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We consider models which combine latent class measurement models for categorical latent variables with structural regression models for the relationships between the latent classes and observed explanatory and response variables. We propose a two-step method of estimating such models. In its first step, the measurement model is estimated alone, and in the second step the parameters of this measurement model are held fixed when the structural model is estimated. Simulation studies and applied examples suggest that the two-step method is an attractive alternative to existing one-step and three-step methods. We derive estimated standard errors for the two-step estimates of the structural model which account for the uncertainty from both steps of the estimation, and show how the method can be implemented in existing software for latent variable modelling.  相似文献   


In a randomized study with longitudinal data on a mediator and outcome, estimating the direct effect of treatment on the outcome at a particular time requires adjusting for confounding of the association between the outcome and all preceding instances of the mediator. When the confounders are themselves affected by treatment, standard regression adjustment is prone to severe bias. In contrast, G-estimation requires less stringent assumptions than path analysis using SEM to unbiasedly estimate the direct effect even in linear settings. In this article, we propose a G-estimation method to estimate the controlled direct effect of treatment on the outcome, by adapting existing G-estimation methods for time-varying treatments without mediators. The proposed method can accommodate continuous and noncontinuous mediators, and requires no models for the confounders. Unbiased estimation only requires correctly specifying a mean model for either the mediator or the outcome. The method is further extended to settings where the mediator or outcome, or both, are latent, and generalizes existing methods for single measurement occasions of the mediator and outcome to longitudinal data on the mediator and outcome. The methods are utilized to assess the effects of an intervention on physical activity that is possibly mediated by motivation to exercise in a randomized study.  相似文献   

Models specifying indirect effects (or mediation) and structural equation modeling are both popular in the social sciences. Yet relatively little research has compared methods that test for indirect effects among latent variables and provided precise estimates of the effectiveness of different methods.

This simulation study provides an extensive comparison of methods for constructing confidence intervals and for making inferences about indirect effects with latent variables. We compared the percentile (PC) bootstrap, bias-corrected (BC) bootstrap, bias-corrected accelerated (BC a ) bootstrap, likelihood-based confidence intervals (Neale & Miller, 1997), partial posterior predictive (Biesanz, Falk, and Savalei, 2010), and joint significance tests based on Wald tests or likelihood ratio tests. All models included three reflective latent variables representing the independent, dependent, and mediating variables. The design included the following fully crossed conditions: (a) sample size: 100, 200, and 500; (b) number of indicators per latent variable: 3 versus 5; (c) reliability per set of indicators: .7 versus .9; (d) and 16 different path combinations for the indirect effect (α = 0, .14, .39, or .59; and β = 0, .14, .39, or .59). Simulations were performed using a WestGrid cluster of 1680 3.06GHz Intel Xeon processors running R and OpenMx.

Results based on 1,000 replications per cell and 2,000 resamples per bootstrap method indicated that the BC and BC a bootstrap methods have inflated Type I error rates. Likelihood-based confidence intervals and the PC bootstrap emerged as methods that adequately control Type I error and have good coverage rates.  相似文献   

The increasing use of diary methods calls for the development of appropriate statistical methods. For the resulting panel data, latent Markov models can be used to model both individual differences and temporal dynamics. The computational burden associated with these models can be overcome by exploiting the conditional independence relations implied by the model. This is done by associating a probabilistic model with a directed acyclic graph, and applying transformations to the graph. The structure of the transformed graph provides a factorization of the joint probability function of the manifest and latent variables, which is the basis of a modified and more efficient E-step of the EM algorithm. The usefulness of the approach is illustrated by estimating a latent Markov model involving a large number of measurement occasions and, subsequently, a hierarchical extension of the latent Markov model that allows for transitions at different levels. Furthermore, logistic regression techniques are used to incorporate restrictions on the conditional probabilities and to account for the effect of covariates. Throughout, models are illustrated with an experience sampling methodology study on the course of emotions among anorectic patients. Frank Rijmen was partly supported by the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO).  相似文献   

