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This study examined open-ended responses from 295 college students to questions regarding how they define the construct of calling, how having a calling influences their career development, and the extent to which the term “calling” may apply to areas of life other than work. Results indicated that students perceived a calling as originating from guiding forces, co-occurring with unique fit and well-being, having altruistic features, and extending to multiple life roles. These results largely support recent conceptualizations of calling in the career development literature, and suggest themes to explore in counseling with clients who desire to approach work as a calling.  相似文献   

To address the mental health needs of students, UK universities offer bespoke student counselling services. Economic pressures have led services to find innovative ways of redesigning their service pathway. Few studies have investigated staff perceptions of these changes. The aim of this study was to investigate perceptions of staff employed as counsellors at a student counselling service at a UK university that underwent service delivery changes. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with counsellors (n = 5). Framework analysis was used to identify themes and meta-themes. Five meta-themes were identified: the overarching service ethos and service working style; change in the university context; impact of change on working practice; recording and perceived impact on confidentiality; acceptability and effectiveness. Changes to the service resulted in a more efficient service that is perceived to be more acceptable to students. Staff perceptions differed regarding how changes have affected their counselling practice. Despite these differences, the increase in workload was consistently expressed. Tensions remain as staff strive to maintain high standards of service in this changing context. Future research should investigate the process of developing and implementing change as student counselling services strive to evolve sustainable ways of working.  相似文献   

Counsellors face a lot of problems and stressors in their daily lives. As a person, counsellors may face challenges to deal with their personal expectations and responsibilities in life, work, family and community. As a professional, counsellors may face difficulties in dealing with professional issues and ethical dilemmas in their professional practice such as countertransference and value conflicts. These raise issues concerning their perceived multicultural competence and the adequacy of their training. Informed by a multicultural counselling perspective and drawing on semi-structured interviews with 12 professional counsellors in Malaysia, this study discusses the types of barriers and challenges faced by Malaysian counsellors and how these challenges were manifested and addressed in the cross-cultural counselling sessions. Results revealed five emerging themes based on participant counsellors’ responses on the barriers and challenges encountered in their practice of multicultural counselling in Malaysia. These were challenges related to counsellors’, clients’, presenting issues’, third-party and specific contexts’ characteristics. Research implications for the education and training of counsellors in the specific Malaysian socio-political context are also discussed.  相似文献   

Background: Transition to postgraduate study has received little attention and it is often assumed that little adjustment is needed. Focus: This article focuses on the academic writing aspect of the transition to postgraduate study for counselling and psychotherapy students on a British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)‐accredited course. Method: A two‐year formative evaluation was used to elicit students' views on how they experienced the transition to postgraduate study, and to identify what was most and least helpful to students in managing this transition. Results: The findings showed that there was a significant transition, which 63% of students found difficult. Timetabled and integrated, subject specific, academic support is recommended to assist students with their learning needs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine a model for investigating employee mental health in industrial environments and, more particularly, to determine the extent to which a worker's perceptions of the environment covaried with mental health criteria. The managerial segments of two divisions of a 35,000 employee company were represented in this study. In general, it was found that employees who perceived the environment as having clarity in the organizational structures, little administrative interference in work processes, equitable reward systems, and trust and consideration for employees tended to have more favorable scores on mental health indices. Also, some differences between the two work environments, as well as between male and female employees, were noted and discussed.  相似文献   

Primary objective: This is the first qualitative study that elicited the perceptions of both psychological therapists and their clients in the use of Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation with computer software (CORE‐Net), where instant visual feedback for session tracking was given on a computer screen in the therapy room at each therapy session. The study also examined how therapists viewed its potential value in supervision and provides suggestions for improving training. Research design: The study adopted a convenience sample of four therapists in a primary care counselling setting (PCC – General Practitioner referrals) who were experienced in using CORE‐Net, and five therapists in an NHS employee/occupational support counselling service (OH) who had just begun to use CORE‐Net for session tracking with 10 of their clients. Method: A qualitative methodology was used and interview data were collected from the therapists via focus groups; the clients were interviewed individually face to face. All data was analysed inductively. Findings: The study identified six overarching themes: (i) therapists were initially anxious and resistant; (ii) therapists adapt ‘creatively’; (iii) outcome measures help the client/therapist relationship; (iv) clients perceive visual measures as helpful; (v) CORE scores inform supervision; and (vi) proper and ongoing training/support of therapists is necessary. The main limitations are comparability of data and the generalisabilty of results. Conclusions: The implementation of routine outcome measurement (ROM) is a challenge but can be made easier with proper training and supervision. Clients appear happier than their therapists when routine outcome measurement is used.  相似文献   

