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分配注意对短时记忆中知觉组织的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
包燕  王甦 《心理学报》2000,32(3):258-263
以大学生为被试,采用双作业技术研究自由回忆和顺序回忆中编码和提取阶段分配注意对短时记忆知觉组织的影响。研究发现:在集中注意条件下,自由回忆和顺序回忆中分组项目表的回忆成绩均最著优于不分组项目表,表现出知觉分组效应;在编码阶段分配注意,自由回忆和顺序回忆中的知觉分组效应均消失;在提取阶段分配注意,顺序回忆中的知觉分组效应消失,而自由回忆中的此效应仍然保留,显示出自由回忆和顺序回忆的不同特点。作者设想,短时记忆的知觉组织加工既发生在编码阶段,也发生在提取阶段,而以编码阶段为主,并需要较多注意资源。  相似文献   

对汉字短时记忆编码的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以汉字为材料,通过将显示通道由听觉转换成视觉或由视觉转换成听觉从而引起短时记忆前摄抑制释放的方法进行研究,被试由中国学生和刚学习中文的美国学生组成。结果表明:(1)视觉显示比听觉显示条件下的回忆成绩好。(2)两类被试在显示通道双向转换时都出现明显的前摄抑制释放。本文与用英文材料作类似实验的结果作比较,提出中英文短时记忆编码操作不同的看法。  相似文献   

短时记忆提取是认知心理学研究中的重要课题之一。自Sternberg(1 966)提出短时记忆提取作的是序列的从头到尾的完全搜索以来 ,许多研究者对短时记忆提取进行了广泛的研究 ,提出了序列的自动停止的搜索、平行加工、直接存取 ,以及序列搜索和直接存取双重模型等许多不同看法 ,引起了激烈争论。本研究的目的是试图探索编码方式对汉字短时记忆提取的影响。实验运用Sternberg的“探测法” ,以随机排列的汉字作识记组和探测项刺激。实验结果表明 :编码方式对汉字短时记忆提取有很大影响 ,当用声音编码方式提取短时记忆汉字时 ,被试倾向于从头到尾的完全的搜索 ;当用形状编码时 ,被试倾向于作自动停止的搜索。  相似文献   

短时记忆提取机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
肖崇好  黄希庭 《心理科学》1999,22(4):302-304
该实验操作探测数字在记忆集中的位置来研究短时记忆的提取机制。结果发现:用Sternberg范式研究短时记忆提取机制存在缺限:操作记忆集不能反映被试的搜索过程。该研究显示:短时记忆的提取不是以自始至终或平行扫描为前提。短时记忆的提取机制受记忆集大小的影响较大。记忆集小于3时,短时记忆的提取是系列自中断扫描;记忆集大于3时,短时记忆的提取以记忆项目的痕迹强度为依据。  相似文献   

定险峰 《心理科学》2002,25(1):109-110
短时记忆的范畴群集(category clustering)是短时记忆信息一种重要的组织形式。它表现为当不同范畴的一些词随机混合呈现时,被试在自由回忆中常将属于同一范畴的一些词聚在一起回忆出来,显示出将一些词按范畴进行组织的倾向。一般认为。范畴群集可提高短时记忆成绩,有利于信息从短时记忆转入长时记忆。  相似文献   

汉字短时记忆提取的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
汉字短时记忆提取的实验研究水仁德,刘爱伦(杭州大学心理学系)1引言Sternberg(1966,1969)对短时记忆提取作了系统研究并提出了短时记忆提取采用序列的、从头到尾的搜索、从那以后,许多研究者对短时记忆提取作了广泛研究,但所有的的材料大多数是...  相似文献   

提取练习效应的研究揭示了提取在记忆保持中的重要性,新近研究表明RPE的产生是编码和提取共同作用的结果。本研究通过两个实验考察编码与提取时长对RPE的影响。实验1采用2(编码时长:3秒,10秒)×2(提取时长:8秒,13秒)的被试间设计,考察即时测试(5分钟后)条件下的RPE。实验2将最终测试的时间间隔延长至24小时。结果发现,延长编码时间有利于提高即时测试下的记忆成绩及记忆保持率,但这一优势随测试间隔延长而消失;延长提取时间在即时和延迟测试下均导致了更高的记忆成绩和记忆保持率。研究表明,编码时长对RPE的影响与测试间隔有关,提取时长是影响RPE的关键因素。  相似文献   

