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Behavioral control is almost always less than perfect. Rate of response is rarely as constant as it could be even when the greatest care is given to experimental procedures. Experimenters should always attempt to identify the causes of variation. Some fluctuations in response rate will be random, i.e., sometimes positive and sometimes negative, usually small but occasionally large. Digital filters are objective methods for reducing or eliminating such unsystematic “noise” components while preserving the systematic changes in response rate under study. Digital filters function in a manner that is strictly analogous to electronic filters. The major purpose of this technical note is to describe digital filters and to provide an example of their usage.  相似文献   

C Bonnet 《Perception》1977,6(5):491-500
Two kinds of models have been proposed for taking into account the sensory processes at work in the detection of visual motion: the feature model and the frequency-filter model. The problem of the complementarity of these models is raised. On the basis of empirical data, it is proposed that they are consistent.  相似文献   

How do the colors and lightnesses of surfaces seen to lie behind a transparent filter depend on the chromatic properties of the filter? A convergence model developed in prior work (D'Zmura et al, 1997 Perception 26 471-492; Chen and D'Zmura, 1998 Perception 27 595-608) suggests that the visual system interprets a filter's transformation of color in terms of a convergence in color space. Such a convergence is described by a color shift and a change in contrast. We tested the model using an asymmetric matching task. Observers adjusted, in computer graphic simulation, the color of a surface seen behind a transparent filter in order to match the color of a surface seen in plain view. The convergence model fits the color-matching results nearly as well as a more general affine-transformation model, even though the latter has many more parameters. Other models, including von Kries scaling, did not perform as well. These results suggest that the color constancy revealed in this task is described best by a model that takes into account both color shifts and changes in contrast.  相似文献   

In this paper we will prove that ifF is a filter of a free Boolean algebra such that the minimal cardinality of the set of generators ofF is an uncountable regular cardinal or a singular cardinal with uncountable cofinality thenF is freely generated.Presented byPiotr Wojtylak  相似文献   

When an information processing system is faced with an excess of input information the task of selecting the items which are to get immediate processing is frequently assigned to a human being. A quantitative measure of the extent to which a man avoids random activity during such filtering operations is derived in terms of two parameters (normalized overload and correct proportion of selections) which are determined from experimentally available quantities. This coherence measure may be used for studies of random behavior, comparison of rules for selecting items, and perhaps prediction of human performance at filtering tasks.The author is particularly indebted to Dr. Harold Glaser, of the U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, for many helpful suggestions during the development of this measure.  相似文献   

A behavioral and computational treatment of change detection is reported. The behavioral task was to judge whether a single object substitution change occurred between two “flickering” 9-object scenes. Detection performance was found to vary with the similarity of the changing objects; object changes violating orientation and category yielded the fastest and most accurate detection responses. To account for these data, theBOLAR model was developed, which uses color, orientation, and scale selective filters to compute the visual dissimilarity between the pre- and postchange objects from the behavioral study. Relating the magnitude of the BOLAR difference signals to change detection performance revealed that object pairs estimated as visually least similar were the same object pairs most easily detected by observers. The BOLAR model advances change detection theory by (1) demonstrating that the visual similarity between the change patterns can account for much of the variability in change detection behavior, and (2) providing a computational technique for quantifying these visual similarity relationships for real-world objects.  相似文献   

Literature suggests that visuoperceptual deficits not normally assessed by eye examinations may be responsible for certain reading disabilities. Previous studies indicate that the use of nonoptical coloured filters may reduce these deficits and improve reading performance. Present research involved 49 participants with visuo-perceptual reading disabilities. Participants were divided into a control group who received no intervention, a placebo group who received filters in a colour complementary to the individual's optimal colour, and an experimental group who received specifically matched coloured filters. At posttest the experimental group reported statistically significantly fewer visual discomfort symptoms. The remainder of the results were, however, inconsistent. Some potential explanations are explored.  相似文献   

When a digital filter is realized with floating-point or fixed-point arithmetics, errors and constraints due to finite word length are unavoidable. In this paper, we show how these errors can be mechanically analysed using the HOL theorem prover. We first model the ideal real filter specification and the corresponding floating-point and fixed-point implementations as predicates in higher-order logic. We use valuation functions to find the real values of the floating-point and fixed-point filter outputs and define the error as the difference between these values and the corresponding output of the ideal real specification. Fundamental analysis lemmas have been established to derive expressions for the accumulation of roundoff error in parametric Lth-order digital filters, for each of the three canonical forms of realization: direct, parallel, and cascade. The HOL formalization and proofs are found to be in a good agreement with existing theoretical paper-and-pencil counterparts.  相似文献   

