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Numerous studies have reported that repetitive or extensive inspection leads to short-term decrement of the horizontal-vertical illusion. The present experiment explored whether this decrement reflects a gradual decline, as previously assumed, or is better described as a singular drop-off beyond the initial evaluation. 111 student participants adjusted vertical or horizontal lines such that they appeared equally long with a perpendicular standard. There were 8 successive adjustment trials for each subject. The results suggest that a substantial component of the illusion depends on the first impression assessment. The earlier anatomical and cognitive theories of the horizontal-vertical illusion cannot incorporate this datum. However, recent findings suggest that a motor theory of illusion might accommodate the observed one-step decrement in the illusion.  相似文献   

Phillips D 《Perception》2006,35(12):1709-1712
Poggendorff illusions have sometimes been explained as arising in a two-stage process, with misalignment consequent upon prior, independently observable misjudgments of angle, extent, or proportion. However, several misalignments combined in one figure can be arranged so that if such prior illusions were the cause, they would have to transform simultaneously in opposed directions to save appearances. When Poggendorff misalignments are deliberately embedded in other illusions, results are intriguingly various, but the comparison of Poggendorff figures with and without associated illusions suggests that the underlying misalignments arise from pre-attentive cues, local to each traverse across a gap.  相似文献   

Recently, Nakajima, ten Hoopen, and van der Wilk (1991) and Nakajima, ten Hoopen, Hilkhuysen, and Sasaki (1992) described what they believed to be a new illusion of auditory time perception. They reported that the perceived duration of a temporal interval was influenced by an immediately preceding or succeeding temporal interval The influence of a neighboring temporal interval on perceived duration is not a new illusion, however, but is another demonstration of the time-order error  相似文献   

P. McLeod, J. Driver, and J. Crisp (1988) proposed the existence of a movement filter in the human early visual system. This filter preattentively segregates all moving stimuli in the visual field from all stationery stimuli (McLeod et al., 1988) and all stimuli moving in one direction from those moving in another (P. McLeod, J. Driver, Z. Dienes, & J. Crisp, 1991). The primary experimental paradigm that provides evidence for the movement filter is the visual search task. McLeod et al. (1988) demonstrated that a target defined by motion and shape perceptually pops out of a conjunctive display. Four experiments are presented that demonstrate that the output of the movement filter may depend on global characteristics of the display. When a moving element perceptually groups with a static object, preattentive segregation does not occur. However, when the same element does not perceptually group with a static object, preattentive segregation occurs.  相似文献   

Pakarian P  Yasamy MT 《Perception》2003,32(11):1307-1310
Wheels turning in the movies sometimes appear to rotate backwards. This is called the wagon-wheel illusion (WWI). The mechanism of this illusion is based on the intermittent nature of light in films and other stroboscopic presentations, which renders them as a series of snapshots rather than a continuous visual data stream. However, there have been claims that this illusion is seen even in continuous light, which would suggest that the visual system itself may sample a continuous visual data stream. We examined the rate of this putative sampling and its variations across individuals while in different psychological states. We obtained two results: (i) WWI occurred in stroboscopic lights as expected, (ii) WWI was never reported by our subjects under continuous lights, such as sunlight and lamps with DC power source. Thus, WWI cannot be taken as evidence for discreteness of conscious visual perception.  相似文献   

The glass cliff refers to the phenomenon whereby women are overrepresented in leadership roles associated with high risk and an increased chance of failure. Research into the glass cliff has focused on documenting the existence of the phenomenon and understanding the psychological processes that contribute to the appointment of women to precarious positions. This paper summarises this research and extends it by examining the implications that glass cliff positions have, both for the women who occupy them and for the organisations in which they exist. The gender-stress-disidentification model suggests that glass cliff positions are inherently stressful, and lead women to experience a reduced sense of organisational identification. This, in turn, has important implications for organisations in terms of reduced commitment and increased turnover. Taken together, the research presented here offers an alternative analysis of women's increasing disaffection with the workplace, which takes into account gender differences in workplace experience.  相似文献   

Hand-held pendulums can seemingly oscillate on their own, without perceived conscious control. This illusion, named after Chevreul, is likely a result of ideomotor movements. While this phenomenon was originally assumed to have a supernatural basis, it has been accepted for over 150 years that the movements are self-generated. However, until now, recordings of the small movements that create these oscillations have not been performed. In this study, we examined how participants produce these unconscious oscillations using a motion capture system. As expected, the Chevreul pendulum illusion was produced when the fingers holding the pendulum generated an oscillating frequency close to the resonant frequency of the pendulum, where very small driving movements of the arm are sufficient to produce relatively large pendulum motion. We found that pendulum length significantly affected the ability to produce the illusion - participants were much more successful with a 40 cm compared to an 80 cm pendulum. Further, we found that participants that tended to move their fingers more were more successful in producing the illusion but did not find a connection between inter-joint coordination and ability to generate the illusion.  相似文献   