通过考察编码阶段注意分心对定义一体化条件下联结记忆成绩的影响,探究定义一体化编码对注意资源的依赖程度。使用注意分心范式,在记忆编码过程操作无分心、奇偶分心和大小分心条件,比较不同注意条件下的联结记忆成绩。结果发现:与无分心条件相比,定义一体化下的联结记忆成绩在两种分心条件下没有显著变化,而造句下的联结记忆成绩在两种分心条件下显著降低。当前发现表明了定义一体化编码较少依赖于注意资源,这深化了对定义一体化编码机制的认识。  相似文献   

将情景中的各要素绑定加工成连贯的关系结构,是形成情景记忆的核心过程。本研究使用图像配对联想学习任务,在测试阶段采用自由回忆、线索回忆和再认任务,考察了儿童二元和三元绑定能力的发展及其中编码和提取能力的影响。结果表明,绑定加工能力随年龄增长而提高,二元绑定比三元绑定的发展开始得更早。编码水平对两种绑定能力存在不同影响,5岁儿童已经具有成熟的编码信息进行二元绑定加工的能力;但三元绑定受限于编码缺陷,在6.5岁后才因相应编码能力的缓慢提高而得到少量发展。但在儿童期内,二元和三元绑定同时受到了提取能力发展的促进。  相似文献   

以简单图形为视觉刺激,以短纯音作为听觉刺激,通过指导被试注意不同通道(注意视觉、注意听觉、注意视听)以形成不同注意状态(选择性注意和分配性注意),考察了注意对多感觉整合的影响,发现只有在分配性注意时被试对双通道目标的反应最快最准确。通过竞争模型分析发现,这种对双通道目标的加工优势源自于视听双通道刺激的整合。上述结果表明,只有在分配性注意状态下才会产生多感觉整合。  相似文献   

The present study used attention operating characteristics (AOCs) to examine whether age differences existed in divided attention (DA) performance when both primary (cued recall) and secondary tasks (letter recall) were analyzed simultaneously. Additionally, to determine if age differences in DA might depend on the amount of elaborative processing required at study, participants either read (low elaboration) or generated (high elaboration) target words. AOC analyses indicated that performance was disrupted most when attention was divided at encoding versus retrieval, and dividing attention had a greater negative impact on older adults’ performance relative to younger adults’. Furthermore, the high elaboration condition was less affected by DA than the low elaboration condition for both age groups. The results indicate that although the ability to divide attention declines with age, some elaborative study strategies may be more resistant to DA effects for both younger and older adults.  相似文献   

分配注意与发音抑制对视觉工作记忆的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱晓斌  李洁 《心理科学》2008,31(1):142-146,132
本研究通过两个实验考察了分配注意与发音抑制对视觉工作记忆再认能力的影响.结果表明,保持阶段的分配注意与编码阶段的分配注意相比,对视觉工作记忆成绩影响更大;双任务条件下,被试正确回忆言语刺激时,视觉作业的正确率高,而错误回忆言语刺激时,视觉作业的正确率会降低;发音抑制与视觉工作记忆成绩无关.  相似文献   

贺莉  杨治良  郭纬 《心理科学》2005,28(2):311-313
本实验研究在分散注意条件下,含有靶线索活动出现延迟问隔对前瞻记忆的影响。实验采用视觉与听觉分散注意的实验材料,嵌入前赡记忆任务进行研究。实验结果表明:(1)间隔在0—1分钟时,前瞻记忆对进行中任务稍有影响,但不显著;(2)间隔降低前瞻记忆任务成绩;(3)前瞻记忆任务成绩在0-1分钟呈快速遗忘趋势,3分钟后出现平台期。  相似文献   

