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When a moving object (A) contacts a stationary one (B) and Object B then moves, visual impressions of force occur along with a visual impression of causality. It is shown that findings about force impressions that occur with launching effect stimuli generalize to other forms of phenomenal causality, namely entraining, enforced disintegration, and shattering stimuli. In particular, evidence is reported for generality of the force asymmetry, in which the amount of perceived force exerted by Object A is greater than the amount of perceived resistance put up by Object B. Effects of manipulations of kinematic variables also resembled those found in previous experiments. Some unpredicted findings occurred. It is argued that these reflect a change in perceptual interpretation when both objects are in motion prior to contact, due to both objects being perceived as in autonomous motion. The results are consistent with a theoretical account in which force impressions occur by a process of matching kinematic information in visual stimuli to stored representations of actions on objects, which supply information about forces.  相似文献   

Simple animations in which one object contacts another give rise to visual impressions that the former object causes the outcome for the latter, and that the former object is exerting force on the latter. How does the impression of force relate to the impression of causality? The main aim of this research was to investigate this issue using stimuli in which there is a gap between the objects at closest approach. Delay between the first object stopping and the second object starting to move had a strong effect on reported force impressions, which is consistent with findings of research on the causal impression. However, the reported force impression was little affected by either the size of the gap or the presence and features of an object in the gap, whereas the causal impression was strongly affected by both. The findings support the conclusion that the force impression and the causal impression are distinct components of the visual interpretation of the stimulus.  相似文献   

Peter A. White 《Visual cognition》2013,21(9-10):1168-1204

Previous research has shown that stimuli in which a moving object (A) contacts a stationary one (B) and stops, and object B then moves off in the same direction, give rise to a causal impression: object A is perceived as producing the motion of object B. This impression is weakened or does not occur if there is a delay between A contacting B and B moving, or if there is a spatial gap between B and the location at which A stops. It is shown that a strong causal impression can occur despite the presence of both gap and delay if there are cues to generative transmission of causal influence from A to B. The cues investigated were successive colour change of a series of objects filling the gap between A and B. Reported causal impressions were stronger with the colour change stimuli than with stimuli in which the objects were present but did not change colour, and stronger if the colour change proceeded from A to B than if it proceeded in the opposite direction. Reported causal impressions increased in strength as the number of objects involved in the colour change increased, consistent with the hypothesis that the colour change is a cue to a process of transmission, and inconsistent with the hypothesis that it is perceived or inferred as involving a chain of causal relations. Other kinds of changes to object properties—a small upward motion, shrinkage without moving, and disappearance—yielded similar results. It appears that any rapid sequential change in object properties in the direction of causal influence can function to give rise to the visual impression of generative transmission. The possible role of apparent motion is discussed.  相似文献   

Observers viewed visual stimuli in which one object moved to a position of partial occlusion by another. The objects were presented as two-dimensional profiles moving in an undefined space, so the partial occlusion supports several different physical interpretations. In fact some stimuli reliably gave rise to a perceptual impression that the moving object penetrated or pierced the stationary one. This kind of interaction impression has not previously been reported. The impression was maximized by rapid deceleration to a halt with minimal occlusion. If the object decelerated more slowly, so that it was completely occluded or projected from the far side of the stationary object, it was perceived as moving behind the stationary object. The shape of the moving object and its speed prior to occlusion had significant but small effects.  相似文献   

Observers viewed modified launching effect displays containing a spatial gap between the final location of the launcher (a black square) and the initial location of the target (a black outline square with a white interior). In some conditions, a set of stationary objects (black outline squares with white interiors) filled the spatial gap, and these objects began changing colour upon contact from the launcher. The colour changes could involve all gap objects turning black, the first gap object turning dark grey and subsequent gap objects turning successively lighter grey, or first gap object turning light grey and subsequent gap objects turning successively darker grey. The colour changes could move from the launcher to the target or from the target to the launcher. The gap objects could also remain unchanged. Participants rated whether the launcher caused subsequent motion of the target and how much force the launcher imparted to the target. The sequence of colour changes, and the sequence of locations in which colour changes occurred, influenced ratings; sequences of colour changes consistent with the idea that influence of the launcher was transmitted across gap objects to the target resulted in higher ratings. Implications for visual perception of causality are discussed.  相似文献   


