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The aims of this study were to investigate the associations between impairments and imbalances in children’s mental state talk, attachment security and abuse/neglect experiences, and to study how much of the variance in internalizing and externalizing problems was explained by mentalization problems. The sample included 100 Turkish children (M Age = 7.00 (SD = 2.01), 38% girls) referred to a outpatient psychotherapy clinic. Children were administered an attachment-based story stem task in order to code attachment security and different categories of mental state talk, including the extent of their direction (self vs other), balance, and appropriateness. Parents and teachers filled out socio-behavioral function scales. Findings indicated a significant positive association between externalizing problems and impaired mentalization. Internalizing problems were associated with mentalizing the other at the expense of one’s own mental states and underusing emotions. Attachment insecurity and adverse experiences were associated with mentalization impairments and imbalances. Finally, underuse of emotions and self-focused mental state talk predicted internalizing problems and impaired mental state talk predicted externalizing problems at trend level of significance. Qualitative analyses supported the results, which suggest that whereas children with externalizing problems suffer from severe mentalization deficits, children with internalizing problems undermentalize about themselves and emotions.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional survey on a sample of parent, teacher and child respondents (n = 195) elicited their perceptions on or about the ‘reasons/causes’ for academic problems in school students. A semi-structured ‘Demographic Data Sheet’ and another open ended exploratory ‘Causes of Academic Problems Interview Schedule’ (CAPIS) exclusively developed for this study was used. A classification of the ‘causes’ for academic problems into four categories by two independent observers revealed preponderance of ‘child-centered’ causes (N: 937), followed by ‘teacher-centered’ causes (N: 751), ‘parent-centered’ (N: 643) and ‘environment centered’ causes (N: 362). Analysis of trends show significant statistical differences in reported perceptions between the three respondents (p: < 0.04); with highest disparity between ‘teacher-centered’ causative perceptions (p: < 0.001). Concordance rates as measured by Cohen’s Kappa Coefficient is reflected by greater agreements on or about the reasons for academic problems between parent-teacher respondents (0.34) and least for child-teacher reports (−0.08). The results suggest an attitudinal triangulation on or about the reasons attributed for academic problems between parents, teachers and the children. This opens up the need for stepping up measures to de-triangulate or harmonize these varying inter personal perceptions for optimum benefit of such children.  相似文献   

弱智儿童家长的心理压力及相关因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张福娟  蒋骊 《心理科学》2005,28(2):347-350
对200名弱智儿童家长的心理压力及相关因素进行研究,总的来说,弱智儿童的父、母亲之间在心理压力方面没有明显的差异;不同年级儿童的家长在心理压力方面存在明显差异。家长的心理压力与其对事件的应付方式、生活质量以及弱智儿童的行为表现之间有密切关系。  相似文献   

In existential family trauma therapy play and art can be utilized during the treatment process to help children and their parents hold, tell, master, and honor their trauma experiences and trauma pain. Clinical material is offered to illustrate this existential treatment process.  相似文献   

张福娟  江琴娣 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1119-1120
1 游戏在学龄前特殊儿童早期诊断、治疗和教育中的作用  游戏在普通幼儿教育中的作用也充分体现在学龄前特殊儿童教育中 ,而且 ,由于教育对象的特殊性 ,游戏在学龄前特殊儿童教育中还有其独特的作用 ,尤其在学龄前特殊儿童早期诊断、早期治疗和早期教育中更有其举足轻重的地位。1.1 为学龄前特殊儿童的早期诊断提供线索目前 ,在普通幼儿园就读的学龄前特殊儿童中不少为中、重度残疾孩子 ,由于受先天或后天某些因素的影响 ,使其在身体、智力、情绪和社会适应等方面存在缺陷 ,特别是语言发展的障碍使他们很难与教师及其他儿童进行沟通 ,教…  相似文献   

Although materials informing parents about children’s mental health (CMH) problems can improve outcomes, we know relatively little about the design factors that might influence their utilization of available resources. We used a discrete choice conjoint experiment to model the information preferences of parents seeking mental health services for 6 to 18 year olds. Parents completed 30 choice tasks presenting experimentally varied combinations of 20 four-level CMH information content, transfer process, and outcome attributes. Latent class analysis revealed three segments with different preferences. Parents in the Action segment (43%) chose materials providing step-by-step solutions to behavioral or emotional problems. They preferred weekly meetings with other parents and coaching calls from a therapist. The Information segment (41%) chose materials helping them understand rather than solve their child’s problems. These parents were more sensitive to logistical factors such as receiving information in groups, the location where information was available, the modality in which the information was presented, and the time required to obtain and use the information. The Overwhelmed segment (16%) reported more oppositional and conduct problems, felt their children’s difficulties exerted a greater adverse impact on family functioning, and reported higher personal depression scores than those in the Action or Information segments. Nonetheless, they did not choose information about, or solutions to, the problems their children presented. Simulations predicted that maximizing utilization and realizing the potential benefits of CMH information would require knowledge transfer strategies consistent with each segment’s preferences.
Charles E. CunninghamEmail:

