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心境对情绪信息加工的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文考察在自然情境和人为诱发的情境下,心境对不同情绪信息加工过程的影响,验证特质一致性假设。采用实验研究和问卷调查相结合的方法,并以SPSS11.5进行数据处理。结果显示,在自然情境下,心境对于情绪信息加工的影响不是很明显;而在人为诱发的情境下,验证了心境一致性效应。  相似文献   

赵银 《四川心理科学》2014,(16):224-224
本文总结了情绪对归因影响研究的历史、理论发展及最新研究进展三个方面。探讨不同情绪状态下认知加工方式和注意范围的差异对归因的影响。结果说明,注意和因素显著性可以调节情绪对归因的影响,对当前归因理论的发展必须考虑情绪因素、注意资源和信息显著性因素。  相似文献   

为考察大学生情绪复杂性对情绪信息注意偏向的影响,通过情绪体验范围和区分性量表(RDEES)筛选出高低情绪复杂性被试各30名,采用2(情绪复杂性:高、低)×3(效价:正性、中性和负性)×4(呈现条件:0/300/600/900ms)的三因素混合设计要求被试完成视觉搜索任务结果显示:(1)低情绪复杂性组在情绪条件(正性负性)下的正确率显著低于中性图片反应时显著高于中性图片,均表现出对情绪图片的注意偏向;(2)高分组在正性图片0ms呈现的条件下的正确率显著高于低分组,在负性图片300ms和900ms呈现和正性图片900ms呈现条件下的反应时显著低于低分组  相似文献   

考察失恋者和控制组在情绪启动后的风险选择特点,探究失恋心境和失恋情绪诱发对冒险行为影响的特征。方法:招募26名失恋被试和26名没有恋爱经历的被试,进行2组别(失恋组,控制组)×2情绪启动(启动,非启动)被试间设计,使用特定领域风险问卷评估冒险行为。结果:(1)情绪启动的主效应在经济、健康、社会、娱乐四个风险领域均显著,情绪启动组的冒险行为高于非情绪启动组;(2)失恋组的风险行为低于控制组,且只在社会和娱乐两个领域显著不同。结论:诱发失恋情绪引起更多冒险行为;而失恋心境状态下对冒险行为有所规避。  相似文献   

前意识模型的提出和大学生情绪——心境的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高桦  杨治良 《心理科学》1997,20(3):212-216,,211,
本文首先介绍了内隐记忆研究的过程分离程序(PDP)的独立模型和附着模型,提出了前意识模型的基本构想。实验以50名大学生为被拭,考察了大学生的情绪-心境状况及其性别差异。结果表明:大学生对不同维度的情绪性词汇的敏感性有所不同;前意识模型以前意识为中介,可反映意识与无意识的动态关系。  相似文献   

注意受情绪信息影响的实验范式   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
研究显示情绪信息对注意会产生特殊的影响,主要表现为个体特别是某些患有情绪障碍的个体对情绪信息存在注意偏向或注意增强现象。该文围绕该问题,主要介绍情绪Stroop实验、点探测实验、线索提示实验、情绪条件反射实验以及快速序列视觉呈现实验等多个实验范式的研究方法和结果,并分析今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

邓欣媚  王瑞安  桑标 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1345-1352
本研究使用追踪法考察情绪调节的发展及与其影响因素之间的关系,并对不同情绪调节策略在个体发展过程中的适应性进行探讨。对569位来自于上海地区的初中预备班和八年级学生进行测查,并于10个月之后进行第二次测查。 研究发现,随着个体的发展,其正性情绪体验逐渐减少,各种情绪调节态度的强烈程度均下降,情绪增强调节的使用呈递减趋势;情绪体验、情绪能力、情绪调节态度三者的变化在一定程度上能够预测情绪调节发展;在测试阶段一较多使用情绪减弱调节的青少年,在日后的发展过程中情绪能力提高的幅度较大且体验到更多正性情绪,说明了该策略在个体发展过程中具有更高的适应价值。  相似文献   

