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The effects of empirical control vs. no empirical control, and of fixed vs. free procedure on the acquisition of transitivity of weight was studied. The fixed procedure involved practice on the sequence A > B, B > C, A > C, whereas the free procedure merely required the children to order triads of objects according to weight. Around thirty per cent of the subjects acquired transitivity, but none of the experimental variables had any effect. It is concluded that empirical control is unimportant. The lack of effect of free vs. fixed procedure is contrary to some earlier findings with younger children, who profited only from a free procedure.  相似文献   

Transitivity of preferences has been investigated for a long time in decision‐making. In the field of perception, the pleasantness of odors raises several questions related to individual versus cultural or universal preferences and the existence of a classification in a delimited hedonic space. The aim of this study was to test transitivity in olfactory hedonicity using a first panel of 10 mixed odors and a second panel of 10 odors from a delimited floral category. Data were collected by paired comparisons in a two‐alternative forced choice. Results in both panels showed a strong transitivity for each participant leading to a linear range of 10 odors classified by preference. However, ranges varied from one participant to another and the mean preferences of the group did not allow one to infer individual's hedonic classification of odors. Moreover, the individual classification appeared stable over time and undisturbed by odorant distractors. These findings suggest that humans have considerable ability to classify odors hedonically as a model of individual preferences in a sensory space usually considered to be more involved in affective/emotional states than in cognitive performances.  相似文献   

Forty 5–7-year-old children were asked to predict the choice of a boy or girl between objects A and C, after they had been shown that the boy (girl) preferred A to B and B to C. The results show an almost complete absence of ability to perform the required transitive inference. The children's predictions were heavily influenced by their own preferences ('egocentrism') and by all kinds of irrelevant perceptual features of the situation. Furthermore, the children's own preferences were frequently nontransitive, i.e. of the type A > B, B > C, C > A (> = preferred to). The findings are interpreted within the theoretical framework of Piaget.  相似文献   

王甦 《心理学报》1981,14(1):88-94
在主动触觉中,长度知觉通过手的各种触摸动作而实现,构成各种触觉长度知觉方式。例如,可以用食指沿物体表面从一端摸到另一端,或用拇指和食指夹住物体两侧并触摸。这两种触觉长度知觉方式在感知长度时是不一致的(Hohmuth)。我们已经报  相似文献   

驾驶员心理品质检测中的杆型人形图法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在汽车驾驶员心理品质检测研究中,我们根据数学中的多变量图分析方法,并汲取简笔画的优点,用19个人形图变量代表检测所得的17种心理品质数据,来具体、形象地再现每个驾驶员心理品质变量的整体关系。这对于检测结果的分类或进行系统化分析具有重要的实用意义。  相似文献   

A growing trend is to encourage employees to become actively involved in the management of their own careers. Career self-management, the degree to which one regularly gathers information and plans for career problem solving and decision making, includes two main behaviors: developmental feedback seeking and job mobility preparedness. Although career self-management training is a commonly used employer intervention to re-socialize individuals to increase their own career management activity, it is rarely rigorously evaluated. Relying on an expectancy theory framework, the goal of this study was to evaluate the general effects of career self-management training using a quasi-experimental design. Based on data from several hundred professionals at a major U.S. employer, the results showed formal training efforts were generally not successful in resocializing people to engage in career self-management activities, and when done as an isolated human resource strategy, decreased trainees' likelihood of engaging in career self-management behaviors. To the extent that Time 2 expectancy perceptions got worse, the results showed that an individual's attitudes toward feedback seeking mediated the relationship between the training intervention and the level of preparation for job mobility conducted 6-8 months following the training.  相似文献   