Acceptance is an important component of pain management, being associated with improved quality of life and lower levels of pain and depression. In enabling patients with chronic diseases to accept unpleasant consequences and to establish a new way of living, the support they receive from their social environment may play a decisive role. In this article, we identify the key sources and types of social support that are relevant for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, and explore when and how those sources are important across the different stages of the acceptance process. We conducted a qualitative study involving 20 semi-structured interviews with RA patients in Switzerland. Analysis of the data followed the precepts of grounded theory. We found that, amid the complexity and variety of patients’ struggles for acceptance, there were some common experiences or ‘key moments’ in which social support played an important role. While three sources of support – family, physicians and the external social context – are fundamental for RA patients, all three may inhibit as well as encourage acceptance, due to the invisible and unpredictable character of the disease. There is a pervasive risk either of underestimating patients’ suffering or of over-supporting, both of which prevent patients accepting the disease and developing a new ‘normal’ life. We conclude that sources of social support need to find a middle way between scepticism and solicitousness.  相似文献   

Organizations have responded to ethical scandals in part by creating the Ethics and Compliance Officer (ECO) role to help insure employee ethical and legal behavior. Because ECO work is so fundamental to behavioral ethics in organizations and we know very little about it, we conducted a grounded theory study to learn more. We learned that, although most ECOs were hired to help their organizations respond to external legitimacy challenges, ECOs face major legitimacy challenges inside their organizations. Facilitating conditions may reduce these challenges and help ECOs reach internal legitimacy. But, we also found that ECOs engage in what we term legitimacy work that relies on a number of tactics to help them gain legitimacy in the eyes of their constituents. We tie our findings to the broader legitimacy literature and draw implications for the behavioral ethics literature.  相似文献   



While dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) has much empirical support for treating borderline personality disorder (BPD) and other conditions, little research has examined the dissemination of DBT in Southeast Asia.


This study evaluated training outcomes following a 5-day intensive DBT training programme in a group of psychologists in Singapore, who were in the process of implementing DBT as part of the training's objectives.


A mixed-methods design was employed. Fourteen psychologists from a public psychiatric hospital in Singapore were recruited. Seven self-selected into DBT training, and the remaining were matched controls who were not attending the training programme. The latter served as a nonrandomised control group. Prior to and 3 months after training, all participants completed measures of stigma towards BPD patients, burnout and therapeutic alliance. DBT training participants additionally attended a focus group discussion assessing their experiences and challenges implementing DBT in Singapore's context.


Quantitative analyses using mixed ANOVA showed that, compared with controls, DBT-trained participants demonstrated significantly greater increases in acceptance towards BPD patients. No between-group differences were found on changes in burnout or therapy alliance with patients. Analyses of qualitative data using thematic analysis revealed that DBT training impacted the way participants conceptualised and delivered therapy for BPD patients, and highlighted several challenges in implementing DBT in the local hospital context.


The findings demonstrate the potential of DBT training in improving clinicians' attitudes towards BPD patients and support a need for policymakers to prepare organisations for DBT implementation to ensure programme sustainability.  相似文献   


Given the demanding nature of many professions, efforts are ongoing to develop initiatives to improve occupational wellbeing, including mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs). To assess the efficacy of MBIs, meta-analytic procedures were conducted on 35 randomized controlled trials derived from an earlier inclusive systematic literature search (covering all occupations, MBIs, and wellbeing-related outcomes). Mindfulness had moderate effects on deficit-based outcomes such as stress (SMD = ?0.57), anxiety (SMD = ?0.57), distress (SMD = ?0.56), depression (SMD = ?0.48), and burnout (SMD = ?0.36), and moderate to small effects on asset-based outcomes like health (SMD = 0.63), job performance (SMD = 0.43), compassion and empathy (SMD = 0.42), mindfulness (SMD = 0.39), and positive wellbeing (SMD = 0.36), while no effects were observed for emotional regulation. However, the quality of the studies was inconsistent, suggesting more high-quality randomised controlled trials are needed.  相似文献   

