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This longitudinal research examined a structural model of the self-regulatory mechanisms governing transgressive conduct. Perceived academic and self-regulatory efficacy concurrently and longitudinally deterred transgressiveness both directly and by fostering prosocialness and adherence to moral self-sanctions for harmful conduct. The impact of perceived social self-efficacy was mediated through prosocialness. Moral disengagement and prosocialness affected transgressiveness through the mediating influence of irascible affectivity and hostile rumination. Ruminative affectivity, in turn, both concurrently and longitudinally affected transgressiveness. Moral disengagement also contributed independently to variance in transgressiveness over time. This pattern of relations was obtained after controlling for prior transgressiveness. The structural model was replicated across gender and provided a better fit to the data than did several alternative models.  相似文献   

领导授权行为通常被视为一种积极的领导行为类型。组织中管理者在授权实施过程中扮演着重要角色, 然而管理者出于维护威权等目的, 不想赋予员工自主权或相应资源的现象大量存在。鉴于此, 越来越多的学者开始探索领导授权行为的影响因素, 但目前研究较为零散, 亟待整合。研究发现:(1)更多的学者强调领导授权行为并非一种稳定的领导风格, 而是领导对不同下属所采取的差异化授权行为; (2)领导授权行为的影响因素可以分为环境因素、领导者因素以及员工因素; (3)领导成员交换理论、信任理论、社会认知理论与授权风险视角是解释领导授权行为形成的重要理论/视角。此外, 基于情境领导理论、CIP领导模型(魅力型-意识形态型-务实型)以及追随理论, 提出了领导授权行为影响因素的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

权力和地位对自利行为的影响不同。权力能够降低认知性观点采择水平,进而使个体更加关注自身利益;地位能够提升认知性观点采择水平,进而使个体推测他人思想与感受,考虑他人利益。然而,权力和地位通过认知性观点采择对自利行为的影响可能受到情境性质的调节。今后的研究应该对这些关系和解释进行验证,探索共情性关心的中介作用,以及权力和地位影响认知性观点采择的调节变量;探究权力和地位拥有者对群体内、外他人的自利行为差异;探讨权力和地位的交互作用对自利行为的影响。  相似文献   

The relationship between defense mechanism use, observed behavior, and affect was investigated in a sample of 91 young adults. Defense mechanisms were assessed using Cramer's (1991a) Defense Mechanism Manual for TAT stories; behavior was based on observer Q-sort ratings (Block, 1978). The findings show that men and women who rely on the immature defense of denial at age 23 show multiple signs of behavioral immaturity, as well as anxiety. In contrast, extensive use of projection was related to a suspicious, hyperalert personality style, including anxiety and depression, in men, but to a sociable, nonwary, nondepressed style in women. The use of the mature defense of identification, by women, was related to behavior characterized by maturity, social competence, and the absence of depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

近年来, 员工为了企业利益而做出的违背社会价值、道德习俗、行为规范和法律等的亲组织不道德行为(Unethical pro-organizational behavior, UPB)导致的各种悲剧不断上演。然而, 现有研究主要聚焦于UPB的影响因素和积极作用方面, 对其潜在的危害性重视不足。鉴于此, 从多层次视角研究UPB的负面效应及其作用机制。首先, 考察UPB对情绪耗竭的影响及道德认同的调节作用和内疚的中介作用。其次, 创造性地提出组织UPB的概念, 并考察其对组织长期绩效的负面效应以及企业声誉的中介效应。最后, 进一步从利益相关者的视角考察企业UPB和员工UPB对顾客主动绩效的影响以及顾客企业认同的中介效应和顾客知觉到的员工组织化身的调节效应。研究成果不仅有助于丰富UPB的相关理论, 而且对遏制这种行为的进一步漫延具有重要启示。  相似文献   

Summary Studies of motion-detection by fish reveal two separate processes, which are hypothetically linked to different kinds of behavior. Furthermore, studies of interocular transfer with mirror-image shape discriminations also indicate two distinct mechanisms for the representation of visual directions. From these two kinds of experiment, it seems that visual processes subserving orientation of the fish to a moving object should be clearly distinguished from processes by which the fish evaluates the identity or activity of the object.
Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen der Bewegungswahrnehmung von Fischen zeigen zwei verschiedene Prozesse auf, die mit zwei verschiedenen Verhaltensweisen in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Eine Analyse des interokularen Transfers mit Unterscheidung spiegelbildlicher Formen läßt außerdem erkennen, daß zwei verschiedene Mechanismen für die Repräsentation visueller Richtungen verantwortlich sind. Aus diesen Experimenten wird geschlossen, daß jene visuellen Prozesse, welche der Orientierung des Fisches in bezug auf ein sich bewegendes Objekt dienen, scharf unterschieden werden sollten von denen, durch welche der Fisch die Identität oder Aktivität des Objektes beurteilt.

