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Counselor educators (N= 378) provided their viewpoints regarding the impact of counselor identity on professional advancement and recognition. Respondents indicated that counselors, the American Counseling Association, and other counseling organizations are responsible for advocacy of the counseling profession. Collaboration among counselors for the development of a single coherent message is necessary for advocacy efforts aimed at congressional Medicare leaders, managed care organizations, state licensing boards, and allied professions.  相似文献   

深入探讨新入职护士职业认同现状,为职业认同培育提供新思路。从叙事角度出发,借鉴拉波夫的评议分析模式,从职业认知评价、职业社交技能、职业社会支持、职业挫折应对和职业自我反思五个维度对12名新入职护士进行深度访谈。新入职护士对职业有正向感知,而职业胜任能力较低;职业沟通技能不足,尚不能灵活应用于临床;能积极应对职业挫折,且自我反思促进职业发展。新入职护士有较高职业热情,但欠缺规范化培训指导,护理管理者及教育者应建立健全新入职护士规范化培训,注重职业认同及职业相关技能的培育。  相似文献   

This quantitative study examined professional identity development and orientation for 489 counseling practitioners, educators, and trainees as predicted by participant‐identified sex and engagement in professional activities. Differences between male and female participants regarding aspects of professional identity were evaluated. Discriminant analysis results indicate sex differences in professional identity development. Additional regression analysis revealed a significant predictive relationship between professional engagement and professional identity orientation and development.  相似文献   

以师范生职业认同感研究的"职业能力"和"职业价值"两大取向为基础,根据其单维评估的不足,将职业效能感和职业价值感指标联合,提出师范生职业认同感的效能—价值双维核心模型,并考察该模型在3所部属师范大学的1237名免费师范生中是否存在及其效用。研究表明:(1)模型能有效将免费师范生分组,其中低效能—低价值占31.69%、低效能—高价值占6.63%、高效能—低价值占40.01%、高效能—高价值仅占21.67%,克服了单维评估存在的高估或低估问题;(2)模型在职业认同结果(职业意志感、职业意愿与期望感)、学业满意度、总体生活满意度及未来担忧上的分组效应显著,同时拥有高职业效能感和高职业价值感的免费师范生具有最佳的职业认同感、学业满意度、总体生活满意度和最少的未来担忧。  相似文献   

Simone Weil writes in one of her notebooks: “When one arrives at the absolute one can only express oneself by identities … – For identity alone expresses the unconditioned” (Cahiers, in Œuvres complètes, t. VI, vol. 4 (Paris: Gallimard, 2006), 113). Thus, it is that “the good is the good”, one and the same, unconditionally. Certainly, an individual is unique, a nation is equally so. Nevertheless, personal identity – or “character” – and the identity of a nation are not absolutes. When we wish to treat them as absolutes, we ignore the fact that the “person,” as well as the “nation”, only exists within relationships that they are subject to exterior circumstances and that their identity is situated in time. Is one correct to suppose that the character of an individual or the identity of the nation are “invariables that one continues to find throughout various manifestations”, (“Notes sur le caractère”, Écrits de Marseille, in Œuvres complètes, Op. cit., t. IV, vol. 1 (2008), 87) observed or probable? We hypothesize here that one can apply to national identity what Simone Weil wrote about the notion of character, in notes composed in Marseille and in her commentary on the Our Father (“À propos du Pater”, ibid., 337-345).  相似文献   




自20世纪90年代以来,身份问题已发展为批评理论界所关注的热点问题。某种意义上,身份问题由"去中心化"的主体性问题演变而来。鉴于主体哲学中"受伤的我思"的困境,世界著名现象学诠释学家保罗.利科于1985年首次提出叙事身份/认同的重要概念,并分别在1986年和1988年继续展开详细讨论。在众多的主体性或身份研究中,利科的立场可谓独树一帜:1)凸显出叙事在主体构建过程中不可或缺的功能;2)对身份/认同概念内在蕴含的"相同性"和"自身性"进行区分,并藉由两者间的辩证关系来化解身份研究中存在的某种混沌局面;3)肯定伦理维度在身份问题中的重要性。本研究旨在对这一重要概念的背景、内涵、特征和局限做出解析。  相似文献   

