分布理论和内在可评估性理论对不和谐的消费现象,包括奢侈性、炫耀性和过度消费的形成机制和原因进行了分析和解释,并由此提出促进社会和谐消费的建议和启示,以期对政策制定者、企业和个人消费者提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The importance of the symbolic properties of goods has been explored in depth among adult consumers, but there has been less attention given to the symbolic consumption of young people. This study explores the subject of symbolic consumption with specific reference to clothing in the teenage market. Thirty‐eight young people were interviewed, and age, sex and social position variations were considered. The results of this study suggest that conspicuous consumption is relevant for young people, and that they are a group which is adept at reading the signals represented in clothing choices. The authors found that the clothes choices made by young people are closely bound to their self‐concept, and are used both as a means of self‐expression and as a way of judging the people and situations they face. Evidence was also found that clothing has a function in role fulfilment, making the wearer more confident and capable. Overall, clothing can be viewed as an essential social tool in the lives of teenagers. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications Ltd.  相似文献   

Three studies investigated the role of cognitive balance in the formation of interpersonal attitudes. Experiment 1 found evidence for balanced triads when participants first formed an attitude about one person, and then learned about this person’s sentiments about another individual. Interestingly, balanced triads were obtained for both explicitly and implicitly assessed attitudes. Experiment 2 indicated that the pattern of interpersonal relations does not result in balanced triads, when participants first learn about the relationship between two neutral individuals, and then receive evaluative information about one of the two individuals. In this case, observed sentiments and evaluative information affected attitudes in an additive rather than interactive manner. Experiment 3 replicated these findings by manipulating valence, observed sentiments, and order of information acquisition in a single study. Taken together, these results suggest that cognitive balance influences the encoding of social information, rather than the retroactive construal of evaluative judgments.  相似文献   

Strong economic development in China has led to a surge in status consumption as a means of gaining face. In Eastern culture, people interpret uniqueness as status distinction rather than separateness or deviance. This type of uniqueness can be used to meet others' expectations and gain social approval. Thus its relationship with face consciousness and status consumption is to be expected. This study investigates 2 hypotheses: (a) Face consciousness has a positive effect on status consumption and (b) Consumer need for uniqueness mediates the relationship between face consciousness and status consumption. Two‐hundred and forty‐six working respondents in eastern China completed a survey. Regression analysis of the results supported both hypotheses.  相似文献   

Understanding whether materialistic values translate directly into fashion consciousness or whether it is the status consumption and religiosity that intensifies this relationship within the specifics of explicitly religious consumers is important as fashion consumption appears to occupy a focal position both socially and economically in the lives of many. The Islamic fashion clothing market has begun to attract recent attention and is becoming an area of interest in consumer research. The Turkish Islamic fashion clothing consumptionscape that reached a yearly sales volume of $39 billion in 2013 within a $266 billion global market shows that the explicitly Muslim Turkish consumer gains excitement and pleasure from keeping up‐to‐date with fashion. Utilizing a unique data set from a survey in Istanbul this article examines the relationships between materialism, status consumption tendencies, intrinsic religiosity, and fashion‐novelty consciousness. Strong evidence is found for the positive relationship of materialism to fashion‐novelty consciousness. In addition, intrinsic religiosity has been identified to have a negative moderating effect on the materialism‐fashion‐novelty consciousness association.  相似文献   

Rebekah Wanic  James Kulik 《Sex roles》2011,65(5-6):297-312
The present paper addresses the consistent finding that men derive more benefit from marriage in terms of both morbidity and mortality compared to women in U. S. society. Based on the evidence that spousal conflict adversely influences physiology and health, with greater negative impact on wives compared to husbands, we propose that the stronger impact of relationship negativity contributes to the decreased marriage benefit for women. Evidence bearing on two explanations for this differential impact of conflict is reviewed. The relational-interdependence view, proposed by Kiecolt-Glaser and Newton (2001), holds that women are more affected by marital conflict because of their more relationally interdependent self-representations. An alternative view, which we call the subordination-reactivity hypothesis, suggests that women experience greater physiological and psychological reactivity to marital discord because they typically occupy subordinate (lower status and less powerful) positions relative to their husbands. A review of the evidence on the physiological effects of social status is combined with that of the relationship between gender and status, both within society at large and interpersonal relationships specifically, to support the subordination-reactivity hypothesis. Specifically, there is evidence that low social status negatively impacts health and that women generally occupy subordinate status. The relational-interdependence view is re-evaluated and its intersection with the subordination-reactivity hypothesis is explored. Finally, implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

为明确述情障碍与中学生人际关系间关系的内在机制,采用中学生人际关系量表、多伦多述情障碍量表、社交焦虑量表及领悟社会支持量表调查了北京市、石家庄市、佳木斯市三所中学7至11年级共998名学生,根据述情障碍的筛查标准,最终获得218份有效数据。结论如下:(1)述情障碍与社交焦虑呈显著正相关,与人际关系、社会支持呈显著负相关;人际关系与社交焦虑呈显著负相关,而与社会支持呈显著正相关;社交焦虑与社会支持呈显著负相关;(2)社交焦虑在述情障碍与中学生人际关系间起中介作用;社会支持在述情障碍与中学生人际关系间起调节作用;(3)"述情障碍→社交焦虑→中学生人际关系"这一中介路径的前半段,受到社会支持的调节。与高社会支持个体相比,述情障碍对低社会支持个体的社交焦虑影响更大。  相似文献   

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