The current study examined the accuracy of the multiple-stimulus without replacement (MSWO) preference assessment for identifying preferred common classroom activities as reinforcers with children with behavioral disorders. The accuracy of predictions from the MSWO regarding high, medium, and low stimulus preference was tested by providing contingent access to activities for completing math problems within an independent seatwork format. Overall, there was an interaction effect between preference ranking (high, medium, or low) and number of problems completed. The results confirm and extend previous findings regarding the accuracy of predictions with the MSWO. The findings also reveal, however, some individual differences that may account for instances in which student behavior did not conform to predictions of stimulus preference assessments.  相似文献   

We evaluated the utility of a brief (5-min) stimulus preference assessment for individuals with developmental disabilities. Participants had noncontingent (free) access to an array of stimuli and could interact with any of the stimuli at any time. Stimuli were never withdrawn or withheld from the participants during a 5-min session. In Experiment 1, the brief preference assessment was conducted for 10 participants to identify differentially preferred stimuli, and reinforcer assessments were conducted to test the reinforcing efficacy of those stimuli identified as highly preferred. In Experiment 2, a comparison was conducted between the brief preference assessment and a commonly used paired-stimulus preference assessment. Collectively, results demonstrated that the brief preference assessment identified stimuli that functioned as reinforcers for a simple operant response, identified preferred stimuli that were differentially effective as reinforcers compared to nonpreferred stimuli, was associated with fewer problem behaviors, and required less time to complete than a commonly used paired-stimulus preference assessment.  相似文献   

We evaluated the proficiency of the federal Medicaid program's survey process for evaluating intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded. In Study 1, an observational analysis of active treatment during leisure times in living units suggested that these surveys did not discriminate between certified and noncertified units. In Study 2, a reactivity analysis of a survey indicated that direct-care staff performed differently during the survey by increasing interactions with clients and decreasing nonwork behavior. Similarly, results of Study 3 showed increases in client access to leisure materials during a survey. In Study 4, questionnaire results indicated considerable variability among service providers' opinions on the consistency, accuracy, and objectivity with which survey teams determine agency standard compliance. Results are discussed regarding effects of the questionable proficiency of survey processes and the potential utility of behavioral assessment methodologies to improve such processes.  相似文献   

Assessment center ratings of 52 state law enforcement agency managers predicted both a contaminated promotions criterion and two uncontaminated ratings criteria, but they did significantly better in predicting the former. Criteria data were gathered two, four, and seven years after the assessment center, and a modest upward trend in validity coefficients was observed. Ratings by subordinates demonstrated promise as a near term predictor, outperforming the assessment center on uncontaminated criteria in the two- and four-year time frames. Last, regression analyses using Year 7 criteria revealed unique predictive power for both ratings by subordinates and assessment centers above and beyond that provided by supervisor ratings.
An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Academy of Management meeting, Anaheim, California, August 7-10, 1988.  相似文献   

We used meta-analytic procedures to investigate the criterion-related validity of assessment center dimension ratings. By focusing on dimension-level information, we were able to assess the extent to which specific constructs account for the criterion-related validity of assessment centers. From a total of 34 articles that reported dimension-level validities, we collapsed 168 assessment center dimension labels into an overriding set of 6 dimensions: (a) consideration/awareness of others, (b) communication, (c) drive, (d) influencing others, (e) organizing and planning, and (f) problem solving. Based on this set of 6 dimensions, we extracted 258 independent data points. Results showed a range of estimated true criterion-related validities from .25 to .39. A regression-based composite consisting of 4 out of the 6 dimensions accounted for the criterion-related validity of assessment center ratings and explained more variance in performance (20%) than Gaugler, Rosenthal, Thornton, and Bentson (1987) were able to explain using the overall assessment center rating (14%).  相似文献   

