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This study used variable- and person-centered data analytic techniques to examine how early adolescents' academic motivation and social-emotional functioning were associated with their self-reported cognitive and behavioral engagement in the middle school classroom. Regression results showed that both motivational and mental health constructs contributed to the prediction of individual differences in classroom engagement. Person-centered analyses revealed between group variation in classroom engagement as a function of differing patterns of motivation and mental health among different subgroups of adolescents. Convergent and complementary information on these subgroups was provided by using two different grouping approaches. Findings are discussed in terms of broad patterns of promise or problems during early adolescence.  相似文献   

Social rank theory argues that social comparison and submissive behaviour are mechanisms by which humans and animals form themselves into social ranks. Design: this study assesses the psychometric properties of Italian versions of the Social Comparison Rating Scale—SCRS and Submissive Behaviour Scale—SBS in a sample of adolescents. The samples consisted of a clinical group (N = 200) and a non-clinical group (N = 1991). The non-clinical group allowed us to obtain two random samples used for the EFA and the CFA; moreover, we also extracted a Retest sample consisting of 219 subjects. Internal consistency was satisfactory and the factor structures were similar to the original version of the measures. The SBS and SCRS were significantly correlated with all the symptom profiles on the SCL-90-R, in both populations. Clinical populations had higher correlations with these measures. Statistical analyses showed a good fit to the data, replicating the constructs of the original scales. These results confirm that submissive behaviour and social comparison are associated with mental health problems.  相似文献   

Research supervision in the field of counselling and psychotherapy is a fruitful area for investigation in view of the fact that the research supervisory relationship is powerful and highly charged, whether consciously acknowledged or not. Researchers trained as counsellors and psychotherapists possess the skills to facilitate the emergence of, and work creatively with, impasses and crises, both in the research itself and the supervisory relationship, as a result of their training and experience in dealing with crisis and catharsis in clinical work. This paper will demonstrate these points using a case vignette from my work as a supervisor of research dissertations undertaken by students on a Masters in Therapeutic Counselling course. Drawing on narrative analysis, clinical supervision theory and discursive analysis it will look at the strengths and weaknesses of a ‘psychotherapeutic’ approach to research supervision.  相似文献   


This article describes a psychoanalytical experience that took place in an institution for mental health, located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. There, an art workshop was created in an attempt to welcome and shelter psychotic patients. This work space later proportioned a ''setting'' for the practice of psychoanalysis with psychotic patients. In the clinical case, herein examined, the author dedicates special attention to the relation that exists between certain psychotic aspects and the process described by Jacques Lacan as: the ''foreclosure of the name of the father''.  相似文献   

The present study compared two methods for assessing binge eating and related eating disorder psychopathology in obese children and adolescents. A comparison was made between the child version of the Eating Disorder Examination (ChEDE) and the self-report version of the interview (ChEDE-Q). A total of 139 children and adolescents (aged 10-16 years) seeking inpatient treatment for obesity completed the ChEDE questionnaire and were administered the ChEDE interview afterwards. The ChEDE and ChEDE-Q were significantly correlated for the four subscales: restraint, eating concern, weight concern and shape concern. The ChEDE-Q generated consistently higher levels of eating disorder psychopathology. There was a significant discrepancy for the assessment of a more complex feature such as binge eating. Overall, the current study found lower levels of agreement between the EDE and EDE-Q than previously reported in adult samples. It appears that children and adolescents have difficulties in identifying binge-eating episodes when they receive no detailed instruction. It is concluded that a clinical interview is necessary to identify eating disorders in obese children and that a self-report questionnaire can only be used as a screening tool. Even then, thorough clarification of the definition of the eating disorder features is needed when using a self-report questionnaire.  相似文献   

We investigated the readability of seven mental health brochures on mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders in children that were selected from a website developed by the Center for Mental Health Services at http://www.mentalhealth.org. The reading grade levels of the brochures ranged from 11.1 to 14.8 (mean 13.23), considerably higher than the 8th grade level recommended for educational material by the U. S. Department of Education (1986). On other readability variables, assessed using the Readability Assessment Instrument (RAIN; Singh, 1994), all brochures met criterion on most variables but failed on those for new words (audience appropriateness) and print size. This is a favorable result in comparison with other studies that have assessed readability of mental health information on the Internet using the RAIN, although less so with reading grade levels.  相似文献   