Liu  Haiyan  Jin  Ick Hoon  Zhang  Zhiyong  Yuan  Ying 《Psychometrika》2021,86(1):272-298
Psychometrika - A social network comprises both actors and the social connections among them. Such connections reflect the dependence among social actors, which is essential for individuals’...  相似文献   

Huang  Jing  Yuan  Ying  Wetter  David 《Psychometrika》2019,84(1):1-18

Traditional mediation analysis assumes that a study population is homogeneous and the mediation effect is constant over time, which may not hold in some applications. Motivated by smoking cessation data, we propose a latent class dynamic mediation model that explicitly accounts for the fact that the study population may consist of different subgroups and the mediation effect may vary over time. We use a proportional odds model to accommodate the subject heterogeneities and identify latent subgroups. Conditional on the subgroups, we employ a Bayesian hierarchical nonparametric time-varying coefficient model to capture the time-varying mediation process, while allowing each subgroup to have its individual dynamic mediation process. A simulation study shows that the proposed method has good performance in estimating the mediation effect. We illustrate the proposed methodology by applying it to analyze smoking cessation data.


对1495名被试的价值观与幸福感进行了三个时间点的追踪研究,通过潜变量增长模型和交叉滞后回归模型,考察重大突发事件下价值观与幸福感的变化及其相互作用。结果发现:(1)T1到T3民众的自我超越价值观显著下降,保守和开放价值观显著上升;(2)T2到T3民众的幸福感显著下降;(3)T2自我超越价值观正向预测T3幸福感,T2自我增强价值观负向预测T3幸福感;(4)T2幸福感正向预测T3自我超越和保守价值观,负向预测T3自我增强和开放价值观。该结果为今后重大突发事件下的价值观引导提供了实证依据。  相似文献   

多重中介模型及其应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
多重中介模型研究的是自变量与因变量之间存在多个中介变量的情形.通过对多重中介模型的解析发现,链式多重中介模型与并行多重中介模型是多重中介效应的基本构成单元.多重中介效应分析应包括总体中介效应与个别中介效应的估计与检验、个别中介效应之间的比较与检验以及个别中介效应组合间的比较与检验等内容.作为示例,运用多重中介模型分析了管理者执行力对其绩效的影响.  相似文献   

Latent change score models (LCS) are conceptually powerful tools for analyzing longitudinal data (McArdle & Hamagami, 2001). However, applications of these models typically include constraints on key parameters over time. Although practically useful, strict invariance over time in these parameters is unlikely in real data. This study investigates the robustness of LCS when invariance over time is incorrectly imposed on key change-related parameters. Monte Carlo simulation methods were used to explore the impact of misspecification on parameter estimation, predicted trajectories of change, and model fit in the dual change score model, the foundational LCS. When constraints were incorrectly applied, several parameters, most notably the slope (i.e., constant change) factor mean and autoproportion coefficient, were severely and consistently biased, as were regression paths to the slope factor when external predictors of change were included. Standard fit indices indicated that the misspecified models fit well, partly because mean level trajectories over time were accurately captured. Loosening constraint improved the accuracy of parameter estimates, but estimates were more unstable, and models frequently failed to converge. Results suggest that potentially common sources of misspecification in LCS can produce distorted impressions of developmental processes, and that identifying and rectifying the situation is a challenge.  相似文献   

Structural equation models (SEMs) with latent variables are widely useful for sparse covariance structure modeling and for inferring relationships among latent variables. Bayesian SEMs are appealing in allowing for the incorporation of prior information and in providing exact posterior distributions of unknowns, including the latent variables. In this article, we propose a broad class of semiparametric Bayesian SEMs, which allow mixed categorical and continuous manifest variables while also allowing the latent variables to have unknown distributions. In order to include typical identifiability restrictions on the latent variable distributions, we rely on centered Dirichlet process (CDP) and CDP mixture (CDPM) models. The CDP will induce a latent class model with an unknown number of classes, while the CDPM will induce a latent trait model with unknown densities for the latent traits. A simple and efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is developed for posterior computation, and the methods are illustrated using simulated examples, and several applications.  相似文献   