The purpose of the present study was to examine several competing hypotheses which have been utilized to explain the negative relationship between interparental conflict and child/adolescent problems. These mechanisms of operation have included modelling, genetic transmission, disrupted parenting, the role of perceptual/appraisal processes of the conflict, and an inhibition hypothesis. One hundred and forty-two young adolescents and their mothers served as subjects. Eighty were from intact families and 62 from recently divorced families. Data were collected from the perspective of the adolescent, mother, behavioral observer, and social studies teacher. The results indicated that intact and divorced samples had to be considered separately as different pathways contributed to adolescent behavior problems in the two samples. For externalizing problems, a direct path between interparental conflict and problem behavior existed for the divorced sample whereas an indirect path through the adolescent's perceptions of the conflict existed for the intact sample. The different context in which the interparental conflict occurred for the two samples was offered as an explanation of this difference. For internalizing problems a significant direct path existed between conflict and problem behavior for both samples; however, the indirect paths through the adolescent's perceptions and through poor parenting skills contributed only for the divorced sample. The results suggest that various mechanisms appear to operate in influencing how interparental conflict influences behavior problems of young adolescents. Both the type of problem examined and the marital status of the parents appear important in determining the relative impact of the mechanisms. Implications for the behavior therapist are noted.  相似文献   

Green consumption has been developing into a booming trend due to alarming environmental problems. This study examines the relationship between the consumers' digital literacy and green consumption behavior and explores two different mechanisms based on social cognitive theory and self-regulatory theory. The cognition-based mechanism includes self-efficacy and outcome expectation; the affect-based mechanism includes anticipated pride and anticipated guilt. In addition, we investigate how green product availability moderates the relationships between four mediators and green consumption behavior. Across two studies, the results indicate that the consumers' digital literacy influences green consumption behavior through self-efficacy, outcome expectation, anticipated pride, and anticipated guilt. Moreover, green product availability boosts the effects of self-efficacy and anticipated pride on green consumption behavior. Our research has theoretical contributions to understanding the formation of green consumption behavior. It also provides practical implications for how to effectively guide and promote green consumption behavior.  相似文献   

伙伴选择是指个体根据其他个体能否给自己带来获益而选择或拒绝与他们建立伙伴关系的行为。伙伴选择对合作行为具有非常重要的影响, 表现为:个体只要有离开或自主选择伙伴的机会即可促进合作; 若能了解到伙伴的行为或特质层面的信息, 则可以进一步促进合作。基于目前研究, 伙伴选择主要可能通过4种具体机制促进合作行为, 即离开或拒斥的惩罚机制, 寻求合作者的奖赏机制, 分类匹配机制以及生物市场中的竞争机制。未来还需要从厘清伙伴选择的概念, 提升研究的生态效度, 深入探索其促进合作的内在机制, 尝试用伙伴选择解决伙伴控制条件下的合作问题, 以及探索中国文化背景下的伙伴选择与合作等方面开展进一步研究。  相似文献   

社会排斥损害个体基本的归属需要, 对个体的心理和生理会造成严重影响。根据需要威胁时间模型, 社会排斥后的心理和行为特征可以分为三个阶段。社交媒体的发展使社会排斥出现了新的心理和行为特征。近年来功能性磁共振成像研究发现, 突显网络和默认网络等网络中的一些核心脑区都参与了社会排斥各阶段的情绪和认知加工过程。未来研究应以需要威胁时间模型为基础, 以脑网络方法为手段, 探索社会排斥神经机制, 预测排斥后的心理和行为反应模式。  相似文献   

当前预防虐待之所以成为儿童保护的重要内容,不仅是法理上的儿童权益保护,也因虐待关联的基因与环境作用对人发展的长期影响。儿童虐待与问题行为关系复杂,已有研究显示,虐待特征、受害者特点是其关联因素,但其内在机制并不清楚。随着分子遗传学的兴起,MAOA、COMT、5-HTT等基因为解释儿童虐待与问题行为的机制提供新视角,重要候选基因可能调节这一关系。未来研究可从动物模型和纵向追踪角度去探究儿童虐待与问题行为关系的易感期、保护因子,完善儿童虐待与个体发展关系的研究图谱。  相似文献   

