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Five groups of pigeons received seven sessions of variable-interval reinforcement for pecking a blank white key, followed by either 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 sessions of training on a successive discrimination in which the positive stimulus was the blank white key and the negative stimulus was a black vertical line on the white key. After training, a generalization test was administered along the line-tilt continuum. Relative gradients of inhibition became steeper with increased amounts of training, and reliably nonhorizontal absolute gradients were obtained only from groups of subjects with at least four days of training. Therefore, inhibitory stimulus control improves with added training. Several problems with the concept of “inhibition” are examined and some implications of the results for theoretical analyses of operant discrimination learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Most previous research on the effect of the duration of preceding discrimination training on responding to a new stimulus has measured the responding during extinction. To reduce effects originating in the extinction procedure itself, the present study assessed the effect of discrimination training on responses to a new negative stimulus added during continued discrimination training. Pigeons were given a new negative stimulus (blue key) after 0, 1, 3, or 9 days of discrimination training with a yellow key as the positive stimulus, and both a green key and a red key as negative. Fewer responses were made to the blue key when it was introduced after nine days of discrimination training than after less discrimination training. That effect of long discrimination training agrees with reported results from extinction tests. However, the effect of briefer discrimination training in the present study differed from reported results with extinction testing. It appears that testing during continued discrimination training eliminates a distortion present in extinction tests of the effect of discrimination training on responding to a new stimulus.  相似文献   

Three groups of pigeons were trained with a modified discriminative autoshaping procedure to discriminate video images of other pigeons on the basis of movement. Birds of all groups were shown the same video images of other pigeons, which were either moving or still. The group to whom food was presented only after moving images learned the discrimination very quickly. A second group, to whom food was given only after still images, and a pseudocategory group, to whom food was presented after arbitrarily chosen stimuli, showed no evidence of discrimination during acquisition training. Extinction conditions led to clear differences in peck rates to moving and still images in the second group but not in the pseudocategory group. The result is related to the feature-positive effect. Generalization tests showed that the discrimination performance was based on visual features of the stimuli but was invariant against changes of size, perspective, brightness, and color. Furthermore, discrimination was maintained when novel images of pigeons under different viewing angles and seven other types of motion categories were presented. It is argued that the discrimination is based not on a common motion feature but on motion concepts or high-order generalization across motion categories.  相似文献   

Thirty pigeons were given variable interval training to peck a 555-nm. light and then were tested for wavelength generalization. The subjects were later assigned to 1 of 3 groups, matched for both relative generalization slope and response rate. One group then received successive discrimination training between the 555-nm. stimulus (S+) and a vertical white line on a 555-nm. background (S minus); another group experienced the same S+ but a vertical white line on a black background as S minus. A third group received a comparable amount of single stimulus training with the 555-nm. value. On a second wavelength generalization test, the first group yielded greater sharpening of generalization than the second group, whereas the third group showed no change from Test 1. These results indicate that the sharpening of generalization gradients by discrimination training is directly related to the similarity of the discrimination training stimuli.  相似文献   

One group of rats was removed from their home cage and received daily handling from Days 3-21, while the control group of litter mates remained in the cage and did not receive any treatment. On Day 22 all rats were weaned and they were housed in individual cages until they were 60 days old. After two pretraining days, subjects were given daily blocks of one free and three forced trials in the T-maze and were rewarded with food after making the correct response. Following 20 days of training and testing on black-white discrimination, subjects were given 10 days of reversal training with four daily trials. Results indicate that the handled animals showed faster running and a greater number of correct choices than the control rats during both the acquisition and reversal learning phases of the experiment.  相似文献   

The effects of discrimination and avoidance training on the skin resistance response were studied in eight humans. Responses occurring during one stimulus delayed the interruption of music for 30 sec; responses during a second stimulus either had no effect or interrupted the music for 15 sec. The results showed stimulus control in all subjects and an increased discrimination between the first one-half and last one-half of the sessions for seven of the eight subjects.  相似文献   

Wild and domestic rats (Rattus norvegicus) were compared on nondifferential appetitive variable interval responding, discrimination, and discrimination reversal procedures. The effects of strain, sex, deprivation, preexperimental handling, and sessions on response rate were examined. Performances during the 60 days of variable interval training showed prolonged increases over that period for all strain-sex groupings, with domestic subjects responding at higher rates than wild. Males also tended to respond at higher rates than females. During the discrimination procedure wild subjects showed more resistance to extinction than did the domestic subjects, although these differences generally diminished after the 30 days of training. During the discrimination reversal procedure domestic subjects reversed their responding pattern more readily than did the wild subjects, and domestic females reached criterion significantly sooner than domestic males. The effects of deprivation and handling were not significant during the experimental procedures.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the effect of an illuminated response key on the acquisition of stimulus control by an airflow stimulus was assessed. In the first experiment, pigeons were given nondifferential training with airflow emerging from behind the response key in one of three conditions of illumination: trained to peck a lighted key, trained to peck an unlighted key with a houselight present, trained to peck a key in total darkness. After 10 days of training on a variable-interval schedule of reinforcement, all subjects were given a generalization test on airflow velocity. The gradients for subjects trained in the dark were sharp, while those for subjects trained in lighted conditions were shallow. In the second experiment, the effect of an irrelevant keylight on the acquisition of an airflow velocity discrimination was assessed. Two groups of pigeons were trained to discriminate two airflow velocities. One group was trained with a lighted response key and the other was trained to peck the response key in total darkness. The dark-trained subjects acquired the discrimination more rapidly. The results demonstrate that the acquisition of stimulus control by airflow with either a differential or nondifferential training procedure can be overshadowed by keylight.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of discrimination training on improving reading skills for young adults. 90 college students (M age = 26.2 yr.), who were identified as low achievers with below average reading skills, were randomly assigned to one of three training conditions: the General Discrimination Group, the Reading Discrimination Group, and the Study Skills Group. Following 10 days of training, the subjects were tested on a standard reading achievement test, a problem-solving test, and a measure of cognitive style. Minimal differences between the pre- and posttraining scores for all three training conditions were noted. These findings contrast with developmental research that has indicated the importance of discrimination ability and suggest distinctive problems of adults with poor reading skills.  相似文献   

