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This article compares key aspects of the ecclesiologies of The Episcopal Church and the Church of England. First, it examines and contrasts the underlying logic of their structures and the relationships between their constituent parts (General Synod/General Convention, diocese, parish/congregation). Against this background, it then looks at the place of bishops in the ecclesiologies of the two churches (in relation to clergy and parishes, in relation to diocesan synods/conventions and standing committees, and nationally). The American Presiding Bishop's role is contrasted with the traditional roles of primate and metropolitan. Throughout, attention is given to origins and historical development. Reference is also made to the relevant constitutional, canonical and liturgical provisions. Rapprochement between the two ecclesiologies is noted, especially with respect to the role of the laity, but the article argues that this is far from complete. Each church's ecclesiology continues to be determined by its origins; important modifications have been made within that framework, rather than overturning it. It is hoped that the analysis will illuminate the current disputes within The Episcopal Church and the crisis within the Anglican Communion that they have prompted.  相似文献   

A Tale of Two Envelopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Katz  Bernard D.; Olin  Doris 《Mind》2007,116(464):903-926

Cromwell's Being Human: Human Being (2010) covers a broad array of theoretical and practical arenas that can impact how we all—but psychologists in particular—conceptualize the nature and function of human mentation. In this article, I will abstract an overarching theme from the book that explains how (and even why) humans evolve as storytellers—first to serve intrapersonal goals, but eventually to social ends (which themselves reflect back onto intrapersonal purposes). The tale begins with each person's own private invention of time, space, and self via the constructed linkage between separate stimuli, and continues through the concoction and communication of complex theoretical frameworks. Each step of this journey involves the human being constructing a bridge between events; in other words, composing a story. Finally, the theme of “human being as storyteller” will be applied reflexively to Cromwell's decision to and action of authoring Being Human: Human Being.  相似文献   

Molecular identification technologies are often framed in terms of their societal benefits. Forensic uses of DNA databases benefit society through the efficient identification of criminal suspects, while consumer DNA services empower individuals by identifying ethnic, health-related, and potentially sexual, molecular genealogies. Two examples of these technologies are California’s criminological database CAL-DNA and the revitalized project to find a ‘gay gene.’ Both examples show how molecular identification technologies are also entangled with histories of coercion and stigmatization. The search for a ‘gay gene’ is premised on the historical stigmatization of homosexuality as deviant as well as contemporary concerns with resisting the idea that it is a lifestyle choice. The CAL-DNA database demonstrates that stigmatization still underpins contemporary identification technologies. This ‘race-neutral’ database puts racial minorities at increased risk of getting caught up in the criminal system precisely because of a racist history of identifying men of color as potential criminals. While the increasing criminological and consumer applications of molecular identification technologies are spearheaded in California, their uses emerge in a futurist culture that decontextualizes them from historic and contemporary coercion. The molecular identities these technologies create tell a tale of two Californias; one of empowerment and another of surveillance and stigma.  相似文献   

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are required to fast from dawn to the beginning of the night. During summers in Nordic states, this means daily fasts of more than 18 hours. Two religio-juristic opinions have emerged regarding this challenge: one requires strict adherence to the commands of the Qur'an so long as night and day are distinguishable; the other encourages fasting the same number of hours as in Mecca and Medina or a nearby country where the duration of the day is moderate. This article offers an overview of these opinions, their development and how they resist common distinctions between ‘pragmatic' and ‘strict' juristic panels. On the basis of a field study conducted during 2015 in two mosques in Reykjavik, it also explores the division among Iceland's tiny minority of devout Muslims over this issue, and the contesting justifications given by leaders and attendees of the two mosques for their respective views. The discussion demonstrates the conflation of transnational and local influences (including satellite television channels) that contribute to the diffusion of fatwās in Europe, and the limited utility of the labels wasa?ī and salafī in predicting the actual practices of individuals and communities.  相似文献   

This article examines the simultaneous appearance of nonauthoritarian interviewing and nondirective counseling, two highly similar methods introduced by two different people, Elton Mayo and Carl Rogers. The similarities and differences between the methods and their developers are evaluated against the historical context in which they appear.  相似文献   

The relative importance of dispositional and situational influences on organizational behaviors has been widely debated within the organizational sciences. In the current research, we report the results of two field studies that, taken together, provide an opportunity to examine the relative contributions of psychological well-being, positive mood, and negative mood as predictors of job performance. In Study 1, bivariate correlational analyses demonstrated that psychological well-being and negative mood, but not positive mood, were related to job performance measured over the past year. Hierarchical regression analysis found that psychological well-being was positively related to job performance, even when controlling for positive and negative mood. These findings were replicated and extended in the second study. In particular, bivariate correlational analyses demonstrated that psychological well-being and negative mood were predictive of job performance at the present time. However, unlike Study 1, hierarchical regression analyses found that both psychological well-being and negative mood were predictive of performance, even after controlling for each other and positive mood.  相似文献   


There are few examples of paintings or sculptures in churches of the Reformed tradition today. I argue that, despite this, it is in fact consonant with the writings of early Reformed thinkers, such as John Calvin, Martin Bucer, and Huldrych Zwingli, to allow for the use of certain types of artwork in these churches. I make a start by arguing that each of these thinkers affirmed works of art that may be described as histories. I then go on to look at how we can use ideas central to the theology of John Calvin to argue for the use of landscapes in Reformed churches. Finally, I consider how we might use such works of art in churches in order to address concerns about their use that members of the Reformed community may have.  相似文献   

Previous studies examining the relationship between religion and providing social support have claimed that religious involvement and social networks explain the higher levels of social support among religious Americans. By limiting its focus to attenders of religious congregations, this study seeks to understand if private devotional activities and congregational context also matter for predicting the provision of social support in a highly religious sample. Utilizing a sample of attenders and their congregations from the 2008/2009 U.S. Congregational Life Survey, a national survey representative of American congregations, this study uses multilevel models to examine the relationships that congregational involvement, private devotional activities, and congregational context have with providing social support. Results suggest that, among attenders of religious congregations, congregational involvement and private devotional activities matter for predicting the provision of social support, but two aspects of congregational context—size and theology—do not.  相似文献   

This account of the author's 2 contrasting experiences as a church counselor raises awareness regarding counseling in new venues and in response to congregational and community needs. Church members responded to the invitation to come to counseling before problems became crises; the majority of the members explored midlife and other developmental issues. Specific concerns related to confidentiality and privacy, counselor values and attitudes, the extent of pro bono services, the counselor's relationship with clerics, counseling of clerics, church membership, outreach, and boundaries are addressed, as well as the effective use of discussion groups for youth, men, women, and parents in building a sense of community.  相似文献   

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