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The author explores the connections between Matte Blanco's notion of symmetric frenzy, i.e. the turbulence characteristic of the deepest levels of mental functioning, and Bion's concept of catastrophic change. For Bion, mental links are retrieved from the formless darkness of infinity. With catastrophic change, emotional violence and the confining nature of representation come into conflict, leaving the subject prey to an explosiveness that paralyses mental resources. Matte Blanco identifies indivisibility as the abyss in which all differentiation ceases; he bases his model on the conflict between symmetry and asymmetry. Infinity, he maintains, is where the first forms of mentalization develop. Both Bion and Matte Blanco emphasize the contrast between the immensity of mental space and the spatio-temporal order introduced by the activation of thinking functions. The author presents clinical material from the analysis of a psychotic patient, stressing the need to encourage both working through the defect of thinking (Bion) and 'unfolding' manifestations of symmetry (Matte Blanco) so as to foster the activation of the resources of thought, meanwhile postponing transference interpretation. He concludes with two later sessions, in which recognition of the analyst in the transference allows the analysand to develop his capacity for containment and asymmetric differentiation.  相似文献   

乾卦六龙的天文科学含义新解   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文认为乾卦六爻爻辞所说的“六龙”各种状态是苍龙星在一个回归年中所运动的不同天象。这种天象的观测年代,过去的研究都根据秦汉“二月二,龙抬头”等记载认为是春秋秦汉的实际观测。我们认为,其观测年代至少应早于西周晚期以前的乾卦爻辞形成年代;并根据秦汉易学中“建子起乾龙”“九二当太簇之月”的文献记载、甲骨文中“正月见龙”的记载以及仰韶文化时期的“(恙)和御龙”蚌塑图有力地证实了六龙天象的观测年代当与五帝虞夏的年代相当。同时认为,六龙天象的观测是先民们创制“六龙季历”的天文基础.“六龙季历”则是在古老的易占系统中流传的“易以三百六十析为期”的、刨制于原始社会晚期的一种太阳历。  相似文献   

The paper describes our experience of teaching analytical psychology to a group of graduates of the East European Institute of Psychoanalysis in St Petersburg, our developing partnership as we struggled to teach and learn, each with our own assumptions, preconceptions and projections about the other, and the emotional impact of our radically different social, intellectual and political histories. We had to be affected to become effective. It draws on contemporary Jungian ideas to unpack the interpersonal dynamics involved when there are culturally different styles of learning, which created a complicated transference/countertransference matrix. We believe we have by now witnessed a process of individuation among our students and at the same time they too have witnessed some change and growth in us.  相似文献   

The underlying concern of this paper is that psychoanalysis as practised today is in danger of losing its specificity and so losing its way. The author suggests this is possible for three reasons: the problem analysts face in responding to the strong emotional demands the great majority of patients necessarily place on them, the unintended consequences of the apparent success of 'here and now technique' and the absence of good clinical theory. The paper mainly discusses the author's ideas about some core elements of the clinical theory that all psychoanalysts must use when they are working and proposes (at the risk of being facile) some relatively simple heuristics related to them which are meant to be helpful. Recalling Kurt Lewin's maxim that 'there is nothing so practical as a good theory', he will suggest that continuous reflection on how one is using theory in daily practice is highly practical, if the theory is good enough. Theory in fact is a necessary 'third' in psychoanalytic practice which, if kept in sufficient working order close enough to clinical experience, provides an ongoing and very necessary check on our sense of reality. But, of course, as a third it can, like reality itself, be the focus of both love and hate with equally problematic consequences. The paper starts with a clinical example of a difficult but apparently successful analysis reaching its end, which will be used throughout the paper to illustrate and elaborate the theoretical ideas set out.  相似文献   

This study evaluated and automated analysis system for the WISC-R Reports generated by psychological examiners and by a comoputer program were rated by a random sample of National Association of School Psychologists menbers using a rating scale developed for this study. The results indicated significantly higher ratings for the automated analysis on an overall item and on items addressing Verbal-Performance discrepancies, relative weaknesses, and relative lack of irresponsible interpretation. These results support cautious use of the automated reports and validation in current practice.  相似文献   