Three experiments identified factors that did and did not enhance the formation of two‐node four‐member equivalence classes when training and testing were conducted with trials presented in a trace stimulus pairing two‐response (SP2R) format. All trials contained two separately presented stimuli. Half of the trials, called within‐class trials, contained stimuli from the same class while the other half, called cross class trials, contained stimuli from different classes. On within class trials, making a YES response was correct and making a NO response was wrong. On cross class trials, making a NO response was correct and making a YES response was wrong. In Experiment 1, similar intermediate percentages of participants (about 50%) formed classes, regardless of whether the responses were labeled YES and NO or SAME and DIFF. Response labeling thus did not influence class formation. Regardless of response labels, failures of class formation were primarily due to failure of class‐indicative responding produced by within‐class transitivity probes. In Experiment 2, only 50% of participants formed classes without prior training, as in Experiment 1, but 100% of participants formed equivalence classes after the establishment of a generalized transitivity repertoire by use of a programmed transitivity induction protocol. Experiment 3 examined two components of the programmed transitivity induction protocol and found that the exclusion of AC trials had no effect on the percentage of participants who formed equivalence classes, while presenting the stimulus sets in randomized order interfered with equivalence class formation. A further analysis found that a number of stimulus control topographies differentiated between individuals who did and did not form equivalence classes. In general, then, these experiments demonstrate that equivalence classes can be formed reliably when training and testing are conducted in an SP2R format, supporting the view that equivalence class formation can account for the development of conceptual categories in natural settings.  相似文献   

The use of writing samples as indices of alcohol impairment was explored. Students at a campus fraternity party wrote a sentence and their signatures before and after consuming alcohol (in beer and mixed drinks). Later, undergraduate and graduate students attempted to discriminate between pre- and postparty handwriting samples. The average percentage of correct discriminations of entrance and exit writing samples was 83.7% for sentences and 67.5% for signatures, and the percentage of correct discriminations increased directly with the blood alcohol concentration of the partier who gave the writing sample. When a partier's blood alcohol concentration reached 0.15, all of the judges accurately discriminated 90% or more of the sentences, and 25 of the 28 judges correctly discriminated at least 80% of the signatures. All of the judges correctly discriminated at least 90% of the 18 sentences written by partiers with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.12 or more. Implications of these findings for reducing the risk of driving while intoxicated are discussed, as well as directions for follow-up research.  相似文献   

The study sought to examine the effects of varying interval length on the representation of data obtained using modified frequency time sampling. A 7-category scale was used to observe reliably the behavior of eight psychiatric inpatients. Using electronic real time recording equipment, it was possible to computer analyze the obtained data at varying interval lengths, the shortest interval being 1.0 seconds. It was found that increasing the interval length had little effect on the percentage of total duration recorded within each behavioral category, suggesting that this is a relatively stable measure of behavior. Percentage total events for each category was less stable with increasing interval lengths. The number of recorded events within each category tended to decrease, while their average durations tended to increase, as a function of increasing the interval length. The data suggest that the current practice of determining interval length in an arbitrary fashion, or on the basis of convention, should be abandoned. Rather, such a decision should be empirically determined for each particular observation scale and subject group. One method by which this might be achieved is presented.  相似文献   

We compared three methods of stimulus preference assessment for verbal children and specifically evaluated the utility of a verbal choice procedure for assessing relative reinforcer value. Using a token system, relative preference for five categories of reinforcers, representing 15 different stimuli, was assessed by three methods: a reinforcer survey, a verbal stimulus-choice questionnaire, and a pictorial stimulus-choice procedure. Results showed that the verbal and pictorial stimulus-choice assessments accurately identified high- and low-preference categories for 3 of 4 participants. Survey results alone often rated multiple categories as high preference, were less likely to identify low-preference categories, and were less likely to correspond with the results of a reinforcer assessment.  相似文献   

The effects of five procedures on the acquisition of conservation of length were studied. A Müller-Lyer illusion was used to induce apparent changes in length in the test- and practice-situations. Two procedures involved practice on addition-subtraction, one a progressive increase in the strength of the Müller-Lyer illusion, and one the anticipation of the outcome of displacements of the objects. A fifth procedure was a composite of the other four. The results showed some acquisitions in all groups, with highest frequency in the anticipation group, and lowest in the increase-in-illusion group.  相似文献   

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