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论医疗纠纷中的替代性解决机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于在纠纷解决方面所表现出来的简便、经济、快捷、专业型及保密性强等优点,替代性纠纷解决机制逐渐成为许多国家和地区解决民事纠纷的一大趋势。根据我国所面临的现实情况,将ADR引入医疗纠纷领域是一条快速、有效地解决医疗纠纷的途径。医疗纠纷的替代性解决机制主要包括临时仲裁、调解、和解。这三种纠纷解决方式各具特点,适用于不同情况下医疗纠纷的解决。  相似文献   

近年来,医疗纠纷呈上升趋势,不仅是医疗界和学术界关注的焦点和热点问题,而且已成为整个社会和政府极为关注并亟待解决的课题.在现有的法院诉讼、协商解决、行政调解等医疗纠纷解决机制下,应尽快建立医事仲裁制度,为解决医疗纠纷开辟新的途径.  相似文献   

医疗纠纷的解决机制   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
近年来,医疗纠纷呈上升趋势,不仅是医疗界和学术界关注的焦点和热点问题,而且已成为整个社会和政府极为关注并亟待解决的课题。在现有的法院诉讼、协商解决、行政调解等医疗纠纷解决机制下,应尽快建立医事仲裁制度,为解决医疗纠纷开辟新的途径。  相似文献   

从"胡为民现象"看我国医疗领域的社会失范   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着我国经济体制的转型,由于市场机制的引进和发展不规范,医药卫生体制改革不成熟,在医疗领域出现了很多失范的现象.透过"胡为民现象",分析了我国医疗领域社会失范的特点和原因,并针对原因提出了防治医疗领域社会失范的意见和措施  相似文献   

分析中国医疗纠纷的现状及其原因,同时总结国外、地区医疗纠纷调解机制的可借鉴之处,对改进现有的医疗纠纷调解机制提出了几点意见.  相似文献   

目前医疗纠纷的法律误区与思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
笔者认为 ,目前对于医疗纠纷主要存在以下几个方面的误区 :1 关于医患关系的法律属性医患双方在提供和接受医疗服务的过程中到底是一种什么性质的法律关系 ?这个问题在理论上一直存在争论。以中国社科院法学研究所梁慧星为代表的民法学家从医患双方的地位、权利、义务出发进行分析 ,认为医患关系应该是民事法律关系[1] 。而众多卫生法学界人士对于医患关系的法律性质提出不同的观点 ,认为“在医患关系中 ,由于患者对于医学知识的缺乏 ,治疗方案完全由医生单方面制定和实施 ,患者仅仅是处于被动接受的地位……” ,因而“完全不符合民法的平…  相似文献   

道性思想是在南北朝时期受佛性思想的影响而发展起来的,至孟安排的<道教义枢>时已经形成了较为完备的道性理论.<道教义枢>中的道性思想既继承了传统道教的思想,又进一步吸收了佛教的重要思想.<道性义>用理和中道来解说道性,为修道成仙提供形上学的根据.进而,又彰显染净说来为道教完善修行解脱理论.道性思想对于道教的发展有着重要的方法论和本体论意义.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Two world trends are powerfully reshaping human existence: the degradation, if not destruction, of large parts of the natural world, and unprecedented technological development. At the nexus of these two trends lies technological nature—technologies that in various ways mediate, augment, or simulate the natural world. Current examples of technological nature include videos and live webcams of nature, robot animals, and immersive virtual environments. Does it matter for the physical and psychological well-being of the human species that actual nature is being replaced with technological nature? As the basis for our provisional answer (it is "yes"), we draw on evolutionary and cross-cultural developmental accounts of the human relation with nature and some recent psychological research on the effects of technological nature. Finally, we discuss the issue—and area for future research—of "environmental generational amnesia." The concern is that, by adapting gradually to the loss of actual nature and to the increase of technological nature, humans will lower the baseline across generations for what counts as a full measure of the human experience and of human flourishing.  相似文献   

