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Priming visual face-processing mechanisms: electrophysiological evidence   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Accumulated evidence from electrophysiology and neuroimaging suggests that face perception involves extrastriate visual mechanisms specialized in processing physiognomic features and building a perceptual representation that is categorically distinct and can be identified by face-recognition units. In the present experiment, we recorded event-related brain potentials in order to explore possible contextual influences on the activity of this perceptual mechanism. Subjects were first exposed to pairs of small shapes, which did not elicit any face-specific brain activity. The same stimuli, however, elicited face-specific brain activity after subjects saw them embedded in schematic faces, which probably primed the subjects to interpret the shapes as schematic eyes. No face-specific activity was observed when objects rather than faces were used to form the context. We conclude that the activity of face-specific extrastriate perceptual mechanisms can be modulated by contextual constraints that determine the significance of the visual input.  相似文献   

The relation between imagery and perception was investigated in face priming. Two experiments are reported in which subjects either saw or imagined the faces of celebrities. They were later given a speeded perceptual test (familiarity judgement to pictures of celebrities) or a speeded imagery test (in which they were told the names of celebrities and asked to make a decision about their appearance). Seeing faces primed the perceptual test, and imaging faces primed the imagery test; however, there was no priming between seeing and imaging faces. These results show that perception and imagery can be dissociated in normal subjects. In two further experiments, we examined the effects of imaging faces on a subsequent face-naming task and on a task requiring familiarity judgements to partial faces. Both these tasks were facilitated by prior imaging of faces. These results are discussed in relation to those of McDermott & Roediger (1994), who found that imagery promoted object priming in a perceptual test involving naming partial line drawings. The implications for models of face recognition are also discussed.  相似文献   

de Wit TC  van Lier RJ 《Perception》2002,31(8):969-984
The topic of amodal completion has often been investigated by using partly occluded shapes that are regular. In research that has typically been done with displays such as these regular shapes, it has been shown that global aspects of a shape can determine completion. To see how robust these global influences in the completion process are, we investigated quasi-regular shapes, ie shapes with a certain overall regularity but not based on metrical identities. First, in experiment 1 participants had to complete quasi-regular shapes in a drawing task. Then, in experiment 2 the primed-matching paradigm was used. Results from both experiments provided evidence for global completions. In experiment 3 we found that multiple global completions can be primed, which, as a control experiment showed, cannot be explained by some inability of the visual system to see the difference between the different completions. These data support the notion that global influences on visual occlusion are apparent even when the partly occluded stimulus is outside the domain of regular shapes. Implications for a global approach are provided.  相似文献   

It is possible to construct a line drawing that represents one object partly hidden behind another, and most subjects complete the interrupted figure and see the hidden object as whole. This article is addressed to two problems: (a) What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for such figural completion to occur, and (b) exactly what will be seen behind the occluding figure---that is, what completion will be made? Leeuwenberg's coding model for line drawings was used to analyze a number of such figures, along with the hypothesis that figural completion occurs whenever it results in a simplification of final code of the whole figure. Data from previous experiments along with results from two new experimental studies were collected and shown to agree with this hypothesis. Of various possible figural completions or "mosaic" interpretations, subjects chose the ones resulting in the simplest overall code. However, the above conclusions are correct only if "simple" is precisely defined as the smallest information load in a completely reduced code. Other possible theories of figural completion, both structuralist and Gestalt, may invoke familiarity, particular "cues," like T-shaped intersections, simplicity of the hidden figure, symmetry, and good continuation. All such possibilities were considered in the experiments and shown to fail, wrongly predicting at least one figure. The coding-theory analysis, on the other hand, made correct predictions for all of the 25 figures used.  相似文献   

The perceptual closure hypothesis says that priming will be optimum when just enough information is available in the prime to support closure. Across 5 experiments, a moderately complete fragmented image (Level 4) produced more priming than an almost complete (Level 7) or a very incomplete (Level 1) fragmented image. Only Level 4 priming was improved by increases in prime duration and by showing the prime again after Ss attempted to identify it. Explicit memory played little role in primed fragment completion except for Level 1 priming, in which specific fragment memory was responsible for the entire effect. In contrast, true perceptual learning was shown to be responsible for Level 4 and Level 7 priming. These priming effects cannot be accounted for by the transfer-appropriate procedures approach of Roediger and his colleagues because Level 1 priming produced less transfer to Level 1 identification at test than Level 4 priming did.  相似文献   