The professional identity of careers officers is no longer secure. Their role as independent providers of vocational guidance has been challenged and they have been urged to accord employers and placement a higher priority in their work. The resistance to such proposed changes encountered during a study of careers officers in Midtown appeared to be motivated more by a genuine concern for vulnerable clients than simple professional inertia or calculated self-interest. Any imposition of change could prove counter-productive and provoke a serious dislocation in the provision of vocational guidance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative grounded theory study was to investigate practicing counselors' professional identity development at nodal points during their career. Through the use of 6 focus groups of beginning, experienced, and expert counselors, 26 participants shared their experiences, and 6 themes emerged to form a theory of transformational tasks of professional identity development. Through these tasks, counselors encountered issues of idealism toward realism, burnout toward rejuvenation, and compartmentalization toward congruency.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between White racial identity development as proposed by J. E. Helms (1995) and the personality constructs Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. Participants were 105 White college students (55 women and 50 men) who were administered the White Racial Identity Attitude Scale (J. E. Helms & R. T. Carter, 1993), the NEO Five‐Factor Inventory (P. T. Costa & R. R. McCrae, 1992) and the New Racism Scale (C. K Jacobson, 1985). Results indicated that White racial identity was differentially related to several personality constructs and aversive racism. Implications for future White racial identity research are discussed.  相似文献   

The formalization and professionalization processes in Romania resemble the early history of counseling in the United States, where development initially took place in the educational and career/vocational sectors. Brief accounts of the relationship between select periods in Romanian history and access to education and career/vocational support services are presented to provide a context for present‐day counseling activities. Information on the development of counseling in Romania, current practices, and future opportunities are presented as well.  相似文献   

为了解手术室护士职业认同感的影响因素。采用诠释现象学的方法,对9名手术室注册护士进行面对面深入访谈,运用Colaizzi资料分析方法对资料进行整理分析,提炼主题。影响手术室护士职业认同感的因素有5个主题:工作中得到的人文关怀、对心理和躯体健康的负性影响、薪酬待遇、急救能力和突发事件的应对能力、较高的职业获益感。护士的职业认同感水平有待于进一步提高,管理层应关注手术室护士的职业认同感水平,给予人文关怀,帮助护士进行职业规划并实现,提高职业获益感,提高薪酬待遇,加强对护士身心健康的关爱。  相似文献   

在文献分析、开放式问卷调查的基础上,构建了新闻工作者职业认同的理论维度,并据此编制了新闻工作者职业认同问卷。通过探索性和验证性因素分析,揭示了新闻工作者职业认同是一个包含职业情感、角色价值观、职业价值观、职业能力、职业信念的二阶五因子结构。新闻工作者职业认同具有不同于其他职业群体的特点。问卷的信效度良好,可以作为新闻工作者职业认同的测量工具。  相似文献   

Using interview data from a larger career study of 25 black women who have achieved public recognition as workers for change in the black community, this paper explores the experiences of seven black professional women. The conflicts they confronted as black professionals, resolution of those conflicts, the special conditions of conflict resolution through rebellious professionalism, are explored, as well as the curious routes to success which place them in the position of role models to other human services professionals who are organizationally constrained from rebelling in such ways. The implications of these routes to professional success are explored in an effort to understand contemporary nationalism among black professionals and semi-professionals within the context of conflicts between dominant group organizational expectations and black community membership. The data suggest that particularistic commitments do not necessarily conflict with professional ideals if success is defined in terms of community achievements and positive evaluation by colleagues, rather than material rewards.  相似文献   

This exploratory, qualitative study examined the professional identity of 238 practicing counselors and how they perceived counseling as distinct from psychology and social work. Participants' professional identities seemed to be grounded in a developmental, prevention, and wellness orientation toward helping. Participants also seemed to embrace a unified professional identity. Psychology was perceived as emphasizing testing and social work as focusing on systemic issues. Findings and implications for the counseling profession and interprofessional collaboration are discussed.  相似文献   

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