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视觉运动追踪是运动知觉研究的一个重要领域。通过构建视觉运动追踪的过程模型和分析每个阶段的认知加工任务, 可以帮助人们认识运动物体识别的本质。视觉运动追踪包括目标获取和运动追踪两个加工过程:目标获取阶段的主要任务是将目标与背景分离, 集中注意力加工追踪目标; 运动追踪阶段的主要任务是启动平滑追踪眼动和追赶性眼跳, 并发挥行为水平、眼动水平和神经活动水平的预测机制。目标获取同时受背景和目标的运动特征和身份特征影响; 运动追踪系统发挥预测机制的基础是客体表征连续性, 而客体表征连续性的建立同时依赖于目标时空属性和身份特征的编码加工。因此, 视觉运动追踪是视觉系统对客体运动信息和身份语义信息整合的结果。其中, 客体运动信息的加工特性已经获得了比较广泛的研究, 而语义信息加工机制还有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

客体运动方向的视觉工作记忆容量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记忆动态场景中多客体的特征和时空信息是人类重要的认知活动。目前有关视觉工作记忆的研究虽然广泛探讨了对视觉信息的存储容量及机制,然而所采用的刺激材料均呈现于静态场景中,且不包含运动信息。而有关多客体追踪的研究只关注动态场景中多客体信息的实时更新,而不涉及一段时间内对客体信息的保持。本研究结合视觉工作记忆领域的变化觉察范式和多客体追踪范式,以独立运动的客体为刺激材料,探讨多个客体的运动方向信息在工作记忆中的存储容量问题。结果表明,在工作记忆中能够存储大约3个客体的运动方向信息。  相似文献   

Army Air Forces. Aviation Psychology Program Research Reports. Washington, D. C.: Goaernrnent Printing Ofice, 1947. Reviewed by H. J. Eysenck.  相似文献   

客体运动方向的视觉工作记忆存储方式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用变化觉察范式,以独立运动的客体为对象,通过两个实验,探讨多个客体的运动方向在视觉工作记忆中的存储机制,即单个对象独立存储,抑或其存储受多个客体构型的影响。实验一和实验二相继考察了非目标客体运动方向变化,以及是否存在非目标客体对觉察目标客体运动方向的影响。结果发现,非目标客体运动方向变化条件下的觉察正确率显著低于不变的条件,然而只呈现目标客体条件下的觉察正确率与同时呈现目标和非目标条件无显著差异。该结果与前人在静态条件下对目标客体的觉察受目标客体和非目标客体整体构型影响的结论不一致。本研究的结果支持多个客体的运动方向信息在工作记忆中是以独立方式存储的假设。  相似文献   

运动视觉中计时行为的控制操作理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动视觉中的计时行为分为两类 :拦截行为和制动行为。“环境—活动者系统”(EAS)中的信息决定着计量行为的控制操作。本文阐明了信息和EAS的特性 ,通过对 tau-margin在拦截行为中的作用以及视觉变量τ对于制动操作重要性的分析 ,论述了运动视觉中计时行为的控制操作理论。  相似文献   


We asked whether body sway would be influenced by visual information about motion of the ground surface. On a ship at sea, standing participants performed a demanding visual search task or a simple visual inspection task. Display content was stationary relative to the ship or relative to the Earth. Participants faced the ship’s bow or its port side. Performance on the visual search task was representative of terrestrial studies. Body sway was greater during viewing of the Earth Stationary displays than during viewing of the Ship Stationary displays. We discuss possible implications of these results for theoretical and applied issues.  相似文献   

Search for a conjunction of form and motion is greatly affected by manipulations of phase in the target and nontarget motion sets. To test whether this finding can be best explained by perceptual grouping, we moved a random set of dots in phase or counterphase with target or nontarget motion. Perceptual grouping was found to have a dramatic effect on search performance. We propose that this interaction between perceptual grouping and visual search is governed by three general rules. Our data also provide convincing evidence of the preattentive organization of a visual display into surfaces defined by common motion.  相似文献   


Previously we reported that priming of visual motion perception is reduced in older adults compared to younger adults (Jiang, Greenwood, & Parasuraman, 1999 Jiang, Y., Greenwood, P. and Parasuraman, R. 1999. Age-related reduction in 3-D motion priming. Psychology and Aging, 14(4): 619626.  [Google Scholar], Psychology and Aging, 14(4), 619; Jiang, Luo, & Parasuraman, 2002b Jiang, Y., Luo, Y. J. and Parasuraman, R. 2002b. Two-dimensional visual motion priming is reduced in older adults. Neuropsychology, 16(2): 140145.  [Google Scholar], Neuropsychology, 16(2), 140). To examine the neural mechanisms underlying this age-related effect, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded during perceptual judgments of motion directions by younger and older adults in two experiments. When judging single-step motion, both younger and older adults evoked significantly larger ERP late positive component (LPC) responses to unambiguous motion compared to LPC responses elicited by ambiguous motion. In contrast, compared to the younger adults, the older adults evoked comparable but delayed ERP responses to single motion steps. In the second experiment the younger and older groups judged the directions of two successive motion-steps (either motion priming or motion reversals). Under short (200–400 ms) stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), the difference between the ERP responses to priming and reversal conditions was significantly larger for the younger than for the older adults. This study provides the first electrophysiological evidence that brain aging leads to delayed processing of single motion direction and visual motion priming as early as 100 ms in the early visual cortex. Age-related changes in strength and temporal characteristics of neural responses in temporal-parietal regions were particularly pronounced in older adults when successive motion signals are placed closely in time, within 400 ms.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the effect of reinforcement magnitude on free-operant response rates. In Experiment 1, rats that received four food pellets responded faster than rats that received one pellet on a variable ratio 30 schedule. However, when the food hopper was illuminated during reinforcer delivery, there was no difference between the rates of response produced by the two magnitudes of reward. In Experiment 2, there was no difference in response rates emitted by rats receiving either one or four pellets of food as reward on a random interval (RI) 60-s schedule. In Experiment 3, rats responding on an RI 30-s schedule did so at a lower rate with four pellets as reinforcement than with one pellet. This effect was abolished by the illumination of the food hopper during reinforcement delivery. These results indicate that the influence of magnitude is obscured by manipulations which signal the delivery of reinforcement.  相似文献   