The reason for the emergence of consciousness of filial piety is that parental care could activate reciprocal filial piety. Parental care and filial piety are two supplementary phenomena caused by the same time consciousness. Phenomenology neglects consciousness of filial piety because it lacks the thinking that sees the fundamental “meaning of time” in the intersection of “past” and “future”. The consciousness of filial piety can only be really constituted by a human being’s personal experience. “Frustrations in personal life” and “breeding of children for oneself” are two occasions for an adult to fight against the separating effect of individualized consciousness and regain awareness of filial piety. Translated by Huang Deyuan from Beijing Daxue Xuebao 北京大学学报 (Journal of Peking University), 2006, (1): 14–24  相似文献   

The author examines psychic trauma resulting from human rights violations in Chile. Starting from trauma theories developed by authors such as Ferenczi, Winnicott and Stolorow, she posits the relevance of the subject's emotionally signifi cant environment in the production of the traumatic experience. She describes the characteristics of the therapeutic process on the basis of a clinical case. She emphasizes the need to recognize the damage that may be produced within the reliable link between patient and analyst, pointing out the risk of retraumatization if analysts distance themselves and apply ‘technique’ rigorously, leaving out their own subjective assessments. Therapists must maintain their focus on the conjunction of the patient's intersubjective context and inner psychic world both when exploring the origin of the trauma and when insight is produced. The author posits repetition in the transference as an attempt at reparation, at fi nding the expected response from the analyst that will help patients assemble the fragments of their history and achieve, as Winnicott would put it, a feeling of continuity in the experience of being.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法对107名重点与非重点学校的小学、初中学生课外阅读时间、阅读时间分配进行了调查,并考察了它们与阅读成绩的关系。结果发现:(1)小学生与初中生课外平均每周阅读时间无显著差异,但其时间的分配有差异,小学生主要阅读文学类书籍,而初中生除了主要阅读文学类书籍外,增加了阅读娱乐类书籍的时间;(2)整体上看,中小学生课外阅读时间与阅读成绩存在显著相关,其中文学类书籍课外阅读时间与阅读成绩有显著正相关,娱乐类书籍课外阅读时间与重点学校学生的阅读成绩以及男生的阅读成绩有显著的负相关。  相似文献   

江峰 《周易研究》2005,(3):19-23
对<周易>本体历来有多样化的诠释和理解.本文力图从现时代社会文化生态与<周易>的关联点上对蒙卦作多重含义的透析,旨在体察中华民族文化的内在生机、发展机缘和社会生态.  相似文献   

人体系统的非优性与疾病的时空特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人体系统并非完美,生命抛物线是由生理年龄、社会年龄、人体熵三大要素在非线性作用下相干的结果,从而呈现一种复杂的网状“大X构架”。每一个交叉点都具有阶段性态变的意义和对生命质量的表征。疾病是人体系统非优的必然。熵压决定了熵的退行性运动,从而也决定了生命时间的有限性。疾病是熵增过程造成机体不同程度封闭的结果。每次疾病都是对熵的增压,造成机体的物质丢失、时间丢失与跳跃,出现熵运动方面的引力偏折,从而在局  相似文献   

The author traces in detail how, in the analytic relationship, she was slowly able to read aspects of the trauma as 'quotations' and gradually, through transference, transform them into a symbolic language. Split-off aggression and guilt feelings became progressively accessible to interpretation through transferential projective identifi cations. During his analysis, the patient discovered he was the child of Nazi criminals: on his mother's side they were the third generation; on his father's side, the second.  相似文献   

The attribution made by an observer (O) to an actor in the forced compliance situation was regarded as a probability revision process which can be described by a Bayesian inference model. Os' perceptions of the forced compliance situation were analyzed in terms of the input components into the Bayesian model: prior probabilities of the relevant attitudes and the diagnostic values of the behaviors which the actor may choose. In order to test propositions made by attribution theory about such perceptions (Kelley, 1967;Messick, 1971), Os viewed actors under conditions of Low Inducement (LI) and High Inducement (HI). Before observing the actor's decision, Os estimated the prior probabilities of the relevant attitudes and the conditional probabilities of compliance and refusal given each of the attitudes. After observing the actor's decision, Os estimated the posterior probabilities of the attitudes. As expected, in the LI condition, compared to the HI condition, compliance was seen as less probable and more diagnostic about the actor's attitudes, and the posterior probability of the corresponding attitude was higher. Contrary to expectations, within both conditions, compliance, compared to refusal, was seen as less diagnostic and more probable.  相似文献   