The Witness to Witness Program (W2W), based on Weingarten’s witnessing model (2000, 2003, 2004), began in July 2018 and originally was established to support healthcare workers and attorneys (our partners) who were experiencing empathic distress working with people involved in various stages of the detention process. The W2W program evolved to offer four primary components: clinician listening sessions geared to deep understanding of the person’s story of their work and its challenges; an inventory of the person’s current internal and external resources both in the present and in the past; help with removal of barriers to those resources; and development of a personal toolkit to handle stress. Additional services available to partners and their organizations included psycho-educational webinars, facilitated peer support groups, and organizational consultations to foster trauma-sensitive and resilience-hardy work environments. In March, after lockdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic, W2W pivoted to focus on handouts and webinars addressing how to cope with distress and moral injury, maintaining resilience, coping with grief, and dealing with multiple losses caused by the pandemic. Disaster sparked collaboration and innovation. A train the trainer model was developed to reach more community health workers providing services to the Latinx community dealing with losses similar to those experienced by the clients they serve. W2W continues to create virtual communities of support. In doing so we practice doing reasonable hope together (Weingarten, Family Process, 2010, 49, 5).  相似文献   

The link between stress and health has not received strong empirical support, possibly due to problems in the stress measures used. Here, the first wholly empirical development of a new “Stress Overload Scale” is described. A pool of 150 items was formed to reflect “overload”, a common denominator in stress theories. Then, the results of five sequenced studies, conducted in heterogeneous community samples, were used to pare the item pool. Exploratory (n = 431) and confirmatory (n = 433) analyses revealed two factors (Event Load and Personal Vulnerability) corresponding to theoretical constructs; only the best factor markers were submitted to further construct validity (n = 310) and reliability tests (n = 342). The 24 strongest items were selected for the SOS, which demonstrated criterion validity in predicting who (n = 285) would become sick following a common stressor. The SOS is (1) psychometrically strong, especially in its validity relative to popular measures; (2) appropriate to community research, due to its brevity and fit to a broad demographic spectrum; (3) unique in its ability to cross‐section individuals into risk categories. It should prove useful to community psychologists in determining etiology, diagnosing risk for pathology, and evaluating the efficacy of interventions.  相似文献   

中国苏州与美国15岁学生数学学习特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究首次采用"学生能力国际评估计划"(PISA)的学生问卷,对苏州市504名15岁学生的数学学习心理及特征进行了调查研究,并与美国学生数据作比较.调查表明:中国苏州大多数学生在数学学习上具有较强的竞争意识与合作意识,他们会运用多种学习策略;那些对数学有更大兴趣和更高动机的学生,有更积极的自我概念和更少的焦虑体验.中美两国学生的数学学习特征性别差异显著.  相似文献   

卢川  郭斯萍 《心理科学》2014,37(2):506-511
随着精神性对社会的意义越来越被人们所重视,心理学对精神性的讨论也越来越热烈。本文从精神性的研究历程将其分为宗教的精神性、人文的精神性以及科学的精神性,同时对目前国外科学精神性的相关研究和方法进行阐述,最后对精神性研究存在的问题加以总结述评并对今后研究提出展望。  相似文献   

When embedded within a continuum of mental health services including both prevention and treatment, school-based mental health identification programs can promote improved academic and mental health functioning among students. This article describes the scientific status of assessment instrumentation that may be used for early mental health identification in schools. Currently available instruments are described in terms of their ability to accurately detect youth with mental health problems. Implications for selecting mental health screening and assessment instruments and integrating them into schools are discussed. Finally, a range of approaches to early identification in schools as well as some of the broader ethical and practical issues related to the integration of these strategies into a school-wide continuum of services are presented.  相似文献   

That primary prevention has been ‘inappropriately marginalised’ is seen to be an inevitable outcome of reliance on government support. Policy makers and service providers can never be expected to give prevention a higher priority than direct service. Preventionists have developed two strategies for doing their work. One, based on the logical positivist ideal, seeks specific causal models for specific disorders. This sort of prevention research, while it will always remain less well funded than direct services, tends not to challenge the status quo belief in individual responsibility, or the acceptable methods of mainstream science, and thus will tend to be more acceptable than other forms of prevention research and services. An alternative, based on a social constructivist paradigm engages in social action research through collaboration with a variety of grass roots organizations and people outside the mainstream of power. This latter approach, brings to preventionists ideas from feminists, ethnic minority leaders, neighborhood organizers, and self and mutual help group leaders. It is a sensible way to use the resources available to those professionals interested in social change oriented prevention.  相似文献   

This study examines the relation between adolescents’ indirect exposure to local homicides and mental health disorders and post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. We employ a sample of 300 adolescents ( representative for Bogotá, Colombia, and geocoded data on violent crimes recorded by the national police. Findings show that one SD increment in local homicides is associated with increments by 0.17 SD in the mental health disorder index and a 0.14 SD increase in the PTSD score index, even after accounting for adolescents’ direct exposure to violence. The estimated effect for PTSD was larger for adolescents’ who were directly exposed to violence and for those living in multidimensionally poor households, whereas no detectable effects were found for adolescents who perceived their residential neighborhood as relatively safe.  相似文献   