Domjan M  Cusato B  Villarreal R 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2000,23(2):235-49; discussion 249-82
The conceptual and investigative tools for the analysis of social behavior can be expanded by integrating biological theory, control systems theory, and Pavlovian conditioning. Biological theory has focused on the costs and benefits of social behavior from ecological and evolutionary perspectives. In contrast, control systems theory is concerned with how machines achieve a particular goal or purpose. The accurate operation of a system often requires feed-forward mechanisms that adjust system performance in anticipation of future inputs. Pavlovian conditioning is ideally suited to subserve this function in behavioral systems. Pavlovian mechanisms have been demonstrated in various aspects of sexual behavior, maternal lactation, and infant suckling. Pavlovian conditioning of agonistic behavior has been also reported, and Pavlovian processes may likewise be involved in social play and social grooming. Several further lines of evidence indicate that Pavlovian conditioning can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of social interactions, thereby improving their cost/benefit ratio. We extend Pavlovian concepts beyond the traditional domain of discrete secretory and other physiological reflexes to complex real-world behavioral interactions and apply abstract laboratory analyses of the mechanisms of associative learning to the daily challenges animals face as they interact with one another in their natural environments.  相似文献   

Behavioral sensitivity to object transformations and the response to novel objects (Greebles) in the fusiform face area (FFA) was measured several times during expertise training. Sensitivity to 3 transformations increased with expertise: (a) configural changes in which halves of objects were misaligned, (b) configural changes in which some of the object parts were moved, and (c) the substitution of an object part with a part from a different object. The authors found that holistic-configural effects can arise from object representations that are differentiated in terms of features or parts. Moreover, a holistic-inclusive effect was correlated with changes in the right FFA. Face recognition may not be unique in its reliance on holistic processing, measured in terms of both behavior and brain activation.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that implicit theories of leader behavior can significantly influence raters' responses on leader behavior rating questionnaires. The purpose of the present study was to explore the cognitive mechanisms mediating this influence. Subjects watched a videotape of a problem-solving group and later rated the group leader's behavior. They were told either before or after seeing the tape that this group had either succeeded or failed at the task it was performing. The performance manipulation had a significant impact on the leader behavior ratings. The timing of that manipulation, however, did not. These results are interpreted as evidence that implicit theories of leader behavior may have their impact on conventional leader behavior ratings primarily through mechanisms operating at the time the raters fill out the leader behavior questionnaire. The implications of these results for developing strategies to overcome the confounding influence of implicit theories on leader behavior ratings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of developments in a dual processing theory of automatic and controlled processing that began with the empirical and theoretical work described by Schneider and Shiffrin (1977) and Shiffrin and Schneider (1977) over a quarter century ago. A review of relevant empirical findings suggests that there is a set of core behavioral phenomena reflecting differences between controlled and automatic processing that must be addressed by a successful theory. These phenomena relate to: consistency in training, serial versus parallel processing, level of effort, robustness to stressors, degree of control, effects on long‐term memory, and priority encoding. We detail a computational model of controlled processing, CAP2, that accounts for these phenomena as emergent properties of an underlying hybrid computational architecture. The model employs a large network of distributed data modules that can categorize, buffer, associate, and prioritize information. Each module is a connectionist network with input and output layers, and each module communicates with a central Control System by outputting priority and activity report signals, and by receiving control signals. The Control System is composed of five processors including a Goal Processor, an Attention Controller, an Activity Monitor, an Episodic Store, and a Gating & Report Relay. The transition from controlled to automatic processing occurs in this model as the data modules become capable of transmitting their output without mediation by the Control System. We describe recent progress in mapping the components of this model onto specific neuroanatomical substrates, briefly discuss the potential for applying functional neuroimaging techniques to test the model's predictions, and its relation to other models.  相似文献   

Aggression is a deliberate series of actions that lead to harm, injury, or destruction of another organism, and is the most common factor promoting violent crimes. Beyond being the immediate cause of physical injury, aggressive behavior also produces profound long term emotional disabilities in its victims. When outburst of aggression is comorbid with DSM-IV-defined neuropsychiatric disorders, the offenders are usually given psychiatric care; however, when they appear normal or healthy, their most likely fate is punishment by the law. This punitive approach often increases aggression, thereby promoting the propensity for violent crimes. Antipsychotics are the drugs commonly used for treatment of aggression and violent outbursts. However, the uses of these drugs have serious side effects of catalepsy or impairment of sensorimotor performance. They also affect the defense or flight capabilities of organisms, which further limit their usefulness in aggression. Thus, there is a critical need to search for agents that can selectively reduce aggression without affecting other behaviors or causing any serious unwanted side effects. This review focuses on the types, neurochemical bases, and animal models of aggression, with a comprehensive appraisal of the pharmacological approach to the treatment of the disorder.  相似文献   

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