Images of moving objects presented on computer screens may be perceived as animate or inanimate. A simple hypothesis, consistent with much research evidence, is that objects are perceived as inanimate if there is a visible external contact from another object immediately prior to the onset of motion, and as animate if that is not the case. Evidence is reported that is not consistent with that hypothesis. Objects (targets) moving on contact from another object (launcher) were perceived as actively resisting the impact of the launcher on them if the targets slowed rapidly. Rapid slowing is consistent with the laws of mechanics for objects moving in an environment that offers friction and air resistance. Despite that, ratings of inanimate motion were lower than ratings of active resistance for objects that slowed rapidly. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that there is a perceptual impression of active (animate) resistance that is evoked by the kinematic pattern of rapid slowing from an initial speed after contact from another object.  相似文献   

Three habituation experiments examined the perception of causal and non-causal events by infants at 6 1/4, 5 1/2, and 4 months of age. Experiment 1 replicated previous studies showing that by 6 1/4 months, infants begin to respond to the interaction of simple objects in Michottian type launching events on the basis of causality. In Experiments 2 and 3, however, younger infants exposed to the identical event sequences responded on the basis of simpler perceptual features of the launching events, and not on the basis of causality. 4-month-old infants responded to continuous versus non-continuous movement. 5 1/2-month-old infants also responded somewhat on the basis of continuous movement. However, in addition they responded on the basis of the spatial and temporal perceptual features of the events. This change in the pattern of results over age suggests a multi-step developmental progression.  相似文献   

The historical development of concepts of causality in philosophy is described. Since the Enlightenment and the growth of science, exponents of the two most important concepts, determinism and teleology, have been in conflict. At the inception of psychoanalysis at the end of the nineteenth century this conflict was particularly intense. It was the cause of the first major schism in psychoanalysis between Jung and Freud. Psychoanalytic theorists have continued to disagree over this issue. Post-modernist philosophy has abolished all metaphysics and therefore called into question concepts of psychic causality. Parallel to, but uninfluenced by this development, Bion has developed a psychoanalytic conceptualization which may be seen as transcending causality. The clinical and theoretical implications of these developments are described.  相似文献   

This study examines relationships between constructs based on two perspectives on the development of self‐governance, namely Self‐Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2000) and Berzonsky's (1990) identity style model. Theoretically predictable relationships are found between the three causality orientations defined by SDT (autonomous, controlled, and impersonal) and the three identity styles proposed by Berzonsky (informational, normative, diffuse–avoidant) in a sample of Belgian late adolescents. An autonomous causality orientation is positively related to an informational identity style and negatively related to a diffuse–avoidant style. A controlled orientation is positively associated with a normative identity style, and an impersonal orientation is positively related to a diffuse–avoidant identity style. Participants' gender does not moderate these relationships. The findings suggest that the causality orientations late adolescents employ may play an important role in how actively and thoroughly they explore identity‐relevant issues. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Objective: We tested a novel intervention for reducing demand for ineffective health remedies. The intervention aimed to empower participants to overcome the illusion of causality, which otherwise drives erroneous perceptions regarding remedy efficacy.

Design: A laboratory experiment adopted a between-participants design with six conditions that varied the amount of information available to participants (N?=?245). The control condition received a basic refutation of multivitamin efficacy, whereas the principal intervention condition received a full contingency table specifying the number of people reporting a benefit vs. no benefit from both the product and placebo, plus an alternate causal explanation for inefficacy over placebo.