In sport science, as in clinical gait analysis, optoelectronic motion capture systems based on passive markers are widely used to recover human movement. By processing the corresponding image points, as recorded by multiple cameras, the human kinematics is resolved through multistage processing involving spatial reconstruction, trajectory tracking, joint angle determination, and derivative computation. Key problems with this approach are that marker data can be indistinct, occluded or missing from certain cameras, that phantom markers may be present, and that both 3D reconstruction and tracking may fail. In this paper, we present a novel technique, based on state space filters, that directly estimates the kinematical variables of a virtual mannequin (biomechanical model) from 2D measurements, that is, without requiring 3D reconstruction and tracking. Using Kalman filters, the configuration of the model in terms of joint angles, first and second order derivatives is automatically updated in order to minimize the distances, as measured on TV-cameras, between the 2D measured markers placed on the subject and the corresponding back-projected virtual markers located on the model. The Jacobian and Hessian matrices of the nonlinear observation function are computed through a multidimensional extension of Stirling's interpolation formula. Extensive experiments on simulated and real data confirmed the reliability of the developed system that is robust against false matching and severe marker occlusions. In addition, we show how the proposed technique can be extended to account for skin artifacts and model inaccuracy.  相似文献   

Flank transparency is the perception of a colored transparent filter evoked by apparent-motion displays containing as few as two colors. Displays of flank transparency contain a random array of line segments placed on a uniform background. Small flanks are added to the line segments if the segments fall in the interior of a moving virtual shape, such as a virtual disk. This leads to the perception of a colored transparent disk with well-defined boundaries moving over the array of lines. Current qualitative and quantitative models of luminance and color conditions for perceptual transparency do not account for flank transparency as they require displays containing at least three different colors.  相似文献   

Digital filter techniques have been applied to the analysis of eye movement data. Methods were developed to calculate eye velocity and eye acceleration in real-time from an electronystag-mogram (ENG) signal that was recorded using a one-pole RC high-pass filter in the preamplifier. Nonrecursive, finite impulse-response digital filters were designed to remove the effects of the RC high-pass filter and calculate the first and second time derivatives of the ENG signal, as well as remove high-frequency noise. Applying these new techniques to the analysis of vestibular nystagmus enables estimation of the transfer characteristics of the vestibuloocular system.  相似文献   

This paper describes a research technique used to simulate night visual conditions during the day with light-attenuating filters. Some of the considerations in choosing light-attenuating techniques such as attenuation of infrared and ultraviolet illumination, neutrality, and clarity are discussed. A dual density filter with less attenuation in the lower field was chosen for aviation applications so that the major instruments would be available. This dual density concept was found to be more successful for piloting than for navigation. A density of 5.1 was shown to simulate a bright clear night with a full moon; a density of 5.5 simulated a much darker night with no moon.  相似文献   

This paper elaborates a recent conceptualization of feature-based attention in terms of attention filters (Drew et al., Journal of Vision, 10(10:20), 1–16, 2010) into a general purpose centroid-estimation paradigm for studying feature-based attention. An attention filter is a brain process, initiated by a participant in the context of a task requiring feature-based attention, which operates broadly across space to modulate the relative effectiveness with which different features in the retinal input influence performance. This paper describes an empirical method for quantitatively measuring attention filters. The method uses a “statistical summary representation” (SSR) task in which the participant strives to mouse-click the centroid of a briefly flashed cloud composed of items of different types (e.g., dots of different luminances or sizes), weighting some types of items more strongly than others. In different attention conditions, the target weights for different item types in the centroid task are varied. The actual weights exerted on the participant’s responses by different item types in any given attention condition are derived by simple linear regression. Because, on each trial, the centroid paradigm obtains information about the relative effectiveness of all the features in the display, both target and distractor features, and because the participant’s response is a continuous variable in each of two dimensions (versus a simple binary choice as in most previous paradigms), it is remarkably powerful. The number of trials required to estimate an attention filter is an order of magnitude fewer than the number required to investigate much simpler concepts in typical psychophysical attention paradigms.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that some standard topological constructions may be fruitfully used in the theory of closure spaces (see [5], [4]). These possibilities are exemplified by the classical theorem on the universality of the Alexandroff's cube for T 0-closure spaces. It turns out that the closure space of all filters in the lattice of all subsets forms a generalized Alexandroff's cube that is universal for T 0-closure spaces. By this theorem we obtain the following characterization of the consequence operator of the classical logic: If is a countable set and C: P() P() is a closure operator on X, then C satisfies the compactness theorem iff the closure space ,C is homeomorphically embeddable in the closure space of the consequence operator of the classical logic.We also prove that for every closure space X with a countable base such that the cardinality of X is not greater than 2 there exists a subset X of irrationals and a subset X of the Cantor's set such that X is both a continuous image of X and a continuous image of X.We assume the reader is familiar with notions in [5].  相似文献   

J E Mayhew  J P Frisby 《Perception》1979,8(6):691-698
Surfaces possessing steep variations in depth present severe difficulties for orientationally tuned filter models of stereopsis. These difficulties are discussed in connection with a random-dot stereogram depicting a surface with steep horizontal corrugations. As expected on theoretical grounds, we find that a vertical +/- 45 degrees orientationally filtered version of this stereogram cannot be fused. Moreover, it is demonstrated that a horizontal +/- 45 degrees filtered version can be fused only with difficulty and its stereo percept is poor compared to that of the unfiltered original. It is concluded that orientated filters seem ill-designed to mediate the extraction of disparity cues, at least in the cases under consideration.  相似文献   

We give an idea of uniform approach to the problem of characterization of absolute extensors for categories of topological spaces [21], closure spaces [15], Boolean algebras [22], and distributive lattices [4]. In this characterization we use the notion of retract of the closure space of filters in the lattice of all subsets.  相似文献   

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