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时序知觉是在几十毫秒到几百毫秒内, 对事件的同时性、非同时性和顺序性的知觉。对时序知觉的影响因素的探索可分为自下而上和自上而下两种研究取向。自下而上的研究探讨刺激的物理特征、被试的生物学特征, 以及实验方法对时序知觉的影响。而自上而下的研究探讨因果信念、情绪、文化对时序知觉的影响。今后的研究还应结合行为实验与神经科学技术, 深入探讨时序知觉的两种加工方式是分离的还是同时进行的, 以及揭示控制时序加工的脑区。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of vertical tongue loading on the position perception of the tongue. Five male and 5 female university students served as subjects. Vertical upward and downward loading forces were applied to the tongue of the subjects. Their task was to judge the perceived horizontal position of the tongue after tongue-loading directions. The means of the judgments for the control conditions (no tongue loading) were compared with the judgments for perceived horizontal position after tongue loading. The results showed that vertical tongue loading produced a shift in the perceived horizontal direction opposite to the applied force. These results fully replicated the analogous aftereffect found by Grover and Craske (1991) for horizontal tongue loading. However, the judgments of perceived horizontal position in the present study had lower variability than did those in Grover and Craske's study, suggesting that mapping of the tongue along the vertical axis is more precise than mapping along the horizontal axis.  相似文献   

Increment threshold of a small test probe is found to be elevated by backgrounds of a disk, bar, or luminance step. The spatial parameters that produce maximum masking are found to be essentially similar with the three types of background. The lime course of masking is also found to be similar for the disk and bar background. It is suggested that a fundamentally similar type of visual processing underlies each of the masking situations.  相似文献   

In the present review, we focus on how commonalities in the ontogenetic development of the auditory and tactile sensory systems may inform the interplay between these signals in the temporal domain. In particular, we describe the results of behavioral studies that have investigated temporal resolution (in temporal order, synchrony/asynchrony, and simultaneity judgment tasks), as well as temporal numerosity perception, and similarities in the perception of frequency across touch and hearing. The evidence reviewed here highlights features of audiotactile temporal perception that are distinctive from those seen for other pairings of sensory modalities. For instance, audiotactile interactions are characterized in certain tasks (e.g., temporal numerosity judgments) by a more balanced reciprocal influence than are other modality pairings. Moreover, relative spatial position plays a different role in the temporal order and temporal recalibration processes for audiotactile stimulus pairings than for other modality pairings. The effect exerted by both the spatial arrangement of stimuli and attention on temporal order judgments is described. Moreover, a number of audiotactile interactions occurring during sensory-motor synchronization are highlighted. We also look at the audiotactile perception of rhythm and how it may be affected by musical training. The differences emerging from this body of research highlight the need for more extensive investigation into audiotactile temporal interactions. We conclude with a brief overview of some of the key issues deserving of further research in this area.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that human saccadic eye movements toward a visual target are generated with a reduced latency when this target is spatially and temporally aligned with an irrelevant auditory nontarget. This effect gradually disappears if the temporal and/or spatial alignment of the visual and auditory stimuli are changed. When subjects are able to accurately localize the auditory stimulus in two dimensions, the spatial dependence of the reduction in latency depends on the actual radial distance between the auditory and the visual stimulus. If, however, only the azimuth of the sound source can be determined by the subjects, the horizontal target separation determines the strength of the interaction. Neither saccade accuracy nor saccade kinematics were affected in these paradigms. We propose that, in addition to an aspecific warning signal, the reduction of saccadic latency is due to interactions that take place at a multimodal stage of saccade programming, where theperceived positions of visual and auditory stimuli are represented in a common frame of reference. This hypothesis is in agreement with our finding that the saccades often are initially directed to the average position of the visual and the auditory target, provided that their spatial separation is not too large. Striking similarities with electrophysiological findings on multisensory interactions in the deep layers of the midbrain superior colliculus are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the perceived vanishing point of a moving stimulus becomes more accurate as one’s degree of control over the stimulus increases. Either alone or as a member of a pair, participants controlled the progression of a dot stimulus back and forth across a computer monitor. They did so via right and left buttonpresses that incremented the dot’s velocity rightward and leftward, respectively. The participants in the individual condition had control of both buttons. Those in the group condition had control of only one. As the participants slowed the dot to change its direction of travel, it unexpectedly disappeared. Localizations of the vanishing point became more accurate as the participants’ control over the dot increased. The data bridge a gap between accounts of localization error that rely solely on stimulus and cognitive factors, and accounts derived from research on action and spatial perception, which tend to rely on action-planning factors.  相似文献   