The “Deutsch’s illusion” occurs in most people when a dichotic pair of tones spaced an octave apart is presented repeatedly in alternation, so that when the right ear receives the high tone, the left ear receives the low tone, and vice versa. The illusory percept consists typically in a single low tone heard at one ear alternating with a single high tone heard at the other ear. Here, we investigate whether the frequency interval between the tones and their duration play a role in the perception of the illusion. By testing 74 subjects we demonstrate that the illusion is not confined to tones spaced an octave apart but it is perceivable also with tones separated by a major seventh, a minor ninth, a major ninth, and a minor tenth. Regarding duration, the present results show that the illusion is stronger with tones lasting 500 than 200 ms. The present results suggest that the perceptual mechanisms at the basis of the illusion are not strictly linked to the frequency relationships between the dichotic tones.  相似文献   

Hill H  Johnston A 《Perception》2007,36(2):199-223
The hollow-face illusion, in which a mask appears as a convex face, is a powerful example of binocular depth inversion occurring with a real object under a wide range of viewing conditions. Explanations of the illusion are reviewed and six experiments reported. In experiment 1 the detrimental effect of figural inversion, evidence for the importance of familiarity, was found for other oriented objects. The inversion effect held for masks lit from the side (experiment 2). The illusion was stronger for a mask rotated by 90 degrees lit from its forehead than from its chin, suggesting that familiar patterns of shading enhance the illusion (experiment 2). There were no effects of light source visibility or any left/right asymmetry (experiment 3). In experiments 4-6 we used a 'virtual' hollow face, with illusion strength quantified by the proportion of noise texture needed to eliminate the illusion. Adding characteristic surface colour enhanced the illusion, consistent with the familiar face pigmentation outweighing additional bottom-up cues (experiment 4). There was no difference between perspective and orthographic projection. Photographic negation reduced, but did not eliminate, the illusion, suggesting shading is important but not essential (experiment 5). Absolute depth was not critical, although a shallower mask was given less extreme convexity ratings (experiment 6). We argue that the illusion arises owing to a convexity preference when the raw data have ambiguous interpretations. However, using a familiar object with typical orientation, shading, and pigmentation greatly enhances the effect.  相似文献   

Illusionism about consciousness is the thesis that phenomenal consciousness does not exist, but merely seems to exist. Embracing illusionism presents the theoretical advantage that one does not need to explain how consciousness arises from purely physical brains anymore, but only to explain why consciousness seems to exist while it does not. As Keith Frankish puts it, illusionism replaces the “hard problem of consciousness” with the “illusion problem.” However, a satisfying version of illusionism has to explain not only why the illusion of consciousness arises, but also why it arises with its particular strength: Notably, why we are so deeply reluctant to recognize the illusory nature of consciousness. Explaining our strong intuitive resistance to illusionism means solving what I call the “illusion meta-problem,” which I think is a part of the illusion problem. In this paper, I argue that current versions of illusionism are unable to solve the illusion meta-problem. I focus on two of the most promising recent illusionist theories of consciousness, and I show why they fail to explain the peculiar reluctance we encounter whenever we try to accept that consciousness is an illusion.  相似文献   

In the first of the present experiments, subjects were required to estimate the strength of the Hermann grid illusion in grids containing various numbers of intersectionseven though those grids were not actually presented. The positive relationship found by Wolfe (1984) for real grids was, nevertheless, replicated. It is argued that this suggests that a response bias might have been the source of his effect (although other possibilities are also noted). In addition, in a second experiment, subjects who were not aware of the fact that grid size was being manipulated (i.e., between subjects) showed no consistent effect of that factor, thus supporting the same suggestion.  相似文献   

Palmer SE  Brooks JL  Lai KS 《Perception》2007,36(5):650-669
In the occlusion illusion, the visible portion of a partly occluded object (eg a semicircle partly hidden behind a rectangle) appears to be significantly larger than a physically identical region that is fully visible. This illusion may occur either because the visual system 'fills in' a thin strip along the occluded border (the partial-modal-completion hypothesis) or because the partly occluded object is perceived as farther away (the apparent-distance hypothesis). We measured the magnitude of the occlusion illusion psychophysically in several experiments to investigate its causes. The results of experiments 1-3 are consistent with the general proposal that the magnitude of the illusion varies with the strength of the evidence for occlusion, supporting the inference that it is due to occlusion. Experiment 4 provides a critical test between apparent-distance and partial-modal-completion explanations by determining whether the increase in apparent size of the occluded region results from a change in its perceived shape (due to the modal extension of the occluded shape along the occluding edge, as predicted by the partial-modal-completion hypothesis) or from a change in its perceived overall size (as predicted by the apparent-distance hypothesis). The results more strongly support the partial-modal-completion hypothesis.  相似文献   