Two experiments on partial reinforcement were undertaken to test predictions made by a two process model of discrimination learning. In the first experiment rats were trained on a discrimination involving two relevant cues: one group (C) was trained on a 100: o schedule, the other (P) on a 50:0 schedule. Both groups were then given transfer tests with the two cues presented individually; finally all animals were extinguished on the original training stimuli and on the single cue stimuli. During extinction there was a negative correlation between the number of correct responses made by individual subjects of Group C to each single cue; whereas the correlation was positive for subjects of Group P. The second experiment employed basically the same design, but subjects were trained with seven relevant cues. The results of transfer tests showed that subjects of Group P learned to attach the correct response to many more cues than subjects of Group C. This suggests that the breadth of learning is greater under partial than under consistent reinforcement. The results were predicted by the model of discrimination learning under test.  相似文献   

Methods were compared for teaching severely retarded boys to discriminate the position of a 0.75-in. black square and to press the response key closest to it. Seven boys were given trial-and-error training; one learned the task. The six boys who did not learn were presented with a program of graduated stimulus changes. All but one acquired the performance, and he was under appropriate control during the program. When he reached the criterion stimuli, he reverted to a position-based response learned during trial-and-error training. Six similar subjects were presented with graduated stimulus training alone. All six learned the criterion discrimination with few or no errors. Both groups were tested for retention of the criterion performance 35 days after training was completed. Two boys who had near-perfect criterion discrimination performances showed no signs of retention after 35 days. These boys had a history of trial-and-error training.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats were given one trial per day in a straight alley under food deprivation on half of the trials and under water deprivation on the other half. Wet mash was available in the goal box under food deprivation for Group H and under water deprivation for Group T, the other deprivation being nonrewarded for each group. After 15--18 trials both groups ran significantly faster on their rewarded than on their nonrewarded deprivation days. A third group showed that random variation of alley color retarded formation of the discrimination. A fourth group was run in a conditional discrimination in which under food deprivation wet mash was available in a black alley, nonreward in a white alley, and vice versa under water deprivation. This group took 114 trials to begin running significantly faster in their rewarded than in their nonrewarded alley under each deprivation. In Experiment 2, it was shown that prior learning about deprivation cues "blocks" learning about alley color when alley color is subsequently presented in compound with the deprivation cue but that when both alley color and deprivation cues are relevant from the start of training, the rat learns about both cues. It is suggested that previous studies have underestimated the importance of deprivation cues by using conditional discrimination designs, choice measures rather than speeds, and parameters that are not optimal for discrimination learning.  相似文献   

Differential conditioning of Mongolian gerbils to linearly frequency-modulated tones (FM) has recently received experimental attention. In the study of the role of cerebral protein synthesis for FM discrimination memory, gerbils received post-training bilateral injections of anisomycin into the auditory cortex under light halothane anesthesia. Compared with saline-treated controls, anisomycin-treated gerbils showed a discrimination decrement during the subsequent three days of training. They markedly improved their performance within training sessions, but started each session at low levels. When repeatedly trained gerbils received post-session injections of anisomycin, discrimination performance during subsequent sessions was similar to the pre-injection performance, indicating that retention, retrieval, reconsolidation, and expression of the established reaction were not affected. However, the improvement of a partially established discrimination reaction was impaired after this treatment. Intracortical injections of emetine confirmed this finding. Neither drug affected FM discrimination learning when given several days before the initial training. Our results suggest that protein-synthesis inhibitors applied to the auditory cortex of gerbils during the post-acquisition phase interfered with learning and memory-related aspects of FM processing. The resulting deficit was evident for a number of post-injection training days. This effect was probably due to impaired consolidation, i.e., processes required for long-term stabilization or retrieval of the memory trace while leaving short-term memory intact.  相似文献   