抑郁障碍个体的注意偏向是抑郁认知研究中的重要问题。近年研究的焦点从对抑郁障碍个体的注意偏向特点、理论机制等转向了对抑郁障碍个体的注意偏向矫正效果和作用机制等的研究。本文从三个方面讨论了抑郁障碍个体对情绪信息的注意偏向:(1)抑郁个体注意偏向的特点。(2)抑郁个体注意偏向的机制。(3)抑郁个体注意偏向的矫治方法。在此基础...  相似文献   

郑信军 《心理科学》2002,25(6):702-705
本研究探讨在不同的道德冲突情境中,线索及其与行为的匹配性对儿童行为预测、情绪推断及其归因的影响。结果表明:(1)7、8岁儿童在一定程度上具备了根据他人特质推测情绪的能力,但是他们还难以做出准确的解释;(2)儿童对亲社会情境和犯过情境存在不同的情绪判断与归因模式;(3)在他人特质与行为匹配的时间,儿童更容易根据他人的特质来推测其情绪反应;(4)在他人特质不良的情况下,儿童更容易根据特质来预测其行为;(5)儿童预测他人行为的能力优于对他人情绪的判断。  相似文献   

情绪与语言加工的相互作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
情绪与语言加工的相互关系逐渐受到了研究者的重视。一方面,情绪对语言加工有着重要的影响,表现为:(1)语言中蕴含的情绪信息对语言加工的影响,包括情绪词、情绪性语句、情绪性篇章的加工;(2)情绪背景对语言加工的影响,包括自身的情绪状态背景(如,抑郁、焦虑、快乐等心境),以及情绪语调/语境、情绪图片、音乐等外在情绪线索诱发的情绪背景;(3)内化的情绪反应模式(如身体姿势、面部表情等)对语言加工的影响。另一方面,语言对情绪加工也有着重要的影响,表现为:(1)语义概念对情绪知觉的影响;(2)语言指导在情绪学习中的作用;(3)语言在情绪调节中的作用。未来的研究应该深入探讨情绪与语言加工的相互作用的内部机制,并将基础研究和教育及临床应用结合起来。  相似文献   

Mood and Emotion in Major Depression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Using two large nonclinical samples (N = 725), relations between five targeted cognitive variables [intolerance of uncertainty, negative problem orientation, perfectionism/certainty, responsibility/threat estimation, and importance/control of thoughts] and mood [depression] and anxiety [social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and obsessive–compulsive] symptoms were examined. Analyses provided multiple levels of specificity, including zero-order correlations, partial correlations controlling for the effects of positive and negative affect, regression analyses, and hierarchical structural modeling. Results were that (a) intolerance of uncertainty showed relative specificity to anxiety versus depression symptoms and (b) negative problem orientation was common to mood and anxiety symptoms. Although certain analyses suggested that (c) perfectionism/certainty specifically predicted generalized anxiety and (d) both responsibility/threat estimation and importance/control of thoughts were unique predictors of obsessive–compulsive symptoms, these three cognitive variables inconsistently predicted symptom scores across the two studies. Conceptual and therapeutic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

认知科学对人格与情绪关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴蔚  孔克勤 《心理科学》2002,25(4):450-452,449
情绪是人的心理活动的重要组成部分,人们所体验的情绪以及处理情绪事件的方式,构成了其人格的一个重要部分。今天,情绪的研究已经成为人格心理学关注的核心领域,而人格与情绪的关系的研究则是其中一个重要的领域。  相似文献   

Bodlović  Petar 《Argumentation》2021,35(2):287-320
Argumentation - The study of presumptions has intensified in argumentation theory over the last years. Although scholars put forward different accounts, they mostly agree that presumptions can be...  相似文献   

Prior research on mood management through media consumption has encountered mixed results. This study seeks to address these discrepancies by incorporating time of measurement into the examination of regulatory outcomes and by identifying trait-like cognitive moderators that presumably are involved in the regulation of negative moods. Results showed that sad mood initially fostered longer listening to mood-compatible music but such preference decreased over time, suggesting the merits of considering temporal changes in the mood-repair process. In addition, ruminative trait was found to be a significant factor in how people cope with their sad moods, whereas mood salience was not.  相似文献   

