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Violent media has often been blamed for severe violent acts. Following recent findings that violence in movies has increased substantially over the last few decades, this research examined whether such increases were related to trends in severe acts of violence. Annual rates of movie violence and gun violence in movies were compared to homicide and aggravated assault rates between the years of 1960 and 2012. Time series analyses found that violent films were negatively, although nonsignificantly, related to homicides and aggravated assaults. These nonsignificant negative relations remained present even after controlling for various extraneous variables. Results suggest that caution is warranted when generalizing violent media research, conducted primarily in laboratories and via questionnaires, to societal trends in violent behavior.  相似文献   

为了更为深入地了解当前流行于青少年群体的动漫中存在的暴力内容的特点,本研究通过提名法选取了初中生最为喜爱的三部动漫影片,并采用质性的内容分析法对其暴力特点进行了分析,结果发现初中生最喜爱的三部动漫影片均为涉及较多暴力场景的动漫,且这些影片中的暴力特点主要表现为施暴者多为有魅力的英雄人物;暴力是正义的、非现实性的和缺乏幽默感的;对暴力场景进行较多的特写且较少出现血腥场景;很少描述受害者的痛苦和对受害者的态度;暴力往往会造成较大的身体伤害,但很少对施暴者进行惩罚。  相似文献   

This research explores the role of mediation content and its grammatical structure in children's responses to a violent television program. An experiment was conducted with 103 children ranging in age from 5‐ to 12‐years‐old. Mediation strategies that emphasized the program as either factually inaccurate or socially unrealistic were developed. This information was communicated to children either directly (in statement form) or by asking children to consider the program's reality status. The results revealed that the utility of various approaches to mediation depend on the age and viewing history of the child.  相似文献   

Patients with schizophrenia have a substantial lifetime suicide risk, especially by violent means. Little published work exists on self-harm (SH) in this population. The goal of this study was to examine whether patients with schizophrenia were also more likely to self-harm in a violent manner. A retrospective analysis performed on method, motive, and suicidal intent in patients with schizophrenia (n = 50) and adjustment reaction (n = 138) who presented with SH over a 3-year period found that there was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of violence of method or suicidal intent. Presence of positive symptoms of schizophrenia was not significantly associated with use of a violent method. This study suggests that the expected pattern of violent SH in schizophrenia is inaccurate and for the majority the acts are of a similar nature to those seen in adjustment reactions.  相似文献   

A survey of 186 sales managers and executives revealed that in setting sales quotas, factors such as the sales territory and the support provided by the manager were considered more important than the past performance of the sales representative. As would be expected, in an inspection of general opinions about sales quotas, the managers demonstrated a preference for linking the sales quota to the compensation of the salesperson.  相似文献   

张学民  李茂  宋艳  李永娜  魏柳青 《心理学报》2009,41(12):1228-1236
通过实验考察游戏中的射杀动作成分和血腥成分对玩家和观看者攻击性行为和攻击性认知的影响。被试为72名男性大学生, 选用第三人称45度角的射击类游戏, 将游戏中的射杀动作成分和血腥成分进行分离, 采用竞争反应时任务范式考察攻击性行为, 采用EAST内隐认知范式考察内隐攻击性认知, 结果表明: (1) 玩家比观看者表现出更强的攻击性, 玩家表现出的攻击性行为和攻击性认知均显著强于观看者; (2) 视频游戏中的射杀动作成分导致观看者有更高的游戏卷入, 血腥成分对被试的攻击性影响强于射杀动作成分, 并使被试倾向于将攻击性进行他人归因。  相似文献   

暴力电子游戏对攻击行为及相关变量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章综述了暴力电子游戏对攻击行为及相关变量影响的测量方法和实证研究结果,分析了这种影响的心理机制和特点,文章认为对这种心理机制的理论探讨经历了四个阶段,元分析表明暴力电子游戏增加了游戏者的攻击行为、攻击认知、攻击情感、生理唤醒,最后文章指出以往研究中存在的问题和未来可能的发展方向  相似文献   