Summary The minimum principle states that a perceiver will see the simplest possible interpretation of a pattern. Some theorists of human perception take this principle as a core-explanatory concept. Others hold the view that a perceptual minimum principle is untenable. In two recent extensive surveys of the relevant literature a more differentiated position is taken: the minimum principle is not renounced in a definite way. In the research reported here, an intuitively appealing specification of a minimum principle is tested. An experiment on visual pattern completion was performed in which patterns were presented to subjects who traced the contours of the shapes they saw. It was predicted that there would be a preference for interpretations that describe a pattern as a set of separate shapes with minimal information load as computed by Leeuwenberg's coding language. However, only half of the responses given by the subjects were predicted by this specification of a minimum principle. It was further demonstrated that locally complex interpretations of junctions of contour elements are easily made, but not in order to attain globally minimal interpretations.  相似文献   

Features that we have recently attended to strongly influence how we allocate visual attention across a subsequently viewed visual scene. Here, we investigate the characteristics of any such repetition effects during visual search for Gabor patch targets drifting in the odd direction relative to a set of distractors. The results indicate that repetition of motion direction has a strong effect upon subsequent allocation of attention. This was the case for judgments of a target’s presence or absence, of a target’s location, and of the color of a target drifting in the odd direction. Furthermore, distractor repetition on its own can facilitate search performance on subsequent trials, indicating that the benefits of repetition of motion direction are not confined to repetition of target features. We also show that motion direction need not be the target-defining dimension throughout a trial block for motion priming to occur, but that priming can build up with only one presentation of a given target direction, even within blocks of trials where the target may, unpredictably, be defined by a different feature (color, in this case), showing that dimensional-weighting accounts cannot, on their own, account for motion direction priming patterns. Finally, we show by randomizing the set size between trials that priming of motion direction can decrease search rates in visual search.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the contributions of data-driven and conceptually driven processing on an implicit word-stem completion task. In Experiment 1, individual words were studied either visually or auditorily and were tested using either visual or auditory word-stems. Keeping modality the same from study to test led to more priming than did changing modality, but there was reliable cross-modal priming. In Experiment 2, subjects read sentences like The boat travelled underwater and inferred the subject noun (i.e. “submarine”) or sentences like The submarine travelled underwater and categorized the subject noun (i.e. “boat”). At test, there was reliable priming for both actually read nouns and inferred nouns. In addition, a modality effect was evident for the actually read nouns but not for the inferred nouns. Taken together, these results imply that there is a basic conceptually driven contribution to priming plus an additional contribution of data-driven processing when surface form is the same at study and test.  相似文献   

Object-based representations in visual short-term memory (VSTM) were examined using a change detection memory task. A display comprising two rows of four differently colored elements was followed by a probe display in which only one of the rows reappeared. On same trials, the probed row was identical to the corresponding row in the memory display. On different trials, two of the elements in the probed row had their colors exchanged. In each memory display, a task-irrelevant visual element appeared between the two rows, with the potential to function as an occluder. Performance was enhanced when perceptual completion meant that four, rather than eight, objects were perceived in the memory display and when the probe display revealed that the occluded elements continued behind the occluder. It appears that several forms of representation can co-occur to support VSTM, one of which is object based.  相似文献   


We studied interpretations of partly occluded shapes. Models that account for amodal completion mostly deal with local and global contour characteristics. In the current study, we were interested in the effects of colour on local and global contour completions. In our stimuli, local contour completions comprised simple linear extensions of the partly occluded contours, whereas global contour completions accounted for global shape regularities. Our stimuli were designed such that the visible surface colour could also be completed in a local or global fashion, being consistent or inconsistent with contour completions. We tested the preferred interpretations of the partly occluded shapes by using a sequential matching task. Participants had to judge whether a test shape could be a previously shown partly occluded shape. We found that interpretations of partly occluded shapes depend on both colour and contour characteristics. Additional time bin analyses revealed that for fast responses colour and contour completions already depend on the visible context of the partly occluded shapes, while for slow responses the congruency between colour and contour completions play a role as well.  相似文献   

This study examined priming and false memories with children on a word fragment completion task using the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm. Forty-five 4th- and 5th-grade children were shown lists of words and instructed to fill in fragments with the first word that came to mind (implicit instructions) or with the words that were presented during study (explicit instructions). Reliable priming to critical lure words was found under implicit retrieval instructions, and false memory to critical lure words was found under explicit retrieval instructions. However, priming under implicit retrieval instructions did not depend on whether the critical lure word was in the study list. In addition, greater false memory was observed under explicit test instructions. The results replicate and extend research on DRM false memory illusion with children to include implicit retrieval and word fragment completion. Explanations of false memory including gist failure (Brainerd, Reyna, & Forrest, 2002) and implicit associative response (Underwood, 1965) are considered.  相似文献   