视觉运动是探索脑功能的一个重要研究途径,该对视觉运动通路与色彩的关系、视觉运动知觉的产生,对于视觉信息的不同阶段的处理以及立体视觉等若干问题进行了回顾与讨论,并概述了其中若干理论及其争论,提出了未来视觉研究可能存在的问题与研究方向。  相似文献   

A limiting factor in the use of virtual environments to examine perception and action is that it is dependent on the quality of the interaction. A virtual reality game (first-person viewpoint with moderate difficulty) was used to investigate the link between control and postural regulation. Postural regulation was examined using a motion capture system, and the differences that emerged as a result of the participant being a passive observer versus an active participant were evaluated using a fractal procedure: dispersion analysis. A significant interaction was found between control and health, namely, participants' postural behavior tended to be less uniform when they were sick and when they were in control of the environment. These results lead the authors to suggest that successful interaction with novel environments depends on the ability to find and consistently use appropriate control strategies.  相似文献   

Visual search for some motion-form conjunctions can be performed in parallel. Yet, if the target is easy to discriminate from the nontargets (target line tilted 45 from the vertical), search can be easier for a moving than for a stationary target. Driver and McLeod (1992; Berger & McLeod, 1996) took this asymmetry to argue that gross aspects of form discrimination are performed within a motion filter thatrepresents only the moving items, whereas discrimination of stationary items (and all fine discrimination) relies on a static form system. However, recent (unsuccessful) attempts to replicate the asymmetry (Muller & Found, 1996; Muller & Maxwell, 1994) suggested that it may occur only early during task performance, due to participants having difficulty keeping the moving items out of the search for a stationary target (but not vice versa). This was confirmed by the present study, which investigated the effects of practice on search among the moving and stationary subset of items. The results suggest that attention to the stationary subsetis difficultinitially because participants cannotefficiently compensate for the natural bias of the motion filter to pass the moving items (rather than filter them out). This ability improves with practice. Thus, there is no fixed limit to performance with stationary targets and, consequently, no need to assume that any form discrimination is performed within the motion filter.  相似文献   

游旭群  邱香  牛勇 《心理学报》2007,39(2):201-208
采用视觉表象的几何距离扫描任务,通过两个实验首次揭示了视觉表象扫描中的视角大小效应。实验一采用3 (视角:2.7°,5.5°和8.2°) × 3 (扫描距离:0.0cm、0.4cm和0.8cm) 组内实验设计,探讨了视角大小这种表象前加工因素是否影响心理扫描的问题;实验二采用8 (视角:2.7°,4.1°,5.5°,6.9°,8.2°,9.6°,12.3°和17.1°) × 2 (扫描距离:0.4cm和0.8cm) 组内实验设计,探讨了视角大小如何影响心理扫描加工过程的问题。结果表明:(1)在视觉表象扫描中,扫描时间会受到表象对应刺激的视角大小影响,即使扫描的几何距离相等,不同视角大小条件下的扫描时间仍存在显著差异;(2)在4°到10°这个视角范围内心理扫描的时间显著短于这个范围之外的扫描时间,6.5°左右是视觉表象扫描的最佳视角。视角大小效应有别于心理扫描的大小效应和距离效应,为Kosslyn的表象计算理论增加了新的内容,具有重要的理论意义。同时它对仪表、图形设计以及棋牌游戏等工作和生活实践具有一定的应用价值  相似文献   

视觉工作记忆在视觉搜索中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
视觉工作记忆在视觉搜索中的作用远比偏向竞争模型所描述的要复杂,个体能根据当前任务要求灵活地利用工作记忆来引导注意选择。在系统回顾已有研究的基础上,从客体工作记忆、空间工作记忆和执行工作记忆3个方面探讨了视觉工作记忆在视觉搜索中的作用。根据近期的研究,文章在最后对视觉工作记忆在视觉搜索中的作用做了7点总结,并对已往研究中存在的若干问题给予了解释,指出未来应该从前瞻记忆和内隐记忆等角度对视觉搜索中所涉及的视觉记忆进行深入研究  相似文献   

文章标记量影响文章标记效应的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨文章阅读过程中文章标记量的多少对文章中不同类型的信号保持的影响。结果表明 ,在有标记的目标句上 ,少标记条件显著优于多标记条件和无标记条件 ,多标记条件与无标记条件之间无显著差异 ;在无标记的目标句上 ,无标记条件显著优于多标记条件和少标记条件 ,多标记条件与少标记条件之间无显著差异。这一结果支持在文章阅读过程中读者是微略性地运用文章标记的假设和交易效应的假设。  相似文献   

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