The effect of practice on the organization and the rate of identification of temporal patterns was investigated. The patterns involved a set of eight dichotomous left-right elements, repeated without interruption until the subject was able to identify the patterns. The patterns were presented in the auditory, tactual, or visual modalities, or in pairs of these modalities. In some conditions, all the pattern elements were presented in one modality; in other conditions, four elements were presented in one modality and the remaining four elements were presented in the second modality.

The results demonstrated that when all pattern elements were presented in one modality, naive subjects organized the sequence into a well-structured pattern; practiced subjects organized the sequence into a pattern beginning at the starting element. These patterns may be poorly-structured. When four pattern elements were presented in each of two modalities, naive subjects organized the elements in each modality separately; practiced subjects disregarded the modality structure and organized the sequence into a well-structured pattern.

These changes in organization suggest a hierarchy of perceptual modes; perception by modality (i.e. by sensations) is least complex, perception by pattern structure is intermediate, and perception by start point is most complex. Changes in the rate of pattern identification confirm this hierarchy. Furthermore, the changes in organization and identification found for highly practiced patterns were also found for novel patterns.  相似文献   

It is often that the spatial senses (vision, hearing and the tactual senses) operate as distinct and independent modalities and, moreover, that vision is crucial to the development of spatial abilities. However, well controlled studies of blind persons with adequate experience show that they can function usefully in space. In other words, vision is not a necessary condition for spatial awareness. On the other hand, thought the blind may be equal or even superior to the sighted when performing spatial tasks within the body space, they may be deficient, either developmentally or absolutely, in tasks which involve events at a distance from the body, principally in auditory localization. One possible explanation of the differences between blind and sighted (McKinney, 1964; Attneave & Benson, 1969, Warren, 1970) is that vision is the primary spatial reference, and inputs from other modalities are fitted to a visual map. Several criticisms of this theory are adduced and an alternative theory derived from Sherrington (1947), in which all sensory inputs map on to efferent patterns, is sketched.  相似文献   

Two nearby loci on the human tongue were stimulated with solutions representing the four basic taste qualities. The recognition threshold for each test stimulus was measured when a strong concentration of one of the four qualities or water was placed nearby. Decreased sensitivity for the test stimulus resulted when both stimuli were the same quality, with the exception of an enhancement of bitter sensitivity by QHCl. The only effect across qualities was a suppression of citric acid by NaC1. In contrast, classical studies reported across-quality enhancement. Stimulation of two loci on the same half of the tongue and the use of modern psychophysical techniques may explain the differences between these and earlier results.  相似文献   

The role of embodiment in the perception of the duration of emotional stimuli was investigated with a temporal bisection task. Previous research has shown that individuals overestimate the duration of emotional, compared with neutral, faces (S. Droit-Volet, S. Brunot, & P. M. Niedenthal, 2004). The authors tested a role for embodiment in this effect. Participants estimated the duration of angry, happy, and neutral faces by comparing them to 2 durations learned during a training phase. Experimental participants held a pen in their mouths so as to inhibit imitation of the faces, whereas control participants could imitate freely. Results revealed that participants overestimated the duration of emotional faces relative to the neutral faces only when imitation was possible. Implications for the role of embodiment in emotional perception are discussed.  相似文献   