This paper reviews briefly the use of behavioral procedures and parent training techniques with parents of autistic children. Potential hazards that may arise when the clinician fails to be sensitive to the family context are examined. Behavioral clinicians are urged to undertake behavioral parent training from a family systems context and thereby enhance the likelihood of more enduring changes for the autistic child and the family as a whole. Case illustrations are provided.  相似文献   

We examined child psychiatric diagnoses, behavioral problems, overall symptom impairment, global psychological functioning, intellectual ability, and adaptive behavior in 83 sibling pairs whose mothers were diagnosed with a serious mental disorder. Sibling pairs were assessed for the extent to which they converged on the presence or absence of risk on each adverse outcome and then examined under conditions of high vs. low/moderate family stress. Consistent with the study hypotheses, we found that on each outcome assessed there was evidence for sibling convergence of risk. In addition, family stress was found to significantly moderate sibling risk convergence. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for understanding sibling convergence of risk in these families and for clinical and preventive intervention.  相似文献   

Resilience involves successful adaptation despite adverse circumstances, and is operationalized in this study as a multidimensional construct which consists of both positive and negative indicators of adaptation. Previous research has emphasized the importance of parental psychopathology in predicting child adaptation among children of parents with serious mental disorders. In contrast, we hypothesized five family psychosocial processes as common sequelae to serious parental mental disorder that are central to child adaptation beyond that predicted by parental psychiatric status. These are diminished family financial resources, social network constriction, impaired performance of parenting tasks, increased familial stress, and disruption of the parent-child bond. We examined the relationship of these processes to child adaptation independently through hierarchical regression analyses after taking into account parental psychiatric symptoms and functioning as well as the child's age and gender. One hundred seventy-seven children of mothers with serious mental disorder, ages 2–17 years old, were assessed on measures of adaptation. Results indicated that family psychosocial processes are a more consistent and powerful predictor of child adaptation than parental psychopathology. Results also indicated that, for these children, adaptation is predicted most consistently by parenting performance, and to lesser extents, by the parent-child bond and familial stress. We discuss our results in terms of their implications for theory and intervention with children of parents with serious mental disorders and for the study of resilience.  相似文献   

We used discrete choice conjoint analysis to model the ways 645 children’s mental health (CMH) professionals preferred to provide information to parents seeking CMH services. Participants completed 20 choice tasks presenting experimentally varied combinations of the study’s 14 4-level CMH information transfer attributes. Latent class analysis revealed three segments. Open Access professionals (32.2%) preferred that intake workers automatically provide all parents with CMH information. They preferred information prepared by professional organizations and located at accessible settings such as public schools. They responded favorably to the internet as a source of information for parents. Controlled Access professionals (22.2%) preferred information that was approved and recommended by a child’s therapist, prepared by an experienced clinician, and located at hospitals and CMH clinics. Process Sensitive professionals (45.6%) showed a stronger preference for active learning materials with parenting groups and therapist “coaching” calls supporting the knowledge transfer process. Simulations suggested that realizing the benefits of CMH information requires the development of knowledge transfer strategies that align the preferences of professionals with those of the families they serve.  相似文献   

Sleep problems in children and adolescents are common, and they impact multiple domains of child and family functioning. Psychologists have a critical role in the assessment and treatment of sleep problems and are integral to interdisciplinary sleep teams. Certain sleep problems may be related to co-morbid psychological or developmental conditions, and others are considered to be primarily medical, yet behavioral approaches may be applicable. There are also sleep problems considered to be behavioral in etiology (e.g. inadequate sleep hygiene, behavioral insomnia of childhood, nightmares/bad dreams/nighttime fears, delayed sleep phase syndrome, and psychophysiological insomnia). In this article, the assessment of behavioral sleep problems, as well as specific behavioral sleep disorders, and their treatments will be discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze the potential impact of taking care of a child with congenital Zika virus syndrome (CZS) on the mental health of parents. Specifically, three objectives were formulated: (a) to assess the level of mental health of the parents; (b) to examine the influence of subjective well-being and fatigue as predictors of parents’ mental health; and (c) to identify the impact of sociodemographic variables on parents’ mental health. Sixty-nine mothers (Mage?=?26.38; SD?=?6.23) and 17 fathers (Mage?=?31.41; SD?=?7.57) of children diagnosed with CZS took part in this study. They answered a questionnaire containing measures of positive and negative affects, life satisfaction, fatigue, mental health, as well as sociodemographic questions. The results indicated that approximately 7% of the participants had low levels of mental health and probable emotional disorder. In addition, higher levels of fatigue and negative affects and lower levels of life satisfaction significantly predict a lower level of mental health. Finally, comparative analysis showed significant differences between fathers and mothers: mothers reported experiencing fewer positive and more negative affects, a lower level of satisfaction with life, a higher level of fatigue and worse mental health. In summary, this article presents an overview of the mental health of mothers and fathers of children with CZS and points the way to devising strategies for psychological intervention that promote the adaptation of parents to this kind of developmental disability in the family.  相似文献   