A visual pattern's orientation influences how adults amodally complete that pattern. We examined whether this is also the case with infants using Markovich's pattern, consisting of a black polygon partially occluded by a gray disc, which is completed as either a vertically symmetrical hexagon or as a pentagon, depending on the pattern's orientation. Our experiment consisted of two prefamiliarization test trials, six familiarization trials, and two postfamiliarization test trials. In the familiarization trials, two identical Markovich patterns, upright or slanted, were presented to 7–8‐month‐old infants (N = 28) side by side on a CRT monitor. In the pre‐ and postfamiliarization test trials, a pentagon and a hexagon were presented side by side. Infants looked longer at the hexagon than at the pentagon in the postfamiliarization test trials. This suggests that infants completed the pattern as a pentagon regardless of the pattern's orientation. This lack of an orientation effect suggests that infants do not use the figure's symmetry as a guiding principle for amodal completion.  相似文献   

In this study, the researchers examined modality-specificity effects in priming of visual and auditory word-fragment completion by the presentation of visual or auditory primes. In 2 experiments, within-modality priming and cross-modality priming were observed, with greater priming observed in the within-modality conditions. The prime was presented in a word list in Experiment 1 and either presented or inferred in priming sentences in Experiment 2. Inferring a target that was not actually presented in the sentences resulted in priming of fragment completion but not in modality specificity. These results, coupled with comparisons to explicit cued fragment completion, support the interpretation that priming of word-fragment completion is owing to both a perceptual and a nonperceptual component. This latter component may be different than the conceptual processes used for explicit memory, which did show modality specificity for inferred targets.  相似文献   

Occlusion is a frequent occurrence in a cluttered world of opaque objects. Often information about the shape of partly occluded objects can be gathered from the visible portion of the object and in particular its contours. Here we address the case where a region of a surface is visible exclusively through an aperture (visual hole). We make several observations about the grouping of surface regions visible through holes, and the appearance of moving objects and holes. These observations support the view that holes are shape properties of the object-with-hole.  相似文献   

The speed and accuracy of perceptual recognition of a briefly presented picture of an object is facilitated by its prior presentation. Picture priming tasks were used to assess whether the facilitation is a function of the repetition of: (a) the object's image features (viz., vertices and edges), (b) the object model (e.g., that it is a grand piano), or (c) a representation intermediate between (a) and (b) consisting of convex or singly concave components of the object, roughly corresponding to the object's parts. Subjects viewed pictures with half their contour removed by deleting either (a) every other image feature from each part, or (b) half the components. On a second (primed) block of trials, subjects saw: (a) the identical image that they viewed on the first block, (b) the complement which had the missing contours, or (c) a same name-different exemplar of the object class (e.g., a grand piano when an upright piano had been shown on the first block). With deletion of features, speed and accuracy of naming identical and complementary images were equivalent, indicating that none of the priming could be attributed to the features actually present in the image. Performance with both types of image enjoyed an advantage over that with the different exemplars, establishing that the priming was visual rather than verbal or conceptual. With deletion of the components, performance with identical images was much better than that with their complements. The latter were equivalent to the different exemplars, indicating that all the visual priming of an image of an object is through the activation of a representation of its components in specified relations. In terms of a recent neural net implementation of object recognition (Hummel & Biederman, in press), the results suggest that the locus of object priming may be at changes in the weight matrix for a geon assembly layer, where units have self-organized to represent combinations of convex or singly concave components (or geons) and their attributes (e.g., aspect ratio, orientation, and relations with other geons such as TOP-OF). The results of these experiments provide evidence for the psychological reality of intermediate representations in real-time visual object recognition.  相似文献   

本文将情绪图片作为启动刺激,分别以阈上和阈下的方式呈现,采用主观情绪自我评定量表和投射问卷检验情绪启动效应.结果发现阈上情绪诱发以消极情绪明显且宜以自我评定方法检验,而阈下情绪启动积极情绪效应优于消极情绪启动且宜用投射检验.  相似文献   

In a series of five experiments, we investigated how amodal completion affects pattern recognition, and tested possible models of processes underlying completion of simple shapes. Inferences about processing models were based mainly upon the comparison of ‘same’ latencies in a simultaneous matching task. The major result of experiments 1–4 regards two conditions where a complete target had to be matched with a given stimulus region, belonging to a composite comparison pattern. Matching is faster when this stimulus region is amodally completed than when it looks like an incomplete shape. In experiment 5 we compared complete vs incomplete targets, that were either phenomenally or topographically identical to a given region of the comparison pattern. The failure to show any effect of target completeness suggests that phenomenal identity may be as effective as topographical identity.  相似文献   

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