徐素华先生文章把我提出的“中国马克思主义哲学”等同于他所说的“党的指导思想形态”,“在中国的马克思主义哲学”等同于他所说的“学术研究形态”,这不符合我的本意。“马克思主义哲学合法性问题”的讨论确实存在。“中国马克思主义哲学”是在中国实践中学习、运用,在总结实践经验、发扬中国优秀哲学文化、升华人民群众智慧的基础上发展了的马克思主义哲学。它是中国哲学的一个现代形态。它既是一个创新的哲学理论体系,又是党的指导思想的哲学基础。  相似文献   

“左阳右阴”理论作为一种思想文化,其形成和发展不可避免地受到经济、政治、科技、思想运动、地理环境等社会与自然多方面因素的影响。鉴于传统时空观对中医学生命观存在指导意义,以时空观为出发点,窥探“左阳右阴”思想形成的自然缘由。这一思想化用于中医领域,演变为中医学认识人体、辨治疾病的重要理论,在脏腑、气血、病证等方面均有体现。关于“左血右气”与“左阳右阴”的矛盾现象,认为原因在于阐述的角度差异,两种理论具体应用时彼此支持,这是中医学立足于整体,论述气血阴阳浑为一体的具体体现。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a Bayesian framework for estimating finite mixtures of the LISREL model. The basic idea in our analysis is to augment the observed data of the manifest variables with the latent variables and the allocation variables. The Gibbs sampler is implemented to obtain the Bayesian solution. Other associated statistical inferences, such as the direct estimation of the latent variables, establishment of a goodness-of-fit assessment for a posited model, Bayesian classification, residual and outlier analyses, are discussed. The methodology is illustrated with a simulation study and a real example.This research was supported by a Hong Kong UGC Earmarked grant CUHK 4026/97H. The authors are indebted to the Editor, the Associate Editor, and three anonymous reviewers for constructive comments in improving the paper, and also to ICPSR and the relevant funding agency for allowing the use of the data. The assistance of Michael K.H. Leung and Esther L.S. Tam is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

We present a quantitative study of mental time travel to the past and future in sleep onset hypnagogia. Three independent, blind judges analysed a total of 150 mentation reports from different intervals prior to and after sleep onset. The linguistic tool for the mentation report analysis grounds on established grammatical and cognitive-semantic theories, and proof of concept has been provided in previous studies. The current results indicate that memory for the future, but not for the past, decreases in sleep onset – thereby supporting preliminary physiological evidence at the level of brain function. While recent memory research emphasizes similarities in the cognitive and physiological processes of mental time travel to the past and future, the current study explores a state of consciousness which may serve to dissociate between the two.  相似文献   

盲人的时间水平方向隐喻的通道特异性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过2个实验, 考察了感觉通道对盲人的时间水平方向隐喻的影响。实验1发现, 盲人只在动作水平上存在同阅读方向一致的时间水平方向隐喻, 对表征过去的词或句子按左键反应和对表征将来的词或句子按右键反应时更快, 表明盲人用于隐喻时间的空间信息是知觉性的。实验2比较了明眼人可视组被试和明眼人遮眼组被试的时间空间隐喻, 发现明眼人可视组被试只在动作水平上存在时间水平方向隐喻, 明眼人遮眼组被试只在刺激在右侧时呈现才出现动作水平的时间水平方向隐喻。综合分析表明, 盲人和明眼人可视组被试的反应更为接近, 表明盲人的时间空间隐喻未受听觉信息的影响。盲人通过运动通道获得的空间认知代偿了视觉通道信息的缺失。  相似文献   

In the Arena Chapel in Padua, Giotto painted seven allegorical representations of virtues and seven allegorical representations of vices. This article probes the sources for the list of virtues and the list of vices. The ensemble of virtues can be located in St. Thomas Aquinas; the ensemble of the vices, however, is original. The result is a new account of vices that displaces the odler account of the “seven deadly sins.”  相似文献   

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