Main outcome measures: We measured participants’ willingness to pay (WTP) for multivitamin products using two incentivized experimental auctions. General attitudes towards health supplements were assessed as a moderator of WTP. We tested generalisation using ratings of the importance of clinical-trial results for making future health purchases.

Results: Our principal intervention significantly reduced participants’ WTP for multivitamins (by 23%) and increased their recognition of the importance of clinical-trial results.

Conclusion: We found evidence that communicating a simplified full-contingency table and an alternate causal explanation may help reduce demand for ineffective health remedies by countering the illusion of causality.  相似文献   

The present study examined the direction of the relation between sex role self-concept and depression. A total of 23 males and 32 females were given the Personal Attributes Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory at two times separated by a 3-month interval. Results of a cross-lagged panel correlational analysis found no evidence for sex role orientation as a cause of depression. Instead, the data suggested that emotional well being precedes self-perceived instrumentality, but the influence of third variables could not be overlooked. The implications of these data are discussed with particular reference to the need for more complex theoretical formulations of the relation between self-perceived instrumentality and adjustment.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The rotation direction and depth order of a rotating sphere consisting of random dots often reverses while it is viewed under orthographic projection. However, if a short viewing distance is simulated under perspective projection, the correct rotation direction can be perceived. There are two motion cues for the rotation direction and depth order. One is the speed cue; points with higher velocities are closer to the observer. The other is the vertical motion cue; vertical motion is induced when the dots recede from or approach the observer. It was examined whether circular motion, which does not have any depth information but induces vertical velocities, masks the vertical motion cue. In Experiment 1, the effects of circular motion on the judgment of the rotation direction of a rotating sphere were examined. The magnitude of the two cues (the speed cue and the vertical velocity cue) as well as the angular speed of circular motion was varied. It was found that the performance improved as the vertical velocity increased and that the speed cue had slight effects on the judgment of the rotation direction. It was also found that the performance worsened as the angular speed of the circular motion was increased. In Experiment 2, the effects of circular motion on depth judgment of a rotating half sphere were investigated. The performance worsened as the angular speed of the circular motion increased, as in Experiment 1. These results suggest that the visual system cannot compensate perfectly for circular motion for the judgment of the rotation direction and depth order.  相似文献   

It is well established that the temporal proximity of two events is a fundamental cue to causality. Recent research with adults has shown that this relation is bidirectional: events that are believed to be causally related are perceived as occurring closer together in time—the so‐called temporal binding effect. Here, we examined the developmental origins of temporal binding. Participants predicted when an event that was either caused by a button press, or preceded by a non‐causal signal, would occur. We demonstrate for the first time that children as young as 4 years are susceptible to temporal binding. Binding occurred both when the button press was executed via intentional action, and when a machine caused it. These results suggest binding is a fundamental, early developing property of perception and grounded in causal knowledge. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQC_MqjxZQQ  相似文献   

Previously reported experiments demonstrated changes in the relation of visual direction to retinal locus for stimulation during voluntary saccades as compared to this relation before saccade initiation. The quantitative features of these results led to the prediction, confirmed in the present experiments, that there are shifts in visual direction for stimulation presented before the saccade itself. In the present report, monotonically increasing shifts were mapped with stimuli presented as early as 240 msec before the saccade up to the saccade itself. Such shifts cannot be accounted for readily by “inflowing” processes, and while “outflowing” processes seem to be implicated, their quantitative characteristics would need to be considerably different from those required by classical outflow theories.  相似文献   