Three groups of four rats were trained on an auditory-intensity discrimination for 21 days. The SD-SΔ intensity difference for Group I was 10 db; for Group II, 20 db; and for Group III, 30 db. Following the initial discrimination training, the animals were tested for generalization of the bar-press response to seven novel SΔ's which were presented intermingled with the original SD and SΔ values. Conclusions: (1.) The amount of simple discrimination training required to obtain fairly stable differences in SD and SΔ responding is an inverse function of the magnitude of the stimulus difference between SD and SΔ. (2.) Generalization gradients obtained immediately following simple discrimination training exhibit a maximum displaced from SD in a direction also away from SΔ. (3.) Gradients obtained following continued exposure to the multivalued SΔ situation show a fairly stable maximum at the SD value. (4.) Although the gradients tend to fall off systematically on either side of the continuum as distance from SD is increased, they decrease most rapidly on the SΔ limb of the gradient.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined transfer of learning between a concurrent discrimination and a matching (or non-matching)-to-sample discrimination in rats. In Experiment 1, rats were trained to criterion (group NOT) or were overtrained (group OT) on two concurrent discriminations. Subsequently, group OT learned a matching (or non-matching) task more rapidly than did group NOT. In Experiment 2, rats were initially given matching (or nonmatching) tasks and then given whole or half reversal with these tasks. Group whole reversed faster than group half. In Experiment 3, two groups of rats were trained on matching (or non-matching) tasks, and then given concurrent discrimination training, followed by either whole or half reversal training (groups matching and non-matching). Another group (group control) received a pseudo-discrimination followed by the same training in Phases 2 and 3 as groups matching and non-matching. In groups matching and non-matching, rats learned the whole reversal more rapidly than the half reversal. But the opposite result was observed in group control. These findings suggest that transfer effects reported in Experiments 1 and 2 are governed by the same mechanism for the formation of associations between stimuli.  相似文献   

Three groups of pigeons were trained on a red-green discrimination in which the stimuli were alternately presented in a multiple schedule of reinforcement. The discrimination was reversed 24 times. Groups were given 1, 2, or 4 hr of training on each discrimination. Increasing the length of training had two principal effects on reversal performance: it increased the rate of extinction of responding to one of the stimuli and increased the rate of reacquisition of responding to the other. The latter effect involved both an increase in reacquisition of responding to a positive stimulus within reversals and an increase in recovery of responding to the previous negative stimulus between reversals. Improvements in performance of each group over the series of reversals were qualitatively similar to the two effects of length of training on each discrimination, and were analogous to effects obtained in other studies involving overtraining and successive reversals of simultaneous discriminations.  相似文献   

Four-year-old children were tested on letter discrimination. Subjects in two experimental groups went through an experimental training program on a match-to-sample apparatus. Subjects in the experimental-critical group were given reinforcers for responding to features of the stimuli thought critical for discriminating letters while subjects in the experimental-noncritical group were given reinforcers for responding to non-critical features. Subjects went through the training program daily until they reached criterion; then they were posttested on letters. Subjects in a control group received no training but were posttested. Subjects in all groups made fewer errors on the posttest. Subjects in the experimental-critical group made significantly fewer posttest errors than subjects in the experimental-noncritical group, lending support to the hypothesis that reinforcement of discriminative responding to critical features of letter-like stimuli results in greater improvement in letter discrimination than reinforcement of discriminative responding to noncritical features of stimuli. Analysis of confusion matrices provided tentative indications of the nature of letter confusions in 4-yr-old children.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of bottom-up versus top-down sensory inputs to auditory learning are not well established. In our experiment, listeners were instructed to perform either a frequency discrimination (FD) task ("FD-train group") or an intensity discrimination (ID) task ("ID-train group") during training on a set of physically identical tones that were impossible to discriminate consistently above chance, allowing us to vary top-down attention whilst keeping bottom-up inputs fixed. A third, control group did not receive any training. Only the FD-train group improved on a FD probe following training, whereas all groups improved on ID following training. However, only the ID-train group also showed changes in performance accuracy as a function of interval with training on the ID task. These findings suggest that top-down, dimension-specific attention can direct auditory learning, even when this learning is not reflected in conventional performance measures of threshold change.  相似文献   

The selective attention and stimulus generalization interpretations of the easy-to-hard effect were tested by training one group of rats on an easy brightness discrimination and “reversing” them on a more difficult brightness discrimination. A control group, initially trained on the difficult discrimination, was reversed at the same time as the experimental group. The experimental group learned the reversal more rapidly and this was interpreted as supporting the selective attention interpretation.  相似文献   

The present studies assessed the degree of stimulus control exerted by S+ and S? without confoundings of stimulus novelty and stimulus ambiguity. In Experiment 1, rats were trained on two intercurrent simultaneous discrimination problems with nine times more training given on one than the other. Then the animals were given transfer tests with re-paired stimuli. The results showed that S? exerts greater stimulus control than S+ in a two-choice simultaneous discrimination. Experiment 2 provided a test of the possibility that the relative degree of control by S? varies with different amounts of training. Three groups were trained on two intercurrent simultaneous discrimination problems; each group was given 7, 11, or 15 times more training on one problem than the other. Then transfer tests were given with re-paired stimuli. Again the results showed that S? exerts greater stimulus control than S+ in a two-choice simultaneous discrimination.  相似文献   

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