Although several types of figurative language exist, neuropsychological tests of non-literal language have focused on proverbs. Metaphors in the form X is (a) Y (e.g., The body’s immunological response is a battle against disease.) place a lower demand on language skills and are more easily manipulated for novelty than proverbs. Forty healthy participants completed the Metaphor Interpretation Test (developed by the authors). The task includes 20 items chosen from a list of metaphors that were rated on several scales (e.g. imagery, aptness) in a study by Katz et al. (Metaphor Symb Act 3(4):191–214, 1988). Participants were asked to rate the familiarity and provide an explanation of each metaphor. A scoring system was developed to categorize answers into: abstract complete (AC), abstract partial (AP), concrete (CT), and other/unrelated (OT) types. Participants also completed short-term memory and divided attention tests. Overall, participants produced 56 % AC, 25.38 % AP, 7.88 % CT, and 10.88 % OT responses. It was found that a measure of verbal short-term memory span was the best predictor of performance on this task (adjusted \(R^{2}= .369\) ). It appears that short-term memory span, not working memory or divided attention, contributes most to providing abstract responses in explaining metaphors. This is in line with the idea that when one accesses the semantic network associated with a novel metaphor, one must hold this information in mind long enough to search for and link similar cognitive networks.  相似文献   


Age differences in memory performances on a conceptually driven task, the category exemplar generation (CEG) test, were investigated. Thirty-six younger adults and 36 healthy older adults studied word lists in full and divided attention conditions. Recall was tested with category names. The process-dissociation procedure was used to derive estimates of controlled and automatic memory. Old-old adults (70–84 years) exhibited poorer conscious recollection than both younger (18–24) and young-old adults (59–69). In contrast, no age differences were found in estimates of automatic memory. For the younger and older adults, the divided encoding manipulation reduced both the consciously controlled and automatic estimates of memory. The results suggest that the few prior findings of age deficits in priming on the CEG may have been an artifact of contamination from conscious retrieval processes. They also indicate that the opportunity for greater semantic processing enhances the conceptual priming of both younger and older adults.  相似文献   

包燕  周建中 《心理科学》2001,24(6):747-748
短时记忆是人类信息加工系统的一个重要环节,是外界信息通往长时记忆的必经之路。但研究发现,短时记忆所能存储的信息十分有限。为了相对扩大短时记忆容量,提高短时信息加工的效率,人们常常对短时记忆中的信息进行各种各样的组织加工,如通道组织、范畴组织、知觉组织等等。其中知觉组织是与短时记忆联系较为紧密的一种组织形式。  相似文献   

本研究采用ERPs技术,探讨编码任务对来源记忆的影响及其神经机制。在学习阶段,被试进行两种编码操作:匹配判断任务和大小判断任务;在测验阶段,让被试进行来源判断任务。行为结果发现:在编码阶段,匹配判断任务比大小判断任务需要更长的时间;在测验阶段,匹配判断任务在“项目旧/背景旧”和“部分旧”条件的正确率显著高于大小判断任务,匹配判断任务在“项目旧/背景旧”条件的反应时显著短于大小判断任务。测验阶段ERPs结果发现:两种编码任务的新旧效应在200~700ms均有较广泛的头皮分布,而在700~1100ms呈前额皮层最大化分布;匹配判断任务的新旧效应比大小判断任务更大,表现在600~700ms的FPz电极以及700~800ms的Pz、P4电极。由此可见,在来源记忆中,编码任务影响来源记忆,主要表现在后部顶区位置;晚期前额皮层新旧效应不受任务难度因素的影响。  相似文献   

The effects of irrelevant sounds on reading comprehension and short-term memory were studied in two experiments. In Experiment 1, adults judged the acceptability of written sentences during irrelevent speech, accompanied and unaccompanied singing, instrumental music, and in silence. Sentences varied in syntactic complexity: Simple sentences contained a right-branching relative clause ( The applause pleased the woman that gave the speech ) and syntactically complex sentences included a centre-embedded relative clause ( The hay that the farmer stored fed the hungry animals ). Unacceptable sentences either sounded acceptable ( The dog chased the cat that eight up all his food ) or did not ( The man praised the child that sight up his spinach ). Decision accuracy was impaired by syntactic complexity but not by irrelevant sounds. Phonological coding was indicated by increased errors on unacceptable sentences that sounded correct. These error rates were unaffected by irrelevant sounds. Experiment 2 examined effects of irrelevant sounds on ordered recall of phonologically similar and dissimilar word lists. Phonological similarity impaired recall. Irrelevant speech reduced recall but did not interact with phonological similarity. The results of these experiments question assumptions about the relationship between speech input and phonological coding in reading and the short-term store.  相似文献   

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