Initial training, continuing education and management development activities continue to receive attention in the industrial sector (Honeycutt and Ford 1991). For example, recent reports indicate that organizations spend upwards of $30 billion annually for training programs involving 15 billion work hours (Huber 1985), with the objective being to improve the profitability of the firms.  相似文献   

Hemispheric laterality, measured by the Wechsler Verbal IQ-Performance IQ differential score, in a large group of delinquents (N = 101) was not associated with violent-nonviolent behavior. Delinquents were, however, likely to be relatively more impaired on verbal than on nonverbal intellectual capacities.  相似文献   

An information intermediary (or infomediary) is an online firm that plays an important role in the information component of a transaction but not in the logistics component. Infomediary sales channels in which leads that originate online are converted to sales by an offline sales force are particularly important in areas such as automobile retailing, real estate, insurance, mortgages, and many other contexts. This research examines the role of sales technologies and the organization of the sales force in creating value for infomediary sales channels, formally examining channel outcomes using an analytical model and empirically examining channel outcomes using a survey of 678 automobile dealerships. The analyses indicate that adoption of sales technologies for lead management and channel-specific salespeople influence leads purchased (from infomediaries) and infomediary channel sales for the retailer. These findings integrate important technologies from outside the organization (infomediaries) and technologies and management structures inside the organization (sales technologies for lead management and channel-specific salespeople) into an understanding of retailer use of infomediary channels. These findings also suggest that it is in the best interest of infomediaries to offer sales technology and services to retailers, bundling information products with technologies for channel management.  相似文献   

Baron and Ransberger (1978) argue that civil violence increases as temperature rises into the mid 80s, and then decreases as temperatures rise further. Two experiments test this hypothesis using data on temperature and the incidence of crime for summer months in two midwestern cities. The crime data were divided into violent and nonviolent crimes, and then correlated with the maximum, minimum, and average temperatures, and several humidity measures. Violent crime correlated significantly with temperature; nonviolent crime did not. This relationship was linear in the first study, but curvilinear in the second. Inspection of the data suggests that the incidence of aggressive behavior (i.e., violent crime) does not drop off in the mid-80s as laboratory findings and Baron and Ransberger's results would suggest, but continues to increase as temperatures rise into the 90s. The mean incidence of violent crime was higher for days in the 90s than for days in the 80s. A hypothesis for resolving this contradiction between real world and laboratory findings is discussed.  相似文献   


Custody issues for battered women means continuing involvement with a violent, abusive, intimidating partner. This article explores the continuing power and control dynamics of the domestic violence relationship after the woman with children leaves, and presents some preliminary findings. The custody of the children, visitation and financial arrangements often become the basis of terrorism as the man attempts to continue to control the woman's behavior with threats against the children. Fear of losing her children may force a woman to stay in a violent relationship, or return in spite of danger to her children and herself. On the other hand, the history of violence may make it difficult for the mother to cooperate with the court orders regarding joint custody or visitation even when safety appears not to be an issue. It is important for professionals working with children of violent families to understand the continuing effects of domestic violence after separation in order to provide assistance to children “caught in the middle” in custody disputes.  相似文献   

Little empirical research has been reported on multinational sales force management, and none on organizational aspects. Reported here are results from a 14 MNC-135 subsidiary survey of overseas sales management practices. They show that MNCs use independent sales organizations to augment company personnel in affluent markets, in physically-large countries, and where markets are geographically-dispersed or culturally-fragmented. In addition, about one sales force in five covers more than one national market. Industry factors are important in the structuring of sales forces, suggesting that industry practices are carried into overseas markets.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of violent video games and their implication in recent school shootings has raised the volume of public debate on the effects of such games on aggressive behavior and related variables. This article reports an experiment designed to test key hypotheses concerning the short term impact of exposure to violent video games on young women, a population that has received relatively little attention in this research literature. Results were that brief exposure to a violent video game increased aggressive behavior. Mediational analyses suggested that the violent video game effect on aggression was not mediated by instrumental aggressive motivation, but was partially mediated by revenge motivation. Other results suggested that the violent video game effect on aggression might be greater when the game player controls a same‐sex violent game character. Aggr. Behav. 29:423–429, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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