The octave illusion occurs when each ear receives a sequence of tones alternating by 1 octave but with the high and low tones in different ears. Most listeners perceive these stimuli as a high pitch in one ear alternating with a low pitch in the other ear. D. Deutsch and P. L. Roll (1976) interpreted this phenomenon as evidence for a what-where division of auditory processing caused by sequential interactions between the tones. They argued that the pitch follows the frequency presented to the dominant ear but is lateralized toward the higher frequency component. This model was examined in 4 experiments. Results indicate that the perceived pitch approximates the fundamental frequency and that the illusion does not depend on sequential interactions. The octave illusion may arise from an interaction between dichotic fusion and binaural diplacusis rather than from suppression as proposed by Deutsch.  相似文献   

To compare the influence of the projected retinal size and of the figure size on the perception of the horizontal-vertical illusion, the target size, the viewing distance, and the slant of an illusion figure were varied. In the first experiment the illusion produced by two figures of the same object size but of different retinal size was compared with that of two figures projecting the same retinal size but differing in object size. The illusion diminished when the size of the retinal projection was increased, whereas a change in figure size did not change the illusion. In Exp. II the illusion figure was tilted backwards which reduced the retinal projection of the 'vertical' figure limb. The illusion decreased and became negative as a function of the retinal projection, but this decrease was relatively small compared with the reduction of the retinal image. The results are interpreted as supporting a retinal origin as an explanation of the illusion. Although there is strong evidence for size-constancy scaling in a tilted figure, constancy scaling is considered of minor importance as a determinant of the usual illusion.  相似文献   

Earle DC  Maskell SJ 《Perception》2000,29(3):313-324
Informal observation suggests that the magnitude of the Z?llner illusion is reduced when the figure is viewed on a sloping plane. The hypothesis that this effect derives from the enlargement of the acute angle of intersection between the obliques and the verticals in the figure when it is viewed on a sloping plane is here investigated. The magnitude of the Z?llner illusion was measured with the use of a visual analogue scale. The results show that the change in the magnitude of the Z?llner effect as a function of the slope of the figure is different from that for corresponding figures, with enlarged angles of intersection between the obliques and the verticals, presented vertically. It is concluded that the enlargement of the angles of intersection can only partly account for the reduction of the Z?llner effect when the figure is viewed under slope, and that some other factor must be involved. An alternative hypothesis is evaluated whereby the effects result from the diminution in the contrast of the obliques when the figure is viewed under slope. Data are also presented to show that observers are able to perceive the enlarged or foreshortened angles of intersection veridically.  相似文献   

This article examines the theoretical similarities and differences between the counseling and consulting processes and finds that differences between the two processes are reflections of the differences found among the counselors who use them.  相似文献   

In the summer of 2014 the Swedish Church is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the appointment of Nathan Söderblom as archbishop of Uppsala, and thus head of the Swedish church organisation. As a Lutheran with an enormously broad-minded and broad-reaching approach to ecumenical understanding and community-building, Söderblom shot to prominence in the interwar period not only because of his ecumenical engagement, calling for an evangelical catholicity so stand side by side with the Roman catholic and Orthodox catholic traditions, but also because of his comprehensive secular engagement for peace and understanding between peoples. In the latter context he also acquired a solid reputation as a perhaps less prominent but still noteworthy figure in the history of European integration. This article investigates how, why and to what extent Söderblom’s ecumenical and secular engagements were intertwined. The first part discusses how his biographical and academic background led to such staunch ecumenical positions, while the second part focuses on the secular engagement, which was perceived by Söderblom as necessary to make progress on the ecumenical front in the practical political realities of the 1920s. The final part, comparing and contrasting Söderblom’s views with those of Count Richard von Coudenhove-Calergi and the Pan-European Union, demonstrates why Söderblom’s engagement for Europe had to be limited: unity in Christ is by definition global in nature and therefore cannot be continent-specific.  相似文献   

The speed-accuracy trade-off is a fundamental movement problem that has been extensively investigated. It has been established that the speed at which one can move to tap targets depends on how large the targets are and how far they are apart. These spatial properties of the targets can be quantified by the index of difficulty (ID). Two visual illusions are known to affect the perception of target size and movement amplitude: the Ebbinghaus illusion and Muller-Lyer illusion. We created visual images that combined these two visual illusions to manipulate the perceived ID, and then examined people’s visual perception of the targets in illusory context as well as their performance in tapping those targets in both discrete and continuous manners. The findings revealed that the combined visual illusions affected the perceived ID similarly in both discrete and continuous judgment conditions. However, the movement outcomes were affected by the combined visual illusions according to the tapping mode. In discrete tapping, the combined visual illusions affected both movement accuracy and movement amplitude such that the effective ID resembled the perceived ID. In continuous tapping, none of the movement outcomes were affected by the combined visual illusions. Participants tapped the targets with higher speed and accuracy in all visual conditions. Based on these findings, we concluded that distinct visual-motor control mechanisms were responsible for execution of discrete and continuous Fitts’ tapping. Although discrete tapping relies on allocentric information (object-centered) to plan for action, continuous tapping relies on egocentric information (self-centered) to control for action. The planning-control model for rapid aiming movements is supported.  相似文献   

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