Mediation analysis investigates how certain variables mediate the effect of predictors on outcome variables. Existing studies of mediation models have been limited to normal theory maximum likelihood (ML) or least squares with normally distributed data. Because real data in the social and behavioral sciences are seldom normally distributed and often contain outliers, classical methods can result in biased and inefficient estimates, which lead to inaccurate or unreliable test of the meditated effect. The authors propose two approaches for better mediation analysis. One is to identify cases that strongly affect test results of mediation using local influence methods and robust methods. The other is to use robust methods for parameter estimation, and then test the mediated effect based on the robust estimates. Analytic details of both local influence and robust methods particular for mediation models were provided and one real data example was given. We first used local influence and robust methods to identify influential cases. Then, for the original data and the data with the identified influential cases removed, the mediated effect was tested using two estimation methods: normal theory ML and the robust method, crossing two tests of mediation: the Sobel (1982) Sobel, M. E. 1982. “Asymptotic confidence intervals for indirect effects in structural equation models”. In Sociological methodology, Edited by: Leinhardt, S. 290312. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] test using information-based standard error (z I ) and sandwich-type standard error (z SW ). Results show that local influence and robust methods rank the influence of cases similarly, while the robust method is more objective. The widely used z I statistic is inflated when the distribution is heavy-tailed. Compared to normal theory ML, the robust method provides estimates with smaller standard errors and more reliable test.  相似文献   

In longitudinal research investigators often measure multiple variables at multiple points in time and are interested in investigating individual differences in patterns of change on those variables. In the vast majority of applications, researchers focus on studying change in one variable at a time. In this article we consider methods for studying relations1.1ips between patterns of change on different variables. We show how the multilevel modeling framework, which is often used to study univariate change, can be extended to the multivariate case to yield estimates of covariances of parameters representing aspects of change on different variables. We illustrate this approach using data from a study of physiological response to marital conflict in older married couples, showing a substantial correlation between rate of linear change on different stress-related hormones during conflict. We also consider how similar issues can be studied using extensions of latent curve models to the multivariate case, and we show how such models are related to multivariate multilevel models.  相似文献   

The transition to parenthood is one of the most stressful intra- and interpersonal adjustment periods for new parents. Bidirectional associations among intergenerational relationships during the transition to parenthood have received limited attention, and the complexity of reciprocal relationships varies in accordance with living arrangements. The objectives of this study were to explore (1) the bidirectional associations between marital relationships and conflicts with in-laws during the transition to parenthood and (2) the moderation of patrilineal coresidence on the aforementioned relationships. A three-wave prospective longitudinal design was adopted for 359 married mothers. The Dyadic Adjustment Scale and Stryker Adjustment Checklist were used to assess marital relationships and conflicts with parents-in-law. Cross-lagged panel analysis was applied to examine reciprocal relationships, and multigroup analyses were employed to determine whether these relationships exhibited different patterns in accordance with the individuals’ living arrangements. The two cross-lagged models revealed the presence of a bidirectional relationship between marital distress and conflicts with parents-in-law during the mid- to late pregnancy stages. Meanwhile, the multigroup analyses suggested that conflicts with parents-in-law triggered marital distress during pregnancy in the coresidence group, whereas conflicts with fathers-in-law could intensify marital distress during late pregnancy to the postpartum period in the noncoresidence group. These findings shed light on cross-lagged associations with intergenerational conflicts. Healthcare professionals need to ensure that intergenerational relationships are positive during the transition to parenthood. This study enriches our understanding of the effect of patrilineal coresidence and can guide the future development of interventions based on culturally specific multidimensional approaches.  相似文献   