In experiments designed to clarify the mechanisms underlying the normal stability of visual direction for stationary objects when voluntary saccades occur, Ss reported on the horizontal visual direction of a brief test [lash presented when the eye was at a specific point in the saccade (the trigger point) relative to a fixation target viewed and extinguished prior to the saccade. From these reports, PSEs (points of subjective equality) were calculated for the fixation target as measured by the test [lashes. The distance of the trigger point from the previous fixation position was systematically varied in each experiment. Different experiments required saccades of different lengths and directions. With the exception of the presentation of the test [lash the saccades were carried out in complete darkness so that the possible utilization of an extraretinal signal regarding the eye movement (change in eye position, the intention to turn the eye, or a change of attention related to the eye movement) in the determination of visual direction could be observed uncomplicated by a continuing visual context. According to classical theories, an extraretinal signal proportional to the change in eye position acts to maintain direction constancy by compensating for the Shift of the retinal image resulting from the movement of the eye. In general, direction constancy was not preserved in the present experiments, and thus the data would not be predicted by classical theories. However, the PSE varied with distance of the trigger point from the fixation target. Since this displacement of PSE from the trigger point was in the correct direction for compensation, the presence of an extraretinal signal was confirmed. However, the growth of this signal appears to be time-locked to the saccade rather than locked to eye position; it is suggested that this growth takes place over a time period which is longer than the duration of the saccade itself.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify spatial properties of three-dot motion patterns yielding perceived motion in depth. A proposed vector model analyzed each pattern in terms of common and relative motion components of the moving parts. The dots moved in straight paths in a frontoparallel plane. The Ss reported verbally what they perceived. The common motion did not affect the kénd of perceived event (translation or rotation in depth). Relative motions toward or away from a common point, i.e. concurrent motions, yielded perceived translatory motion in depth. Parallel relative motions toward or away from a common line generally yielded perceived rotation in depth. Complex motion patterns, consisting of concurrent and parallel relative motion components combined, evoked simultaneously perceived translation and rotation in depth under certain phase conditions of the components. Some limitations of the model were discussed and suggestions made to widen its generality.  相似文献   

The apparent velocity of an objectively rotating visually textured disk is an increasing monotonic function of the coarseness (size) of visual texture. The apparent velocity of a negative motion aftereffect increases with coarseness of moving induction texture but decreases with coarseness of stationary test texture, and there is an interaction between induction and test textures. An explanation of these effects is based principally on the assumption of greater lateral inhibition between neighboring elements in finer textures.  相似文献   

环境中的运动刺激往往多变, 更好的方向感知需要同时依赖当前信息和先验信息。然而, 当前刺激的不确定性与先验线索的预期有效性在运动方向感知决策中如何整合尚不清楚。研究采用随机点运动范式, 要求被试判断散点群的整体运动方向, 方向一致的散点为相干点, 其比例越低, 不确定性越高。实验1比较了不同相干点比例下的感知准确度。根据实验1的结果, 选出20%和60%的相干点比例分别对应实验2中散点群的高、低不确定性水平。实验2比较了高、低不确定性和高、低预期有效性(线索正确预测目标的概率)下的感知准确度。结果发现, 随着不确定性的降低和预期有效性的增加, 感知准确度显著提高; 预期效应(高、低有效性下感知准确度的差异)随不确定性的提高而增加。结果表明, 先验信息与感觉信息能在运动方向感知决策中整合。研究为双重控制机制(DMC)理论下主动性与反应性控制协同工作的观点提供了实证支持, 并为交通事故的解释与预防提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

How we perceive and evaluate other persons depends on appearance-based impressions as well as top-down information such as knowledge about someone’s character. To date, little is known about how these two sources of information affect the conscious perception of faces, about their relative contributions and possible interactions. Here, we directly compare how social-affective knowledge and visual cues of trustworthiness impact the access of faces to visual consciousness. Low- and average-trustworthy looking faces were associated with neutral or negative information about a person’s social behavior. Trustworthiness and facial expression ratings showed robust and independent effects of both sources of information during evaluations. Under conditions of reduced attention in an attentional blink task, prioritized detection of faces associated with negative as compared to neutral person knowledge was observed, whereas facial trustworthiness did not affect detection. Thus, while both factors influenced conscious perception and evaluation, only person knowledge impacted the access to consciousness.  相似文献   

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