This study explores the self‐concept and self‐esteem of women with alcohol problems from a client perspective, and relates the findings to person‐centred theory and practice. Eight women with severe and long‐standing alcohol problems, who had received person‐centred counselling, were interviewed in relation to their sense of self over time. The data were analysed using grounded theory methodology, resulting in the emergence of five key categories. Examples from the interviews are used to illustrate the complex relationships between life experience, self‐concept, self‐esteem and drinking. The possible significance of the findings for counsellors working with this client group is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of personal grooming as an indicator of commitment to church hierarchy is examined in a study of one congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Latter-day Saints Church policy urges men to be clean-shaven. In the present study, we interview all men in one ward who have worn beards or mustaches, in order to investigate questions of authority, identity, and conflict that occurred as a result of violating the grooming norm. Interviewees describe an identity conflict, with self-expression conflicting with the desire to demonstrate faithfulness to their church. In some cases, they reconcile the conflict by conforming to the norm; in others, they violate the norm out of a sense of asserting their own identity, but this comes at a cost of distance from their church identity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the experience and role of leisure in the lives of practicing counsellors and psychologists. Qualitative methods involving semi-structured interviews were employed with ten participants, between the ages of 39–55. The findings of the study revealed that: (a) leisure improves the ability of counsellors and psychologists to cope with and improve performance at work, (b) attitude plays an important role in experiencing true leisure, (c) true leisure moments are often described in similar terms as spiritual moments, (d) leisure facilitates meaningful connections with others, (e) leisure in nature facilitates receptivity to spiritual experience, (f) one's choices of leisure and ways of approaching it reveal much about who the person is, and, (g) leisure is a major factor in promoting balance and integration.  相似文献   

The current study investigates the psychosocial benefits of a cross‐community, intercultural dance programme for youth in Northern Ireland. Psychological theories, including contact theory and the ecology of childhood development, underpin the study, and results are discussed in relation to the programme's aims. The present study used qualitative, inductive methods; data consisted of interviews before and after the programme with facilitators (n = 2) and 10 (n = 10) programme participants (11–15 years old) of diverse races and nationalities. Latent themes were identified using thematic analysis. Findings reveal that participants have complex senses of identity. Worryingly, they also reported many instances of bullying, relating both to themselves and others. Results reveal three main psychosocial benefits of the programme, all of which promote positive mental health in adolescents. The benefits are increased self‐confidence, the formation of new cross‐community friendships, and improved intercultural awareness and pride. It is argued that the programme is an exemplar of how the arts can promote peace as well as resilience in the face of adversity. Recommendations for future research are included.  相似文献   

Primary care counselling services have expanded rapidly over the last twenty years. Their principal focus has been to manage the demands placed on general practitioners by high service users, such as frequent attenders and patients with mental health problems. To date, very little research has been conducted to ascertain the impact of counselling for other patient groups in terms either of psychological outcomes or of cost-benefits. This study looked at the effect of short-term counselling on both the uptake of health services and the psychological states of four patient groups – frequent attenders and patients with diabetes, hypertension and asthma. All patients on the chronic disease register for these conditions and all patients who had made at least eight GP appointments over the previous twelve months were invited to take part in the study. The participants received eight 90-minute small-group counselling sessions, conducted by trained counsellors. The counselling followed a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) approach, with an emphasis on developing personal responsibility. Psychological outcomes were assessed using three proprietary measures (SF 36, HADS and CORE) immediately following counselling and at six months post-intervention. Health service uptake was assessed for each group over the twelve months post-intervention, using number of GP consultations, home visits, hospital referrals and test/investigations requested as outcome indicators. These data were compared with those for comparable control groups for each condition. The results suggested that, overall, all patient groups showed a significant improvement in psychological well-being, and that these gains were maintained for the six-month study period. The intervention groups also significantly reduced their uptake of primary and secondary care services, by comparison with their comparable control groups. The results suggest that the psychological and fiscal benefits of counselling provision within a primary care setting can extend to other patient categories.  相似文献   

What is at stake, psychologically, when a nation considers joining a supranational body such as the European Union? This article addresses this question from the perspective of power, identity, and belonging vis-à-vis superordinate groups. Taking a mixed-methods approach, using focus group (N = 67) and survey (N = 1,192) data, we explore the psychosocial dynamics that shape perceptions of European Union (EU) integration in a prospective member state, Serbia. Findings from the qualitative study highlighted the role of power imbalances in triggering concerns of compatibility in the present, and in shaping the expected consequences for national identity continuity in an EU future. The survey functioned to explore these relationships further, enabling the testing of two moderated mediation models. The first showed that perceptions of national powerlessness predicted lower perceptions that Serbia was representative of Europe, and this was associated with weaker identification as European. In the second model, perceptions of the EU as a hierarchy-enhancing union predicted heightened fears of Serbian identity discontinuity in an EU future, which in turn had downstream consequences for support for working toward EU accession. Both indirect pathways were stronger among high national identifiers, yielding insight into when national and supranational identification can work in harmony. This mixed-methods study sheds light on the importance of social psychological processes concerning hierarchy and groups in understanding citizens’ attitudes toward prospective large-scale political change.  相似文献   

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