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Estrogen modulates learning and memory in ovariectomized and naturally cycling female rats, especially in tasks using spatial learning and navigation. Estrogen also modulates cholinergic function in various forebrain structures. Past studies have shown positive correlations between hippocampal ACh output and performance on hippocampus-dependent tasks. The present study examined whether estradiol replacement would potentiate hippocampal ACh release during place learning. In vivo microdialysis and HPLC were used to measure extracellular ACh levels in the hippocampus of ovariectomized female rats that had received s.c. injections of 17beta-estradiol (10 microg) or sesame oil (vehicle treatment) 48 and 24h prior to training on a place task. Estrogen did not alter baseline levels of extracellular ACh in the hippocampus. During training, hippocampal ACh increased in ovariectomized rats regardless of estrogen status. However, while estradiol did not enhance learning in this experiment, estradiol significantly potentiated the increase in hippocampal ACh release seen during place training. This represents the first demonstration of on-line assessment of ACh output in hippocampus during learning in female rats and suggests that estrogen-dependent modulation of ACh release during training might control activation of different neural systems used during learning.  相似文献   

In mammals, the dorsomedial striatum is one brain area shown to be critical for the flexible shifting of response patterns. At present, the neurochemical mechanisms that underlie learning during a shift in response patterns are unknown. The present study examined the effects of NMDA competitive antagonist, DL-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP-5), injected into the dorsomedial striatum on the acquisition and reversal of a response discrimination. Male Long-Evans rats were tested across two consecutive days in a modified cross-maze. Rats received an infusion of either saline or AP-5 (5 or 25 nmol) 5 min prior to each test session. In the acquisition phase rats learned to turn in one direction (right or left) to receive a cereal reinforcement. In the reversal learning phase rats learned to turn in the opposite direction as in the acquisition phase. In both phases, criterion was achieved when a rat made 10 consecutive correct trials. Infusions of AP-5 did not impair acquisition, but impaired reversal learning of a response discrimination in a dose-dependent fashion. The reversal learning deficit induced by AP-5 resulted from reversions back to the originally learned response pattern following the initial shift. These results suggest that activation of NMDA receptors in the dorsomedial striatum are critical for the flexible shifting of response patterns by enhancing the reliable execution of a new response pattern under changing task contingencies.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the release of acetylcholine in the hippocampus and striatum when rats were trained, within single sessions, on place or response versions of food-rewarded mazes. Microdialysis samples of extra-cellular fluid were collected from the hippocampus and striatum at 5-min increments before, during, and after training. These samples were later analyzed for ACh content using HPLC methods. In Experiment 1, ACh release in both the hippocampus and striatum increased during training on both the place and response tasks. The magnitude of increase of training-related ACh release in the striatum was greater in rats trained on the response task than in rats trained on the place task, while the magnitude of ACh release in the hippocampus was comparable in the two tasks. Experiment 2 tested the possibility that the hippocampus was engaged and participated in learning the response task, as well as the place task, because of the availability of extra-maze cues. Rats were trained on a response version of a maze under either cue-rich or cue-poor conditions. The findings indicate that ACh release in the hippocampus increased similarly under both cue conditions, but declined during training on the cue-poor condition, when spatial processing by the hippocampus would not be suitable for solving the maze. In addition, high baseline levels of ACh release in the hippocampus predicted rapid learning in the cue-rich condition and slow learning in the cue-poor condition. These findings suggest that ACh release in the hippocampus augments response learning when extra-maze cues can be used to solve the maze but impairs response learning when extra-maze cues are not available for use in solving the maze.  相似文献   