Petersik JT  Rice CM 《Perception》2008,37(5):725-739
We cite two different perceptual-correspondence principles whose emphasis can help to disambiguate the otherwise ambiguous Ternus display in apparent movement (a display that can alternately be seen in one of two possible configurations). One of these principles is spatial correspondence, which emphasizes the maintenance of similar stimulus elements in given locations over time. The other principle is relation correspondence, which emphasizes the maintenance of the inter-organization of stimulus elements across frames. Each of four experiments reported here made use of a different stimulus feature (eg element color or element texture) to emphasize these different correspondence principles in Ternus displays. As predicted, an emphasis upon spatial correspondence resulted in an increase in reports of element movement compared to a featureless control condition. Emphasis on relation correspondence resulted in an increase in reports of group movement. Extensions and limitations of the use of these principles to explain apparent movement are discussed.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in auditory temporal perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The discrimination of signal and silence duration was evaluated in 6-month-old infants, 5 1/2-year-old children, and adults. Listeners were tested with a conditioned-discrimination procedure in which they were presented a sequence of 18 white-noise bursts and trained to discriminate a change in duration of the middle 6 signal or silence elements. There were no differential effects on performance for changes in signal compared to silence duration. At each age, performance varied only as a function of magnitude of duration change. Infants discriminated duration changes of 20 ms or greater, children discriminated 15 ms, and adults discriminated changes as small as 10 ms. These findings are consistent with other research in revealing age-related improvements in auditory temporal perception.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the relation between the attentional resources underlying time perception and temporal order memory. Subjects made judgments about temporal attributes associated with a series of wordlists. Each word was displayed for 1.4 s, and the lists contained 10 words (14 s total), 15 words (21 s total), or 20 words (28 s total). Subjects judged either the list duration, the temporal order of the words, or both duration and temporal order. In addition, there were three mental workload conditions: control (no additional task requirements), and two mental arithmetic tasks (subtract 3 or subtract 7 from a series of random numbers). The results showed a pattern of bidirectional interference between timing and temporal order: the concurrent temporal order task interfered with duration judgments, and the concurrent timing task interfered with temporal order judgments. Bidirectional interference also occurred between the mental workload task and both duration judgments and temporal order judgments. The results indicate that duration and temporal order are closely related temporal attributes, and suggest that the processing of these attributes relies on a common set of executive attentional resources.  相似文献   

On duration judgments lasting seconds to minutes, which are thought to be cognitively mediated, women typically perceive time intervals as longer than men do. On a perceptual level in the milliseconds range, few reports indicate higher acuity of temporal processing in men than in women. In this study, sex differences in the perception of temporal order of two acoustic stimuli were identified in neurologically healthy subjects, as well as in brain-injured patients with lesions in either the left or the right hemisphere. Women needed longer interstimulus intervals than men before they were able to indicate the correct temporal order of two clicks. Neurobiological evidence and findings on cognitive strategies are discussed to explain the apparent psychophysical sex differences.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of false memory on temporal perception. The Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm, which elicits false recognition of a nonpresented word, was used to determine whether the perceived duration of falsely remembered words was longer than that for control words. The study results revealed that the perceived duration for falsely recognized words was longer than that for correctly rejected words. This is the first study to show the effect of false memory on temporal perception and suggests that temporal perception can be affected by conceptual fluency without any perceptual repetition.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that feelings of fear, dislike, shame and sadness affect our perception of duration (Droit-Volet et al., 2004; Gil et al., 2009). The current study sought to expand our understanding of the variables which moderate temporal perception by examining whether the attractiveness of a face influenced its perceived duration. Participants completed a verbal estimation task in which they judged the duration of attractive, unattractive and neutral faces. The results showed that participants underestimated the duration of unattractive faces relative to attractive and neutral faces. Estimates of unattractive faces were also less accurate than those of the attractive and neutral faces. The results are consistent with Gil et al.'s (2009) suggestion that the duration of disliked stimuli are underestimated relative to liked and neutral stimuli because they detract attention from temporal perception. Analysis of the slope and intercept of the estimation gradients supports Zakay and Block's (1997) suggestion that reduced attention to time results in a multiplicative underestimation of duration.  相似文献   

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