Delia Belleri 《Philosophia》2014,42(2):289-307
In this paper, I will trace a distinction between two different ways of thinking about doxastic conflicts. The first way emphasises what is going on at the level of semantics, when two subjects disagree by uttering certain sentences or accepting certain contents. The second way emphasises some aspects that are epistemic in kind, which concern what subjects are rationally required to do whenever they disagree with someone. The semantics-oriented and epistemically-oriented notions will serve for the purpose of assessing some aspects of the debate that revolves around the notions of disagreement on matters of inclination. These aspects include: (i) the idea that disagreements in areas of inclination are somehow defective (Egan 2010); (ii) the idea that Relativism makes disagreement epistemically insignificant (Carter 2013); (iii) the idea that there can be faultless disagreements in which faultlessness is epistemic in kind (Schafer 2011).  相似文献   

医疗纠纷泛化原因多视角分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着社会的发展,医疗纠纷日趋增多,成为各卫生部门的最大难题,是继医疗改革之后的又一备受社会各界关注的热门话题,医患关系成为社会最不和谐的声音。医患关系是在社会政治、经济、文化、法律等因素共同作用,围绕“治病”所形成的道德、诚信、契约、经济利益关系,通过分析现代医患关系的变化,探讨医疗纠纷增多的原因。  相似文献   

南京市医患纠纷人民调解机制研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
医患纠纷人民调解机制在南京已初步确立,得到了政府、医院、患者的三方认可,取得了一定的成效,从医患纠纷人民调解委员会调解的案例入手,了解南京市医患纠纷人民调解的实施现状,分析医患纠纷调解解决医患纠纷的优势、现有机制在实践中存在的问题并尝试提出完善现有机制的相应对策.  相似文献   

当今社会医患矛盾日益突出,尤其在发生医疗纠纷时,存在着患方冲击医院的现象,医院迫切需要和谐处理医疗纠纷事件的参考模式,与政府倡导的和谐社会理念接轨。对和谐处理医疗纠纷模式方面作一初步的探索,包括人性化的处理流程,院方相关处理、接待人员应具备的素质、心态及处理时的注意事项等,与同仁共同探讨。  相似文献   


Studies of physical proximity as an index of attraction frequently report sex differences, and data concerning proximity to the opposite sex are somewhat ambiguous. In the present study it was hypothesized that both males and females place themselves in closer proximity to a liked than to a disliked member of the opposite sex and that the arousal of negative affect is inversely related to physical proximity. Attraction to an opposite sex stranger was manipulated by means of false attitude information. A chisquare analysis indicated a highly significant relationship between attitude similarity and seating distance for both sexes. Analysis of variance supported the proposed relationship between seating distance and self-reported feelings of anxiety, hostility, and depression.  相似文献   

人类创造力的本质是什么   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就目前人类的知识所及,人类社会的发展是一个从原始到现代的逐渐演化过程。在这个过程中,社会的每一次进步都是与人类自身的创造力分不开的。从远古的茹毛饮血到现代的煎烤蒸焖;从原始的树穴洞居到当今的摩天大楼;从刀耕火种到机械化作业;从牛车到航天飞船……。这一切无不是人类创造力的体现。  相似文献   


Previous research has shown that acute alcohol consumption is associated with negative responses toward outgroup members such as sexual minorities. However, simple alcohol cue exposure without actually consuming alcohol also influences social behavior. Hence, it was reasoned that priming participants with words related to alcohol (relative to neutral words) would promote prejudiced attitudes toward sexual minorities. In fact, an experiment showed that alcohol cue exposure causally led to more negative implicit attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. In contrast, participants’ explicit attitudes were relatively unaffected by the priming manipulation. Moreover, participants’ typical alcohol use was not related to their attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. In sum, it appears that not only acute alcohol consumption but also the simple exposure of alcohol cues may promote negative views toward lesbians and gay men.  相似文献   

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