The use of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) across nations, cultures, and languages has been criticized. The key criticisms point to the linguistic and cultural biases potentially underlying the design of reading comprehension tests, raising doubts about the legitimacy of comparisons across economies. Our research focused on the type and magnitude of invariance or non-invariance in the PISA Reading Comprehension test by language, culture, and economic development relative to performance of the Australian English-speaking reference group used to develop the tests. Multi-Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis based on means and covariance structure (MACS) modeling was used to establish a dMACS effect size index for each economy for the degree of non-invariance. Only three wealthy, English-speaking countries had scalar invariance with Australia. Moderate or large effects were observed in just 31% of the comparisons. PISA index of economic, social and cultural status had a moderate inverse correlation with dMACS suggesting that socioeconomic resourcing of education played a significant role in measurement invariance, while educational practice and language factors seemed to play a further small role in non-invariance. Alternative approaches to reporting PISA results consistent with non-invariance are suggested.  相似文献   

Resilience is increasingly recognized as a relevant factor in shaping psychological response to natural disasters. Aim of the study is to examine in the context of a natural disaster the potential effects of resilience on the relation between coping and trauma spectrum symptoms, using structural equation modeling.A sample of 371 students who survived the earthquake in L’Aquila (Italy) were cross-sectionally evaluated using Resilience Scale for Adolescents, Brief Cope and Trauma and Loss Spectrum scale.The model shows a direct path of positive and emotional coping styles on resilience. Emotional coping shows also a direct impact on the outcome; positive and emotional coping results to be positively correlated as well as emotional and disengagement coping styles. Resilience directly affects the PTSD symptoms, partially mediating the impact of the coping styles. The model explains 30% of the variance in the outcome, i.e. the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms, with very good fit indexes.Resilience operates as a protective factor from stress symptom development. It is likely that emotional and disengagement coping skills are rapidly involved after a traumatic exposure but when problem focused coping intervenes, resilience allows it to buffer the stressors or even guides toward a more successful outcome.  相似文献   

上海市青少年心理适应性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢家楣  陈宁  胡霞  丁志刚 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1291-1295
心理适应是心理健康的外在表现,更是现代社会中个体心理健康的重要标志.为了了解处于社会迅速转型时期的国际大都市上海地区青少年心理适应的状况,在全国调查的背景下,通过对上海地区小学五年级至高中三年级1515名青少年的调查和对仝国数据的比较发现:(1)上海市青少年的心理适应性总体水平略低于全国;(2)存在显著的年级差异,但与全国不同的是初二年级的心理适应性最差;(3)适应性在总体上不存在性别差异,但是女生在生理适应方面显著高于男生,而男生在人际适应方面显著高于女生;(4)学校性质、年龄、性别、家庭所在地、父母受教育水平、家庭月收入等因素与青少年心理适应性密切相关.  相似文献   

主要探讨情绪劳动与心理健康的关系以及工作倦怠对二者关系的中介作用。采用情绪劳动量表、心理健康量表和工作倦怠量表对山东省5家医院的200名护士进行问卷调查。结果表明,情绪劳动与心理健康呈显著负相关,对心理健康具有显著的负向预测作用,具体表现为对躯体化、焦虑、妄想和精神病性有负向预测作用;情绪劳动与工作倦怠呈显著正相关,对工作倦怠具有显著的正向预测作用,表现在情绪衰竭和去人格化两个方面。工作倦怠是情绪劳动与心理健康关系的中介变量,工作倦怠对情绪劳动与心理健康之间的关系具有完全中介作用,情绪劳动通过工作倦怠间接影响心理健康。  相似文献   

This study examined family and neighborhood influences relevant to low-income status to determine how they combine to predict the parenting behaviors of Mexican-American mothers and fathers. The study also examined the role of parenting as a mediator of these contextual influences on adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Study hypotheses were examined in a diverse sample of Mexican-American families in which 750 mothers and 467 fathers reported on their own levels of parental warmth and harsh parenting. Family economic hardship, neighborhood familism values, and neighborhood risk indicators were all uniquely associated with maternal and paternal warmth, and maternal warmth mediated the effects of these contextual influences on adolescent externalizing symptoms in prospective analyses. Parents' subjective perceptions of neighborhood danger interacted with objective indicators of neighborhood disadvantage to influence maternal and paternal warmth. Neighborhood familism values had unique direct effects on adolescent externalizing symptoms in prospective analyses, after accounting for all other context and parenting effects.  相似文献   

印象管理与心理健康表现之相关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金瑾  林为  高尚仁 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1481-1483
本研究旨在考察中国人印象管理与心理健康表现的相关.研究采用印象管理问卷和一般健康问卷,对某石油国企员工进行调查,发现印象管理程度越高的人,其心理健康程度越差;自我推销和威胁策略与焦虑失眠呈正相关;迎合策略与躯体化症状呈正相关,但和严重抑郁呈负相关;示弱策略与社交障碍呈正相关;做秀策略与心理健康各维度均没有显著相关.结果表明不同的印象管理策略对心理健康有不同的影响.  相似文献   

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