Although direct observation has provided much information regarding caregiver-care recipient interactions, our understanding of the applications of this technique remains incomplete. This study expands upon earlier observational work by examining adults with mental retardation (MR) and their family caregivers in the home setting. Specialized computer software was used to conduct real-time observation and recording of interactional styles of maternal caregivers of eight younger (M = 23 years old) and eight older (M = 49 years old) MR adults during two cognitive tasks: block design and card sorting. Differences in the amount and type of assistance provided by the caregiver were examined by coding the occurrence and duration of seven interactional behaviors. The results demonstrated that the caregivers of the younger adults used more positive statements and modeling/gestural prompts, whereas the caregivers of the older adults provided more physical assistance and performed more of the tasks themselves. More importantly, this project provided information regarding interactions between MR adults and their maternal caregivers and demonstrated the utility of computer-assisted data collection technology with a community-based, nondemented population.  相似文献   

Many recent studies have explored young children's ability to use information from physical representations of space to guide search within the real world. In one commonly used procedure, children are asked to find a hidden toy in a room after observing a smaller toy being hidden in the analogous location in a scale model of the room. Three-year-old children readily find the hidden toy, although children at 2.5 years often have difficulty with the task. This experiment examined the causes of 2.5-year-olds' difficultly with this symbol system by incorporating testing procedures previously used with chimpanzees. Results indicate that young children's poor performance primarily stems from a difficulty achieving symbolic insight (i.e., recognizing the model-room representational relationship) but is also strongly affected by deficits in inhibitory control.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the gender-typed play of young children varies as a function of family structure. Using a sample of 126 couples (44 lesbian couples, 34 gay male couples, and 48 heterosexual couples) located throughout the United States, with an adopted child between the age of 2 and 4?years old (mean?=?2.5?years), we examined parent reports of children’s gender-typed play behavior utilizing the Pre-School Activities Inventory (PSAI; Golombok and Rust 1993). Findings revealed that the perceived play behaviors of boys and girls in same-gender parent families were more similar (i.e., less gender-stereotyped) than the perceived play behavior of boys and girls in heterosexual-parent families (which were more divergent; that is, gender-stereotyped). Sons of lesbian mothers were less masculine in their play behavior than sons of gay fathers and sons of heterosexual parents. Our findings have implications for researchers who study gender development in children and adolescents.  相似文献   

研究采用Achenbach儿童行为量表(父母用表)和注意、行为抑制及动作协调性行为任务对12名学龄早期的Asperger综合征儿童与29名在年龄及智力水平上与之匹配的正常儿童在行为问题、注意、行为抑制及动作协调等方面进行了比较.结果发现,在控制了年龄和智力因素后:1)Asperger综合征儿童的社会能力与正常儿童相比明显较差,同时常伴随有交往不良、社交退缩、焦虑、忧郁、强迫性、攻击性和多动等一系列行为问题;2)Asperger综合征儿童表现出一定的注意和行为抑制障碍,动作的协调性和灵活性较差.  相似文献   

This study identified problems encountered by both dyslexic children and their parents. Seven parents were interviewed. Parents mentioned the negative attitudes of teachers towards them and their children, the use of incorrect practices in the classroom, and educational insufficiency in relation to dyslexia. Similarly, family members were found to display negative attitudes towards dyslexic children manifested in the form of insults, exclusion, psychological pressure, and physical violence. Dyslexic children were also subjected to exclusion and various bullying behaviors by their friends. An additional problem that emerged was the inordinate amount of time taken by schools to make diagnoses of dyslexia.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate child behavioral problems over time and determine gender differences in behavioral problems between children born to adolescent and adult mothers in Taiwan. The consistency between parent’s and teacher’s reports was also examined. Secondary analysis of a longitudinal dataset from Taiwan was conducted. A matched sample of 107 children born to adolescent mothers and 111 children born to adult mothers were recruited. Child behavioral problems were assessed by parents at Time 1 (1st and 2nd grades) and by teachers at both Time 1 and Time 2 (5th and 6th grades). Generalized estimating equations and paired t-test were used. At Time 1, compared to children of adult mothers, children of adolescent mothers had had more behavioral problems by both parental and teacher’s reports. Both parents and teachers reported that boys had more behavioral problems than girls. Moreover, according to teacher reports, children of adolescent mothers and boys had more behavioral problems and these differences persisted over time, even controlling for sociodemographic characteristics. In addition, parents reported higher scores of behavioral problems than teachers. In conclusion, child behavioral problems in Taiwan are associated with maternal age at child birth and child’s gender. Interventions may profitably focus on determining the mechanisms that lead to behavior problems in children of adolescent mothers, and/or reducing adolescent pregnancy as a way of decreasing child behavioral problems. Screening and preventive interventions for child behavior problems may need to be gender-specific.  相似文献   

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