Memory consolidation is thought to involve the gradual transfer of transient hippocampal-dependent traces to distributed neocortical sites via the rhinal cortices. Recently, medial prefrontal (mPFC) neurons were shown to facilitate this process when their activity becomes synchronized. However, the mechanisms underlying this enhanced synchrony remain unclear. Because the hippocampus projects to the mPFC, we tested whether theta oscillations contribute to synchronize mPFC neurons during learning. Thus, we obtained field (LFP) and unit recordings from multiple mPFC sites during the acquisition of a trace-conditioning task, where a visual conditioned stimulus (CS) predicted reward delivery. In quiet waking, the activity of mPFC neurons was modulated by theta oscillations. During conditioning, CS presentation caused an increase in mPFC theta power that augmented as the CS gained predictive value for reward delivery. This increased theta power coincided with a transient theta phase locking at distributed mPFC sites, an effect that was also manifest in the timing of mPFC unit activity. Overall, these results show that theta oscillations contribute to synchronize neuronal activity at distributed mPFC sites, suggesting that the hippocampus, by generating a stronger theta source during learning, can synchronize mPFC activity, in turn facilitating rhinal transfer of its activity to the neocortex.  相似文献   

The regulation and function of the calcium-dependent phosphatase calcineurin (CaN, protein phosphatase 2B) in learning and memory remain unclear, although recent work indicates that CaN may play a differential role in training and reversal training. To gain more insight into the involvement of CaN in these two types of learning, hippocampal CaN activity, protein levels, and expression patterns were studied in mice subjected to a reference memory version of the Y-maze task. We show that (1) training but not habituation induces a decrease in cytosolic CaN activity, (2) the recovery of cytosolic CaN activity is reversal training specific and does not reflect normal restoration of basal levels unrelated to subsequent learning, (3) cytosolic protein levels for the catalytic subunit of CaN (CaNA) are decreased at the early phase of training, but not at the early phase of reversal training, (4) CaNA immunoreactivity in the dorsal hippocampus is enhanced in the CA1 and CA3 area (but not in the dentate gyrus [DG] or subiculum [SUB]) only during reversal training. These findings indicate that memory formation is accompanied by reduced CaN activity, whereas adapting to changes in a familiar environment is accompanied by restored CaN activity. Moreover, reversal training selectively affects hippocampal CA3 and CA1 regions, suggesting a specific function of these hippocampal subregions in reversal learning.  相似文献   

In 3 human predictive learning experiments, the authors examined contextual control of responding in discrimination reversal learning. In Phase 1, a discrimination between 2 stimuli (A+, B-) was trained in Context 1. During Phase 2, participants received discrimination reversal training (A-, B+) in Context 2. Testing occurred in Context 1 and Context 2 (Experiments 1A and 1B) or in Context 1 and Context 3 (Experiment 2). During the test phase, performance in Context 1 and Context 2 reflected the contingencies trained during Phase 1 and Phase 2, respectively. When testing occurred in Context 3, there was no discriminative responding between A and B. In addition, the experiments demonstrated that discriminating stimuli with a consistent reinforcement history were also affected by contextual manipulations. Results indicate that each training context acquires the ability to control performance. Unique-cue and configural approaches account for a major part of the results.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a series of reversals of a simultaneous visual discrimination and were then shifted to a second series of reversals with different visual discriminanda. Pigeons that were given discrimination reversals with one pair of colours (Group Colour) and then shifted to a second pair of colours made fewer errors with the second pair than the first. In contrast, pigeons that were initially given reversals with a pair of orientations (Group Orientation) and then shifted to colours made as many errors during colour reversals as Group Colour had during initial colour training. When birds in Group Colour were subsequently shifted to orientation discrimination reversals, they performed no better than Group Orientation had during initial orientation training. The present results suggest that positive transfer from one series of discrimination reversals to a second, independent series may be constrained by the nature of the stimulus shift.  相似文献   