Although research has extensively examined the link between cognitive emotion regulation and psychopathological symptoms, scant attention has been given to the relationship between dispositional use of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and individuals’ positive functioning. In a cross-sectional study on 470 adults, we examined whether individual differences in the use of nine cognitive strategies were associated with subjective and psychological well-being. Results show that positive reappraisal and refocus on planning are positively related to both subjective and psychological well-being. Rumination, catastrophizing and self-blame are linked to poorer well-being, while positive refocusing, putting into perspective, and acceptance show few significant associations. These results suggest that cognitive emotion regulation strategies may be differently effective in promoting individual’s well-being.  相似文献   

Component theory (C. Smith & H. Scott, 1997) predicts that presence of component movements (action units) alters the decoded meaning of a basic emotional expression. We tested whether the meaning of the basic expression of anger varied when different components were present in the expression. Participants were asked to label variants of anger from Ekman and Friesen's Pictures of Facial Affect using 15 anger terms, and invariance of labeling was tested by manipulating the judgment task. Data were analyzed using consensus analysis, multidimensional scaling, and numerical scaling. Components did not result in consensus about fine distinctions in the meanings of the anger expressions. Varying the type of task strongly affected results. We believe this occurred because language elicits different categorization processes than evaluation of facial expressions nonverbally.  相似文献   

张钦  王岩  罗峥  陈静 《心理科学进展》2011,19(9):1259-1266
情绪对记忆的促进作用, 已得到了大量研究的证实。但是, 情绪对记忆的损害作用还没有得到一致的研究结果。情绪诱导的记忆损害的条件和机制还没有得到很好的确认和解释。并且, 在证实了情绪对记忆的影响之后, 一个更具有现实意义的问题是, 人类能够在多大程度上调控情绪对记忆的影响呢?虽然已有的情绪调节研究对一些重要的情绪调节策略如认知重评和抑制进行了较多的探讨, 考察了情绪调节对情绪事件记忆的影响。但是, 关于情绪调节是否可以有效地调整情绪唤醒对中性项目记忆的影响, 目前只有少量的研究。对情绪调节影响记忆的认知神经机制还所知甚少。因此, 本项目拟综合使用行为测量和认知神经科学技术, 在考察情绪唤醒对记忆的损害效应的条件和机制的基础上, 进一步探讨认知重评、抑制和忽视等情绪调节策略调控记忆中的情绪效应的有效性和认知神经机制。研究结果将会有助于对情绪、情绪调节和记忆的关系的理解, 并对促进学生的学习记忆活动有现实意义。  相似文献   

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal syndrome consisting of different bowel pattern subtypes: diarrhea predominant (IBS-D), constipation predominant (IBS-C), and alternating (IBS-A). This paper aimed to identify whether (a) psychological factors implicated in the cognitive behavioral model of IBS were differentially associated with bowel pattern subtypes, (b) whether there were differences in symptom severity and work and social adjustment across the IBS-subtypes. Analysis was conducted on baseline data of 557 individuals with refractory IBS recruited into the Assessing Cognitive Therapy in Irritable Bowel (ACTIB) randomized controlled trial. Correlations assessed the associations between psychological factors, stool patterns, symptom severity, and work and social adjustment. Hierarchical regressions identified whether cognitive and behavioral factors were significantly associated with frequency of loose/watery stools, hard/lumpy stools and symptom severity while controlling for affective (anxiety and depression) and demographic factors (age, gender, symptom duration). One-way ANOVAs were conducted to assess differences across Rome III classified subtypes (IBS-A, D and C) in cognitive, behavioral, affective, symptom severity, and adjustment measures. Psychological factors were significantly associated with symptom severity and work and social adjustment. Increased avoidance behavior and unhelpful gastrointestinal (GI) cognitions were significantly associated with higher frequency of loose/watery stools. Increased control behaviors were associated with higher frequency of hard/lumpy stools. Cognitive and behavioral differences were significant across the Rome III classified IBS subtypes. There were no differences in anxiety, depression, overall symptom severity, or work and social adjustment. The results are discussed in terms of their utility in tailoring cognitive behavioral treatments to IBS subtypes.  相似文献   

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