Recent introduction of quantile regression methods to analysis of epidemiologic data suggests that traditional mean regression approaches may not suffice for some health outcomes such as Body Mass Index (BMI). In the same vein, the traditional mean-based approach to mediation modeling may not be sufficient to capture the potentially different mediating effects of behavioral interventions across the outcome distribution. By combining methods for estimating conditional quantiles with traditional mediation modeling techniques, mediation effects can be estimated for any quantile of the outcome distribution (so-called quantile mediation effects). Estimation and inference techniques for quantile mediation effects are compared through simulation studies, and recommendations are given. The quantile mediation methods are further compared with the traditional mean-based regression approaches to mediation analysis through analysis of data from Healthy Places, a trial that is examining the effects of the community–built environment on resident obesity risk. We found the magnitudes of indirect (mediating) effects of walkability on BMI and waist circumference were substantially larger for the upper quantiles compared with the median or mean. Results suggest that restricting the examination of mediation to the mean of the outcome distribution provides an incomplete picture of proposed mediating mechanisms and in some cases may miss important mediational relationships to outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper uses log-linear models with latent variables (Hagenaars, in Loglinear Models with Latent Variables, 1993) to define a family of cognitive diagnosis models. In doing so, the relationship between many common models is explicitly defined and discussed. In addition, because the log-linear model with latent variables is a general model for cognitive diagnosis, new alternatives to modeling the functional relationship between attribute mastery and the probability of a correct response are discussed.  相似文献   

When designing a study that uses structural equation modeling (SEM), an important task is to decide an appropriate sample size. Historically, this task is approached from the power analytic perspective, where the goal is to obtain sufficient power to reject a false null hypothesis. However, hypothesis testing only tells if a population effect is zero and fails to address the question about the population effect size. Moreover, significance tests in the SEM context often reject the null hypothesis too easily, and therefore the problem in practice is having too much power instead of not enough power.

An alternative means to infer the population effect is forming confidence intervals (CIs). A CI is more informative than hypothesis testing because a CI provides a range of plausible values for the population effect size of interest. Given the close relationship between CI and sample size, the sample size for an SEM study can be planned with the goal to obtain sufficiently narrow CIs for the population model parameters of interest.

Latent curve models (LCMs) is an application of SEM with mean structure to studying change over time. The sample size planning method for LCM from the CI perspective is based on maximum likelihood and expected information matrix. Given a sample, to form a CI for the model parameter of interest in LCM, it requires the sample covariance matrix S, sample mean vector , and sample size N. Therefore, the width (w) of the resulting CI can be considered a function of S, , and N. Inverting the CI formation process gives the sample size planning process. The inverted process requires a proxy for the population covariance matrix Σ, population mean vector μ, and the desired width ω as input, and it returns N as output. The specification of the input information for sample size planning needs to be performed based on a systematic literature review. In the context of covariance structure analysis, Lai and Kelley (2011) discussed several practical methods to facilitate specifying Σ and ω for the sample size planning procedure.  相似文献   

In longitudinal/developmental studies, individual growth trajectories are sometimes bounded by a floor at the beginning of the observation period and/or a ceiling toward the end of the observation period (or vice versa), resulting in inherently nonlinear growth patterns. If the trajectories between the floor and ceiling are approximately linear, such longitudinal growth patterns can be described with a linear piecewise (spline) model in which segments join at knots. In these scenarios, it may be of specific interest for researchers to examine the timing when transition occurs, and in some occasions also to examine the levels of the floors and/or ceilings if they are not known and fixed. In the current study, we propose a reparameterized piecewise latent growth curve model so that a direct estimation of the random knots (and, if needed, a direct estimation of random floors and ceilings) is possible. We derive the model reparameterization using a 4-step structured latent curve modeling approach. We provide two illustrative examples to demonstrate how the proposed reparameterized models can be fitted to longitudinal growth data using the popular SEM software Mplus and we supply the full coding for applied researchers’ reference.  相似文献   

In the SEM literature, simplex and latent growth models have always been considered competing approaches for the analysis of longitudinal data, even if they are strongly connected and both of specific importance. General dynamic models, which simultaneously estimate autoregressive structures and latent curves, have been recently proposed in the literature. We discuss the properties of Autoregressive Latent Trajectories (ALT) with the aim of deriving their relationship with nonlinear growth models. We show how the quasi-simplex part of the ALT admits an equivalent nonlinear growth representation. A simulation study is performed to examine how the relationship holds in the presence of polynomial and bounded growths over time, whereas an empirical application on student achievement highlights the usefulness of the equivalence. The evaluation of the formative process in the European University system has been assuming an ever increasing importance since the beginning of the Bologna process. In this context, the analysis of student performances and capabilities using different approaches plays a fundamental role.  相似文献   

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