Honeybees Apis mellifera can associate an originally neutral odor with a reinforcement of sucrose solution. Forward pairings of odor and reinforcement enable the odor to release the proboscis extension reflex in consecutive tests. Bees can also be conditioned differentially: They learn to respond to a reinforced odor and not to a nonreinforced one. They can also learn to reverse their choice. Here we ask whether honeybees can learn successive olfactory differential conditioning tasks involving different overlapping pairs of odors. The conditioning schedules were established in order to train the animals with 3, 2, 1, or 0 reversals previous to a last differential conditioning phase in which two additional reversals were present. We studied whether or not successive reversal learning is possible and whether or not learning olfactory discrimination reversals affects the solving of subsequent discrimination reversals. Therefore we compared the responses of bees that had experienced reversals with those of bees that had not experienced such reversals when both are confronted with a new reversal situation. In experiment 1 we showed that bees that had experienced three previous reversals were better in solving the final reversal task than bees with no previous reversal experience. In experiment 2, we showed that one reversal learning is enough for bees to perform better in the final reversal task. The successive different reversals trained in our experiments resemble the natural foraging situation in which a honeybee forager has to switch successively from an initial floral species to different ones. The fact that experiencing such changes seems to improve a bee's performance in dealing with further new exploited food sources has therefore an adaptive impact for the individual and for the colony as a whole.  相似文献   

In several mammalian and avian species, females show a higher performance than males in tasks requiring cognitive flexibility such as the discrimination reversal learning. A recent study showed that female guppies are twice as efficient as males in a reversal learning task involving yellow–red discrimination, suggesting a higher cognitive flexibility in female guppies. However, the possibility exists that the superior performance exhibited by females does not reflect a general sex difference in cognitive abilities, but instead, is confined to colour discrimination tasks. To address this issue, we compared male and female guppies in two different discrimination reversal learning tasks and we performed a meta-analysis of these experiments and the previous one involving colour discrimination. In the first experiment of this study, guppies were tested in a task requiring them to learn to select the correct arm of a T-maze in order to rejoin a group of conspecifics. In experiment 2, guppies were observed in a numerical task requiring them to discriminate between 5 and 10 dots in order to obtain a food reward. Although females outperformed males in one condition of the T-maze, we did not find any clear evidence of females’ greater reversal learning performance in either experiment. However, the meta-analysis of the three experiments supported the hypothesis of females’ greater reversal learning ability. Our data do not completely exclude the idea that female guppies have a generally higher cognitive flexibility than males; however, they suggest that the size of this sex difference might depend on the task.  相似文献   

This study combined artificial language learning (ALL) with conventional experimental techniques to test whether statistical speech segmentation outputs are integrated into adult listeners’ mental lexicon. Lexicalization was assessed through inhibitory effects of novel neighbors (created by the parsing process) on auditory lexical decisions to real words. Both immediately after familiarization and post-one week, ALL outputs were lexicalized only when the cues available during familiarization (transitional probabilities and wordlikeness) suggested the same parsing (Experiments 1 and 3). No lexicalization effect occurred with incongruent cues (Experiments 2 and 4). Yet, ALL differed from chance, suggesting a dissociation between item knowledge and lexicalization. Similarly contrasted results were found when frequency of occurrence of the stimuli was equated during familiarization (Experiments 3 and 4). Our findings thus indicate that ALL outputs may be lexicalized as far as the segmentation cues are congruent, and that this process cannot be accounted for by raw frequency.  相似文献   

Diazepam impairs place learning in the Morris water maze   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of diazepam (0.3, 1.0, and 3.0 mg/kg) on the acquisition and retention of place learning was evaluated. The analysis of escape latencies indicates that 1.0 and 3.0 mg/kg diazepam significantly impaired the retention of spatial information. When a free swim trial was carried out only control animals showed spatial bias to the target quadrant. The absence of spatial bias in the group that received 0.3 mg/kg suggests that the amnesic effect of diazepam can be seen at doses similar to or even lower than the anxiolytic ones, and that the GABA/benzodiazepine receptor complex is highly sensitive to the cognitive impairment induced by diazepam in spatial tasks.  相似文献   

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